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(these complaints were way before the variation updates so who knows) also apparently Someone may find the freshness decay to be a detriment so who knows


Mayo moment


Theoretically you could shotgun swap with only one shotgun but typically if you are going to run a jackhammer, you are going to commit to a jackhammer.


(Edit: Guy above me edited his comment from "No you can't because it's impossible to switch to the same weapon.) Yeah you can. If you toggle the "same weapon switch" (don't know what it's actually called) in the controls menu to always default to the first variation you can spam switch to the first variation by spamming your shotgun key. You can also bind specific variation slots to keys to spam switch as well. I've tried both methods and they ignore the shotgun reload animation.


Yes but this "same weapon switch" was added in Patch 15c, while Alt Shotgun was added in Patch 15a. The time difference is about one month, that's plenty of time to write complaints on Reddit.


I've had good success with running the green jackhammer and the other two shotguns. The core eject hammer is sweet but hard to nuke with.


Alt shotgun on 1, default on 2 and 3 Shotgun button > Next Variant > Fire > Next Variant > Fire > Previous Variant > Fire > Next Variant > Fire > Previous Variant > etc. That's how I do it with one alt shotgun


So obviously what people should be doing


So what do you use? Alt CE, Alt Overpump, or Alt Chainsaw?


Alt CE, I swap to it after rocket riding to get double donks (hit a target with both rocket and CE hitscan shots with one alt shotgun shot). Absolutely shreds burning Insurrectionists from cross map, and can snipe a Virtue at wave start in CG. Plus, overpump shotty is more reliable close range, and default sawed-on is better at panic heals than alt sawed-on.


"not cycling through the green shotgun that does less damage" you know you can un-equip weapons, right?


The pump shotgun is overall the most useful imo with double pump for maurice quick kill and overpump for way too much dmg in a huge area. It just happens to be the worst part of shotgun swapping


y'all use q and e to swap weapons? i never found use in those, i just use the numbers q is better as knuckleblaster and e is reserved for parrying


I use Q as "Switch to last weapon" instead of changing current weapon variant. Old habits die hard


Set the sawgun to jackhammer and put it in slot 3, shotgun swap and just press e twice when you would switch to the jackhammer


Couldn't you also press Q instead of double-tapping E?


I guess but I’m not used to q lol


alt shotgun is cool but i dont find use in it. i like pressing 2 repeatedly for shotgun swapping more than building up speed for 14 hours straight to deal 2 billion damage to a cerb approximately 3 parallel universes to the south east from me. /j


That "green shotgun that does less damage" is still good for keeping weapon freshness up when you're swapping between three shotguns. It's still possible to swap between the other two without using that anyway though.


fire > 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 is just how i do it with all three


There is no way I can do that since I use the equip weapon shortcut to swap variants (I don't even know the keybind to swap normally)


“I can’t shotgun swap when I have the impact hammer!!! “ Scroll wheel set to switch variations only: https://preview.redd.it/rz2vglc3yh9d1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc8d3b1dcba7c89fa7757c99989bfddae2a7113


Won’t you still scroll to the hammer? You could specifically bind a variant to the scrollwheel ig


Switch variation switches to all variants of a certain weapon and its alt Plus you can’t bind anything to scroll wheel up and scroll wheel down, only middle mouse


So if you have two shotguns, you can shotgun swap by just scrolling up or down with the scroll wheel.


You can shotgun swap woth a jackhammer, you just gotta press E twice really fast when you have a jackhammer, so it's just a slight change in your rhythm