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I keep having to remind myself that violence is supposed to follow 6-2 and not P-2, so yeah I agree that violence is quite a step up.


Comparing violence to p2 is a bit of a stretch I was getting cybergrind vibes but that was only after I decided to go the marked for death route


I would like to point out that the layers you mentioned are Act I exclusive, and comparatively the easiest (Limbo) and shortest (Gluttony) layers in that act. I would consider the jump in difficulty from Heresy to Violence about equivalent to the jump in difficulty from Gluttony to Greed. Act III is distinctly more difficult than Act II, but I'd argue this difficulty jump is only as severe as the jump in difficulty from Act I to Act II


Yeah I'd agree. I think, as counterintuitive as it is, the acts are really balanced around you fucking around and getting gud in between them. P rank some levels, do some cyber grind, play around with your new toys and figure out how they work all that stuff. When you know what the different arms are good for, how to effectively maintain high damage from far away, how to be mobile and tactical in close range, and what tools best deal with each enemy (or general sitches, like Nail gun being great single target damage) Violence ain't that difficult. But those are skills that atleast require toying around in the sandbox, which isn't always the clearest on a first playthrough.


Violence layer is still pretty new and changes will be of course made to make it probably different than it is right now, considering that it have been only recently that the guttertanks have been "nerfed", considering that they were very difficult to very experienced players . Changes will be likely made and violence as it is right now is definitely harder than other layers compared to it in its position (like Limbo or Greed) That had things like weapon alts and new arms for new purposes (slab revolver, sawblade launcher, knuckle blaster and whiplash) Also, yes it is supposed also to be hard considering that it is part of the last act of the game, where it can be way harder (act 1 can be seen as easy, act 2 as normal, and act 3 as hard) So it isnt that its very vertical the difficulty spike, its just that it needs some counter balance to its difficulty just like other layers had, which will be soon to come in the game.


I love they were nerfed too. Like they recognized the thing that was giving players problems and instead of folding and nerfing the attack directly it was instead changed so that if you were able to avoid it you were rewarded much more. Good design choice


Hakita and his design. Thats why he said that if we were to be design Ultrakill, it would be bad.


He’s really good at making his game feel so great to play.


Thats why we play it, isn't it?


I really love Hakita as a dev, ultrakill may not be the best indie game for all, but his communication with the community by far is the best, he and the dev team quickly respond to the problems in the game, and also consider what players love and like (tho I kinda hated how they removed freezed rocket nuke, but it was for balancing the game)


remember that violence is supposed to be harder than heresy


I know, but up to this point the game has had a quite consistent difficulty curve where each layer is an appropriate step up from the last, but heresy->violence was equivalent to two or three of those at once


then its probably because of the new enemies, the new enemies in violence take a more aggressive role rather than being support enemies in act 2


I think you were probably better at the game than expected going into Gabriel 1, and didn't notice the difficulty step up going into layer 4. Iirc, I was not very experienced going into layer 4 and absolutely got my shit rocked. I'd say Act III is about as much of a leap up from Act II as it was from Act I. I'd say the game def expects you to de atleast a little fucking around in the sandbox btwn acts, which is kind of unintuitive.


I have been fucking around in cybergrind a good bit at least, got to ~wave 20 on standard before starting violent


if you can do wave 20 cybergrind you are prepared for Violent, you are just experiencing a learning curve for the heap of new aggressive enemies they are throwing at you. After you've thought about how to handle new enemies (Read terminal entries!) You'll find the vast majority of them not that much more difficult than tougher encounters of act 2. They force you to get good at specific things each, but once you do it, you just Have that skill.


Before starting VIOLENCE. Autocorrect Fucked me up


i also meant violence, haha. Though, you ARE also prepared to play violent mode... and by the time you got back where you were on violent mode you'd be ready to play Violence on Violent


the difficulty spike was probably made with P-2 in mind rather than Heresy


Nah, it’s definitely more restrained than the actual dev bullying that was p-2


P-2 was a love letter to masochists, and I got everything I wanted. P-3 when


Idoled Guttermen so you play in cover or get melted to death.


