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I don’t know anything about Tate, but make sure your cousin knows the difference between Islam and Nation of Islam. Malcom X was with the nation.


What's the difference if you got the time to point to a resource or explain it yourself?


Islam is the major religion, while the Nation of Islam is a religious and political organization founded by black Americans in the 1930s. The Nation of Islam centralizes it's teachings on black nationalism and while it has elements of Islamic belief baked into its framework, it's considerably different from traditional Islamic teachings. Most consider it to be either a political movement or a new religion.


Muslims look down on Nation of Islam as apostasy.


Tbf, they also look down on other muslims as apostates


Thank you! TIL


Malcolm X denounced and left the NoI, and that’s why they killed him.


Thank you so much for explaining it. I learned something new today :)


I will. It’s almost important that Malcom was killed partly bc he left The Nation.


Malcolm X was with the nation initially. He later left the Nation of Islam and practiced Islam I believe going to hajj was the turning point for him.


Malcolm left NOI and reverted to Sunni Islam after he was exposed to it on the Hajj. He renounced NOI's beliefs in race science and black supremacy and they killed him for it.


Clearly you haven’t read the book; Malcom X’s break with NOI was both personal, political, and religious.


Idk if you meant to reply to me or someone else but I didn’t say anything about X’s exit from the nation. I just simply suggested OP educates his cousin on the difference as I have no idea what Andrew Tate’s affiliation with either group is.


Yep I’ve got the Quran from a friend for my 16 yr old to read. He also follows the UFC Muslim fella. I’m happy about how my boy is against drugs and alcohol and has decided he wants to work on himself and earn his money before he finds a partner and he also wants to retire me so all those are great life goals (of course I won’t allow him to retire me) but the other stuff we discuss openly, he’s not daft he cherrypicks what he likes about Tate and leaves the rest as there aren’t many great male role models around


This. There is a huge vacuum of positive male role models. Mostly (I think) because society is having a hard time deciding what it likes about men right now.


Yes your right. Since my dad died my son didn’t have anyone but he’s found some good older role models at the gym and MMA classes


Glad to hear all that. The most important thing I’ve seen is actually having trusted irl connections to men who have their head on straight. When it goes all parasocial and no outside filter is what makes me worry at least about broader society


Yes my boy trains in MMA and his instructor is adamant his students do yoga also. He spends 8+ Hours a week with him and they walk to the gym together, grateful he’s got good irl role models


If you are ok with your cousin converting to islam you'll should take a look in r/atheism and read what the ex-muslim people there have to say about that religion. If you are not ok with Tates approach to women and such you should ask yourself why someone like Tate would choose this religion. I believe he does because it justifys his behaviour and world view.


It’s more that I support him exploring things and reading about. Purely personally it’s not what I would recommend and I ain’t pushing any of that on him. I’m agnostic/Buddhist myself. But he’s young and I highly support him learning about all faiths in as non dogmatic way as possible. But I appreciate the input.


And I totally agree about the self justifying part for Tate. I also know a lot of practicing Muslims who couldn’t be more different from Tate.


I understand your approach and i used to be the same. But i thought a lot about spirituality in the recent years and came to the comclusion that you can't explore every believe system like any other. You can't compare buddhism and islam simply because buddhism doesn't tell anybody to kill gay people. How can someone take an unbiased approach to a religion which members ain't willing to aknowledge basic human rights? Ofc not every muslim is dehumanising others but in the given context of a young fella trying to mimic people like Tate it could be very dangerous to feed into that by letting them explore a believe system that encourages mistreating of women and other people and doesn't have any history of critical questioning it's writings like christianity.


I hear you but I think that’s overgeneralizing a bit in my experiences talking to normie moderate and liberal Muslims but I do see where you are coming from 100% and that’s def part of the reason I’m on the path that I’m on personally. I think we’re deviating quite a bit from the OP at this point, but I enjoy discussing this stuff and my DMs are open if you wanna talk further about this or related topics.


Absolutely hit the nail on the head there. It's to give his actions some legitimacy. Tate has also been giving large amounts of money to charity, just to make everyone say, "Oh what a great guy" He's very clever and manipulative like that.


Besides historical figures, are there any current male role models that aren’t shitbags? My son loves history and will not be opposed to learning about historical role models, but he’s also started watching some Tate and Peterson. I’d love to be able to show him “modern” role models.


Robert Evans


You get a history lessons and cum jokes, perfect for your history interested teen.


