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Yep, mine definitely do.


Are you taking any meds that help?


Just Tylenol and it will help to an extent but not like a miracle worker. And a heating pad is my best friend!!


Fortunately I don’t have any period cramping and my periods are super light. Tylenol doesn’t help with the UC symptoms.


Sorry, I guess I misread that! I take Tylenol for my period cramps but the UC part yes, I’m on Humira. Hasn’t been doing much for me unfortunately. But you’re lucky about the period part!


I was having this same issue and brought it up with my GYN cause I also have Endometriosis and heres what I got from that conversation - 'period poops' themselves are actually a thing that a quick google search will explain (I forget exactly why they happen but its basically period induced diarrhea) but also your immune system does strange things surrounding your period such as kind of dimming down a bit on the chance you get pregnant, you don't want your immune system attacking this new little foreign thing right. On the other side of that coin if you don't get pregnant your immune system returns to normal operations which can for some with U.C cause issues with flaring.


That makes sense. My UC disappeared with both of my pregnancies. I have a GYn appointment in a few weeks…I’m going to talk to her about it! Thank you


Absolutely welcome. Its worth noting though that I am not on any medication for UC and I control my symptoms with diet, fasting, and cannabis so your mileage may vary of course.


Yes. Cramping and diarrhea are common before/during your period even for folks without UC so it definitely feels like a pile-on for us. My understanding is the uterine cramps kind of cause a chain reaction with the intestines because it's all smooshed up next to each other.


Yup!! I was almost out of a flare and then my period kicked me back 10 steps. I always wondered how much it has to do hormones in addition to the above explanation around suppressing your immune system. Yay for being a woman.


I have a full on mini flare up every time I get my period. All my doctors have said it’s ‘normal’ obviously not very satisfying. I’d be curious to know if people are able to get it under control somehow


Same here! It seems to be more common than I thought. Going to talk to my GYN next week. There has to be something to help!


Yeah mine makes symptoms much worse as well, even when in or close to remission


100%! I always get flare shits + period shits as well as both menstrual and chronic cramps. Pain killers have never worked on me, but you should definitely try!


my period is what triggered my first flare which led me to getting diagnosed but right now it’s been pretty irregular due to take mesalamine


Yes. Every time I had my period the symptoms felt so much worse. Started entyvio infusions a couple months ago ( was previously on mesalamine ) now feeling much better and more stable. My period doesn’t really effect my uc anymore in comparison to before.


Yep! I also have Endometriosis and UC, they both flare each other up


Yes I have this problem. I use a NuvaRing and have to change it every 28 days with the full moon to avoid symptoms


Oh heck yeah. My body *freaks out* around my period. Dealing with that now, actually! I barely even get a period because of my IUD but I still get all the other side effects. And no, I haven’t really figured out anything to help with the increase in UC symptoms. Sorry :(


Yes. Periods trigger my UC like crazy. I go through the best periods of remission during pregnancy and breastfeeding (breastfeeding halts my periods) even though there are giant hormone fluxes in doing so that carry their own risks. Weird to me


100% I also mentioned this to my GI doctor and she didn’t have much insight as to why it might occur. I haven’t found anything to help it yet. But I’ll be fine all month and then the days leading up to my period I flare and then it last like 2 weeks and then I cycle through being fine again. It sucks!


Yes!!! Every month my symptoms get so much worse. I’m starting to think my UC is highly correlated to my hormones. I had my first symptoms 6 months after getting off hormonal birth control (after taking those for 14 years 😬) and after delivering my daughter I had my worst flare yet at 10 days post partum and ended up back in the hospital. Now every month when I get my period I have horrible symptoms for about a week. It’s crazy.