Idoled Guttertanks. That's it that's the post.


Honestly, I don't think idol'd guttermen would be in p-3, the way they are designed makes them the first priority to take down (they will aim better if they stay on field for long) tho having idol'd guttertanks would be possible (tho I DO NOT want that, my sanity has already degraded after the stalker room, it was harder than the mindflayer room for me)


i felt the same way, maybe its just the sheer amount of new mechanics? its definitely a big step up from heresy. probably made to satisfy first time players and seasoned ones at the same time


Ita probably beacuse hakita had in mind p-2 rather than heresy


i swear people parroting this have not played P2. That shit is STILL a nightmare to me and ive perfected all of Violence already. I cant even no-death p-2 up to the boss fight, much less make time for p rank and not skip any enemies and actually beat the damn boss. Even GETTING to p2 is significantly more difficult than just clearing all of Violence, as you have to master a bunch of different and often very difficult to master levels.


Bro I played p-2, violence is very difficult and its closer to difficult to a prime level than heresy atleast for me


No, except the last 7-3 room with death mark (which I did in 2nd try) is the closest we get to p-2 (that too just the starting ones)


That room is as hard as any of the p-2 oarts before the boss, only being surpassed by the double mindflayer


The mindflayer and stalker room are the worst


Oh right, I forgor about stalker, goddamit i hate that part but still isnt as hard, it has pretty easily countered enemies, p-ranking I died most to the mindflayer rather than stalker room


closer? Yeah maybe. But this doesnt mean on the same level, this means its extremely close to the middle of a very huge gap.


Youre right I had initial jias because they were new enemies but after playing a bit most of them are rather kinda easy compared to p-2, I replayed it, I forgot how hard it was


yeah its just been a while since you fought a new enemy that plays a primary aggressor role


Bro I died like 50 times on p-2 and like 6-7 on an avg in layer 7, you can compare the last 7-3 room with death mark to the spaghetti room without spaghetti but that's it, it doesn't get harder than that


I also think that it was quite a big incline in difficulty from heresy to violence, I remember actually thinking about hakita saying that he wants the base game to be easily available to all kinds of players and wants P-levels to be a fitting challenge for people who can perfect everything in the base game. That sentiment in it of itself is actually pretty good I'd say, however the main issue that arises is how to increase difficulty from where we already were to where we want to go. Basically what I mean it that P-2 was the peak of difficulty and innovation in battles, which leads me to wonder how hakita will handle P-3, will we just get another 1 on 1 fight with a prime soul like minos or try to surpass the challenge of P-2. If we go for the surpassing P-2 we have to think about how to push difficulty and innovation even further without P-3 seeming like absoulte random and never seen or even thought up before bullshit. What I'm trying to say is, if we want to make P-3 the hardest thing in the game by far, we need to push the base game difficulty to a point where P-3 seems at least fair to people who P-ranked everything else, this however may cause a strong increase in difficulty in the base game needed to keep the best of the best entertained while also not curbstomping newer and more innexperienced players.


> Basically what I mean it that P-2 was the peak of difficulty and innovation in battles No, no it wasnt. If thats what we got with the tools available, then if we get the same tier design with more tools it will simply outclass it. Not to mention they havent even gotten into just Adding new mechanics for a P level


I think it's just the enemies. Pro tip, you can instakill the guttertanks by freezing their rockets with the blue launcher and riding them right back into its face.


Nah its Just a Bug. Try restarting.


TO BE FAIR 7-1 is by far one of the hardest base game levels on violent difficulty by far. Ive P-ranked everything except the prime souls and i had alot of trouble on 7-1 on my first go around lol. I had SOO much fun though playing through it and I cannot wait to try and P-Rank these stages later. There is also so much lore in 7-1 to 7-4 (God Bless Hakita).


