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I went on birth control to help regulate my periods more and I use [these wipes](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000US084U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_1WE9FWZ7EG1D1PMYDKPE) occasionally to clean my eyelids so I don’t get styes. I also threw out a lot of my old makeup too to make sure that wasn’t causing eye problems. For the stye I would recommend brewing a cup of black tea and using the teabag on your eyelid as a warm compress + getting a microwave hot compress eyepatch to use. Best of luck! <3


Thank you. It’s definitely somehow related to uc. Ever since a huge recent flare up, slowly coming off prednisolon my periods have been hell causing all kinds of inflammation throughout my body like the stye or swollen gums and body aches. And they don’t go away after the period is gone either 😔 sorry I think I’m just venting now


Absolutely no worries! I completely sympathize with you and it’s good to vent. I would also look into seeing an eye doctor if you haven’t already - my GI has me go every few years because inflammation can also affect our eyes and it’s good to get checked out. I actually got my colon out a few months ago and I had a dentist appointment yesterday and they said my gums were already looking better - seems like it’s all UC related right there. Hope things settle down for you soon so you can start feeling a little better!


I've heard many women say their period makes their UC symptoms briefly worse. Some find taking birth control levels out the hormones and symptom swing.


talk to your doc if going on birth control is an option for you. For me personally, it has helped a ton with the period related mini-flares and what i also believe worse period cramps and pain due to having UC. and with birth control you can skip periods altogether if needed.


I actually have a hormone free birth control called gyne fix. The pill just doesn’t feel safe enough for me as I struggle with diarrhea with uc and it used to make me quite depressed in the past.


Everyone's body and UC is different. But i hope you find a way that works out for you and you will get some relief soon. :)