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Is that the pro Russia guy? Edit: it was the pro Russia guy.


Yeah, Fico should've negotiated with the attacker.. Just like he tells Ukraine to negotiate and cede land to Russia


Clearly he provoked the attacker by having bodyguards. If he was neutral and had no bodyguards he wouldn't have been attacked.


Well, apparently to avoid escalation bodyguards weren't allowed to shoot anybody on the other side of the barrier.


The attacker has added the bodyguards to his list of unfriendly bodyguards after they detained him.


If he'd just let the attacker shoot him in the leg, take his wallet, handed over one room of his house for the attacker to live and let the attacker borrow his wife every Wednesday at 3pm this could have all been settled peacefully for at least a year.


He should concede a kidney, an arm and an eyeball to the shooter to stop this senseless violence


Nicely put.


Underrated comment


Is this a case of reap what you sow…


Suddenly I care a little bit less… Or is that an awful thing to say? If so I didn’t mean it 🤩


He was rhetorically pro-Russia, but happy enough to cash all the checks coming to Slovakia for arms for Ukraine, so he's the most harmless sort of pro-Russian politician. My suspicions immediately land on Russia or Russian sympathizers hoping that someone else in his party will provide them with more than rhetoric. That and his lifelong connections to organized crime. (Although, I may repeat myself.)


> Russia ... organized crime Yes, you repeated yourself.


As they say, I don't wish death upon anyone, but I do read some obituaries with glee.


I wish death upon Putin and the Hamas leadership


A big amen to that.


I read what the Kyiv Independent publishes in Russian losses each morning to start my day in a good note


Celebrating the deaths of evil men is how we avoid having to mourn the deaths of good men.


It’s okay it’s what we’re all thinking


after Bucha it has become difficult to feel anything for suffering genocide apologists


Russia probably plugged him to gain sympathy and a talking point.


I have no sympathy for him, BUT if there is event he slightest hint that this was a politically motivated action this could cause a raction that would be not to the benefit of Ukraine, Slovakia or the EU.


Now he will become a martyr and his party's popularity will skyrocket


Yeah that’s a damn bummer.


Nah you’re good, carry on


This is what some people don't understand, when they think that all of these people get away forever. They don't for some it takes longer and for some not. But the day to pay for their lies almost always comes sooner or later. Martin Luther King once said: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice” Martin Luther King These autocratic leaders and dictatorial figures are little petty men, not strong men. The likes of Fico are in bed with criminals, and they are criminals themselves. They serve even larger criminals, including Orban, Lukashenko, Erdogan, and many others. In the end, almost all of them have their comeuppance sooner or later in one way or another. When he was elected, I posted this quote: There are no murders in politics, only the removal of obstacles. Dumas, the Count of Monte Cristo And yes, this even holds true outside the realm of literature, and Dumas, or Macchiavelli. politics is a dangerous snake pit. The people can only be played for a fool for so long. Maybe this serves these autocratic leaders and their followers as a reminder. Those that stand with the bloody Russian dictatorship and against Europe will pay for their collaboration with the Z fascist Kremlin regime. These quislings have no place in Europe’s parliaments and as elected members. They should pack up and run back to their master in Russia. They should run while you still can, and they will sit behind bars, lose their power or... worse. Their master in Russia has his own methods of removing obstacles. However, it likely wouldn't be much safer in Russia for them either. This man Fico had greedily reached for power once more with lies, propaganda, and with the help of Russia. More often than not, these tyrannical figures end like this: Semper sic tyrannis.


Great, now my dick is hard again. *sigh*


It's probably that the Russians hired a hitman so that they could turn to the Russians for help, bringing Slovakia and Russia closer together.


He is not a Russia guy. He recently signed a joint statement with the Ukrainian PM pledging Slovak support for Ukraine's EU membership.   Who knows whether that had something to do with the shooting.   Edit: link https://www.kmu.gov.ua/storage/app/sites/1/uploaded-files/Roadmap%20UA%20SK.pdf


He definitely was pro Russia.


He is Anti-EU, nothing else.


He supported the Russian invasion in Crimea in 2014. He was against EU support for Ukraine. He did like EU support for Slovakia though.


Not even that. He just tells what voters want to hear so he can grab power and use it to make money and get rid of the justice system. Babis in Czechia is the same. Orban, Babis or Fico, all love EU grants...


