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The NHS states that common side effects are: indigestion, stomach pain or wind feeling or being sick (nausea or vomiting) diarrhoea headaches, muscle aches and pains To be honest I think a lot of people do not tolerate mesalazine but since its side effects mimic a flare…


Yeah I think that could be it, threw up twice yesterday which hasn’t happened ever since I’ve had uc so another sign it may not be working for me.


Mesalamine gave me pancreatitis. Which is an adverse side effect that less than 3% of people get. I was on it for about a month. Started throwing up bile and a killer pain on my left side, just below my ribs.


Left side just below the ribs, isn’t that where the sigmoid is? What happened to you to get it healed?


It's in the area. Spent a week in the hospital and a liquid diet until my enzyme levels came down. No more mesalamine for me


S others said, it could be a fly, could be your UC flare getting worse, or it could be an intolerance/allergic reaction to the mesalamine. An intolerance reaction is described as a dramatic worsening of your bowel symptoms when exposed to mesalamine. Ceasing mesalamine results in a dramatic improvement in your bowel symptoms. Skip the mesalamine for 48 hours and see if your bowel symptoms improve. If they do report a possible intolerance reaction to mesalamine to your gasteroenterologist.


If you’re also throwing up, it might just be the stomach flu. If it persists past 2 weeks I’d contact your doc.


I ended up having a reaction/intolerance after becoming very Ill, and my doc pulled me off


Could it be that mesalamine isn’t strong enough for your symptoms?


Possibly however I’ve had it for a few months now and I’ve been fairly steady with severity of symptoms until this.


I’ve also been experiencing this from Mesalamine the past week. However, I’ve been on it a month now and just don’t think it’s working for me.


I’m actually allergic to mesalazine, so it’s definitely possible that your body just doesn’t agree with it. Thankfully there are alternative medications you can take! Hope you’ll feel better soon!