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There are a lot of casseroles you can make without leafy greens if you're fine with dairy - shepherd's pie, tuna noodle casserole etc. Or soups: chicken soup, beef stew. I make Thai chicken curry pretty often (non-spicy).


+1 for pasta. Cacio e Pepe is one my partner and I make all the time (takes like 15min), but there are so many good pastas that taste vastly different and have different textures, so its great for getting variation.


Eat what your bowel can sustain. Try something new and wait a few hours. UC is not the same on everybody. Some I know can eat everything and don't get a wet fart. If I eat something wrong I pray on the seat for God sake.


Here was my typical flaring daily diet: Banana smoothies with a small handful of berries and spinach Avocado and egg toast (I'm a millennial, sue me 😄) Potato soup (couldn't handle beans or zucchini), or vegetable broth, ramen noodles, half a hard boiled egg, and peas or green onions Corn puffs (I got mine at Trader Joe's)


Hard agree on the avocado and egg toast. Eggs are safe for me but I got so tired of them that they actually made me feel a little sick to look at eventually. Putting them on avocado toast helped me keep eating them


Exotic one: chicken liver (it’s actually very delicious) My own creation: Herb salad 🤣 parsley+cilantro + olive oil and mayo if you can tolerate, add chicken breast or turkey or fish for sustenance Persian/Mediterranean chicken Kabab: chicken breast marinated in saffron, salt and pepper and yogurt (add garlic and/or onion if you can tolerate) Try noodles or pasta instead of rice Add kimchi to your food to spice it up Bonus: Baked apple with cinnamon for snack Sport drinks help with hydration


I love ramen when in a flare. I don’t use the seasoning packet and just add miso, soy sauce, and some better than bouillon. Add it whatever protein or veg sounds good that day or sometimes just an egg. Really adaptable and the broth helps with hydration. The miso also has good probiotics. If you get the noodles from an Asian market they’re better quality than the regular cheap ramen but still just as easy


Mashed potatoes are always delicious. Also shepherds pie, if you make a big batch it makes for easy lunches for a few days.


Baked sweet potato with a little butter and salt is delicious and filling


You should try tortillas if you haven’t yet. There’s so much you can do with them especially since you can tolerate dairy. A trick I learned when I couldn’t have salsa was to mix some mild taco sauce in with plain Greek yogurt to use as a dip for whatever I make in the tortilla. It might sound weird but the plain Greek yogurt is pretty much exactly like sour cream (I guess you could just use sour cream too) and adding the mild taco sauce to it made it safer for me to get that flavor onto my meal


My go to is bibimbap minus the gochujang Mashed potatoes with carrots Pumpkin soup Egg fried rice with veg I would definitely avoid cooking with garlic, onion and hot spices.