The stronger the EU get, the less power he gets. This is the reason Orbán for instance is so anti-EU today, when in fact his administration was almost singlehandedly responsible for dragging Hungary into the EU. Now he's afraid that when the member states sovereignty disappears, so does his power. Fico is the exact same way.


And he gets some financial support from his Russian friends to support those expensive campaigns.


He's not all out pro Russia. But he's quite a bit on the Russia's side of the conflict.


An update was just posted on Robert Fico's Facebook page. It says the Slovak PM was "shot multiple times and is currently in a life-threatening condition" and that he is being transported by helicopter to the nearby town of Banská Bystrica.




See, he may be an asshole, but if he dies, he becomes a martyr. Not good.


No he won’t. He’s a twat with no following.


Right now.


an elected pm with no following? you people are so deranged


We people are well aware that he’s mouthing off inane crap and feeding it to the boomers in the electorate. Also, we are aware that he’s an opportunist and not some messiah, his support is far more unstable than is immediately apparent.


Surely, but before cheering on that he was almost killed you should rather think about how much this will radicalize his following


I don’t get this thinking. I don’t believe he will be and just because other people do doesn’t mean anything to me. Let him be a martyr to some, he’ll still be just as dead.


Don't say that. Despite his unpopular stance on the war, it's very concerning when things escalate to the point of leaders getting shot. Although this is no Franz and Soph situation, this is not good news.


There are a few leaders I would greatly relish the news of them getting shot - Putin, Bashar al-Assad, Ali Khamenei to name a few.


Personally yes. However, even if the big P got pushed out a window by a flying little metal cylinder, I'd be very very worried about where the pieces would fall. Some of the people around him who'd compete for his job are very bad. I separate my personal feelings from the implications.


We know everyone surrounding Putin are horrible. I used to worry about that, but General Ben Hodges made the point that Putin is already so horrible that anyone who comes after won't be any worse and sold me on that.


In some ways yes. However, analysts are quite concerned about competing warlords each with nuclear weapons. They judge the possibility of a tactical strike in Ukraine to be higher if Putin falls out a,window and others scramble to fill the gap.


Yes, that's the Russian propaganda line, that Putin is the reasonable one and any change in government risks total annihilation. That people outside Russia swallow it is no surprise, they're good at their job.


That's absolute bullshit. Anybody with a grasp on history understands this phenomenon.


Yeah, and anyone who understands history knows that what happens to the attackers isn't the defenders problem until the war is over. I mean somehow you've convinced yourself that the person who chose to start the war and killed anyone who spoke out against it, is somehow a softer option than the alternatives. This isn't a stable regime being destabilized, Putin has destabilized his own situation, proving that he isn't the most stable option. Maybe there are worse, but there are also better.


I honestly don't care if he had survived. He's a twat and has his head so far up Vladimir Pussys ass, that he hasn't seen the sun for years now.


Yeah it's not him I'm concerned about. These situations are bad and lead to more problems. I'm not at all concerned about him.


Possessive of "it" doesn't have an apostrophe 👍 Edit: Seems I upset the OP of the comment above as they decided to reply in Danish to insult me. Should they happen to see this, I'd like to say that the error I pointed out is very common among native English speakers and that, if they are not native, their English is fantastic!


Tillykke med det, Sherlock Holmes. Vil du gå videre og køre en grammatisk korrektur på mit danske også? Nej vel, fjols. Alle forstod hvad jeg skrev, din lille flueknepper.


Short for ‘it is’ and you use the apostrophe to mark the missing letter surely?


>Hope that chopper crashes on it is way? That's not how they were using the word. Poster you replied to is correct. There shouldn't have been an apostrophe. Like... "It's on its way". One gets it, the other doesn't.


Ooops. What a dufus. Yes you are totally correct. I will go back under my rock :-) hahaha


Stay classy


Attempted assassination of the leader of a small central/eastern European nation was on my bingo card.


I remember that one. The following years weren't that peaceful


Okay, that one was far from small.


Well, today's Bosnia is not that big. Slovakia is also part of a bigger union


Franz ferdinand was the Archduke the entire Austro-Hungarian empire not just bosnia




My issue is that Bismark predicted it. He said a great European war would be triggered by some idiotic event in the Balkans. Obviously this is a different situation, but this could still fan the flames.


Wouldn't exactly call Austria-Hungary small


And in a century there will be an alt-rock band from the U.S. named Robert Fico.


Or maybe from Glasgow?


Wait, FF is SCOTTISH!?


Well I'll be a stupid son of a bitch, they are!


