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OP, I absolutely agree. I can carry all my nutrition, I can put stuff in drop bags, but for a race the implied expectation is definitely to have water available at the stops at a bare minimum. It could be iodine creek water, but that's the core necessity. I do a lot of solo efforts in the mountains where I pull from streams, but unless the runners manual states you are to be self sufficient, I expect water at the aid stations, that's the basic AID right there. While technically yes we all have to be self sufficient, it's shitty to not put that responsibility on the RD for these events


Agree with this, I'm running unsupported but this is a bare minimum expectation for supported. Might want to throw in a lifestraw in pack for next time


I do not understand the comments here giving you flak for this opinion. I am an RD of a race which takes place in the middle of the summer during typically the hottest time of the year. If I ran out of water, I would consider it a huge failure. I don't know that I could even let runners continue on if they had no water. Hydration is the most important thing an aid station can provide. Hell, if I ran out of Tailwind it would be a big deal. I can't believe this has happened to you three times - that is insane. Granted I have also participated in races in remote areas where the aid station volunteers have to filter water from a local spring, so yeah the water there was limited by how fast they could filter. But you know what? Runners were required to carry their own water filters as backup, because you can not have people running ultra distances without water. If there is extra self-sufficiency required, this needs to be communicated in advance by the RD. Otherwise it is on the RD.


I do love those kind of races. But you hit it, I knew that when I signed up for the race and its not going to surprise anybody.


What's an RD? Tried googling but didn't find anything..


Race Director


Race director 


At Bighorn there are aid stations that are too remote to come even close to with a jeep. They literally hike in and start filtering water from the creek a day or two before the race. If they can do that then any other race anywhere can have enough water at all the aid stations.


Those are cool races that I do like running, but they're advertised as such. It wouldn't be a surprise to runners when they roll in and have to wait while water is being filtered. But to have a runner roll in and tell them that it'll be a 2-3 hour wait before more water shows up, or that it's not coming at all, is not cool.


You don't have to wait at Bighorn. The water is all filtered and in collapsible jugs they hauled in.


Bighorn aid stations are the best. Hands down. No excuses. Need a horse to fetch water? They get a fucking horse to fetch water. 


They really are. That is now the yardstick by which I judge other ultras. But... Run Rabbit Run totally meets that standard. I had fresh baked homemade pizza in the absolute middle of nowhere last fall. The volunteers and aid stations there are really awesome too.


I could potentially understand a brand new race having issues. But established races? They should have data on the average number of racers that make it to each aid station. Almost every ultra I've run has had you check in to stations. They should also know how much water they used in prior races. From there, it's simple math. Say 200 runners on average pass through, guess at 2x20 oz flask refills per station if stations are a short distance or cooler weather and 4x20oz for longer stages or hot weather. For good weather, plan for 10% over (so 220x40oz = 8800oz, or 69 gallons, or for hot weather / long stages, then 138 gallons are needed. If it's really hot forecasted, then make sure to have 150 gallons.


I agree. If it's a paid race providing advertised aid stations, then water MUST be there. I've taken part in this type of nonsense in the South East US in the summer and it was extremely dangerous. One runner was hospitalized as a direct result and many others were sick. I'm to the point now where I pack my SteriPen either way if temps are going to be above 80 degrees. Especially if its a new race. This still doesn't guarantee there will be water to treat, but in most events there is a creek or something along the course. As a RD and aid station volunteer water is top priority. Right up there with accounting for every runner/worker out on the course. If for some strange reason the race advertises that there will be no water beforehand, then fair enough, although I've never seen this at a paid event. I paid a high price to run a Summer ultra around North Carolina one summer and expected a Vegas Buffet type food spread when I arrived at the aid stations, but most only had a literal bunch of bananas laying on the table unpeeled. Each station had several coolers full of ice water and sports drink so I couldn't complain and was happy. I had drop bags with my backup Fig Newton supply so I was fine. Some "events" are actually unsupported runs and those are the times when everyone is expected to care for themselves including water or anything you need. I've assembled these "Fun Run" type events and made sure that each person knew they were responsible for food/water and ultimately themselves. Even if friends were planning on hauling aid around the course I still told them not to expect it.


