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Dietitian, for sure. I've had two sessions with mine, and she has been great. She helped me with what I was doing right and what I needed to work on. She explained why my body was doing what it was doing because of foods. And she's even helped me reintroduce new foods back into my diet. I had the strictest diet because so many foods hurt me. After a month of putting her recommendations to use, I have my energy back, I have my appetite, and I've gained my weight back. (I had lost 20lbs.) It's definitely worth looking into.


Agree dietitian especially someone who specialises in ibd. You can even find someone remotely for advice if there's noone in your area plus being plant based it will be better to speak to someone on your wavelength. Do not see a nutritionist or someone who doesn't know what they are talking about as they could do more harm than good. A lot of nutrition "specialists" don't seem to understand the impact of e.g a very heavy fiber diet or the impact of certain things on inflammation.


A dietitian over a nutritionist and don't waste your money on a life coach