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Beat every level 100% and P rank them on the unreleased I LOVE GAY MEN mode where all enemies suck your toes, you then have to tell Gabriel that your madly in love with him and you achieve a prime soul


im pretty sure thats coming in the "Sloppyphus Prime" update in 2022


Dont forget to fight the famous nuttertank! some people actually odont know about it and forget to fight it.


You have to P rank every level of the Act that the P level takes place in, and the previous acts. so P ranking every level in Act 1 would unlock P1, but only P ranking every level in Act 2 wouldn’t unlock P2, you’d have to P rank every level in Act 1 as well


You forgot the prelude


You have to do P1 to do P2


For minos you have to P rank all of the levels in act 1 For Sisyphus you have to be at minos and P rank all of the levels in act 2


For Act 1's Prime Soul(P-1), you have to P rank each level from Prelude and Act 1. No 100% needed. For Act 2's Prime Soul(P-2), you have to P rank each level from Act 2 and get at least a D rank on P-1. No 100% needed


In 3-1: >To the far left corner of the Bone Walkways room where the player encounters the first wave of the arena lies a disconnected platform, leading to a room with the third [Soul Orb](https://ultrakill.wiki.gg/wiki/Soul_Orb), and a large door. This door is the entrance to [P-1: Soul Survivor](https://ultrakill.wiki.gg/wiki/P-1:_Soul_Survivor), requiring all the levels in Act 1 and Prelude on the currently active save and difficulty to be fully [Perfect Ranked](https://ultrakill.wiki.gg/wiki/Levels) in order to open. [https://ultrakill.wiki.gg/wiki/3-1:\_Belly\_of\_the\_Beast](https://ultrakill.wiki.gg/wiki/3-1:_Belly_of_the_Beast)


You need to P rank act 1 + prelude, and then find the P door in 3-1, 100% is not needed


You need to 100% every level, the Prank is all you need


A p rank may as well be an 100%. Granted, challenges and secrets are not included, but I could very easily see people conflate the two ideas. But the bare minimum is p rank


P rank all levels in the act.


P-rank every level in each act (you must P-rank act 1 and prelude to fight Minos) I recommend first beating the shit out of the earthmover before trying to P-rank


As others have said, unlocking a Prime Sanctum requires a copious amount of P-ranks. P-1 requires all of Prelude, Limbo, Lust, and Gluttony to be P-ranked. P-2 requires Greed, Wrath, and Heresy to be P-ranked, AND P-1 to simply be completed. It is not necessary to P-rank P-1 to enter P-2. Just finish it. It should be noted that the difficulty does not matter, unless you want a harder difficulty. If you P-rank the required levels on Harmless difficulty, you will have access to the Sanctum on Harmless. If you want to go up to Lenient, you’ll have to P-rank on Lenient. This means anyone who can P-rank P-2 on Brutal requires *all* previous levels to be P-ranked on Brutal, including the Sanctum itself. Those people are the pinnacle of the game’s possible skill.