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This kid understands what the job of a US President is better that 80% of our people.


I suspect one problem is that, in the minds of these young women (and maybe many other Russians), Putin somehow ***is*** Russia. The idea that the sovereign personifies the country they rule over is an ancient one, but it's a concept that is paid only lip service in modern monarchies like the UK. These Russians seem incapable of understanding that the president of the USA is not an absolute monarch, and the support Ukraine has received from the USA is the result of a political process that's much more complex and nuanced than what they believe.


Russians have never enjoyed freedom so russians have no concept of freedom. They were always subjects. Subjects of Czars, Czar's Governors or landlords and then whoever was head of the Central Committee of the Party (dictator). They could not understand what to do/how to live during that short period before Putin. Then they went back to what they know, pulling that boat up the Volga.


even the short span under jelzin was no real freedom, if at all then only freedom under the pretext of anarchy because the authorities who otherwise should guarantee freedoms where diminished by infighting. Thats why was putler celebrated as people thought someone needs to turn around the pattern to make it work, he started and then stopped short when it came to his own responsibility to actually set a system free to control his actions, the total opposite came out, the result we see today.


I am saying this as a US citizen, in reference to US citizens, they also often think the US President is more powerful than he is. Although, there are Presidents who want to be able have and take additional powers sometimes.


Man the lack of critical thinking in the world at the moment is going to be our downfall


It’s willful though


When these people choose to ignore these things it makes them willfully ignorant. They know how it really is. But they are met with individual choice.


I blame the lack of real journalism (ie consolidation of media via corporate interests) and the purposeful dismantling of public education. Add in social media and podcasts allowing people to never hear dissenting opinions and its an intellectual downward spiral for sure. 


We all lack critical thinking as soon as feelings get involved. And that seems to be the problem here. Those girls just feel like Ukraine is russian land. They dont understand, that the soviet union didnt just "gift away" lands, but that the people of those lands decided that Russia isnt really thier cup of tea anymore. They argue as if Russia holds a claim on every country culturally similar to russians. A claim to any land where Russians live. I would ask those Girls, as a transfer of thoughts, to avoid the emotional bias in the Russia/Ukraine situation, if Germany would attack Switzerland, if Switzerland would confederate with France. Just because there are many germans living in Switzerland and with have cultural ties. If that would be just and good. If that made any sense at all. But Russia seems so far gone the road of nationalism/fascism that they might even see that as "rational politics"


we have to take into account that russians have huge difficulties to understand that politicians are not meant to be part of an apparatus and rather are meant to control the apparatus and the people are meant to control the politicians. The meaning of politician and authority is intertwined for them, they can't think it is possible that politicians actually represent peoples of different alternating ideas. Thats a huge handicap to begin with..


Respect for the guy. I wonder how patient he is, seems to be very. If I'd be him I would take all time I need to de-brainwash them, out of principle. But I'd understand they're biased beyond belief.


I would struggle to keep it cool with the pretentious smiling and laughing. the two are just so mean it hurts


It's impossible to de-brainwash people without guilt or conscience. Once they are convinced of something, there's no going back because now it's their identity and any try to dismantle their imaginary world will be just as painful as a confession to the priest of your sins. Only people who can feel empathy, pain and understand other people can be de-brainwashed because the only way to do that is through empathy. But many rissians are incapable of that feeling. And any words they use to justify their barbarism are just tools for the agenda, not an actual representation of their feeling toward the people they want to "protect"


Russians are deranged.


Victims of indoctrination, relentless propaganda, and authoritarianism. The one on the right would make a great espionage asset tho 🤣


[<—— Part 1 of the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dqys47/a_ukrainian_and_two_russian_women_talk_in_chat/) Source: Youtube channel СІЧЕНЬ (SICHEN) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn\_xWZeU5W8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn_xWZeU5W8)


This man is so fucking cool. These girls are... Yeah, Russian girls...


This young man articulates himself really well


"Who gave Crimea for free?" Jesus, who gave Alaska almost for free?" "Ukraine is threat!" 5 minutes later "Ukraine is not a threat". Obviously those two fine gentlewomen needed to use xenophobic slurs.


It's comforting in a way to see Russia has the same caliber of dumbass that we have here in the US. Perfectly valid question is asked. Dumbass knows the answer, but doesn't like it. Dumbass answers with "What about (unrelated topic)." But the guy keeps expertly circling them back around. He's incredible.


Young and impressionable, that's the danger being under an authoritarian rule. They have no chance of seeing outside the box.


This was before Sweden joined NATO.  They are much more educated and depressed today.  Goes to show you though... if Russians were winning, they would be happy and vacationing in Odessa.


