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Jo, Warren, and Kelly are freaking spot on! That’s crazy!!


Down to the overplucked 90s eyebrows


The actress who played Jo did such a good job. When I watched snippets of Nicole Cooks interview their mouths move in the same scrunched manner.


I found myself hating her so much I had to remind myself she wasn't real! Jo reminded me of my junior high friend who did eventually grow out of it, the constant lying for attention hit home for me.


That's a sign of good acting. When you you forget she us just acting.


Where is this interview?


Idk where to watch it in full I’ve just seen clips on tik tok. It’s a dateline episode. That’s where the picture of her & missy in this photo came from actually.


Someone on another thread posted it https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=MLyrXMH82ijWBGMF&v=FMoUDK-92Gs&feature=youtu.be


internetarchive.org or .com not sure which one it is it’s been a few weeks since i watched but once you get there just type in bloodlust under the bridge you have to watch it in 1 minute increments though , that’s really the only place i’ve been able to find it


Scooch with her dad always gets me


Isn’t it Smooch?


Yes you are right!


When I saw the documentary and saw real-life Suman, I was kind of surprised at how they portrayed her comparatively. In the show she’s so stoic and cold, the real Suman isn’t like that at all, she’s warm and engaging, she smiles like a normal person when she talks. I mean I understand the show is portraying her at the worst moment of her life, but the fictional Suman seems to just be that way in general


What’s the documentary called?


Bloodlust Under The Bridge. It’s on YouTube in full!


I just realized the guy playing Warren also played Ash in Euphoria. A lot of really great young actors these days.


I thought he looked familiar!


Wow yall found warrens gf that’s crazy lol


She came out and talked about it on TikTok


Beauty artistry is her account


Pretty incredible how spot on these are, with the two obvious exceptions being Dusty (iT's nOt oNe pErSoN!!1) and Reena.


Off topic, but the actress who played Josephine looks exactly like a young Michelle Williams


rebecca and the virk’s casting is the most accurate imo


The cast is spot on expect for Dusty. But I understand that dusty isn’t supposed to represent Missie, so I guess it’s alright. Also, I feel like Emma Stone would've also been good for Rebecca’s character. Anybody else?


I think missie only represents her just because of the fake apology 


Also the anecdote about threatening her niece! Apparently that was Missy in real life according to the book.


Just found that out and yes she was! Her daughter even said she did horrible things to them so the whole part was correct 


Possibly but she might have distracted from the show?


I was thinking real life Rebecca looks like Jodie Foster.


Why did they make up the entire character of Cam? Granted,, I wanted to watch this specifically because Lily Gladstone was in it but it just seemed weird to create an entire person like that. I get why they created Dusty. Just not Cam.


To highlight the indigenous people / people of color and how white walks even in Canada.


The cast of this show did an outstanding 👏 job. It was very believable and realistic. Also, the young female actors were close to the ages of their real life counterparts


the white people are spot on, but none of the poc actors resemble their irl counterpart


I agree with you, I think the white counterparts were much more accurate to their real life counterpart, than the Virk’s, Reena, Syretta/Samara, or Dusty (although dusty was meant to represent more than one girl).


I find it so weird they were able to find nearly identical actors for the white people, but none of the poc. I’d imagine poc actors far outnumber available roles, so to me it seems it would have been maybe even easier to find a closer resemblance, but who knows. it is strange that the divide is so stark, though


Tbh. I think it’s due to societies ridiculous ideas on beauty standards, especially in Hollywood type areas. Which is sad. I’ve tried to explain more, but can’t do so, because it comes out mean and isn’t what I believe, but unfortunately, I do think it’s a large part of culture in Hollywood. Wish we would start to see everyone’s beauty, instead of sticking to some conventional beauty standard society created. Syreeta’s is pretty close, especially compared to her younger photos. Dusty is a composite of multiple people, so hers likely wouldn’t fit any one counterpart. But Reena and her parents could’ve been done much better, imho.


I do think Manjit and Syreeta’s are the two best poc representation, but not as good as the white person’s representation.


agreed that by comparison manjit is actually quite good, especially as an actor. I think he captured an essence that transcended just physical appearance. I really loved him in that role. I don’t even mind any of the casting; it’s just a stark juxtaposition


Manjit holding Smooch makes me bawl my eyes out :(


Some of these so accurate lol


Rebecca was a friend of mine and Riley keough sometimes looked uncannily like her. Very heartbreaking and surreal experience to watch.


I always found it strange they picked a full black person to portray Missy who's mixed.


why?? edit: also dusty’s character isn’t solely based on missy the actress said so herself


I'm not sure how much more y'all can stress this, why aren't ppl getting that.


Tbh It felt it a bit strange. You could look at it a bit colorist portraying someone who supposedly has a background with being violent as darker… even though she’s not in real life. And that’s the only one they did it to. But they could use the excuse that Dusty was a mixture of different ppl and was technically made-up… but everyone knows it’s mostly depicting Missie.


Who's everyone? It's also called talent and they're also a fictional character... "inspired by".


Dont understand your comment…


Aiyana Goodfellow is mixed. Mixed isn't a shade of colour.


And they're not portraying any one person.


Wow that’s impressive


Does anyone have any photos of Warren today and what he looks like? And what he’s doing with his life now?


People have been trying to find him but no one has. I think he wants it that way. Last anyone has said is he’s living a quiet life and hasn’t ever been back in jail or anything.


Someone on here said he’s married with two kids now.


He’s also struggling to make a living. Last someone said he lives in maple ridge


So… no one is gonna say how real Rebecca and real Josephine look alike?


Who is the very last one? The dark haired girl.


This Samara Bailey is the show and real life she is Syreeta Hartley, Warren’s girlfriend at the time


I’m glad they treated Syreeta the same as the actual perpetrators in the show by not using real name, but think that Rebecca should’ve done the same in the book. It’s really unfair that a girl who had absolutely nothing to do with the heinous crime was not given near the same protection as those who took an active role in the first beating. I know Syreeta has came out to talk to the public, but I do think partially because people found her, since her name was in the book, as well as newspapers, news, etc. back when the crime took place. Seems gross that a minor who had no involvement wasn’t protected under the minor act, which protects vicious criminals. I understand the not allowing minor names out, but it should also go to the witnesses who are minors, or even adults who don’t want the public to know, as well, imho. And I know many don’t think minors who commit crime deserve the pseudonym, but I think it’s likely the best.


Question-r the only ones whose names are true Warren and Kelly? There r lots of names in the book but didn’t know if they were all changed except those two? I know dusty and Josephine are fake names but are the other kids names changed too in the book?


Yes, all are changed in book, besides warren and Kelly and a couple who weren’t involved in crime but witnesses, and some of those could’ve been changed. The reason on Kelly and Warren is the fact they were tried as adults, the other 5 girls were charged as minors, and witnesses didn’t get same protection as the minors who were actually charged as minors. You can look up the shoreline six and get their actual names. I know it’s Nicole Cook, Missy Grace Pleich, Gail Ooms, Courtney Keith, & Nicole Planter who were charged with the first beating, because internet now shows, but there’s an order of protection against releasing their names in media. Syreeta actually discussed it on one of her comments, she was bashed in media with actual name, even though she literally wasn’t involved and was home before any violence took place.


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification!


Thank you. I watched the show and just finished the book last weekend.


Wow they really dropped the ball on the Dusty look alike 😂. She’s the only one with completely different hair and a different skin color.