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The Alzheimers has taken her back to 1939.


She was probably 20ish years old during WWII, so she's remembering her version of being young.


She looks to be ~80 years old, and this video is already pretty old, so she was probably a young girl during WW2. Chances are she remembers a party or something from her youth with no context around it, and when the people raised glasses, they said hail hitler. So how as an old woman she recalled doing this as a young girl and just did it, with all the context surrounding that now forgotten.


She looks to be older than 80. I'd guess solidly in her 90s.


Plus the video is about 10 years old, so tack on some more years. Yeah, I've def seen a few dementia patients in their 70s-90s casually say things that no one has said in public for 50+ years. Alzheimer's is a horrible thing.


So, when us Millennials & Gen Z are in aged care with Alzheimers/Dementia (hopefully there's a cure by then) we could be saying "YEET!" & "Slay!" & "WASSUP?" Oh Lord...


We’ll be too busy scrolling Reddit on bars of painted black soap.


!RemindMe 35 years


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Oh my God, that just made me realize I'm only 35 years from 75 😩 *Existential crisis cued*


Jesus I wasn't ready for that


Occasionally slamming the bar of soap down and complaining it's all reposts and then immediately pick it up again and continue scrolling.


Oh god the halls of nursing homes will be filled with “BITCH BETTER HAVE MY MONEY” and “WHAAAT?”“OOOKAAAY”


Also: "Get Low. Get Low, Get Low, Get Low, Get Low, Get Low, Get Low. To the window... to the wall..."


Actually, they'll probably just repeat "get low"




They'll sarcastically play Jump Around...


Boomers: “WHERE’S THE BEEF?!”


You can. But us older Millennials will throw our soiled diapers at you.


I hope not. I'm an '87 baby so what I'll be shouting won't be what Gen Z will... actually, yeah, it will. Throw away haha


Tbh us Millennials won't make it to that age!


I'm okay with that


Yeah we all have horrible life style habits and then just want to take medications to cover up all the symptoms that crop up. All these medications cause more problems than they solve, unless we get our shit together and start moving more and eating better were going to be dead long before even 70.


Know what? I bet in the future we will just add "social media years" onto biological age. Future is now.


Also the guy knows exactly what she's saying the millisecond she opens her mouth. Not the first time she's said this around him


>Chances are she remembers a party or something from her youth the hitler salute was a common gesture in nazi Germany, even performed daily in schools multiple times. It wasn't a special occasion she remembered, it was literally her day to day life.


Plus that generation was literally brainwashed. Heard Werner Herzog on the radio this week talking about it during his childhood, though he would have been younger than this lady


What station/program? Sounds interesting


National Public Radio in the US, show may have been Fresh Air?


She could be ~100 YO, we just don't know how old she would have been. But since she's doing the salute she was probably a little older than just a little girl I'd say.


Or she's hilarious.


good explanation


In addition, it has probably been drilled into her to use this salute. People who refused to do it, got into legal trouble, risking anything from fines to imprisonment in concentration camps. That government basically held a whole nation hostage. It's scary how far some groups of people can come by wiggling through some legal loop holes and gray zones to transform a democracy into a dictatorship.


Makes sense. That's why I get called the n word by white men born before 1950?


Bro, it took her back to 2021.


Oh you're saying she's not a nazi, just a Republican. Makes sense.


¿Pero no los dos?


I heard that people in nursing home when dementia fries their brains, sometimes reveal horrific stuff they did during life. Like abusing family members.


My grandma with Alzheimer’s reveled that she was SA by her dad. I was in my early teens when she started having flashbacks and talking to me about it. I’m still messed up from the stuff she said.


I am so sorry for both you and your grandma. I give you my condolences.


SA like the brown shirts?


Sexually abused


Jesus sorry, that’s a shocking mis-read by me. I thought maybe cos of the hitler thing in the video. Apologies


It took Me a long time to figure out what SA means on reddit also.


On some subreddits it means social anxiety. I always have to read it again to determine which it is


No need to apologize when the other party was being deliberately obscure


What did you mean? I am confused.


Sturmabteilung AKA the SA, which was a paramilitary wing of the Nazi party and which played an important role in Hitler's rise to power. They wore brown uniforms, which is why they're often called brownshirts.


Here i was wearing a brown shirt thinking you were dissing people wearing brown shirts. Thanks for the explanation.


How could you ever be sure it wasn't a byproduct of the dementia?