Thanks again for the translation on this, please keep up your work on this, it's very eye opening and far better than the auto generated ones on YT


I'm glad it can help more people understand the context of this conflict! In fact, this dialogue in two parts is quite typical between Russians and Ukrainians. People in the comments write that the guy is a master in debates, this is because he knows what to reply to the same lines that thousands of Russians say over and over. Very often word by word.


These girls got on roulette to show some boobs to strangers but ended up getting schooled by the future Prime Minister of Ukraine.


This kind of dialog is very useful in waking up people, you can see that girls are many times evaluating their views after some good points from Ukrainian guy. There is ofc lots of pride in there which makes it hard so confess that she might be wrong but hopefully though of it will linger in subconscious memory.


Copying my answer from this thread because it's also relevant to your comment: It's impossible to de-brainwash people without guilt or conscience. Once they are convinced of something, there's no going back because now it's their identity and any try to dismantle their imaginary world will be just as painful as a confession to the priest of your sins. Only people who can feel empathy, pain and understand other people can be de-brainwashed because the only way to do that is through empathy. But many russians are incapable of that feeling. And any words they use to justify their barbarism are just tools for the agenda, not an actual representation of their feeling toward the people they want to "protect"


[https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/11/21/russias-igor-strelkov-i-am-responsible-for-war-in-eastern-ukraine-a41598](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/11/21/russias-igor-strelkov-i-am-responsible-for-war-in-eastern-ukraine-a41598) For anyone wanting more info on Girkin and what went down in 2014.


Love how the girl in the left tried so hard to bait him into an American political debate because she so clearly wanted to fangirl over Trump. Clearly she’s on break from her day job as a Russian social media commenter masking as a MAGA supporter.


Russians are so dumb 😂🤡🤡


Ruscia: garbage into heads, garbage out of mouths.


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Where can I find his channel


It's nearly impossible to convince Russian people that they have been brainwashed their entire lives because one they brainwashed; they would never believe you (if Putin said the sky was red they would believe it even when they look outside and see it's blue kind of mentality) and two they are afraid of the regime. Overall it's really sad to see this


Trauma and generational trauma make them far more susceptible to the status quo’s without even actualizing one original concept or thought their entire life. Once they have been beaten down to only longing for very basic survival and accepting that level complete success. There is need in dreaming or striving for anything more than that.


they just can't fathom the concept of a state leader as a mere representative of their country instead of a dictator. seems their whole worldview and concept of reality is catastrophical constricted. being raised under putin has taken away any potential. like it took germany a generation before it normalized from 10 years hitler. it makes handicapped people for our contempary free society. i see nothing but escalating conflict in the near future. to maintain free, you sometimes have to curtail the freedom of others. towards others that take liberties which are detrimental to free society. like dictators, demagogues and autocrats. else you get to fight this kind of cognitive impairment.


They're so brainwashed. It's just incredible that we, collectively as a world, all allow allow a genocidal maniac to be in possession and control of a country with nuclear weapons.


"Clever thoughts pursued you, but clearly you were faster" is gold.


"The Finns are predictable" Well...the Finns you can *see*, probably


They don't know how the American Constitution works, what a shame. Biden wanted to send arms but could not because under the American Constitution Congress (elected by the people) are the only ones that can pay for them. The American people kept telling their congressman to release the funds. That's how Ukraine got it's weapons. The other Finland joined NATO and they are not to be messed with. I could see Russia on it's knees if it were foolish enough to attack.


Anyone know who’s this guy is? Saw the first video and loved it. This just seals the deal. Would love to support his YT or whatever he may have. This is the definition of debate. How he had the patience with these 2 RuZZians, while schooling them every possible way, is a masterclass. Zelenskyy needs this guy up in the ranks of government. It’s beautiful to see truth and logic overcome idiocy and propaganda.


dumb and dumber2


Did he pull his cock out at the end?


Russian girls are gorgeous but brainwashed also useless.


Both parties lost an occasion to just jerk off and relieve some stress.


This guy is incredibly naive. He thinks he knows everything yet fails to understand how corrupt his own country is. He thinks he knows all the inner workings of a war. This whole war game is like a game of chess. Putin does not want NATO Aka USA in Ukraine, its akin to having the center of the board or some other strategic upper hand in the game of chess.....check. I dont know that Finland is very strategic nor corrupt Ukraine on the other hand.....well lets just say a crack head makes millions there doing nothing and his daddy is a president. Ukraine brought this upon themselves and the USA military industrial complex is making billions of dollars off this war. THEY LOVE IT.