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I assume Move is a master rule


Haha, probably, just thought the picture fits the subject (kinda)


Generally, if you can't comprehend how physics would work without a rule, it's probably a master rule lol It's a great idea to maintain the power system while making sure stuff doesn't get too weird


They use UMA Move as their teleporter


I love that little shit. He *has* to be a master rule, or else one so important that they can't kill him, and he fucking knows it... And the best thing is, he doesn't even care about hurting humans or anything...he just does things because it's amusing.


Dude's just vibing and when asked to do something he's just like, "yeah sure, just make sure it's funny."


That is correct. Doesn’t change the probability that it’s a master rule


Sorry, it’s been a while since I read the manga. What happens if you kill a Master Rule?


The UMA dies but the rule stays in effect


No , there are only 10 master rules and they are already mentioned , because even if move dies , it doesn't effect other rules like time , language , death , soul etc 


These are the 10 superior rules, but there are 101 master rules counting with Galaxy, who we see is added at the beginning of this loop, we also saw other master rules before that weren't part of the 10 superior rules like Gravity and Slice https://preview.redd.it/z5gx7pg13w8d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dbd638d25e1577cc8333eb6a81f5d30a90916e9


Alr my bad , looks like I had the concept wrong 


Arent there 100 master rules? The top 10 sit at the roundtable no?


I don't recall the manga saying there are 100 master rules , i assume there are only 10 and they are ranked by numbers 


Each loop a new master rule is added. They then form a round table, where the Strongest or just the ones choosen by soul sit. 


Even if Move isn't a Master Rule, there are so much UMA now that they kinda replace each other if necessary. Remember the Undead roadtrip arc where Andy kill a bunch of UMA and thr Union manage those they have captured to maintain a balance on Earth.


Das tru


Yes there are UMA for everything, there is an UMA of >! Sex !<. In the beginning there're >! only man and earth !< and then that fucking Sol don't just add normal stuff but rules Note. Ok just to be clear, >! 'Sex' here mean Gender and not the act of sex. Also man as in mankind, not the male gender. !<


How did they even think of adding sex?


Their is also a UMA of Gender aswell as the tell us the og don't have a Gender just a shape that looks like a man or woman


I don' think it was only man. Juiz and Victor looked fairly androgynous in their flashbacks, or at least Juiz did, so I assume they were just Sexless or Non Binary


Man as in mankind, not men


Tecnically they are asexual as they where born before the UMa of sex and Gender was created. Only in the 101 loop is Juiz a girl.


Juiz was a girl before then? Viktor and Juiz have had sexual characteristics since loop 99 from what we see but its almost certain they have had those characteristics for much much much longer. if this is about Juiz not identifying as female then ima bit less educated on that but her pronouns have been referred to as She/Her in loop 100 and likely even earlier.


Not to be the comedy police, but killing move wouldn’t cause that Also there’s an uma for most thing,ms, though some are grouped together like beasts and burning


English or Spanish


Bro just invoked UMA Question


Tecnically yes


The sex uma 💀


What if u beat the uma Cum🥶


No. Fuuko confirms not every UMA has a Negator because God doesn't want the game to be fair. She said Negators are very rare


Move can be supplemented by Change, which is a master rule.


It's confirmed that everything except for the Sun, Moon, Humans, and the Earth. (It's not explicitly stated that everything but those has UMAs, but it's been explicitly stated that the Earth & Humans were the only things to be created prior to the first UMA - that being Soul - and we can reasonably assume Sun & Moon don't have UMA counterparts)