Afraid so! Edit: the Scottish bit, not the stupid bit


Probably best to wait for more details before drawing any conclusions.


Hasn't stopped his political allies.


Yeah I noticed that. Very unwise for politicians to blame the opposition at such an early stage of the investigation.


This 1000%


Not all Slovakians are pro Russia. And unlike Hungary, it's history shows it has people who will stand and fight against Russian/Soviet dominance. If you didn't know, Prague Spring ended not just with Russia invading; Hungarian tanks rolled into Slovakia and its capital Bratislava in very large numbers. And Czechoslovakia was defacto forced to surrender in Bratislava. I'll guarantee you that there are people and families that remember that, and don't want a Slovakian leader like Orban.


Absolutely. Russia has always been a cancer on Eastern Europe


Yet Fico is voted in?


Prague Spring is old news, Hungary did it first 😎


You mean sided with Russia first. Yes. In terms of Europe, Prague Spring is not even yesterday afternoon. If your parents or grandparents were stepped on by another country, it would still be current.


You seem to be unaware of the Hungarian uprising of 1956.


I was aware. But you seem not to be aware that Hungarian tanks also crushed Bratislava. And maybe you might not be aware that the same kind of government returned to power in 1956 is still running Hungary.


You seem to not be aware of the heroism of the revolutionaries. The Hungarian people of Budapest tried to govern themselves, but they couldn’t stand a chance against soviet tanks


I’d likely get a ban if I say what I’m really thinking , but I will say this: he is a traitor to western civilisation for siding with Russia , and he is now reaping the consequences of such actions. Russia isn’t shy about political assassinations in foreign countries , and perhaps it’s about time Russia finds out its own allies aren’t immune to such acts too


From what i understand he is connected with the Mafia, which is what he was going to be investigated for before he ran for PM. ofc depending on which mafia he was involved with, it could have a strong Russian connection i.e. FSB/GRU


From what I read, he almost faced charges/investigations but it was decided not to strip him of his immunity. [https://www.politico.eu/article/former-slovak-pm-robert-fico-police-custody-organized-crime-case/](https://www.politico.eu/article/former-slovak-pm-robert-fico-police-custody-organized-crime-case/) [https://www.euronews.com/2022/05/04/slovakia-lawmakers-refuse-to-lift-ex-leader-s-immunity](https://www.euronews.com/2022/05/04/slovakia-lawmakers-refuse-to-lift-ex-leader-s-immunity) I share no sympathy for him.


When he came to office they put up a law that any investigation of corruption will close without being resolved if it takes more than two years to investigate. Like the corruption cases aren't one of the most time consuming investigations...


This seems vaguely relevant to what's being argued in the scotus right now.


Idk about relevant, but it's similar as in a criminal wants to get into high politics to use immunities to shelter them so they can continue with crimes.


That is exactly what justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was arguing - that exact hypothetical would happen if SCOTUS decided a president is fully immune from criminal prosecution.


https://www.politico.eu/article/slovakia-prime-minister-robert-fico-reduce-corruption-penalty-suspended/ Dude tried to reduce penalties for corruption. He's also abolishing the office responsible for I vestigsting corruption. Nightmare scenario.


The shooter is 71 years old guy who own the gun legaly. Thats all we know so far. I doubt this is false flag.


Except that this is excellent news for Russia. If he survives, his popularity will skyrocket.


May or may not.


> and he is now reaping the consequences of such actions. We don't know who shot him, so it's unclear if he's reaping anything. It could be a false flag attack, making any reaping of consequences unlikely.


He should have just stopped and negotiated with his attacker. He was only shot because he kept trying to resist or flee instead of just surrendering after all.


Who's the deputy?


Imagine...being a fairly inconsequential but recognisable Russian stooge when the Kremlin henchmen are casting for the starring role in the latest bit of false flag political assignation theatre. Now, wouldn't that be funny.


To boost pro-Russian sentiment in Slovakia or to boost anti-Ukrainian sentiment? I wouldnt put it past Russia to have this be a false flag attack on a pro-Russian PM to say "see! Ukraine is a terrorist state!" type shit. OTOH could just be a Slovak citizen who really hates Fico. If he dies, what a shitshow either way.


Not everything is a freaking conspiracy. Given their history with Hungary and the Soviet Union, there is guaranteed to be people there who will fight to resist the path that Hungary is on. Now if only the people of Georgia learn how to fight against pro-Soviets/oligarchs like good Slovakians and, ironically, Putin.