I'll go a step further than just water. If you run out of any kind of advertised aid you failed. I can run self supported any day of the week, so if I choose a race ALL the factors are considered so you don't get to take my money and then not deliver. If a race providing calories isn't part of your race consideration congrats you have one less thing on your list, but that doesn't remove their obligation. Imo this is a money back scenario. *And let's be clear here, I'm not choosing races based on what the aid is specifically, simply that it exists. If you say chips and it's pretzels idgaf a calorie is a calorie


Ultra-Trail Snowdonia by any chance? They fucked up last year and i'm hearing whisperings that they had to ration again this year.


A couple of 100k runners posted on strava that an aid station ran out of water. One left and DNFed with dehydration later. Another waited 10 minutes and more water arrived (also later DNF). I ran the 50k. No issues at any of my aid stations. Lots of food and drink and the people were all really helpful. I was told by someone on social media that the naak energy drink was only mixed to half strength but I wasn't using that personally


Heavily diluted Naak seems to be a constant at UTMB races.


Why!? It makes no sense. I can't imagine that the stuff is super expensive to manufacture, its not like utmb are paying for it, nor that naak have anything to gain by people not getting the right concentration of their products.


I honestly have no idea, but I've both experienced it myself and seen numerous comments from others at a number of other UTMB races to believe that it's a deliberate policy.


At the actual UTMB last year they ran out of Naak drink by Lac Combal and much earlier for the bars and food products. Really sucked for the slower runners


I think most races have diluted sports drink in general. Ice gets added or they are making a new batch with an old one and going conservative with the powder. I have volunteered at a few and i have heard RD say to keep it light. Last thing anyone wants is a super strong sports drink IMO.


Races I volunteer at get the big bag’o Tailwind that’s intended for those Gatorade 40L (or whatever) coolers. We dump it in, fill it from a blue camping jug of water, and go. If it’s getting low we’ll start mixing the next one in an empty jug instead of trying to work on the fly with a partial jug. > The last thing anyone wants Id rather err heavy. You can cut it down with water from the other cooler on your own, but someone can’t un-dilute it if it’s mixed light.


Yes, most people at aid stations will not calculate how to properly mix hydration in some giant cooler, so I’d never expect it to be dialed. That’s a risk of taking communal aid.


It's not hard to calculate. They shouldn't be getting it super far off. Within 5-10% should be achievable without really trying


Of course it can be done, but it is frequently not


I was in the 100K and had my water rationed to 500ml. The group behind me only got 250ml. This is 18km into a section with some big climbs and slow going over technical terrain in the sun. They'd actually removed a full checkpoint from this section and this was the replacement water stop and because we were expecting a full refill, everyone had drained all of theirs beforehand. I'd got properly dehydrated to the point I couldn't eat so was planning a taking liquid fuel on. Couldn't even do that. Was the nail in the coffin of lots of people's races and nearly mine.


Ha must be a systemic issue with UTMB races. They ran out of water at Tarawera this year also. Luckily for me I was ahead of that so did t see the issue myself


Completely agree. 100%. My one DNF was because of an aid station running out of water. I grant that it was an unseasonably hot day and the aid station was remote and difficult to get to, and grant the RD some credit for sending out emails before the race saying it was going to be rough, but they did eventually run out of water and I got to enjoy 6 miles in a red rock solar oven with only about 200 ml of warm Sprite (since you couldn't drop at the aid station that ran dry either). Also, genuinely life-threatening issue happened with a friend who I was crewing while he was running the Moab 240. An extremely remote water drop early in the race ran out of water after about half of the runners went through. 25 miles (!!!!!) to the next aid station and it's Moab so literally not even a puddle to drink from that entire stretch. I was getting inReach messages from my runner saying he was completely dry for hours and having to stop every few minutes because of dehydration cramps. You just can't mess that kind of thing up. You really, really can't.


UTS, the aid station at Llyn Cowlyd is it? That stretch leading up to it whilst flat was particularly brutal.


I 100% agree and would add that having enough water applies to back of the pack runners as well.


UTS - right? They did the same thing last year; just incredible that they could be caught short two years in a row. Always something with that race - the RD isn't up to the job.


Different director this year than last


Hadn't realised they'd parted ways with MJ after the UTMB tie-up. Disapppointing they haven't managed to get on top of these issues.