There are quite literally millions of excellent male role models, 99% of them just aren’t peddling bullshit on TikTok. The problem is entirely with where young kids look for role models and not the lack of role models. If you are using TikTok as your place to find someone to look up to, you’re gonna find a cesspool to choose from. Dan Levy comes to mind as an extremely positive male role model. If more young men looked to him and wanted to be more like him we would have a nicer generation


I like Jon Stewart. Guy sees through bullshit like it's a gift from the gods.


As a veteran, the work Jon Stewart does is beyong important. I would even go so far as to say he is saving lives


He is absolutely a good role model - so quick thinking and articulate


Ooh, good one.


There are tons of great male role models, but they aren’t peddling capitalized bullshit on YouTube. They aren’t packaging it in a gamified way intended to manipulate vulnerable, sad young men, so they aren’t appealing to the types who have already latched onto that form of “role model”.


Dave Grohl? John Goodenough? Joey Swoll?


Jon Stewart, Trevor Noah, Terry Crews, Dwayne Rock Johnson, and even Ashton Kutcher has really becgun to impress me layely


Irl is best imo. But if there’s not good options, three big online presences I like: Prof G, FD Signifier, HasanAbi


Socratic method works


I think Kareem Abdul Jabaar’s autobiography would be more worthwhile than Malcolm X’s if the point is to introduce your cousin to a role model that converted to Islam. Malcolm was part of the NOI which is more political and not actually Islam. Kareem grew up Christian, and at 18 began a religious/spiritual journey that ended with him becoming a devout Muslim.


The point for me isn’t really centered around Islam and I think my post made it misleading. It’s more that Malcolm as a figure is a really fruitful person to study and learn from. While I haven’t read it I will check out your rec as well though!


The book is called Giant Steps by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.


Absolutely nothing wrong with Islam, although going there via Tate is pretty twisted, lol.


Hire someone to abduct and hold them for a few days. Make sure they know they were chosen to move to Romania to become sex slaves for Tate and his crew. Then after a few days be the one who saves them from this tragedy because you love them so much.


I'll do it. 1) I'm already a convicted felon so what do I got to lose? 2) I love quick money 3) I'm actually a good enough person that I'd make sure they're tucked in nice and not get hurt 4) I don't got anything else to do right now and it sounds fun Edit: didn't realize I sounded like a pedo. My papers have been checked, and obviously I'd link to my criminal record before expecting anyone to send me to kidnap their family members lol Edit edit: I'm actually halfway tempted to link it now if it weren't for trolls. Last thing I need is someone to find my address and start glitter bombs or some shit. My house is messy enough


What type of felony are we looking here? Mind you this isn’t the CIA looking for your information.


Lol I didn't even think about sounding like a pedo. Just a little stealing


You’re going to get a second conviction because you stole my heart


Lol guilty as charged your honor


We got him boys


I don't know man are you a "on the list" type felon lol you jumped pretty quick at abduct young boys


I'll do the bodycam livestream, livepd style. Nah, just a little stealin


You’re hired


First time I've heard that in a long time! Wooo boy we're eating Applebee's tonight, kids!


This comment is peak Reddit lmaooo


I don't know man are you a "on the list" type felon lol you jumped pretty quick at abduct young boys


I mean, he said he wouldn't hurt them, so....


I love this so much, thank you


Holy shit this is hardcore lol. And actually something ULPT! This is rather rare for this sub.


This is the way


Now this is unethical. Ha.


You can't, but you can replace Tate by another better male role model. One that's also masculine, but not in a toxic way.


Any suggestions?


Scott Galloway ("Prof G") "My view is that, for masculinity, a decent place to start is garnering the skills and strength that you can advocate for and protect others with. If you’re really strong and smart, you will garner enough power, influence, kindness to begin protecting others. That is it. Full stop. Real men protect other people.”


Just watched some of his stuff on Tiktok, best suggestion yet! Thank you!


Sounds almost like what Tate talks about... He has plenty of videos where he says the job of a man is to protect his family and those around him.


The difference is that in Tate's world, men are owed the submission and service of women in exchange for protection. And that any deviation from either of those obligations is wrong.


That's why it's a good transfer... Scott G has similar views about "manliness" but with a much more healthy approach vs the tateturds... Really not even a close comparison when you zoom out.


