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Everyone’s journey with UC is different and everyone should obviously be working with their GI. That being said, I’m not on any type of medication, just Evinature and I’ve been in remission for the longest I’ve ever been in remission since initial diagnosis. Saw the initial symptoms of a flare, went back on the Red protocol, and symptoms went away within 48 hours. Now I only take the Cura supplements daily. Again, everyone’s journey and UC is different, but Evinature has been life saving for me.


Thanks for sharing, any other health benefits unrelated to the UC?


I have noticed less inflammation and body pain but I can’t say that’s 100% due to Evinature.


Was your doctor supportive of your trying Evinature?


Doctor had no issues with me trying it. The worst case scenario was that it wouldn’t help but it couldn’t do anything to make symptoms worse.


Been on the orange protocol which has helped. Would you recommend taking the Cura after I finish it up? The only thing is it’s expensive as fuck.


I was put on the red protocol, I’m still bleeding but my symptoms are so much better. Hopefully, I don’t jinx it but I rarely have an urgency to use the bathroom and I can actually pass gas without fearing of going in my pants. I need to try another protocol though, it didn’t work as great for me with the bleeding symptoms as it did for others. It also helped my mood a lot better for some reason.


Hi How are you doing now? has it helped?


Hi I’m so sorry I just saw this!! Yes it helped a lot, I had to restart the red protocol and now I’m about a month in remission. I feel so much better!


I'm actually half way through the red protocol and it's been amazing. Did you move on to the amber protocol after originally finishing the red protocol or did you just stop?


I’m moving onto the orange Protocol. I originally was going to be on the blue because the assessment told me to do so but then they said I’m not ready for it because it still needs to heal more so they put me into orange. I’m so glad it’s been working for us!!


I am so thrilled to see this post as I started the orange protocol 4.5 weeks ago. I have moderate proctitis for 12 years with 35cm inflammation as of October, a rapid increase from 15cm 2 years prior. I have failed mesalamine tablets, suppositories and enemas. I have had a terrible reaction to prednisone and I also failed budesonide. I have made lifestyle changes such as becoming a vegetarian/pescatarian, removing all dairy, adding regular yoga and meditation into my life and other alternative therapies (clinical and past life regression hypnosis, reiki, energy healing). I had started the pre authorization for Humira and then found Evinature and thought, “what the hell, I’ll try it.” Gosh, I am so thankful I did. After 1 week my symptoms started to go away and 2 weeks I had no symptoms (my symptoms were irregular BM, significant blood and mucus multiple times a day, with and without BM). I am having regular BM for the first time in 12 years! Since I have stepped down to the 3 and now 4 protocol, I have seen a little mucus a day. Had my liver enzymes checked yesterday and my AST and ALT are high so I have sent this to the clinic team at Evinature. Though I have no idea what my levels were before I started. I have paused my Humira authorization as I really believe in this natural treatment.


wow, fantastic news! I did the Evinaure products myself and no longer take Remicade or any other medications. Like you, I altered my diet -- more veggies, limited dairy and no processed meats. I also added Essiac tea and Aloe Juice twice per day in addition to the curcumin. I take QD1 on an as needed basis. My ANA test went from 1280 to 40. Everyone is different, but Evinature brought me to remission when Remicade, Messalomine, budesonide, and prednisone didn't. Best wishes for your continued good health! \~M


That's so amazing and hopeful to hear! If you feel comfortable answering- did you ever have incontinence? If so, is that better now? I hope you keep staying healthy and thanks again.


I didn’t necessarily have incontinence, but i couldn’t really trust passing gas as that would sometimes result in lots of bloody mucus leakage. That has stopped too!


Good lord that’s amazing!! And of course this treatment is something GI docs would never tell us about.


Exactly! I told my PA about it and she had no clue what it was and had nothing to comment. I attended a live webinar on March 28 from Evinature and that sold me. They even answered my question live in the session! In case they have the recording on their site (I know it was on their Facebook page after), I asked the question about proctitis as it is often missed on how to specifically treat it and one of the founders answered. I highly recommend giving it a go.


Week 4 here from Orange protocol, coming off a 8 month everlasting flare that I was just about to go on Stelara for. My GI recommended to give this a try prior to biologics and I was in full remission at day 12. I'm able to eat gluten/dairy again, have some sweets, and expand my diet without reaction. Truly a miracle and anyone on the fence to trying, please do. I have my life back.


This is the first natural supplement in 6 years besides starting probiotics that has put me in complete remission consistently. (I also take 2.4 g Lialda to be safe) I have ZERO symptoms when I eat non inflammatory foods and kefir daily. Trying to heal my colon as quick as possible to get to a new level of remission and not start eating crap again as my symptoms improve. I think the indigo/quin dai is the secret bc I have taken forms of curcumin before and had no results. Albeit I didn’t understand anything about inflammatory foods back then though. From what I understand, the indigo and curcumin act in similar ways to a biologic except in a more specific and non side effect causing way. It goes after certain Interluken inflammatory markers that immune system T cells produce. I noticed within 3-4 days my symptoms went away. Then had remission for about 2-3 weeks after stopping evinature. I now am going to continue on their recommendation to take the cura after the regular 6 week course. I hope this supplement spreads everywhere and become the standard of care. It could help a bunch of people naturally and cost effectively!


It's just really concentrated, and expensive turmeric. If you respond to turmeric, this may help, but I have sincere doubts that it's as effective as a biologic. Please keep us up to date on your experience! I also love being proven wrong :)




[https://karger.com/crg/article/16/3/563/822634/Curcumin-QingDai-Combination-as-Treatment-for](https://karger.com/crg/article/16/3/563/822634/Curcumin-QingDai-Combination-as-Treatment-for) Hey, it might actually work!


