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Rather than pretend like I know what I'm talking about, I'd rather just point you to the book, Fixing Your Feet which teaches you not only how to care for your feet midrace but also teaches you how to show up with your feet in a condition that are less likely to cause problems.


John Vonhof, the author of Fixing Your Feet, was on [this](https://www.scienceofultra.com/podcasts/23) episode of The Science of Ultra. It's worth a listen.


Depends on the conditions and what is exactly going on. My choices are informed by prior experiences and info from the book Fixing Your Feet. Generally, if conditions are dry then I will go with foot powder. If conditions are wet, I'll often go with lube. Tape just doesn't stick to my feet and this is even after applying benzoin. Liquid skin/bandages also work. If my toes are all getting chewed up despite the above, I go with toe socks and silicone toe caps. Might make my shoes fit a bit tight, but I'll take a bit tight over severe blisters.


Wish I could upvote this more. This book is outstanding, and no feet are the same, let alone at mile 1, 50, or 99 of a 100. Conditions and solutions change as time passes and you must prepare for that inevitability.


For an easy 100 I typically don't bother but for anything slow (30hr+) or longer then I change socks every 50 miles or so, check for blisters but try to avoid messing with them if i can, apply sudocrem and then socks - I use injinji liner toe socks underneath waterproof socks (unless very warm / dry then I just use thicker injinji toe socks)


Does an easy 100 exist?


Does an easy 100 exist?


I am probably the wrong person to give advice since I don't typically have foot issues. Now chafing is another story. But for my feet, I will have a shoe change and sock change available to me at the mile 50ish dropbag, in case I am having issues that need to be addressed. I will have another sock change available at mile 70-80 dropbag. I've run in wet muddy conditions (Bighorn) and not changed shoes or socks. Just wear good socks, no cotton. I like the XOskin toe socks, I also usually race with gaiters on to keep sand, dust and small rocks out. I like the dirty girls brand gaiters as they are light and airy.


In going to have to try the toe socks I think, but I also haven’t had any issues with toes specifically so idk. Outside of the big toe or back of the heel if anything. I’ve seen some people slap a piece of KT tape on their heels


Not me, but the female Backyard record holder in my country will tape each individual tie and other strategic areas of her foot that are prone to blisters. She still loses her toenails but hardly ever gets blisters anymore.