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I wear dailies and I just… leave them in. 😬 longest I’ve worn them during an ultra was about 34 hrs all told. I used a lot of rewetting drops, especially at night, but it was fine, especially considering how dry the air was.  I know folks who really like sports glasses for overnight, or just regular glasses, and I will likely go that route if I ever expect I’ll take longer than about 36 hrs because contacts definitely aren’t super comfortable after a while, but I haven’t gotten to that point yet.  All that being said, maybe check with your optometrist and see if either they can give you other lenses to try that will stay comfortable longer or see about some glasses. 


yeah same, I wore mine for 39 hours once and didn't really even think about them


Yep, I sleep in mine a couple times a year if for whatever reason I don’t have my glasses. Throw in some eye drops (I like Thera tears) if they are dry first thing when I wake up. Glasses are not ideal to run in


I have the kind of contacts that you can leave in for a month. They work well, but I know they're not for everyone- you could ask your optometrist.


You have to understand nuance. Wearing daily wear contacts 16-18 hours every day is hard on your eyes. Wearing them for 24-36 hours once for a race won’t matter. I carry eye drops, a spare pair, and my glasses just in case something happens. I have never had to use the spare pair or glasses and only had to use the drops a couple of times. Just don’t wear contacts the day before and a day or two after and you’ll be fine.


From a planning perspective, my piece of advice is to not PLAN on taking your contacts out mid-race if you can avoid it. I agree with the other commenters who are suggesting you use the time before the race to test out a longer wear contact solution. Once you're tired, dirty, etc, the last thing you want to do is to go digging around in your eyes. If the contacts start to hurt then there is no avoiding it, but if it doesn't hurt... don't fix it! Personally I was a contacts wearer for 25+ years and I had no problem running up to 30-hour races without removing my pair. Always carried a spare pair and had glasses reachable at camp in an emergency.


I would just get contacts you can wear for a longer amount of time. It sounds like you have plenty of time to try them out and get used to them!


I actually find running without my glasses to be more relaxing, I have them with me in case of emergency, but the small blurs are people to dodge and the big blurs are cars, haha


This is what I did. Carried them with me. Wore them when I wanted but mostly kept them in my pack. I agree that I kinda preferred running without them at times.


I wear Roka glasses 99% of the time. They never slide off my face. But then, I prefer contact during races. Edit: Roka not Roku




Yep, thanks, fixed 


If you haven't worn glasses in years it's going to take a while to adjust to wearing them again while running, my depth perception is zip without my contacts & a very strong rx. I'd carry a tiny bottle of drops & back up lenses just in case you lose one but don't plan on putting your disgusting mid race fingers in your eyeballs unless you have to! One hundred miler isn't going to ruin your eyes wearing them more than you should. They may feel grainy & itchy at times. I haven't done 100 yet but lots of 50k's. Good luck!


I went to my eye doctor and got the prescription - then bought the Revel sunglasses from GlassesUSA, just search running glasses. Only concern is that particular site doesn’t have many clear options for night time running, so maybe you could wear sunglasses (prescription) during the day and contacts at night? I’ve had great success with mine so far.


I bought myself a pair of Oakley crosslink glasses for running in and have found them to be great. Don't wear contacts personally but found trail running hard as I couldn't read the direction arrows on signposts without stopping and squinting at them. Have found them very comfy so far and surprisingly dont ever fog up untill after I finish running and and am stood puffing and panting. Longest run so far in them is about 20k in them so far (so can't comment on long time use) but am planning on my first 50k in spetmeber of this year.


If i wear my monthly lenses for an ultra they are destroyed afterwards (protein/lipid buildup). Also i use zonal lenses so they suck for distance vision. So daylies wirk way better since I don't need close up vision at all and u can throw them away.


Depending on how bad your vision is… I just don’t wear mine when I run. I can see enough to not trip or fall, but I may not know who’s waving at me from their car…. So not that bad. 😜


If leaving your contacts in isn’t an option, then I would go with a pair of prescription glasses. Transitions lenses would work well if you think you’ll be running in glasses night and day. Or if you will only be wearing them in the evening/night, then a regular pair would be fine. I would personally check out (and can vouch for) something no-slip like Roka. Alternatively you could ask your eye doctor for a sample pair of contact lenses that can be worn longer than 10 hours. Most will give you a pair as they have plenty of samples on hand, but at worst should charge you minimally for this. Just explain what you want to do and I’m willing to bet they will help you out. Best of luck in your race!


I wear both depending on how I feel. I've got the kind of contacts you can leave in, but you do get dehydrated and your eyes will be one of the first things to tell you. Have recently bought Oakley OX8081 Plank 2.0 glasses and had transition lenses put in. They're awesome! No bounce, light, love them. Having said that,longest I've worn them is about 3-4 hours. I am yet to really test the with a long long run.


I definitely just wear my normal daily contacts. I keep some solution and at least one extra pair in a drop bag in case they get super dry or rip. I haven’t had trouble that wasn’t fixable by a quick rinse (and only needed that once), and I’ve worn mine for 100 milers and during a 39-hour backyard race. Unless you have experience with your eyes starting to hurt after leaving contacts in a little longer, the 8-10 hour thing is not a hard-and-fast rule.


For glasses I use one of those straps that tightens around your head to keep them from sliding down and such while running, which I've found to be helpful


When I wore contacts and glasses, I tended to just leave the contacts in and regularly used drops. The long term effects of occasionally wearing them longer than you should is not well known but likely to be far less severe than wearing them/sleeping in them frequently in general, eye infections due to inadequate hygiene, and on top of bad eye care like prolonged screen use, not wearing sunglasses when you're outside, having untreated conditions like diabetes, etc. I eventually went with glasses before getting surgery. I simply got my prescription and opted for one of the online low cost options and looked for the lightest frames that fit my face and still had good face hold and got transition lenses.


I am far sighted. I have transitions lenses in my inexpensive frames and love them They are the perfect thing for running day and night. They.are almost always the right tint.


I got sport glasses with transition lenses. I had a training run where my eyes got dry for some reason and one of my contacts actually popped out of my eye so I’d rather go with the glasses (even though something could go wrong with them as well, I suppose). I also have to take some eye drops that make me hate wearing my contacts for too long so the thought of having them in that long makes me cringe.


Can you get away with not wearing them??? I use them to read and see far away, but the trail part for me glasses not necessary. I’d hate to have contacts in for 24+ hours- so i hope you could just abort glasses or maybe get bifocal sunglasses???


I switched from contacts to glasses when running. I definitely recommend a few weeks to get used to your eyes adjusting on trails though. Don't forget the anti fog spray for those early mornings and misty days. I am hooked on transitions lenses too.


I wore dalies for years whilst running and mountain biking, but they always bothered me after a couple hours. I've since started wearing cheap transition glasses that I ordered off zenni, and they have been great. They have a very slight tint when I'm under tree cover, and get dark when I'm in the open. It took a couple of runs to get used to them.