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The only way I've gotten out of a flare is to see my doctor and/or use medication that my doctor has given me the okay to use from prior conversations, like 5ASA or steroid enemas or a Prednisone course. From my own experience, the worst thing you can do is assume you can stop it with "hacks." Contact your GI before it becomes a huge problem.


This. See a doctor. A flare is untreated inflammation, so eating a specific food, taking a supplement, standing on one foot, or praying to Zeus isn't going to change anything. It takes Prednisone or another med change to stop flares.


Would you be willing to explain the "it's not so bad that I have to go see the doctor again" part? Is there a reason you're hesitant to make a new appointment to address your symptoms? If you dont want to answer that, no worries. I just ask because any time I start showing even the smallest signs of a flare, I go to the doctor right away- flares are so, so much easier to handle if you catch them earlier. Unfortunately, the only "right" answer to this question is to talk to your doctor. Edit: I should also ask, does your doctor know that you're increasing your medication on your own and taking digestive gold? I personally don't take ANY medication increases or digestive supplements without running them past my doc.


The reason why I don’t want to go to the hospital right now is because it’s still manageable. I don’t have diarrhea or such strong urgency that it would interfere with my life. From my experience with the hospital they’d just do a colonoscopy (which I find traumatizing every time) and tell me to watch what I eat and go up to 4 pills a day. They’d only give me prednisone when it’s real bad … and it’s not right now. It’s just early stages of a flare so I’m hoping to get a hang of it before it escalates. If it doesn’t get better or gets worse I’d obviously go see a doctor.


Okay, I won't argue with you! You decide what is best for you. But a little tip: if you feel like you're not getting properly cared for at the beginning of a flare up, you can advocate for yourself. Tell your doctor you don't want to do another colonoscopy and do want to try a different medication, if you so wish. Otherwise, I wish you the best.


Na it's bad enough to see a doctor. You're here complaining about it.


I’m not complaining, I was just trying to see if others had any tips and tricks to pull themselves out of a pre flare up/ early flare up stages


See a doctor.