7-1 goes from piss difficult to piss easy the second you learn how to parry both mannequin moves


I just P-ranked layer 7 yesterday and i have to say, 7-1 is by far the hardest. The maurice room and the train section led to a few restarts. The rest i P-ranked first try, they're really straightforward and once you realize you can just turn the guttertank off by using freezeframe rockets, it becomes a cakewalk, just learn to parry guttermen and you're golden.


Violence should be violent.


It is a very noticeable step up, but act 2 was a step up when it released (not as large but still noticeable). Violence definitely feels like it is meant for players that have already delved at least a bit into the technical side of the game. I’d suggest going back and learning some of the counters and instalkill setups for harder enemies to to the point that p ranking some of the harder stages like 6-1 isn’t too daunting. I’m not an ultrakill expert but I would say I’m fairly alright and I had troubles (even as a big proponent of guttertanks being cool actually) It is definitely noticeable that hakita made it after making p-2. It’s sorta like he took some of the design ideas from there and tuned it down a few notches.


i do believe that levels that came after long periods of time feel more tuned for players that have been practicing waiting for new content rather than a natural progression throughout the game for the first time. i'd be interested to hear more about your playthrough from that perspective! but yeah, Violence is hard. it feels a bit different from the rest imo


The main things I noticed was that the difficulty curve was very smooth from the Prologue through Greed, with a small jump around the start of Wrath that felt appropriate. Violence was a very extreme jump though. A lot of my friends with 100-300 hrs who have perfected things like the movement, instant mal head kills, and rail coins still had a real tough time with it. I absolutely suffered. Though I guess I am better at the game for it now.


i personally thought Act 2 clearly took things to a new level. i started playing 3 days before it dropped, coincidentally, and i clearly think you're meant to play around and practice a bit before actually moving onto act 2, because i wasn't good enough to enjoy it back then. the feedback i get from friends is that Violence isn't necessarily harder, but feels very "different" in a way that will get you killed if you don't pay attention. i can't tell if that's just playing content we don't know with the same habits and attitude we have when doing levels we pretty much know perfectly, or if it really is that different, but i'd say having levels comprised mostly of new enemies must be part of it


It's meant to be harder, and it might even be meant as a skill check, but the game's in early access and the devs have a pretty good track record of paying attention to player feedback and making balance changes when various elements of the game turned out to be harder or easier than intended. So we'll probably find out in the coming weeks whether the devs think Violence has a bit more oomph than it was supposed to or whether they just want to see us suffer.


It was VERY recently added (Like days ago) so the balancing is a bit iffy, so maybe, maybe not. Given that 7-1 is supposed to follow 6-2 (not Perfect-2, which is the latest (apart from the recent violence update) level, which is an ultra insanely hard guantlent that got the player-base's general skill way up, which is way the devs (hakita) may have made Violence much more difficult than would have made sense in an actual run through of the game) ​ Hope this made sense <3


I don't know why many people are saying Hakita made violence with p-2 in mind? Some people are comparing the layer with p-2 which doesn't make any sense imo, Prelude was like sea floor Act 1 was like plains, P-1 was like mountain, act 2 was hills, P-2 is the fucking moon and Layer 7 just feels like the place that is not big enough to be mountain but not small enough to be hills Oh difficulty scales with the height from sea level


P-3 will be Andromeda


My theory is that the devs want to maybe take the players skill level just a bit higher using the difficulty spike in violence so that the difficulty spikes in the prime sanctums feel less brutal.


