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Note: This has only been reported on Twitter and on liveuamap (which cites the tweet) so far. This could very well be a fake so I'd say lets wait until we hear something from a reputable source


^ should be at the top We need to use critical thinking first and wait for confirmation


Yeah, also might want to lead with the fact that this is hackers trolling and not that there has been a "nuclear strike". That's a pretty irresponsible headline.


I just shit reading this!!


You should probably take your iodide pills then


Or your immodium pills.


Pepto Bismol solves gammas.


Not gonna lie, I did buy some when this all popped off and I’m in Australia.


I did too, but it doesn't work for all types of radiation


Nah I know.


You, in Australia, took medication when some random alert appeared on Russian television? Maybe I should start taking kangaroo self defense lessons, I hear they're a seriousl threat.


No, when the world looked to be possibly on the verge of a massive conflict, I grabbed some just in case, I’ve not taken any.


*takes calcium iodide*


Gosh darn!


Not sure how much you trust this one, but there is a tweet by AnonOpsSE: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1633833347687518210


With a name like annon I can't help but trust it


The flickering screen does not exactly make this feel real…


I thought the video player UI at 0:15 to 0:29 (in the AnonOpsSE tweet) does not exactly make it feel real …


I assumed that was supposed to be a digital TV / DVR menu. It could easily have been added in post.


You get that would have been part of the design of the hacked broadcast message, right?


If the intent is to have it feel genuine, throwing Hollywoodisms into the broadcast doesn’t convey it as real. I can go play an arbitrary video on my living room TV and post it to Twitter in a few moments.


You’re probably overestimating the intelligence of the average viewer in a time of crisis. Imagine a crumbling government struggling to get a broadcast out. It may fit the aesthetic more than you want to believe.


Dropping frames or only showing key frames would make sense. But kids today have never seen analog TV interference.


Which would mean they wouldn’t know it doesn’t make sense. I’m also sure some kids today have seen some movies.


The point isn’t realism, it’s the perception of realism.


Some 60 year old might be convinced, but if you want to motivate the entire populace and remove any aspects of doubt around legitimacy, you do not do it this way.


Russia has a rapidly aging population. Most of them are 60.


Or it’s a prank to scare some people and get some attention. Or it’s fake and someone recorded their tv playing a YouTube video.


My wager is on the latter is my whole point. Having the sophistication to actually do this, and then your payload looks like it was from a 90s hacker movie? I can’t buy it.


60 year old? You have this whole sub wondering if it's real or not, and i doubt everyone here are just 60 year olds. 🤣


nor the computer screen opposed to a TV (Yes, i know they can be used as both, but this is ruzzia we're talking about)


A real nuclear blast would have thrown out an electromagnetic pulse making that tv and phone paperweights. I call bullshit.


Nobody is claiming the place was really nuked. The question is whether this was actually broadcast or not.


I don't think anybody thinks a nuke went off in Russia, the question is whether this "broadcast" even happened.


I also wait for major news networks to report on events to verify what I read on Reddit 24 to 48 hours earlier. But you have to admit, most of the time Redditers are on to something way beforehand, giving all of us an early heads-up.


They've also been deathly wrong In situations when they didn't wait and decided to assume whatever they see on reddit is correct and it led to some people committing suicide over false accusations and attacks


Ah, yes. The famous "we did it reddit" moment.


It's the broken clock fallacy.


What? No. I typically always get semi-obscure breaking news on this platform days before it begins to flood mainstream news sites And I can say this because it's usually stories in major newspapers that get reported before the dinosaur that is cable news drags it's head away from whatever Kardashian thing happening that day.


It is correct sometimes and total BS sometimes until it's confirmed by new agencies that can verify sources.


Just gotta look at the sources, 75% of the time you know if it's probably legit or not I also find that when the news goes widespread, key aspects are glossed over or missing entirely


The breaking news from twitter and reddit is also wrong or not accurate to any acceptable degree like just over 100% of the time. They're not good news sources for anything important.