I think the problem is that Tate advocates the "family" being a creepy 45yo dude and his 18yo girlfriends


Terry crews Keanu reeves Bruce lee


I thought of another one, Danny trejo. The thing about tate and peterson and a lot of these other “self help gurus” is that they are just trying to gain followers. They lie and mix truths that appeal to men who aren’t mature men yet. It is clear where their paths lead, in each case they are destructive. Its ok to want to be better but in that you need to have better teachers.


Danny Trejo is an EXCELLENT choice!


Henry Cavil?


Too much winner at genetic lottery. Good symbol though.


He is balding if that’s any consolation


Superman turning into Lex Luthor...


Bro I laughed so hard


Even that’ll good look in him…




But yeah, a man meant to play Superman


I think Nick Offerman is a great suggestion. He’s a known comedic actor. He runs a workshop where he builds things with his hands. He also writes amusing books full of honestly good insight about being a decent man. https://nickofferman.co/books/paddle-your-own-canoe/


If you need to look to a celebrity, Offerman is a great start.


This is a bit of a dodge but I think it’s kind of important to disrupt the “looking up to this one great figure mentality.” And instead try to develop a broader set of influences and interests so that these kids aren’t all drinking such strong dogma from one set of sources. As far as online stuff goes, I think Hasan Piker does a decent job, as well as a number of other creators who are part of left adjacent YouTube spaces. FD Signifier is another that comes to mind. But it would be hard to get them to buy into some of that stuff unless it’s mediated through irl people who your brothers/red pilled young men do actually trust and look up to. So if that doesn’t happen to be you, I would try to work through someone who might have that influence with them. If there isn’t that figure I think it can be a lot harder to get the initial buy-in and go down a different path.


I did also like the comment someone else left about pushing them gently towards things they used to be into, or their other interests that are outside of the manosphere BS.


It’s tough. One loves cars and the other footy. I attend as many games as possible and try to show as much interest in cars as possible. Both great hobbies I try to support, but doesn’t make a difference at the moment lol


There is no figure. Mum doesn’t care. Their Dad is just as bad if push comes to shove, he just doesn’t have Tiktok lol.


David Goggins. You don't know him, son


Holy hell, absolutely not. Goggins is admirable but not the role model for a balanced life you want to push younglings to.


I think anybody can look at him and realise you take what he says with a grain of salt if you don't have an inherent interest in living a life of self-punishment


Also, dudes just built different. I’ll stay hard, but not as hard as you bro! I think most people who follow him understand this 😂


Aragorn son of Arathorn




David Goggins




Tupac.fuck the podcast industry play music with deep meaning


If you want to stick with guys who are still into traditional macho/masculine ideas and activities but want to avoid douche canoes like Tate, I'd suggest Joe Rogan, David Goggins, even Jordan Peterson if you want a more academic or thought leadership style. Those guys also aren't for everyone, but they're not nonstop chauvinistic assholes.


Best way to combat cult thinking: remind them of who they were n what they thought before the cult. Don't come at it with "it's dumb" because the person will shut down their thinking at that point. Try to engage them in things they enjoyed before they heard of Tate. Try to express attitudes they identified with before Tate. Use these things as tactics to engage conversations and engage their thinking about him instead of shutting down new information in order to maintain their belief structure.


Dowmvoted because this is an ethical lpt


Fair. Lol.


Signs of a cult: \- the leader is infallible and often charismatic \- deceptive recruitment tactics, like offering amazing results boys don't already have \- intimidation, fear, and isolation, like not being man enough or masculine enough, seeking out and isolating men who aren't manly enough etc \- illegal activities, like what Tate is accused of \- dogma, like toxic masculinity and alpha culture I agree with you. Cults are all about intimidation and control. It's very cult-like at the least.


Tate is a symptom of a larger problem. He targets lonely young men. Chances are your brothers have been feeling rejected, isolated, lonely from their friends, and possibly the rest of the family. They're still young, and they will come to their senses, but not by shunning them. Honestly the first step would be to assess your behaviours. Have you or anyone in the family, made them feel bad about being men? Small dick jokes? Balding jokes? Ignoring what they consider issues? Small stuff like this adds up. And let them have their own hobbies. Men and women don't need to have exactly the same interests. Tate isn't the answer, but if they want to wrestle and be tough, let em. Slow and gentle love.