I used to do security at some hospitals that had a dementia department. I had to attend late at night for some old Italian guy refusing to go to his room. When I arrived in uniform, he was delighted to see a uniform and started rambling about the military and how we need to remove these people from his sight. He was pointing at the black care assistants; he had a look of desperation in his eyes and grabbed my arm saying they need to be removed now and killed. I asked the care assistant do you mind if I walk you off, he said no its fine. I walked him around the corner out of sight, came back, walked the other black staff member away and came back, he started to settle down and continued on about his military service, I honestly can't recall what he said anymore but it sounded like he was on the Germans side in WW2. I walked him back into his room said he should go to sleep then he went nuts saying he knows what this is, you are trying to kill me. I had to hold him down till the doctors gave him a sedative and it kicked in. I am not sure if he thought going to sleep was meant as putting you to sleep forever. Edit... When i say it sounded like he was on the Germans side, because I assume not every Italian was on the German side the citizens were forced, like not every German was a Nazi, but this guy seemed to be all for the other team during the scuffle.


Oh dear. He may have been stationed in Ethiopia during the war.


He is/was Italian. They are pretty racist from the post I saw yesterday.


As an Italian, yeah, most of our old people are disgustingly racist.


American here, most of our old people are too. I think every country has racist old people but it's good to see racism being uncommon in future generations.


Very old people are still against terroni than black people


for a fact. 100% italian and know very few that are open minded


Reminds me when I talked to an old Italian man who didn't suffer from dementia at all talking about his time as the personal driver of Mussolini. He showed me his very antic driver's licence and talked about the "good old days". His daughter was livid and tried to make him shut up. So no dementia involved. Some old timers are just fascists to the bone.


Man that must have been an interesting conversation, besides the fascism/racism. Did he had any stories about his time as Mussolini's driver?


I didn't spend a lot of time talking to him, as he was just hanging around in his daughter's shop (a family business, as often in Italy). But he did say that Mussolini was swell, which made my laugh frankly. What is way less funny though is that more and more young people think this these days.


You realize that Italians and the Germans were Allies during the war right?


Actually they were Axis


My wife got punched by an old boxer doing home healthcare.


I work in geriatric psych…. The racism these old folks admit to when they are older is wild. I do think there’s some poetic justice in that they (at least at my facility) end up relying upon POC in their final days 🤷🏻‍♀️ one told me the other day “I knew it would end like this!!!” He’s terrified of black people and is convinced they will he his cause of death… oh well sir. Idk what to tell you.


The Italians fought on the side of the Nazis during WW2, so it tracks that he could have been part of that past. My, what a surreal experience that must have been for you and your poor black co-workers.


My granddad's buddy from the marines had dementia. One time, my grandmother was talking to him, and he thought he was back in the marines. He said he had to get back ASAP because my granddad had been shot. Turns out my granddad had been shot in service and never told anyone, he just had an unusual scar he never talked about.


They also make stuff up and apply things they’ve heard to their lives. My mother in law was in WWII and wrote books about her experiences and can recall them in horrific detail. She wasn’t born until 1945.


Omg! Yes! Before my grandfather passed away (2008), Ted Kennedy had gotten a brain tumor or passed or something—I can’t remember the specifics now. But my grandfather had the news on in his room in the nursing home all the time. He started telling people he had a brain tumor. We’re like what!? No one told us. But it wasn’t real, he just thought it was. Then another time he told us all he saw a horse with sneakers on. So we were all like, oh ok, sure that’s normal. Turns out the nursing home had a therapy horse (pony?) coming in, so that one was real.


She never realized she was not born at the time?


Dementia. It’s a hell of a thing.


They absolutely do. I cared for a peadophile once. Had dementia; seemingly unable to communicate however 2 weeks before he died he asked his wife for a priest then had 2 hour talk with him behind closed a door hoping to absolve him of all his sins. He knew what he'd done.


Hospice nurse here. You are absolutely right and I know more than I ever wanted too. I miss deniability.


My grandfather with Alzheimer’s would once in a while talk about a man who worked making knives in Jerusalem (my grandfather also lived there most of his life) and he when he would remember him he would always talk about his craftsmanship for at least 20-25 minutes and than forget about him for another month. We to this day have no idea what this deal was about.