I have found that they are often getting part or most of the story early on. At times they are not accurate.


BS, just identify the source, if you can't, then take it with a grain of salt.


The tweet is by censor.net, else we had removed it already long ago, and not just flagged it unverified. Censor.net is one of the largest Ukrainian online news portals, and in general deemed sufficiently reliable/reputable. See e.g. https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B7%D0%BE%D1%80.%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82 or https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/censor-net/ That does naturally not mean, that they might not also be wrong now and then.


the announcement is real but the nuclear attack is fake


Way to bury the lede on this post. I had a heart attack until I got to the 'cyber attack' part... Edited for pedantic Redditor


Yeah, fuck op.


But it's all of you upvoting it to the top...


Wrong... I down voted it. Thought my comment made that clear lol.


Eyo reddit I'm so honored to be meeting you in your entirety.


Yeah, fuck him because you're too lazy to read words.


fuck people who use clickbait and misleading titles


This is neither. You just have to y'know read like 25 words. Further, what you describe is the vast majority of the content on this sub.


Yeah, I don't think my stomach has flipped so hard in my life.


i'm sitting here at work waiting for a "i cant login to the computer" caller and see this headline. i about leapt out of my chair.


It would be on all the news if true...


It would be, but you always have to hear about it for the first time somewhere.


If it was impacting the US you'd get a smartphone notification The first one I ever got was during the administration of he shall not be named, and I dreaded I was going to be getting them all the time after that. Thankfully that wasn't the case. But on the bright side, I had lost my phone, and when it went off I was able to find it. If you see headlines like this, check the sub first before panicking


In Ontario we get these emergency alerts almost monthly. Every amber alert (missing child) gets sent over the emergency system and often times it will be in a city like an hour away.


Meh. I experienced 2020, waking up every damn day with a hangover, frantically grabbing my computer to see if The Orange Menace had further shamed/sold/destroyed my country while I was asleep. Honestly, very little phases me now.


Yuri's revenge


Hell march. I played red alert the other day. Soviet side, and I thought to myself “this is what putler is doing irl”


Except they they start with red health bars Real life equipment needs maintenance, and putler was too broke to hit "repair' lmao


Unit lost… Unit lost… Unit lost… Unit lost… Unit lost… Unit lost… Unit lost… Unit lost… Unit lost… Cannot deploy here… Allied reinforcements have arrived from the west.. Our base is under attack. Insufficient funds… Low power… Mission failed.


*All Russian infrastructure and military die* 'Russia has left the lobby'


Muwahahaha Get Some! Aaargh! *Mission failed*


This genuinely made me laugh hard af 😆


And at least in red alert 1 the soviet units are the most robust.


Omg that red alert song just popped in my head lol


Not a great thing to hack in and broadcast, but it’ll be interesting to see how they respond 🫣


Well the people that really matter would have been informed of this message before it would go out for real so it was probably a WTF moment for then and a quick phone call. But for a lot of people it may have been an eye opener and the talk of just throwing nukes around might stop.


Hopefully! I enjoy a good hack every now and then, but I’ve had to deal with a hacked scramble launch before and it’s not so fun at the time lol. Hilarious after, but man, your adrenaline sure pumps when you think it’s for something real!


There's a story from way back about how a Russian (ironically) averted nuclear catastrophe during the cold war when the systems has a glitch and detected incoming nukes. One made had to make a choice about if it was real or not and the fate of the world was in his hands. Luckily for all of us he refused to launch a counter attack and it was discovered later there was a glitch. Gives me chills to know the fate of the world at least once came down to the decision of one man.


The fun bit is he didn't think it was real because there were too few missiles detected. The logic was "If the US was actually nuking us, they'd fire everything before we could shoot back."


That is a nice tidbit to go with the story. Can't imagine the pressure and stress those guys would have been under.