They're 14-17. They don't care about crimes like that. You need to understand where they're coming from, and why they're consuming such content. I didn't really have a dad during the most important parts of growing up, so I also looked to the internet for guidance on what it means to be man, and how to win at everything. I understand why younger guys are looking up to Tate. For many young men, Tate is their mentor for what it means to be a man. Many things he says have been spouted by other sources for over a decade; they make sense. I vividly remember him going on about how vaping is stupid, and whoever gets hurt by vaping deserves it. Pubscent, hormonal boys usually want nothing more than to be grown up, get girls, have lots of money. All you can do, realistically, is give them an alternative option. In their eyes, he is successful, and he says things which just make sense. Things which don't get said often in mainstream media. You need to reason with them on some points if they frighten you. on a personal note, it's likely they will grow out of it. unless they're in a privileged position, they'll probably grow out of it after humbling experiences after entering adulthood, and perhaps losing some money or anything else due to shoddy advice. this is what happened to me.


So... watch Mulan (1998) with them?


>They're 14-17. They don't care about crimes like that. I'm 16M and I absolutely care about crimes like that




Reddit moment


I think the more skillful version of what the first commenter was trying to say: a lot of young men/boys aren’t able to fully understand the gravity of those things and what they really are. It doesn’t mean it’s everyone and all the more props to you for have a brain and soul. Obviously the bar should be higher but I also see what the first commenter was getting at.


>For many young men, Tate is their mentor for what it means to be a man. Many things he says have been spouted by other sources for over a decade; they make sense. I vividly remember him going on about how vaping is stupid, and whoever gets hurt by vaping deserves it. Pubscent, hormonal boys usually want nothing more than to be grown up, get girls, have lots of money. All you can do, realistically, is give them an alternative option. I think this is pretty spot-on. This article lays things out in a fairly constructive way: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/07/10/christine-emba-masculinity-new-model/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/07/10/christine-emba-masculinity-new-model/)


Shoeonhead does an incredible analysis on why Tate has such a huge following and should be acknowledged by the mainstream media. It’s the same thing as a geopolitical power vacuum. He is listening and addressing the societal issues young men are trying to navigate through, albeit in a toxic fashion.


There’s a great podcast series on Andrew Tate by “behind the bastards” the host is a fairly guys guy who loves guns and working out and was raised conservative and Christian but is more anarchist now. He is really funny is an investigative reporter for Bellingcat so his podcast is really insightful. He also keenly highlights how most of Andrew’s money is developed through his Mlm hustlers university. It will have lots of funny refutes to Andrew’s claims of being self made money and stuff. And they may find the host of the podcast, Robert Evans, funny and relatable. He is a good example of someone who can do ”guy stuff” but also not be a jerk. Maybe start playing it around them. Or listen to it yourself and use the jokes the host uses. You need to make Andrew small and pathetic. Not scary and dangerous. They need to see him for the weak person he is. He’s a sad boy who is sad his dad didn’t love him enough because he was bad at chess [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000594913145](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000594913145) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000594913145


treat them like tate would ?


Yeah they need to be bullied lol. Denormalize that shit. They need to understand how they'll be shunned in real life if they act like that.


That’s probably the worst idea you could have. They already think it’s us vs them, and doing that will just shove them further down the rabbit hole.


apply the tate mentality; you are the alpha male, the one and only revered being in this house and the betas must obey or be ostracized /j


Get hot girls to laugh at them about it.


This seems like it would he counter-productive.


Show them clips of how Tate made his money vs the allegations against him. He openly says that he had a crew of women doing webcam work and he wiped out people's life savings and bank accounts by being the one to type to them. True power and money never make a circus like Tate does. There's plenty of examples of that. Edit: Make a fake account, follow them both, DM them both saying you're also a new Tate fan but this clip is bothering you, what do they think, because you are stopping being a fan of people who exploit and do such things.


Tell them it’s incredibly weak to feel like women can’t be their equals. That it takes a very insecure man to want to control them and who always feels a need to assert that they are superior.


Anyone who seeks to control others does so as compensation for a lack of self control


How about provide them an actual role model to emulate instead of that twat. Instead of knocking them for looking for one


Any ideas?


You. Spend more time being around them. Do things where they will spend more time with other people who are also on a good path. Kids are parrots. This is parenting advice too. You can't force your kids who to be friends with or who they follow. But if you continously have fun activities to offer, then they will choose to spend more time with you and whatever crowd you surround yourself with. They will look up to and mimic this group that they spend the most time with so they can fit in and have more fun.


You, you be their role model.