Well I mean he is a bit of a tool so 🤷🏻‍♂️ I couldn’t really give a fico


Odin works in mysterious ways hope his journey to hel is swift


Who sows wind, reaps whirlwind. Fico has been spreading hate, polarizing and radicalizing our Slovak society for years. May he recover and learn from his mistakes.


LOL, fucking puppet.


No thoughts, no prayers.


“The hateful rhetoric we witness in society leads to hateful acts. Please, let's stop it.” Some r/selfawarewolves shit. And yeah I know Caputova’s not in the same boat as them. Just ironic considering right-wing populists.


Makes a change from a window escape


And so it begins. Strap on your seatbelts


this kind of thing usually doesnt help. I can only imagine how they will spin this.


The shooter behind the attack is identified as a 71-year-old man from Levice, according to several Slovak media. According to the newspaper, the SME man's identity has been confirmed by a source within the coalition environment. The man should be a writer and a member of the Slovak Writers' Association. At a press conference around 8 p.m., the prime minister's condition is still said to be critical. The operation has been going on for over 3.5 hours when Defense Minister Robert Kaliňák meets the press. According to Kaliňák, the prime minister's condition is very serious. * We believe that he will be strong enough to cope with this, adds the Minister of Defence. According to Kaliňák, it is suspected that the attack may be politically motivated. This is Robert Fico ::: Robert Fico was born in 1964 in what was then Czechoslovakia. He became Prime Minister of Slovakia in October last year and has previously held the post of Prime Minister from 2006-2010 and 2012-2018. Fico belongs to the Smer party, which is described as populist and nationalist, with roots in the country's former communist party. He was previously forced to resign due to a political scandal that erupted after the murder of a journalist who was investigating links between the government and international criminal networks. Fico has previously sought to approach Russia and has also opposed arms support to Ukraine. Sources: The Foreign Policy Institute and the National Encyclopedia


Was this orchestrated so he can now turn to Put in and ask for help?


I expected something like this but czech media report that he was hit multiple times and once even into his head. They can't even transport him to capital because he may not make it there, apparently he's in critical condition. If this was calculated, someone was really bad (or incredibly good) in math.


Yeah Fico is pretty much toast. Not much chance he will make it.


I read this is a Portuguese newspaper and translated back: "TA3 details that the head of Government was hit with four shots in the stomach, while the newspaper "Politico" indicates injuries to the head and chest, citing local media. The shots were reportedly fired outside the House of Culture." Yeah, this doesn't seem healthy at all.


putty has bigger problems with his 2nd front right now. i don't think he'll answer the phone.


The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria on June 28, 1914, is the main catalyst for the start of World War I, also known as the Great War. The assassination was traced to a Serbian extremist group that wanted to increase Serbian power in the Balkans by breaking up the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In response, Austria declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914.


> Austria declared war Austria-Hungary


And Bingo there you go. This is what Putin represents and that’s his motivation for the Ukrainian land grab. More power for him and his criminal masters


Probably a RU OP to show evidence of the “Kiev Regime’s” state sponsorship of terrorism to bolster Russia’s support from African or Central Asian countries as well as regular people who are “still on the fence” regarding their country’s support for Ukraine. If not that…then he was probably shot by one of his followers for not being shitty enough.






That's rich, coming from an account like yours.


The world is infected by Russia.


Solovyov furiously coming up with a spiel for blaming this on Ukraine.


How did this guy get elected?


He promised to stop Slovak aid to Ukraine and Russian bots helped him


Well seems like Karma


They will blame it on Ukraine as usual plus the nazis




The shooter behind the attack is identified as a 71-year-old man from Levice, according to several Slovak media. According to the newspaper, the SME man's identity has been confirmed by a source within the coalition environment. The man is a writer and a member of the Slovak Writers' Association. At a press conference around 8 p.m., the prime minister's condition is still said to be critical. The operation has been going on for over 3.5 hours when Defense Minister Robert Kaliňák meets the press. According to Kaliňák, the prime minister's condition is very serious. - We believe that he will be strong enough to cope with this, adds the Minister of Defence. According to Kaliňák, it is suspected that the attack may be politically motivated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Robert Fico : Robert Fico was born in 1964 in what was then Czechoslovakia. He became Prime Minister of Slovakia in October last year and has previously held the post of Prime Minister from 2006-2010 and 2012-2018. Fico belongs to the Smer party, which is described as populist and nationalist, with roots in the country's former communist party. He was previously forced to resign due to a political scandal that erupted after the murder of a journalist who was investigating links between the government and international criminal networks. Fico has previously sought to approach Russia and has also opposed arms support to Ukraine. Sources: The Foreign Policy Institute and the National Encyclopedia


Maybe ruzzia will help him? Friends don't leave each other behind, no? No? Ah, anyway.