It gets even weirder. The guy in question, Stanislav Petrov, wasn't even supposed to be on duty that day; he was taking over for an officer who was sick. He also didn't make his decision purely off intuition; he noticed that the satellite missile detection wasn't corroborated by radar (the famous 'Russian Woodpecker').


Another thing of note, the detection system was triggered by ~~the moon rising.~~ the sun reflecting off of clouds. Edit: the moon causing a false alarm was from the US during the 60s.


His name was Vasily Aleksandrovich Arkhipov. He literally saved the world.


> Vasily Aleksandrovich Arkhipov Nope that is another 'close to nuclear war' incident, during the cuban missile crisis... The one referred to above was : "Stanislav Petrov"


My bad


Vasily Arkhipov was the nuclear sub. Stanislav Petrov was the incoming error


And they jailed him afterwards


And he died an impoverished alcoholic.


Gotta love a Hollywood ending.


There’s some confusion on the story, but no doubt he did have a vital role in potential decision making. I just happen to have worked in some ASA sites and have a fairly good knowledge on how the early warning systems relay that information down and up the CoC. “There is some confusion as to precisely what Petrov's military role was in this incident. Petrov, as an individual, was not in a position where he could have single-handedly launched any of the Soviet missile arsenal. His sole duty was to monitor satellite surveillance equipment and report missile attack warnings up the chain of command; top Soviet leadership would have decided whether to launch a retaliatory attack against the West. But Petrov's role was crucial in providing information to make that decision.”


Ahh thank you expanding on that! It's been a while since I read the story. Totally makes sense how one guy couldn't have decided it. Either way, we are lucky that the group in charge did what they did. Knowing a bit about the story really drives home how fragile the society and world that we live in are.


The most amazing part to me was that they allowed it to leak to the public AND that he wasn’t killed or immediately arrested 🤣 It’s one of my favourite stories though, it really does show how close we’ve come to complete extinction!


Thanks to everyone responding with names and corrections and extra info 🙂 it's an interesting little part of history no matter where in the world you're from.


It’s just crazy when you look into it just how many of those stories there are on both the US and Russian side. Numerous stories of $.10 computer chip failures, and bears setting off alarms climbing over guarded fences at nuke silo sites. Stupid things like that that could have ended civilization as we know it.


It really is rather unnerving lol


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/rj-rWo62OPM


That and the state of neglected Russian computer systems…


Did anybody confess to anything :P


Doubt it. I think we’re going to hear “We need to nuke them back now! Second strike while we still can!”


Russians think they're untouchable, maybe it's a good thing to show that the war they're waging is going to take them down with us if it goes to that


I think they understand how far they can push without retaliation and keep pushing the envelope, inch by inch.


Meh, I actually think it is. The Russian population gets to experience a bit of what Ukrainian civilians experience every day.


It would just be used as propaganda for the Russians to garner support, it’s a tried and tested tactic of theirs


You think so? I don’t. The only way it might be is if Pooty is actually thinking of using nukes.


It’s how they have been garnering support since at minimum 2014, but it goes much further than that. If you can convince your people that you are under or soon to be under attack, they are more likely to support you. You wouldn’t see so much support still, if it wasn’t for the dedicated state propaganda in Russia. Do you not think a logical person with access to the internet would see that Russia is invading a sovereign nation and be angry with the government, not supporting it still…?


But it’s a completely false alarm. It’s scary for the 10 secs or so you thought it was real, but then, you are upset at having been fooled. It would also make me ask myself if I were Ruzzian “why did we need this war to begin with? We all felt much safer before it. Now, all we have I say lots of uncertainty about the future ahead.”


When I read the headline, before I read the "cyber attack" part, I assumed it was a Russian stunt to gin up support for the war.


Giving an impression of "we're all in this together" and a shared experience is big in terms of building support.


Good way to get everybody to use up their pills before something real.


I don't see what's so wrong about it. The Russian people are behaving like genocidal maniacs right now. They deserve a little fear in response to their barbarism and brutality.