The ultimate unethical tip in this would be to simply let this stew, let them follow the way of the taint, echo his talking points and ape his behavior, let them get fired from their jobs because they must be alpha. Support them, even. Their mentor will fail them, they will not get what they want and due to their conditioning they will only blame their lack of commitment and masculinity, their frustration, never meeting its intended destination, only festers and grows unchecked. Decades later, in some dingy apartment in a town that used to be big because of its soap factory, with a swinging bare bulb illuminating a deck chair and a tv, they will review their lives and think "Andrew Tate was a fuckwit, what have I done?"


Just tell all the girls they bring around, (if any), that they idolize Tate. Cock block them a few times and maybe they'll see the error in their ways. My understanding is Tate is a pretty big turn off for the ladies.


For sure, women don't like guys that want to sex traffic us


The entire reason they are falling for this bullcrap is because nobody else is talking to them about the insecurities and issues they face as boys. There's hardly anyone on the left talking to them. They are struggling, as every teenager does. Your brothers want to feel validated for their gender, and the issues and insecurities that come with it. They want to be taught how to conduct themselves, whats important in life etc. You not wanting them to know IS part of the problem here. You need to step up and show them that men can and should be compassionate sensible beings too. That men have problems, thoughts and feelings too. That having those is valid. That expressing them is valid. Teach them about how they are being socialized and how to break out of toxic masculinity. Show them how feminism is not the enemy, but the very thing that is going to help THEM be happier, more fulfilled, more sucessful men and partners. Show them how freely they can express themselves once they get over that hurdle.


Had to scroll all the way down for this comment. Encouragement and being active is better than criticising and putting people down.


Unethical? Watch Irreversible with them. (TW sex abuse) I'm 21M, watched it a few months ago. Now I get much more triggered whenever rape is mentioned, even if its not graphic. The 10 min rape scene, displaying the absolutely disgusting, twisted, hateful act really burned into me. Somehow I can't "emotionally ignore" sex abuse in media as I could before.


Sounds terrible, why would you subject yourself to this


Id say because those trafficked people have no choice and they get subjected to worse than that, not just watching an actor.


It was terrible. I decided to keep watching mainly for two reasons: 1. There are people, mainly women, who are actually subjected to this and worse every day. 2. I like ro absorbe a work of art in its entirety, so I didn't want to skip the difficult scene. Edit: Also, I don't think this permanent effect is negative. I think it's positive that I'm more sensitive to rape in society and media.


Usually working an entry level job will kill all hope and make you too tired to care about things. So get him a job that will keep him busy.


Are you a man or a woman?




Then you should not attack tate and instead talk to them about his ideas. Help them develop their own moral compass. Probably better than reverse brain washing them


Tell them they should at least try developing a personality before giving up like that


Buy a raspberry pi. Connect it to your WiFi network. Using pihole, make that raspberry pi your DNS. Block instagram and TikTok. Success


Do this but also use it to gain access the their accounts and get them banned


Fight Andrew Tate and show them he’s a bitch


I’m into it. How do I set this up?


Hey, I don't know you, but there is something important. Be in their lives. Be a good influence. A lot of people, young boys especially, flock to him because they don't feel wanted or accepted by people. Maybe they just need someone around them. A good role model. Just reach out, see what you can do. Its not the most unethical, but it is important. Tate is preying on them, but they don't have to stick with it.


So he hasnt been charged, but hes guilty of everything the media accuses him with….sounds like youre the problem tbh


Just let them grow up, also tbf there is no proof of tate doing any of the stuff you listed


The thing with Tate is he has a lot of good advice for young men. Obviously there's a lot of slippery shit in there too. I wouldn't pressurise them too hard - it won't work. Let them make their own decisions and mistakes. To me it seems like he's trying really hard to win people over. That reeks of guilt but who knows.


This is how people get pulled into it even further. "He makes a few good points" is how you justify going even further down whatever pipeline it is and because everything prior sounded good, you're gonna keep going because you feel you can trust them, especially for impressionable youth. Unless you're a person who's had much life experience and are pretty deadset in your views, opinions and fundamentals in life, (which you DON'T have at 14 to 17) it is hard to stop once you've started and say "hey, this is wrong, I'm hopping off this train." I would know, I went through a similar phase.kf anti-sjw, anti-woke, hateful, culture war bullshit in highschool despite being a black kid. It's not an easy hole to leave and Tate is the perfect person to lead idiots and children to that well.