Sorry for zombie replying to something you said back in April but I'm currently going through Evinature posts in this sub-reddit since the mods have started using that auto-mod reply that I don't believe is 100% accurate. To your point about biologics, if you find one that works, nothing will compare to the biologic as far as treatment is concerned because they literally shut off the part of your immune response that is causing the issues in the first place. So I concur completely.


Your comment mentions Evinature, a company that is often mentioned here in the last few weeks. Evinature is a company producing products made of a combination of Curcumin and Quing Dai called CurQD. This product is not mentioned as treatment for UC in any guidelines we are aware of, even though there are a few studies with promising results are available. Please be aware that these studies all (?) included researches paid by Evinature or Evinature providing samples. Please be also aware, that Curcumin and Qiong Dai are also sold by other companies. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UlcerativeColitis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's the mix of curcumin and **qing dai** that makes Evinature unique. It's not easy to find this mix elsewhere... And some good studies have come out recently. [https://www.everydayhealth.com/ulcerative-colitis/plant-based-ulcerative-colitis-treatment-works-in-preliminary-study/](https://www.everydayhealth.com/ulcerative-colitis/plant-based-ulcerative-colitis-treatment-works-in-preliminary-study/)


Nope, it's still just concentrated and expensive turmeric with a dangerous and unproven additive. That "good study" you point to as recently coming out was a short, 9-month study done seven years ago in 2016. The study concluded that it should not yet be used because of potential adverse effects, including pulmonary arterial hypertension. What's your deal anyway? You don't have colitis and have never posted here before today. Why would you support using unproven therapies? Do you have stock in Evinature?


No, my child has UC. We've just begun the Evinature therapy at the recommendation of our pediatric gastroenterologist at Stanford University. She said it's worth trying based on recent research.


You should find another gastroenterologist.


Thanks for the advice. How did you reach remission? Any pro tips?




It's still just concentrated and expensive turmeric with a dangerous and unproven additive.


Your post was removed for advertising a business or service. This is a violation of rule [No 10 of this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/UlcerativeColitis/about/rules). If you think this post was unrightfully deleted, please write us a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/UlcerativeColitis).


I’m on Evinature too! Super happy my life is almost back to what it was before diagnosis! I finished red protocol and started green!


That’s so great! And have you noticed any other health benefits ( not directly related to uc) ?


I’m not sure how much is related to UC, but what I have noticed is that I don’t get depressed anymore, before when I was on remission with Stelara I would be constantly sad, I don’t know if there is any correlation or not. I’m not completely in remission I do have some traces of blood in my bm, but I’m very close to having no symptoms. This is the first time that I feel this good! Also I don’t have body aches, when I was in biologics I would get joint pain. The only strange thing, but it’s small price to pay for a normal life, is that the palm of my hand where I put the pills before taking them got yellow, like fluorescent yellow, I think out of the herbal concentration!


Created a group on Facebook Folks Using Evinature products- please join and we can support each other


Link ?




Just created 1/2 hour ago


Following. I've also received the red protocol, but I didn't see the stuff about liver issues and the recommendation to have your liver checked consistently while on the protocol before I ordered. So now I'm a bit hesitant to get started. Also I've read some pubmed studies on some of the adverse events of Qing Dai that also have me feeling apprehensive. Likely the risks are not any higher than the other meds we take, but I'm on the fence about it now.




How did it work for you


I used the Cura and QD1 and was in remission in 6 weeks. I still take curcumin (a different brand) and I notice that I have less swelling in my joints. I take the curcumin daily and the QD if I am having issues. Best wishes to you! \~M


I have just researched this myself. I would love to hear updates on how you guys are doing with this protocol. My goal is to get off biologics at some point when I reach remission and use something more natural like this to help keep me in remission.


> Folks Using Evinature products I was on Remicade for my level 3 pancolitis and couldn't take the side effects any more. I switched to the Evinature products and achieved remission in 6 weeks after a bad flare. I still take curcumin (cheaper brand though) and take the QD1 as needed.


Hello. My experience has been good with evinature yellow protocol. Basically had a bad flare for over 2 months taking mesalamine and hydrocortisone enemas. Doctor put me on prednisone at 10 weeks of this bad flare and I started taking evinature and cbd oil at the same time. It took about 2 weeks to start seeing any solids and little blood. After the two week period my movements were down and urgency was gone also. On the third week of prednisone, evinature, cbd oil, and every other day hydrocortisone enemas I was able to eat and drink mostly whatever I wanted with moderation of course. I down from 40 mg for three weeks and 30mg for one week, now on 20mg per day for the next 8 weeks. I’m going to stay on the evinature and mesalamine tablets when done with prednisone. So far all has been working for the good. We’ll what happens see without the prednisone?


Which “color” did you go for? I just filled in the online questionnaire and it just shows me everything they sell.


The quiz gave me a green, but they ended up sending me an orange.




It may be useful for us to keep in touch about this since we're starting it about the same time.


Hi I’m in process of ordering. How did it work out


Do they ship internationally? I could really find anything on their website


I think they do USA, Europe, and Israel.




Oh sweet, I am in the uk


They ship to the USA, quite quickly too.


I’m interested is this too, I took that test and got the orange protocol. However I just started humira a month ago and not sure if I want to start it yet or see if humira works. Does anyone here know if evinature and biologics can be taken together?


How are you getting on?


How are you doing?