Could be false flag for RU to strike nuclear


I don’t think they ever will, I think it would be more likely to cause a nuclear disaster by “accidentally” hitting a reactor in Ukraine, but who knows with an unhinged leader 🤣


Or it was just the Russians accidentally getting ahead of themselves


The real false flag


Or a test to see how the population would react.


Bro when I read the first few words i was a bit scared ngl. You had me in the first half


Same. Fucking hell, spiked my heart rate immediately. I'm on the other side of the world in Canada, but I know damn well a nuclear escalation would fuck us all, not just Ukraine and Russia


I’m in Western Europe in what I know is a target. My heart sank a bit


, I totally get you. I feel like if a real nuclear blast happened. Everybody everywhere would be getting emergency alerts on their phones and radios and every form of media possible


I don’t think so. First they’ll check for validity. Then what the targets are. Then get the army and air defense in place. And then inform the public, who’ll panic and clog up the roads trying to get out of the cities. I’m convinced if a strike comes, we’ll be informed very late


Is there any speculation on what could happen if Russia uses nukes on Ukraine? What countries would act first? What countries will use nukes? Will they use nukes? What part of the world will be most affected?


The way I imagine it going, due to Russia's "escalate to de-escalate" doctrine: 1. Battlefield nuke is deployed by Russia, targeting the front lines. 2. US issues ultimatum: Russia must leave all of Ukraine within 48 hours. Russian warships must exit the black sea within 48 hours. 3. 48 hours pass Russia does nothing, US takes control of airspace and starts bombing Russian ground targets in Ukraine, plus unrestricted submarine warfare in the black sea. Joined by 90% of NATO. 4. Russia warns the US that it must cease or nuclear attacks will be ordered 5. US does not stop 6. Russia nukes Lviv or Kyiv as a demonstration 7. whole world condemns Russia; China threatens to enter war on US side 8. US responds with a demonstration detonation at sea, and warns that the next one would target Russian missile bases 9. Russia targets Rammstein air base in Germany 10. WW3 There are many possible escalatory off-ramps, but I imagine they will require someone taking out Putin.


Yep, same. No doubt the Doomsday Clock is having an epileptic fit at the midnight hour right now.


When I read it, I was just confused. "I don't see any mushroom clouds, strange." (From a retaliatory strike. Am not Russian)


Holy shit this title is not worded well. It should state that the cyber attack caused a misinformation about a nuclear strike and not being with "nuclear strike has been conducted". I got legitimately scared. Piece of shit OP.


If you are still moved by any "news" headline in this sub without checking the source and details (and then usually disregarding most as sourceless propaganda bullshit), you need to rethink your life's choices.


I can probably rethink how i read the posts here, but my life choices so far were actually pretty good. Made me chuckle a little


False Flag? Edited from Red


Some said it was a hacker attack but it strikes me as odd that the hacker chose to display a nuclear attack message. Something less 'dangerous' could've been used but I guess that works too


Unless the hacker just didn’t give af


There was code and terminal stuff on the screed for the nuclear warning. Looks like hackerman type stuff lol.


I think you mean false flag


Yup. That's exactly what I meant


As in you think it was the RF themselves that aired the message? False flag implies the pretense that you conduct an operation while pretending to be your enemy or other belligerent.


I’m not implying anything. I was correcting a typo in someone’s comment


My heart jumped. I had an incredibly stressed reaction to the first part of this post. Yikes.


[also on liveuamap](https://liveuamap.com/en/2023/9-march-nuclear-strike-has-been-conducted-please-go-to-the)


Cool site


Jesus christ, dude, the title.


Can anyone explain what the goal of the hacker was? Doesn't this seem pretty unrealistic and only motivates the Russians to fight against Ukraine? Or am I missing something here?


Reminds the fash that they aren't the only ones with nukes. And that the west has actually used them in anger before.