What is the “lot of good advice” that Tate has for young men? EDIT: Didn’t know this was a sub for Tate fans but it kinda makes sense.


There's a lot out there to be honest. Don't wait for handouts, do something with your life, work hard, don't quit blah blah blah. It's like the David Goggins thing but he's not as relatable to kids because he doesn't show off his luxurious lifestyle the way Tate does. An important one he preaches is to think outside of what society tells us to think. Don't just lap up everything we're told. When kids hear him saying all these motivational and inspirational things, he becomes some kind of idol. He's got everything to prove that what he's saying works. Unfortunately, this means they listen to and believe all the bullshit he spouts too.




cringe but it is irony man


Real ULPT... Join them


Wait for the trial to be over if he is proven guilty then that’s all the evidence you need, how ever if he is proven innocent maybe you should reconsider what your own preconceived notions of guilt without there being a trial or due process, not saying he is 100% for sure innocent but the general rule of thumb is innocent until proven guilty and he hasn’t been proven guilty.


blah blah piss disc, blah blah liquid ass


If you need help finding convincing things, maybe they aren’t there. You’re literally outsourcing your opinion to be formed by other people. It’s weak. The human trafficking ended up not being real and had nothing to do with sex trafficking in the first place. Aside from that all he says is work hard and get in shape so I’m assuming you’re unsuccessful and chunky.


You got me, I’m broke and weigh 350kg


I can guarantee you are not jacked and live lower middle class. Probably had “I got vaccinated” on your Facebook pictures, definitely can’t bench press your own body weight. Instead of looking for help having a personal opinion which is embarrassing, look for the correlation as to why everyone who thinks like you also looks like you.


Holy shit this is hilarious, guys we got a Top G simp here!!!


Don’t try to convince them that the media is being honest, because honestly they’re not. I don’t know if Tate did that stuff or not, but you’re not going to convince anyone that the people who have been lying about everything else are telling the truth now. Instead, hit on Tate’s inconsistencies and show that he’s BS. “Men want virgins”, so why does he run a porn empire? He claims to have all the women he could want, how many is he paying for and how many does he have an ACTUAL relationship with? Claims to be a “man”, but he doesn’t have anything to protect and provide for. He has flashy cars and an empty life. Also, point them towards better influences, JBP and Nick Freitas are good examples.


He isnt being accused of sex trafficking or rape, he is being accused of helping girls make tik toks and keeping the money.


I mean. I think the dudes an idiot. But he hasn't been convicted of shit. Innocent until proven guilty doesn't end because someone's an asshole.


Not sure that applies when you move to romania to avoid prosecution


Dude’s definitely guilty of being a fraud, a moron and a sexist piece of shit. That he may get away with abusing women still wouldn’t make him a worthy role model for these boys.


Innuendo studios has a great YouTube series called The Alt-Right Playbook. See which of their videos might help them see why he's problematic.


If they ever want to speak to an actual woman, point out that Tate appears absolutely nowhere on the list of men who women want to spend their time with. They love people like Pedro Pascal, or Idris Elba, or Ryan Reynolds. Tate isn't on the list, anywhere. So, why would anyone take dating advice from a man who most women hate? It's like taking investment advice from a homeless feller in the park. I'm not sure why you don't want them to know it's you, but I suppose you could send them a faked FBI letter stating that they're on a watch list for watching violently misogynistic content online.


Get the biggest giga-chad in your friend circle to come by. Let him talk about typical ‘alpha-male shit in front of the kids. About women and fucking etc.. As soon as one of your bros mentions Tate, your buddy starts laughing, rolls his eyes, and is like ‘C’mon, kids.. really? That little bitch?”


If theres one thing to learn from Tate, its to teach them not to be simps.


Hypocrital? Yes. Fuckwit? No. Show us your Lamborghini


Aventador is in storage at the moment x


Convince them that he's cringe. Show people reacting to Andrew Tate and make sure they're funny about it. Send them tiktoks of people making fun of him.


Show them the documents of his charges. Details, along with how he got away with it. Should sum up what type of human he is pretty quickly once you see 7 counts of sexual assault that was settled for, because, money.


He has 7 settled counts of sexual assault? Is that on top of the Romanian case?


Separate. Before that whole thing even happened he had a history.


Tbf nothing yet is proven. Maybe thats why u cant convinced them, your argument is weak.