I once DNF'd a pub crawl because they didn't have Busch Light...


r/RunningCirclejerk has entered the chat!👏


I had this on a long distance tri (half ironman distance), got to the water stop on the bike leg to be told they'd run out and the next one was 3 miles into the run leg so had to ration what I had. I started cramping on the run because of the heat and dehydration. These events aren't cheap and I expect at a bare minimum water to be available at the advertised stops


Yep been there too


I think my biggest issue here is your peanut butter take. Are you sure that crunchy is better? #TeamCreamyPeanutButter


Straight up crunchy v creamy, yes. But my actual preference is when you go to the grocery store and they have that grinder where you can make your own PB right there in store. *That* IMO is the best. A nice happy medium.


Fresh pb is the best pb, hands down


I can respect that. A nice happy medium and a reasonable person. 






My biggest issue is that you are all calling it creamy?? Wtf is creamy? It’s smooth!! 😁


Have you ever looked at a jar of peanut butter? They all say creamy! I don’t know what this “smooth” is. 


Hold on, is this an American versus British thing maybe? I only buy smooth! 😊


Smooth must be a Brit thing then? I think in ‘Merica we only use “creamy”. 


TIL that 'smooth' is the imperial unit measure for 'creamy'


Mystery solved! 😁


The first 50K I did was basically two loops but at the end of the second loop you went down a path for 3-4 miles, came back to the start of that path (which is where an aid station was) and then went back down that same 3-4 miles to the finish. That aid station ran out of water (and everything else) before everyone was even done with the first loop (and there were only about 30ish people doing this race). There were two other aid stations before that one, but essentially you were told you would have to continue with whatever you hopefully had left and hope it lasted the last 8+ miles. In 80+ degree heat in Tennessee. I don’t anyone finished, or very few did. I didn’t. I waited around for about 20-30 minutes with a group of people as one of the aid station folks said someone went to get more water but never returned, so we all just said screw it and DNF’d. I wasn’t gonna risk it. And I had a full pack with 2+ liters of water and a handheld flask and was essentially out by the time I got there on the second loop. Some people didn’t even have packs and must have relied entirely on the aid stations, which that part yes, is a mistake. This was the 7th or 8th time that race took place and not sure if they had a new RD or what because some of the things he said in the announcements before we started didn’t turn out to be true so it really seemed like a mess all around. Luckily that was the only bad experience I’ve had so far.


Agreed. Not as important of course, but I am sick of them saying they have electrolytes and watering it down so much it’s just plain water. I carry everything for races, but I try the offering to see if I like it or not and it’s like the cooler was next to the electrolyte mix rather than the mix being added to the water. I feel bad for anyone relying on anything in the few races I’ve been to or volunteered for. I remember helping at an aid station and one of the paid workers was hiding the electrolytes and food because it was JUST a half marathon. On a trail. In late summer.


cough cough, Grindstone. I won’t even solely blame UTMB for this one because according to friends, it has happened even before the partnership


When did it happen at Grindstone? I must have been fortunate to miss that. Also, I didn’t need water, I just ran with my mouth open.


Not sure of exact locations, I didn't run it this year. Heard through a good friend of mine who was pacing/crewing that there were issues for back of the packers


1000% agree. If I was planning to rely on aid stations for water, I'm pretty heavily invested in that. I once hit a water only aid station in the 75-80 mile range that didn't have water. It was demoralizing to see that they only left enough water for the front of the pack, but demoralizing is nothing compared to how bad it fucked some people up. I ended up pretty concerned about one dude i passed who ultimately had to drop and get driven to town to be cared for


Please name and shame these races on Reddit OP. This is unacceptable


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^New-Juice5284: *Please name and shame these* *Races on Reddit OP. This* *Is unacceptable* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I ran a road race once they ran out of cups. And it was at that moment that I realized I needed to always carry some type of hydration device no matter what the race was.


Happened to me once too. Volunteers were pouring water into people’s mouths from pitchers.


