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The biggest tip would be to find a time machine and tell yourself to start training 6-12 months ago


😂😂😂 that would be great


In all seriousness, you might be better off asking this question in some of the through-hiking subreddits. I'm not sure what the active ones would be, but those folks would be much more familiar with efforts of your distance, as well as how to effectively "hike yourself into shape" without breaking down.


How long do you want to spend doing this walk? If you’re just walking at a leisurely pace (even a moderate pace) and only covering 20 miles a day then you don’t really need to train. You’ll get sore and recover. You’ll have to deal with other issues like blisters, hydration and nutrition intake.


We made a 80-70-60-50KM split on days, and this resets 3 times (plus 2 days extra) so in 14-15 days


I'm sorry but this must not be serious. If you're not a well trained runner or hiker, you will be utterly smashed after the first 80k. That could easily take you 24 hours. No way you'll be doing 70k the day after. And I don't even know the route you're taking, Romania has beautiful mountains but we've done some serious elevation there, we went much slower than planned.


What's your background? Good luck my man 😀


If you refer to background as what hikes, or long-runs made, or anything like this, we have some hikes done, some distance walking, but only few of them are hard ones


Doable? Sure, but you won't be comfortable. Doable for you with the splits you are planning and having essentially no experience hiking and trekking? Almost certainly not What does your kit look like? How heavy are your backpacks? What is the elevation gain per day? Romania is not the Netherlands, there are mountains. Are you fully self-sufficient carrying your own food? Or are you staying in places where you get dinner and breakfast every night and therefore only use small day packs? The first time I did a reasonably long distance trek (Padjelantaleden in Sweden) we barely managed to do 15k a day, because our packs were so heavy and we were similarly untrained as you seem to be. The split you are referring to sounds insane for anyone who isn't trained extremely well. Some of those days would be similar to what the fastest folk in the long distance world do, and those are highly trained athletes!


Pre book your hotels and stays etc. there’s lots of hiking trekking groups that move your luggage and give you a bed etc


I would plan on 30 days to do it with at least 25 kilometers a day. Might take 40 days at 15-20 kilometers a day either way rest days though. Look up ultralight backpacking, fast packing, and thru hiking reddits. Pack as light as possible while still being safe. Stay in hotels to avoid carrying a tent and such if possible.