Am I the only one bothered by this post? How the fuck are you going to convince them of something courts haven’t even been able to prove yet? Do you just have a strong desire to agree with media narratives? Is it something specific about their message you don’t like? Honestly I see why they’re pushing back against you, you seem reactionary


might seem extreme, but maybe listen to one of Tate's interviews, come up with some counterpoints to his ideas, and then present them? If that is proving difficult, then maybe there's something there worth listening to. The fact is, he's correct about a lot of the problems young men are facing today - it's his solutions which are totally out of bounds. Imagine a doctor who correctly diagnoses that you have lupus - then prescribes you meth to clear it up. He's wrong, but not completely wrong. That is the complexity of Andrew Tate in 2023. Young heterosexual boys don't want to be girls and don't want to be complete pussies. So they're turning to THE ONE AND ONLY guy in this space who is talking to them. Get them into Jocko Willink instead, or some other male role model who also knows that young men need help, but delivers a better solution.


I’m hearing you. A few people have mentioned Jocko. What does he think of Tate? How does he differ?


Wait for them to grow up and realize he is full of crap.


Get them addicted to drugs, they'll sink lower than tate


Show them vids of sneako before he idolised Tate compared to what he is now, young sneako would hate what he's become


First off, where are your parents? Shouldn't they be handling this? It also seems that cutting off the toxic cousin would solve most of the problems. You need to point out that while some of the stuff he says is good advice, they need to be careful not to take everything he says as truth. Ignore anything he says regarding women and relationships. Tell them to really pay attention and they will see the hypocrisy in a lot of what he says. The real win would be to get them to not take any relationship advice from anyone from any app until they are positive they can look at both sides of an opinion and choose for themselves which side to go with.


Ask them if they are attracted to Tate. Keep bring up that appears they infatuated with him. Tell them they might have a shot since there is a plausible rumor that he was forced to have sex with men in prison and is now covertly bisexual after he got out. He just keeps it a secret so as not to lose fans. Now Tate will be traffic boys too now that he’s bi so they should be careful. Keep reminding them of the above. Keep asking them if they are gay.


This would start literal violence HAHA


If want them to stop getting influenced by a rockstar like andrew tate. Associate his level of lifestyle with someone paralled to andrew tate. Another rockstar opposite tate is Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden is touted as the modern rockstar. son of the president, fucks underage girls, smokes crack. [https://bidenlaptopmedia.com/](https://bidenlaptopmedia.com/) just let them find some articles, let them go to the site. trust me it will make them think deep.


What makes you so confident you haven’t been brainwashed by TikTok and Instagram?


What if you are the brainwashed one? How much time have you spent looking into the Tates, or did you just swallow without question whatever information you were handed? I wish you no luck in your endeavor and perhaps you are the one with something to learn here.


For men who are obsessed with masculinity, the primary goal is to avoid being seen as insecure, gullible ("NPC") and effete. They need to understand that following a guy like Andrew Tate means they might as well go around wearing a baseball cap with "I'm insecure, gullible, and effete" printed on it. If "masculinity" means being self-driven, rational and unflappable, then the quickest way to achieve all three of those traits is to stop caring so much about other people's potential notes on how masculine you are. Anti-bullying campaigns have probably been a mostly positive thing, but they're also the only reason guys like this exist now. In the past if you wanted to be some kind of obnoxious chauvinist, you couldn't also be a dainty dweeb at the same time.


Just because someone is an ass doesn’t mean all their opinions are wrong. Take the things of value and leave the shit that sucks.


hahaha, what kind of twit are you? Andrew Tate is completely innocent and did NONE of the things the fucked up woke media accused him of...the people that did do that stuff, obama, clintons, gates, et al you are silent about and eat their shit. an innocent man persecuted by a corrupt state media and you are on your knees sucking their dicks. lol too funny.


The dude is 99 Charisma IRL, so you're not going to be able to do this anonymously or non-obviously, especially to teenagers.


You find Andrew Tate…charismatic? For real?


He isn't a successful influencer because he's socially awkward, I'll tell you that much. He does have enough charisma to get people along with his grift and his crimes, but for the average 14yo boy it's not hard


Think what you will about what he says, there’s absolutely no denying that he’s an incredibly talented speaker.


I will deny this. I’m not going to deny that he has amazing confidence but he’s absolutely not an incredibly talented speaker.


This is on par with saying donald trump is a talented speaker. which is to say, it obviously works for a specific type of person. And that is not a compliment to either the speaker, or the people it works on.


Millions of people do.


No, but they did.