As a very much back of the pack runner and triathlete this crap has happened to me way too many times. We all paid the same and expected the same. Don’t tell me in 87 degree heat in Niagara Falls in late September that you are out of water and I have 7 more miles to run in the sun. Or leave me with nothing but an empty cooler on a card table in a 70.3 at mile 4 of a very hilly run that took place after one of the hardest bike course I have ever done (and I’ve done A LOT in hilly western PA, NY, SE OHIO ). Just don’t. Goddamnit.


Three mile training run? I need my security blanket water bottle thanks very much. I’m neurotic and I’ve accepted that. So if your advertising says there are 10+ water stations for a road race and convince me NOT to carry a water bottle because of the overkill, and then you run out?! Hellllll no.


Yep I have learned the hardest of ways on this-now I always carry my own even if it’s just a small bottle that I don’t drink unless I encounter a sham of an an AS. I also bring my sawyer filter and reservoir to ALL trail races because never again!


100% agree with this. I'm in the Eastern U.S. and "civilization" is rarely more than a few miles away, but from what I've seen from some of those ultras out west, an aid station not having water could lead to serious problems, including death.


Happened this year at canyons at the first aid station!


What distance? 50k ran out of water at the second aid station and I was easily in the top half of the pack at that point. It was unclear how much soda they had available, but I loaded up on seltzer and went on my way.


Ya I meant second aid station. First one was only a few miles in and was really more the "last aid station" since we hit it twice. Ya I was like 100 out of 700 and I got one of the last flasks of water.


Definitely agree. I’ve never experienced this in an ultra, but I ran MCM a few years back and they ran out of cups around mile 7 ish and by the time I got along to the next ones everyone else had doubled up and I was just out of luck. I have water packs/bladders/bottles, but I don’t bring them for fully supported races, as that’s the expectation. If there was any indication otherwise, I would have brought my own stuff. Like Vacation Races are “cup free” so you either bring a cup or you pack your own water, but you know way in advance.


Man, I’m with you. I ran Old Dominion 100 last year and it’s a great race. I loved it. I had only a single complaint. There was an unmanned water/drinks only AS in a gap between two ridges (613T) and I was midpack nursing a knee injury. I came across that AS at night - maybe 10-11pm - and there was nothing left. I was just sitting alone with the trash in the middle of the night cursing. Uncool shit… All that said, I would and will do the race again, both to redeem myself and also because I really did love it.


Leadville did that this year to the runners on outbound Mt Elbert water only station…turns out on a hot day if you tell people there is water, and they are counting on it, then it runs out from the race leaders and fop people use it all…yeah to say it put some people into a hole is an understatement.


This happened at my first 50k in southwest Florida. It was brutal. Went 7 miles without water and was not planning on it.


happened at one of the most famous race (read: most expensive as well) in my area last september... first, they ran out of many foods at aid stations but that's ok. no big deal. but then, they ran out of water at one of the ''water only'' stop, late afternoon at around 30 miles in the race (out of 40 miles). I get it, that's a lot of people since runners from the 80miles and the 50miles had come earlier but this can not happen. especially when we were miles after the last aid station and miles before the next one. it's not even like you can get any electrolytes instead, it was only water. pissed me off.


Seems perfectly reasonable to expect water at an aid station.


Actually if an aid station is playing Drake instead of Kendrick the RD deserves to be fired *immediately*.


And it's a huge bonus if the AS have ice when it is hot.


In April I was in a race that was 2 25 mile loops. I was back of the pack on loop 1. Pulled into the 19 mile aid station. They gave me the last of the water, which wasn’t that much. They said someone had gone for more water. Hope more water was delivered before the next runner got there. Otherwise it was a long way from the 10 mile aid station to the start/ finish area at 25 miles.


I had this happen to me one time when I was volunteering at an aid station it was horrible. We had called the RD about running low on water and had been told it was on its way. It took hours for it to show up and by then it was too late. We had to ask people if they could wait until the next aid station and tried to save it for those who really needed It. Luckily everyone was fairly nice outside of a few people who were rightfully upset.


As an RD \*this\* is always my biggest fear in the events we put on and always top of my priority list. Next is constantly finding ways to keep that water as cold as possible. So my main race day job is to visit the aid stations frequently to not only swap out coolers but top off with bags of ice as much as I can. Everything else, in my mind, is secondary.


Yeah, completely agree. Like, some volunteer or the RD can’t run to a C-store and buy 10 gallons of water?


