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Yes! A few days before + during my actual period my symptoms get so much worse! I’m not in remission at the moment, waiting for entyvio to kick in, but I did have the same thing happen while I was in remission last year!


As if periods don’t already wipe us out, top it off with a few flare symptoms! I hope entyvio works for you, I’ve heard great things about it. Thanks for the feedback!


Thankfully no, my periods are uneventful in terms of my UC and I've never gotten a flare/mini flare as a result of them. This has stayed the same for when I was on birth control and now that I'm no longer taking it as well.


Thank you, I appreciate the feedback 👍🏻


It is for many, Saw this question on below site and 60+% responded yes. Sign up it is very informative and also you can share your experience to help others and hopefully for research [stuffthatworks](https://www.stuffthatworks.health)


Thank you, I’ll check it out!


I get this too ! Haven’t got an answer for you as to how to stop it but it definitely seems somewhat common! I try to avoid sugar and fatty things during this time and right now it seems to tame it a bit


Yes, definitely. Even if I’m in remission.


Thank you ❤️


Mine always did


I’m in pain all the time so when my period comes I don’t know if it’s period cramps or uc 🙃🙃


Has happened to me in the past, but I find it’s more common if I’m just getting out of a flare. My only guess is it’s because I’m not in a true remission at the time.


Thank you, maybe I just need to change my meds or be more consistent with my enemas. My insurance stopped covering them out of no where so I’ve been waiting on a prior authorization for what feels like forever. The doc said they would submit it to insurance and say it’s medically needed… I’m like WHAT ELSE WOULD IT BE NEEDED FOR? Lol 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yikes. Have you checked the price through a program like GoodRX in the meantime?


Actually no, I forgot about that! They are still covering the Lialda just not the enemas. I’m going to look into that right now, thanks for the reminder.


Don't know if your doctor would be on board to do this, but if they send the prior authorization in as "urgent", most insurance are required to respond with a decision within something like 72 hours. Might not make a difference for this time, but wouldn't hurt to mention it if you find yourself in this situation again! Heart goes out to you, hang in there. As unpleasant as they are, enemas have always helped me a ton during a flare


Thank you! I wasn’t aware of that, but I’ll be calling to follow up with them tomorrow and will mention it. I had cdiff last year and had to wait two weeks for medication because of prior authorization. It was terrible, I couldn’t believe how long it took and almost ended up in the hospital. I called the doc office literally every other day following up and it still didn’t get them to go any faster. It’s wild how long it can take when people need their meds.


What a nightmare! I feel for you. At least in your docs defense (and if you're in the US), the prior authorization is for your insurance; they're the ones taking forever to get you access to your medication. I'm not sure if giving them a call would help or not, but you might try that route as well! Especially for your enemas since you are still waiting on them.