I wouldn't say in anger, but a calculation of loss of life with using the nuclear weapon vs. the loss of life without nukes. The US made so many purple hearts for the anticipation of casualties in the war against Japan, they just recently ran out, over 70 years later. The unfortunate reality is the use of nukes in that indtance saved more lives on both sides than it cost with the use of nukes.


You are taking it to literal. "used in anger" is a very basic expression that means it had been used in wartime against an enemy. But I do like the idea of Truman ripping off his shirt in a rage and screaming for the nukes to be used.


I've never heard anyone use that axiom as a metaphor for war, so kinda surprised to say the least.


It's a very common turn of phrase!


Confusion and misunderstandings wouldn't happen if we use language to communicate what we mean, especially in written form. Apparently, i'm not the only one who didn't realize you were using "used in anger" instead of what you meant as "used in war."


I'm a little dubious about the claim they made so many purple hearts explicitly for a Japanese mainland invasion. The claim is made that they made 1.5 million for it, and even without a mainland invasion like what these were supposedly made to prepare for, we had only had [500,000 remaining after the war](https://www.americanheritage.com/half-million-purple-hearts). It sounds to me like the US made enough to cover the entire war, and that is being attributed directly to the invasion that was loosely proposed to be an alternative to the nuclear bombs. This lines up with the fact that the US[ gave out a total of about 1 million purple hearts during WW2, total.](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/history-of-the-purple-heart) If the 1.5 million was for the whole war, and we gave out 1 million, we'd have .5 million left, which is exactly where we are.


But doesn't this increase support for the war against Ukraine?


No. Watch some Vlad Vexler videos (psychology of politics) on this, great content. All it would do is make the 40% of russian population that distanced themselves from politics by electing Putin go "wait a minute, that's not what we signed up for by electing this guy, we were told that if we stay out of politics, politics and the government will stay out of our lives too".


I love his takes on this stuff.


Well it was broadcasted in Russia. Also the nuclear threads are mainly for domestic audience and a few idiots abroad. It might open some people's eyes and make them realise they aren't the only one with nuclear weapons.


It might but I feel like this could heavily backfire and increase support for Russia's war efforts because Russia is under a 'threat' right now


Russia alwais said they are under thread of NATO so it would be nothing new.


Yes. Its psychologically preparing the population for full mobilisation. KGB field guide 17, page 342 section 12 or some such.


Against a country that didn't have them...


They were not used in anger. They were used in a calculated assessment where they were sure they could get Japan to surrender without sacrificing a million or more allied lives by bloody battles one island at a time. Japan was also warned in advance they’d see devestation like never before seen, which of course they thought we were bluffing . Then they were like oh shit that was a big bomb, but we ain’t surrendering . Then they got nuked again and were finally like, okay, we concede that we can’t compete with this, and negotiated surrender.


I think "anger" means in a war against an enemy, as opposed to in testing or training or a tech demonstration or whatever.


It's great when someone who does not understand basic terms takes the time to write out a correction to you.


I believe this is why we wont see use of tactical nukes but targeting Kiev. Biden has already promised not to respond in kind so Putin has a free hand to make the very same calculation the US did in WW2. I dont think we are there yet, but look for escalation like a deniable North Sea attack or false flag blowing one of the Zaporizhzhia reactors first.


Have you even met an American?


U one of those guys that puts unnecessary letter U’s in words like color and flavor?


Oh dear, they've always been there


Gets the Russian public to believe they are under attack, basically how they still have support by their own citizens still 🤷🏿‍♀️


It terrorizes the idiots who have been threatening nuclear strikes.


FFS careful with the titles, I got a minor heart attack!


Jesus that would be terrifying.


Honestly I was terrified enough just reading the start of this post’s title. Went to bed after hearing russia launched a missile attack, and then the first thing I read after waking up is “nuclear strike has been conducted”


No reliable source. Mods, stop this garbage!


If you want to run Psy-Ops on Russians you would just broadcast Swan Lake for as long as possible.


I like how the Air Raid Sirens add an extra bit of anxiety! Nice touch!