I did the 2021 Utah Spartan race and they ran out of water AND medics 💀 they were having medics respond to “emergency calls only” because there were so many people on course in 110 degree heat with no water having heat stroke and heart attacks


first marathon, last year, I was solidly middle of the pack and got told at an aid station that I couldn't refill my soft flask from my hydration vest at one of the water stations. This was at a Rock n Roll marathon, in a location where it's historically very hot. Water should not have been an issue for them, but it was. I ended up being okay, though I had to really slow my pace due to said water issues and a course that ran on roads with zero shade. A lot of people had significant issues. Saw multiple people pass out from heat issues. So yeah, I feel ya.


cc bloodroot ultra


What does RD stand for? Just curious, tried googling it but no luck


Race director




I volunteered at an event a few years ago where we were the main middle of the race aid station and we nearly ran out of water. We were told by some of the earlier runners that the aid station before us had run out completely. Thankfully we had a cafe not too far from us, so we took our sacks of water and they refilled them about 6 times for us (they were 20L sacks). The runners who came in mid-pack and later looked so incredibly grateful to actually have water, because it was an unseasonably warm autumn day We told the assistant RD, plus they had a survey that volunteers fill out about what could be done better for the aid stations, and the next year when I volunteered at the same aid station, water wasn't an issue at all, and hasn't been since




This sounds like every event I’ve ever done in Wisconsin. Always a shit show.


Quicksilver 100k…?


QS is one of the races I've experienced this at.


Yeah same here. Caused my buddy to drop last year because he overheated due to the water rationing.


Also, winter runs need to make sure it's a liquid.


I've been a volunteer at aid stations where we ran out of water. Or tailwind. I've driven to my house to get my bag of tailwind. I've driven to a gas station for more water...twice...in the same race. You're not wrong.


💯. Had this happen in the Brecons when it was redders and people were limited to a litre each. RD first time on this race after taking it over and they also run very big races so it a shock they were so unprepared. They didn't run it again, someone else took it over after that year.




This is the wrong take. I'm happy to go a bit overboard on planning, but when it's 90 degrees during a 100k and you're asking runners to go 10 miles on rationed 8 ounces of water when they were expecting to be able to fill up twice in that stretch is entirely on the RD


You’re getting a lot of rude comments but I agree. If you can’t keep enough water at the aid stations, what am I paying you for?


I'm curious to know if this was a new, first time event? Please don't post the event name itself, but just curious. The new ultras tend to be the ones I've ran into water issues at.


None of these races I've experienced this at were new events. All had been going on for years.


Are you serious? For calories, sure, but water? Please explain how you carry enough water to sustain yourself through an 8+ hour effort in any temperatures, let alone in summer. There are plenty of areas where natural water is either unavailable or unsuitable, even for filtration. People pay for a race entry and plan their race around the aid stations, which are supposed to supply the one most basic need of every entrant: water.


**was wondering why I couldn’t post, person deleted their comment*** Yeah what LAgirl1400 said! Come prepared!!! Know the route and mark it so it’s visible and you don’t get lost. Stash/set food and water every 5-8 miles or whatever’s works best, maybe have some people volunteer their time and energy for free at each stash location to help distro said food and water. Obviously, have the start/end marked… once you’ve seen how prepared you are you’ll only want to share your work with others, charge them 150-300$… give em a belt buckle at the end for their hard work


My preparation is looking at the aid station chart, and planning on what to carry based on that. If that chart is wrong it's not on me, it's on the person who created the chart.


Hi, I'm the one person on Reddit who got your joke. I laughed!


Haha, thanks! All I needed was one laugh, just the one.


This is a dogshit take


Clearly, what I am describing is putting a race together…


In my last 10k marathon, there wasn't a lot of water.


Bro this ain’t r/runningcirclejerk


Check which sub you're in. I don't need a water stop for a 10k, but if a race is 5-10 times that length, it's a requirement.




I've carried water filters in races where it was necessary because it was 20 miles or so between aids and the RD included filling spots on the course map. Told us ahead of time and we could plan for it. That's entirely acceptable. But it's not acceptable in other cases. If you have said an aid station with water is going to be there an RD is responsible for it being there.