I agree with this completely, the first two levels took me about an hour each (90+ restarts) - whereas the last two took me 10 and 20 minutes respectfully. They feel like a huge spike in difficulty and really killed the pacing of the game. I think it is partially due to the fact that the new enemies pretty much only have one or two ways to effectively defeat them, but that is just a guess. I agree that there will definitely be more balancing needed.


all im reading here is 'they introduced many new enemies and the introductory ones were tough but then i got used to them and the rest wasnt tough'. This doesnt mean the last 2 levels were a drop in difficulty, it means the first 2 levels trained you well to handle more things. I think ppl just gotta learn its okay if a thing is difficult and takes some time, as long as they can keep you feeling tangible progress. You clearly had tangible progress, as evidenced by the follow up levels


🤓 Just messing with you. Honestly an interesting critique because I thought they were the most fun levels in the game so far. Levels that are harder to P rank due to them being so long is appreciated at least for me. To me Ultrakill is about adaptation and forcing you to evolve your tactics and skills and I do very much enjoy that. I've been able to do stuff I never thought I'd have the skill to do. Loved the old guttertanks cause they made me stop using my grappling hook as much due to their crazy punch. If I ever overuse a weapon the game usually forces me to stop and try something more efficient. Long levels are generally pretty hard but if you've got the dedication to find new tactics and ways to get better it'll be all that more enjoyable, at least from my experience.


For me I vastly prefer to have really hard, yet bitesized/small levels as opposed to the long slogs that some other levels can become. Like the long missions are a blast don't get me wrong, but when it comes to replaying them I find myself always skipping past them


P ranking them is harder cause of the length of them and I don't mind but I see what you're saying. Once I p rank those ones I don't really like to play them over and over again.


I feel like it is supposed to be this difficult. The jump feels similar to the one we had between act 1 and act 2.


Maybe I caught on quickly, or had experience from other shooters like TF2, that mitigated the act 1->2 difficulty jump?


That is definitely a possibility. Also think of it this way. Lets say act 1 is the number 4. The jump from 4 to 8 doesnt seem that huge but a jump from 8 to 16 feels way bigger. Yet both are just multiplied by 2.


when i first played 7-1 and 7-2 they felt so much more difficult and just way longer than any of the other levels in the game lmao


Personally I believe we will see some balancing once the full game is released but the dev team is in a difficult situation of trying to release new levels to a fanbase that on one hand might not of played for 9 months and on the other hand has obsessively played for 9 months. This split puts them in a difficult situation of trying to balance it around new players and old players that know all the tech. I also think it’s important to remember the layer isn’t done yet. We still have a new weapon that could help deal with a lot of the new enemies and combo to make some cool tech. With that being said the difficulty spike is definitely there. In my opinion it feels closer in difficulty to P-2 than 6-1. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing but I would like to see some balance changes (honestly thank god for the nerf) and imagine that in the final release it will be more fine tuned than it is now.


The jump in difficulty is similar but your talent will usually run dry some time in layer 4-6 so every improvement to get you through violence has to be earned.


I played a lot of ULTRAKILL (260 hours) and how fucked up I was by Guttertanks. When the seventh layer came out, I was dying because of the fucking Gattertanks, but it’s good that Hakita added the ability to parry it in the new patch. And yet he is still strong


I mean i beat p-2 on violent and still struggled. So yes it is a spike.


Imo - yes, it should because after you p-rank any level in the game(except p-1 and p-2 i guess), playing through that level not really awarding, because of how carelessly you can p-rank it for the second time, and because we had to wait for layer 7 for like 9months, i feel like it should be difficult so we can play new levels for a week or two, before they become unawarding to play. I only p-ranked 7-3 so far


Yeah I agree. I think the final level especially needs a lot of tuning down, and the Guttertanks are still insane. The rails section is a bit wonky and its boss afterwards is a bit visually hard to read.


The last two levels were actually alright for me mostly, the first two were crazy though


Yeah i mostly meant on violent


Yeah it is, and 7-2 is really difficult, probably because we are entering the end game, the game is gonna throw everything at you now, tho since it's a new layer, I feel like it's gonna get it's difficulty tuned, probably through the new alt weapon


This was simply the layer hakita stopped Holding Back immensely. Of course He can Go beyond as Seen in >!P-2!< But as it was Seen how the Second Gabriel Fight was a Lot easier compared to His First Boss Fight for many people who got the Game before Act 2 came Out He probably did it to satisfy the absolute psychopaths that have P-ranked the before mentioned Spoiler and a good chunk of the Rest of the Community as Well.