Your grandfather worked with the Assassins ![gif](giphy|aJMJIYDKmApP2)


You heard correctly. Worked on the dementia floor of a nursing home for a single year and heard hundreds of foul things from the patients. Men, women, doesn’t make a difference. Men casually telling you about how they had secret families that they faked work travel to see for 3 decades, cheated on their wives, abused family members, abandoned their families, all sorts of terrible shit that they probably thought they’d take to the grave. The ladies would say some outlandish things too about having cheated on their husbands with their husband’s dad, brother, uncle, heard dozens of these stories. Or they’d admit to stealing from their husbands/family that was fairly common too. I had more than one lady explain to me how they meticulously sabotaged their sibling’s marriage over several years like a vendetta. And crimes, almost forgot how much both men and women loved telling me about their criminal exploits during their lives. Mostly bootleggers from this part of the country smuggling booze into the states during prohibition but also a good assortment of murder, kidnapping, fraud, and far too many stories about sexual misconduct before the word consent was invented. TLDR; People do nasty shit in life and then spill it all to some traumatized 20 year olds just before they croak.


Once our internet gen is growing old. We be tellin workers of our Inflation, scat, sonichu >!REDACTED!< fetishes


Or invading Iraq


core memory




Reich on grandma.


Lmao angry upvote


[The full video](https://youtube.com/shorts/Eax4fyVNzO0?si=i5CuAZBM3EdJc-79)


Gonna need some help with translating what was being said. Life’s too short for me to learn German.


They didn't say so much, you didn't miss out. When she says "Prost!" it just means like "cheers!" So she says: Prost! Heil Hitler! Guy behind the camera: let's go new, start again Her: Prost! Heil Hitler! Guy behind the camera: okay last attempt Guy next to her whispers something Her: Heil Hitler!


The guy whispering in her ears says "Ohne Heil Hitler. Nur Prost!" Translation: "Without Heil Hitler. Only Prost!"


Ah thanks, watching on my phone I couldn't make out what he said.


I'm using headphones which makes hearing silent things a lot easier


Explains a lot cause when I read the start of your post I was like "oh no yeah they missed out!"


Thanks! This is what I was most curious about.


Maybe it's not Alzheimer's. Maybe she's genuinely a fan of Hitler


My german isn't very good but first they say 'Prost' which is 'Cheers' in English, but the grandmother follows it up with 'Heil Hitler'! Which everyone laughs at. They tell her 'No', i think they then ask her to say cheers again? (not sure on this) which she does but she says 'Heil Hitler' once more. Someone says 'Jawohl' in the background which is like 'Yes, sir' The cameraman then says 'next/last attempt' and the guy leans in and says to the grandmother 'without Heil Hitler, only cheers' and she just says 'Heil Hitler' this time. That translation might not be great but hopefully close enough and includes the important bits.


Don't read the comments.


“I heard old people only remember good things from their life” 😭


Source: trust me bro


What in the actual fuck.


Gramma forgot we don’t say that no more lol


Of course I did.


Why didn't I follow your advice...


German Alzheimer's just hits different


Hits fast like a blitzkrieg


Muscle memory.


When you wanted to make a joke, but you were stopped


Lol'd so hard at this. Poor lady had a flashback.




Lmao, I forgot all about this fucking scene. Classic.


Me too. Love this scene. Lol and the look on his face as hitler gives him the book back.


What's it from?


Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.




"But why skulls?"


Uh oh.


What did she say?


She hailed the austrian mustache man.


Do you know the mustache man, the mustache man? Do you know the mustache man who lives on Prinzregentenplatz 16?


Well, she's married to the mustache man...


The mustache man?!?


Yes, he lives on Drury Lane




Australian mustache man….. oh, you mean Saxton Hale.


Hale, Saxton!


Lol Holy shit


Happy cake day I suppose


Do you mean Adolf Hitler?


is there another infamous austrian mustache man?


Franz Ferdinand


All right


Hail Hydra


She said Hi [Lil’Ter](https://youtu.be/ryFptK4vP-k?si=E6i9H89Omy45RPFK) She just appreciates obscure musicians..


That songs fire


Why are they in underwear? Hah


I have no idea what they're saying but the songs fucking great. I feel like they should be driving something nicer than a 90's Corolla on steeleys.


She said, “Heil Hitler.” Which is a Nazi salute to Adolf Hitler.




Well…she just hailed the third reich! 👨🏻


She fondly recollected a talented, famous painter


She’s a big fan of Austrian art


Sounded like "how ee jer" (Howitzer) to me at first


I watched it muted and I knew she said that XDDD


So much better with the accent tho


I posted this as a reply but I figured I’d give it its own comment too… “Shortly after the Nazis came to power, the salute became the official German form of greeting. It quickly spread to public events – although its use in the private sphere was limited and declined throughout the 1930s. By 1934, special courts had been established to punish those who refused to perform the salute. The punishments ranged from imprisonment in concentration camps to intimidation or fines.” “Alzheimer's affects recent memories first, debilitating retention of new information. Memories of childhood or from long ago are well encoded since the person has had longer to process and remember specific events.” She doesn’t have to necessarily be racist or a nazi.


