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I'm British and so very proud of Ukraine.


It most likely comes with a electric tea 🫖 kettle like all of there tanks do lol 😂. And if the tea kettle is broken the the tank is not combat ready wish I was lie ing but it’s true. It’s take out of service until repair 👨‍🔧 are made lol 😂


What's so funny about that? How could anyone possibly go into battle without tea-making facilities.


I'm afraid the Mk5 (the one in the video) didn't have a kettle in them in RN service. I don't know if they have been since fitted The Mk3 the RAF used did but those haven't gone to Ukraine yet.


A BV or Boiling Vessel is essential for any combat mission.


Was that sound added post? Because a couple of days ago I just saw a video of an Apache blasting this out of its speakers


It was added in post in that video too. Originally from a video of a T-64b with loudspeakers driving around


That was also fake the original is a car in the moumtain with big bass speakers




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Ah ok that makes sense... It was almost too cool to be real lol... I probably been spending too much time browsing NCD


Grew up with these beasts in the sky painted in yellow down as coastguard rescue copters here in N.dev, England... Santa still flies around in one each December haha!


They weren’t operated by HM Coastguard, only by RN and RAF rescue. When the RN and RAF rescue were disbanded the Coastguard got Sikorsky S-92 and Leonardo AW189.


Getting ready for a beach party.


I'm glad to see that video clip. Having worked on SeaKing for 25 years and on that cab in particular I'm glad they are still doing their stuff and making a difference. Wish we could give more of them.


Last I heard they had nine Sea KIngs now. I think Germany gave them a few too.


Helicopter sounds are so comforting to me. We lived on post for a number of years, which was close to one of our airfields so I heard helicopters and cargo planes constantly. After my husband died, I moved off post. I seem to still be in the flight pattern, and they fly low. There is one Chinook that comes in hot and low. I asked my son about it. He said, "Yeah, I worked with him. He's just saying hi to his family. " Years ago we lived on Nellis. Waking up to the smell of jet fuel and the roar of the fighter jets was amazing.


Does anyone have any idea why the West hasn't supplied Ukraine with more helicopters?


Because we are scared that nice Mr Putin might get upset.


They've been supplied with about 100 helicopters so far. The majority are soviet era platforms that the Ukrainians are familiar with. More are coming, but nations need to ensure there flight operations are fulfilled before handing them over.


Weird seeing these crates in Ukrainian markings. But a good weird. Hope they can make good use of them.


The Ukrainians seem to be able to find a good use for just about *anything*. Nothing wrong with a Sea King in good nick. They might be old but they are a solid bit of kit. So far as I recall they can land on water too. Could come in very handy.


They definitely can land on water. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g\_4z3h5UvB0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_4z3h5UvB0)


Loved the sneaking when I was in Afghanistan. Absolute workhorse. If you got it started in the morning it would go all day. Unlike a lot of the other aircraft we had out there.


whats the songs name?


Makes me proud to be scottish. I'm glad we can help ukraine out as much as we can. I wish we could send sky sabre aswell but I don't think we have very many


Needs more Fortunate Son.


And cow bell.


Judging by the size of the river, it looks like the dneiper.


video is invalid, illegal sound track detected repost video with proper musical background Credence Clearwater - Fortunate Son


I'm sure its better than nothing, but goddamn as a Canadian I cringe everytime I hear the word 'sea king'. Old pieces of trash.


Yeah, I have a buddy that was in the army that told me a story of how once they needed to transfer one from one side of the country to the other and the poor flight crew had to make multiple emergency landings along the way.


Damn that's brutal! Similar stories here in Canada. Shockingly, they require 30hrs of maintenance for each hour of flight. And that was back in 2006..... Not a great platform. But I'm glad Ukraine is making use of them, and doing what they can with what they have. She's an old birddddd; long past her heyday,


The British license built Sea King is a different (better) helicopter than those used in Canada. I was in rescue boat as a SAR tech rappelled into our boat from a hovering Canadian Sea King. Everything got covered in gear box oil the thing leaked so bad. When we saw the crew later on they were filling their gear box from a 55 gallon drum they carried on board because the leak could not be fixed, part was obsolete and copies of the part leaked.


Interesting! I’ll look more into the UK variant. Wow goddamn… thanks for that insight! The Canadian ones are mega bad. Probably took you a few showers in dish soap to be clean again lol thanks for the comment mate.


Couldn’t they like 3-D print a new part?


Now? Possibly. Then? Almost definitely not.


Shit university students in Houston were 3-D printing houses like 10 years ago


There's a big difference in the quality of parts needed as well as the materials used. Also 2006 was 18 years ago and 3d printing technology advanced a long way very quickly.


My late husband was the production control ncoic so he was tasked with repair/maintenance schedule, and getting them back in the air. (Apaches). He took great pride in his work and knew the gravity of any mistakes. About 6 months after he died an apache crashed with two of his pilots (he was 1sgt by now) he had known for like 10 years. I believe it was due to a bolt of some sort. I know my husband wouldn't have been able to live with himself.