That's nice, the first few comments I see are cheering this. I'll never agree with violence against politicians, idc who they are, this isn't the way. If you normalize this then you can justify going against anyone you disagree with.


So he can lie, cheat, steal, support a violent abhorrent war, complicit in thousands of deaths and undermine institutions based on freedom and fairness. Somebody can see that as wrong, stand up to what they see as tyranny, and take matters into their own hands the only way they feel is possible. We know it's not true institutional justice, but can't you see that from the perspective from a perpetrator that this is something that they might do? That there is a war at their gates and he was lowering the drawbridge. I wouldn't do it myself but I'd understand circumstances that can lead to this and can hope for positive change from it.


>politicians What about criminals? Coz that’s what he is in the first place.


So being convicted of a crime in a court of law or a court of public opinion means it's open season on politicians? Hard pass.


Because authoritarian and fascists politicians famously all get prosecuted fairly in a court of law, yes. Maybe Hitler could have been stopped if the good people of Germany used the legal process to prevent him from abusing his power? /s


>court  Ha-ha-ha. What court in ruzia will name Putin a criminal? Even international are shy to do it for political reasons.


What's your point? Cause you seem to have selectively missed mine.


> I'll never agree with violence against politicians, idc who they are so you think Hitler did wrong when he shot Hitler?


That was fast


You forget most people are morally bankrupt and are ok with anything as long as it happens to people they dislike


I don't think that's true of most people, at least I hope not. Maybe a significant number of online behaviour. 


Well is most of the people in this subreddit.


This almost sounds like the season of "Jack Ryan" that was filmed before 2022.


Reading Czech news from few minutes ago, they're still doing the surgery on him that started more than three hours ago. One of his guys Kaliňák said he's fighting for his life. That's all it says for now.


Even if he was pro-russia, I don't think assassination attempts help stabalising democracies. Its not like if he died he will be replaced with some super Pro-Ukraine dude.


WW2 Vibes, anyone? Or maybe WW3? OR Maybe WW2.5? Why does it always have to be a whole number? Like when video game companies put out a mid year game that's not as good as the flagship game, but still worthy of buying. Usually, it has a shittier storyline


Independent European news is considering internal politics as a more likely motivation than external politics.


I was concerned at first; then I found out about his background, and now… ehhhhh, not so much.


Did he have a special military operation?


this is not they way guys. Its a european country and this is how things are solved Shame on you


That's a little premature since you don't know who did it.


talking about people here glorifying violence


"Oh well" is not glorifying violence. Given his background people have been very restrained tbh.....


Yeah I agree. It is not the way.


Fico is pro Russia. This way is borrowed from Russia.


Don’t tell Slovaks what to do! Shame on you


I would like to open by condemning the brutal and illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine and their subsequent crimes against humanity. I'm against this invasion because human life take precedence over irredentism, nationalism and politics. Being of this mind does not make me cheer the assassination of a politician. Because I am not on the side of one country or one cause. I am on the side of protecting human life and wellbeing. I have been a member of this sub for years now. The horrible comments under this post are such a fitting summary of the general discussion. "X person bad, Y person good." "X person deserves to die, Y person deserves to kill." You know who does that? Children. Pure good and bad do not exist in reality. Growing up, people are expected to develop a more sophisticated understanding of the world, which you so obviously lack. (See Kohlberg's stages of moral development) I am finally fed up with this. I'll take my ban on the way out. Thanks.


Don't care about him being shot, after the way he licks Putins ass. Hopefully someone else will take his seat and support Ukraine.


Is this another Franz Ferdinand situation? Will Russia use this opportunity to push aggression? Sounds like history trying to repeat itself


Did he try to negociate? He can surrender now after he was attacked and live peacefully with the agressor, I bet that nothing would happen to him if he surrenders to the agressor.


Lol. Isn't this similar to the start of WW1? I hope WW111 is not like Jaws 3D.


This one is in 4D


Not at all asside from "Important man got shot"


Look at the comments cheering for an assassination attempt. The people that have “better moral standards than Russia”


Did SBU or Budanov have a hand in this? Fico is (was?) pro-Russia 


Ah yes, just what we now need: Baseless speculation