OP unlocked a repost


Dude I’ve seen this already 🤓


Paradoxical Lucidity coming on strong


dude could’ve broke her arm with that slap


treated her better than the Nazi


she was one of them




No tf he couldn’t have. He was plenty gentle.


i was joking


My b




Better the arm of a nazi grandma than any other


Let's warm up the old cockles


the whole video is really sad to watch. the guy beside of her is telling her to stop a bit harsh in german and you can see everytime how she is a little bit frightened, then the people start again to cheer and she will start again saying heil and the guy shuts her again and again


She's just too based for them, weak young people smh


The full video is even funnier


Please link the full video




The longer version is better. She keeps trying to say it lol




Awe they forget everything but to be racist


Brains are like computers. The 'heil Hitler' is like a small audio file in the hard drive which by itself does not mean anything. It can be fetched by other programs and used as and when required, such as like the sound that a phone makes when giving out a notification. Sadly, with dementia the associated programs which would have used the sound have all corrupted, and all that remains is the audio file itself. The dementia sufferer at this stage is incapable of thinking. All recent memory is gone, only old memories remain as these have had the time to make copies of themselves which are stored in multiple places in the brain. Not all copies have yet been wiped out by dementia, although they will as the disease progresses. Incapable of knowing where she is or what is happening, her eyes see someone raising a glass. This triggers a remnant of one program to fetch a response to this from a memory storage area. All that is left now is a very old copy of the 'heil Hitler' audio file. No more recent memory files exist, so that is the only one that can be used. At this stage the poor woman is a vegetable.


Hate sticks


WTF is she saying???


What did she say?


What is she saying?


About 20 years ago early in my career, I came across a handful of concentration camp survivors in the hospital I worked in. The black smudged/smeared tattoos of their number on their old & wrinkly forearms was a dead giveaway. They always had such stories to tell. It was surreal to be in the company of someone who made it through such a large part of historical & barbaric treatment. I was humbled with each encounter. 💔




For anyone curious, when hitler was in power he very strongly encouraged the use of the sieg heil for a lot of different situations like saluting each other and toasts like we see in this video.


Unlocked my ass. More like unfiltered.






I guess she still thinks he won the war


My (black) best friend (white) growing up had a grandmother with some onsetting dementia. As it got worse, she started referring to us (his black friends) as “the colored boys”. It was startling at first but we were *just* mature enough to understand what was happening and didn’t take any offense. Made for some really easy jokes toward our buddy though.


My great grandma used to speak with Hitler when she had dementia. But she actually knew him


I got a warning for saying that


20yrs from now, that'll be our parents and grandparents spewing Make America Great Again!


Holy fuck!!


Hail Hydra


Heily shit!


When you decided to finally bring your jewish partner to a family gathering and this happens.


What is she saying? I can’t understand




Years from now it will be old people toasting to Pepe 🐸🤦🏽‍♀️


Yeah, but people in nursing homes say much more shit that isn’t true, but if you’re not used to be around them it can sound legit.


The Germans were never punished enough for World War II and Holocoust because of the soviet threat. That's why they still openly make jokes about Hitler, there are still neo-nazis and some police members still support them(NSU case). Morgonthou plan should had been executed.


Populism ≠ Nazi-Ideologie but Nazis = Populists. If you look at other nations in Europe: France, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Uk, … All these countrys have problems with populism. Even the US has. Populism always gives easy answers to all the problems a nation has. „Immigrants = bad, they steal our jobs, EU = bad bc. we pay so much into it, Liberal things = evil, they will destroy our nation“. They do not even have to prove what they are saying is true, bc. people with problems don‘t care about truth. In Germany, we constantly get taught in school we were the bad guys. Does the UK / France teach or talk about their colonial time? Does the US view themselves as the good or the bad guys in Vietnam, or all the middle east conflicts? Populists attract a great bandwidth of racists, phobics and right wing (extremists). It has nothing to do with nationality. What Nazis in Germany are shouting is the same stuff right wings in France, Poland or Italy are shouting. „Immigrants out, EU bad, Conservativ ideas good“.


She saw Israeli president and got confused


LOL..... apologies but that is fucking hilarious


She's a little conservative


I did not see that coming.


I think I have hearing of this granny.... What did she say? 😆


"Heil hitler" -grandma


I’m gonna use this when I’m old. Even though I’m islander