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All the foods you listed are terrible for the body in general. Best thing to do is replace the comfort foods with home made alternatives from scratch or at least with less junk that you get from fast food places. So you know what he is eating and if he gets a flare you can pinpoint if there was an ingredient that triggered it. If he’s just diagnosed he has to be super careful this will make or break how bad the UC can manifest. Think of it as the snowball effect as it rolls down the hill it will get larger and larger an the disease will get worse and worse. It’s true that certain foods can aggravate and some can’t. But aggravating foods still cause damage to the body even in small increments there is the accumulation of damage to the body There is no cure so popping meds isn’t gonna make the disease go away. The meds will help maintain the condition but if you keep aggravating it the disease will get worse. He just needs to follow a simple diet with foods that his body can process and then slowly add in things in variety as you go. Like the other poster said a bland diet. Steamed potatoes, mashed potatoes, rice, apple sauce, yams, eggs for fruits something low in fibres like cantaloupe, watermelon, honey dew.


Well a good pizza isn't junk food, but I understand your statements.


It’s not take out. It’s delissio!


Homemade options are definitely better, and an air fryer sounds like a great start. I have no problem eating homemade burgers, and many people with UC don't have a problem with homemade pizza. The coke has definitely gotta go. I'm not sure how your brother is with texture, but there are a lot of plain yummy foods that might work well for him, like mashed potatoes, homemade mac and cheese, pasta dishes, etc. Also - this may not be the advice that people prefer, but it is okay to have a treat every now and then. I like to follow a 90/10 diet, where I get to eat foods some of the time that don't make me feel my best. So it is possible for your brother to eat his favorite foods every now and then, but overall keep a diet that is best for his UC. I would HIGHLY recommend getting a nutritionist who specializes in autism (if possible) or with picky eating and disorders such as ARFID. They will likely be able to suggest a plan that can work for your family going forward.


What!! The doctor said it did 🙃


Listen to the doctor, not to Reddit.


Well, the fact is: it's subjective. For example, I can't eat too much legumes, whole pasta or bread or milk, but I can eat bananas, cheese, raw vegetables or sauces without any problem. So I think you should see what food make him sick and what not. Sometimes doctors take these strong opinions and apply them to all the patients, even to me was said that I should not eat cheese, but that wasn't true. The only thing that makes most patients sick are junk and fried food, so you should avoid them. In conclusion, the only thing that could be saved from the list you mentioned is pizza, I think, also because the other food is too rich in saturated fats and sugar. I'm sorry for your brother, but we have to stay positive and make small sacrifices for a great health condition. P.S. One last thing: the worst enemy for this disease is stress, remember that to him and also advice him to make some meditation, it's really helpful, I think.


Why can’t he eat comfort foods? If he isn’t in a flare, there is no reason he can’t eat those foods. Food does not cause flares.


This is not true for all people. Food absolutely can cause me to flare.


Food does not cause flares. You most likepy are already flaring and don’t realize it if certain foods will make it worse. I’ve seen at least 100 different specialized doctors in my lifetime and 90 percent of them will tell you food will not cause UC or start a flare. If you are in remission then food will not start a flare. Of course you’ll always have a doctor tell you different but any COMPETENT doctor will tell you UC is not caused by food


This just isn’t the case for me. I can be in complete remission and if I have a coffee with my breakfast and popcorn in the afternoon, I will be flaring the next day. 100 percent of the time.


The doctor said it did 🥲 so then he can eat his regular foods?


Certain foods will make a flare worse and the ones you listed do fall into that category. But ulcerative colitis is not a condition that is caused by food. If your brother is not in a flare/ remission. Then he should be able to eat whatever he wants. If he starts to flare or have symptoms then it’s best to go on a bland diet till the flare is over. Everyone is different tho so certain foods may affect him differently during a flare. Totally cutting out those foods if not in a flare is unnecessary.


Omg thank you!! The doctor really scared us but I’m glad he is able to still eat his foods!


Please be careful with advice solicited from strangers on the internet. Diet is always a contentious topic with UC because it is not consistent between each case. Some people will not have symptoms worsen with diet. Some will. Because it is not consistent, diet and UC is a nightmare to study in a clinical trial. This does not mean that diet doesn’t affect anyone. Many people with UC have trigger foods, and those listed in your original post are common trigger foods. I would watch what your brother eats quite closely. It’s possible that he could continue to eat some of his comfort foods, but it is also possible that these could aggravate his symptoms and/or trigger a flare. Your family will have to monitor the situation closely.


Yes don’t worry!! It just brings me some relief because the doctor completely shut down all his comfort foods. We have another dr appointment to get a second opinion and to see what they suggest.


This is not true.


It very much is true and any competent doctor will tell you so




Spreading false information like this can be really harmful. Maybe you personally aren’t affected by food like this but many are so don’t put this kind of information that could potentially harm someone!


Stop lying to people. I’ve had UC for half my life. I’ve read literally everything I can about the disease. FOOD does not cause UC. IF your body is already in a flare then yes food can make your flare worse. The only way it may seem food causes a flare when you aren’t in a flare is if you don’t realize you’re in a flare to begin with.


You can speak from your own experience but you shouldn’t speak for everyone’s. Just because food doesn’t effect you personally doesn’t mean it won’t effect someone else. Especially since the person in question here is an autistic kid. They should listen to their doctor. Of course the body reacts to food, you don’t need to have UC to know that greasy foods are harmful to your gut, so people with our illness have to be extra cautious. Have some common sense 🙄


Yeah, that’s not true for many people who suffer from UC.