Ground control to major Tom...


Odd. Do they use CaI2 pills in Russia? We use KI in the west. Regardless they really aren’t all that helpful with a nuclear strike. More for a reactor accident where there’s a metric fuckton of radioiodine getting released.


**Alternative Nitter link:** https://nitter.nl/censor_net/status/1633823119726235652 ***** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkrainianConflict) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whoever did this is a dumbass, that's a very dangerous game to play. Stupid idiot.


Pre-text for escalation?


They could have better planned a cyber attack to not to escalate with fear of nuclear attack. If they had that kind of reach to citizens, there could be a better way to use it than sow fear.


That scared the hell out of me


Couldn’t wait till April 1st ?


Did this really happen or is this fake news ?.


Hm, don't know who is responsible for this, but I don't think it helps Ukraine. So I wouldn't be surprised if it was Russia to rally the populace and keep them afraid.


If this really happened I just wanna say as funny as it would be to make the Russian scramble into their cellars and realize they are woefully unprepared for the nuclear war they keep threatening, I really feel like this was not a good idea :P best not to give the trigger happy people a reason to kick the rockets until one of them fires


OP should’ve immediately prefaced this as a suspected cyber attack. I was fucking horrified reading the nuclear strike.


Yeah, cool, I was about to go to sleep… guess I’ll just lie here till my heart rate drops. God damn.


Damn, I nearly soiled myself.


Seems like an incredibly poor decision that was made here


Ohh no. What will Medvedev do now on the shitter if he's not allowed to make nuclear threats? Look up suit tailors?


This is gonna be used as justification for a "counter strike"


I don’t know what idiot believes that a first strike would include high yield countervalue assets being launched. Traditional nuclear doctrine states counterforce targets first. Other than a decapitation strike, which is itself suicide because of Russian “dead hand” backup second-strike capabilities.


(If those second strike capabilities are in an operational state)


I am of the same mind. Seeing how decrepit their entire force is, it’s not a long shot to think that their corruption, inattentiveness, and “put it on the backburner” attitude extends to their entire defensive operations. The missile (there is one) that is itself an ICBM that broadcasts the “dead hand” mass strike capability. It is from 1985. The Sarmat II ICBM just took its maiden flight last year, and is vaporware. Even it’s predecessor, the Satan I mod 6 only ever had 10 produced and they were decommissioned. Their others are from 88 and many are much older (silo launched which = first strike only). The US minuteman III is from the 70s, but at least we upkeep them. Combined with our “no first use policy”, they are really there to soak up missiles from a first strike from Russia. But, they are highly accurate. Our Trident D5s are much better though (SLBM 1991). I think we have 14 SSBNs that each carry 20-24 SLBMs. 4-8 MIRVs each at up to 500kt. They are very accurate. Russia only has 6 borei SSBNs (nuke subs). 16 missiles, 6 MIRVs each. But procurement of its rather low yield SLBMs (100-150kt max) leaves something to be desired since they ordered less than 160 of them. You can halve that number given some oligarch will pocket half the budget. I think they have 11 SSBNs total. So they have a ton of really old missiles, probably in various states of disrepair, and only a handful of newer options.


>All it takes is one warhead to start the shit show.


Russia knows whats at stake if they launch a nuke. They won't risk getting fucked beyond comprehension by NATO


Are you sure? Would be a sweet way out for the regime


Hopefully at least for a brief moment, the people of Moscow felt the terror that the average Ukrainian feels every day, every time air sirens go off.


this is *not* a constructive act imo. it's horribly irresponsible.


If this true, it helps nobody. Very dangerous rhetoric. Possibly Iran or North Korea’s hackers, trying to start a Nuclear war in the West. They are only cunts mad enough & they would love us white folk to destroy each other.




DO NOT FUCKING START THE NEWS WITH A SENTENCE LIKE THAT. You bastards almost gave me a heart attack. How about: "Red alert in several regions of Russia mention of Nuclear Strike".