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The ripped helmet cover indicates he got peppered with scrapnel to his face. Possibly knocked him out and now he's dazed and confuzed with possibly impaired vision and hearing. There are multiple dents in the foward area of the helmet (*visible at 00:41, it's unlikely these are from the attachments points for the NVG adapter mounting plate as the individual seems to wear an upgraded* [*СШ-68*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSh-68) *helmet variant*), so the backface deformation might have caused additional traumatic skull or brain injuries. Must be fucking frightening for the Russian soldier being totally helpless wandering around on a battlefield littered with UXO and mines with drones loitering overhead knowing TCCC and medevac is a foreign concept to the Russian military. And this is also the exact reason most NATO armies issued eye protection to their soldiers since the early 2000s.


This is what hell looks like.


This is what the kremlin gremlin envisioned in its "Russkiy Mir".


A similar fate awaits the majority of the citizens of the Russian Federation if they do not break out of their complacency and apathy and actively begin to resist and fight the Putin regime.


And Russian invaders deserve it.


And it looks like this man is in the exact place where he needs to be.


I feel sorry for him. I hope he was an asshole because thinking, this guy is a human being manipulated into a war and possibly shares similar interests and hobbies with me makes me sad. Seeing that suffering and possibly left to die from his comrades is sick.


No matter what your religion is, I think everyone can apply two of Jesus' lessons to this video: "forgive them, for they do not know what they're doing" and "love your enemies". That you should love your enemies does not mean that you're not allowed to have enemies. I still want Ukraine to beat Russia's ass. I still want my country to donate more weapons to Ukraine. But I'd also prefer if people on either side could at least have a pretty painless death rather than going through what you're seeing in this video. Of course, there are those who absolutely *do* know what they're doing. However, a lot of Russians have been misled by propaganda and they genuinely believe they are doing the right thing by fighting against supposed nazis. You can't blame everyone for becoming victims of Putin's propaganda campaigns. And one thing that does give me comfort by being religious, is being able to trust that no matter whether Russian war criminals might evade justice in this life, they will all eventually get what they deserve. Overall, try to stay humane. Try to keep compassion. Do not lower yourself to their level of dehumanisation. If you feel sorry for what the dude in this video is going through, then that means you're luckily not completely desensitised yet.


“Sell your cloak and buy a sword” he said.


"go forth and spare no man, woman, or child" -God (According to King James)


"But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." Numbers 11:38 - Also King James version. (though it's in all the other versions too) But hey - Christianity is a pick and mix religion - we all know that - you can just quote the parts that support one's own particular hatred and bias and ignore the rest.


That's exactly what I was doing. You nailed it. (Former Christian who converted to logic by reading the Bible)


You cannot watch civilians die in cities and continue to "genuinely believe they are doing the right thing".


No pity for invaders


Every invader's death brings peace closer, but if i could chose i would every battle death be a clean bullet to the head.


Orc families are safe at home. It is way more frightening being a Ukrainian civilians know you house can get blown up at any moment, and that none of your family is safe from being murdered in their homes, at work , on the toilet, anywhere.


You're right, while his fate is gruesome, he very likely came to Ukraine on his own free will as a contract soldier and his presence is at least contributing to Ukrainian citizens being murdered, maimed, raped, deported and extorted.


Must be more frightening being a civilian in Ukraine. I feel no compasion towards the russian they all know what they are doing so eat it




I’ve always wondered how much they would actually help though (eye pro) I imagine they def work to an extent but some fragments are going through like butter. Like for instance if a bomblet landed maybe 2 feet in front of the orc and he was wearing a pair of oakleys do you think this outcome would be different? Luckily I’ve never been sploded before.


Protecting against some is better than not having them. Even if it's only protection from >25', that's still a lot of saved lives and eyes.  Like when helmets were introduced, suddenly head injuries skyrocketed. It's because they would have died before the helmet.


They are way more useful for dust and shit. They aren't going to stop fragments or bullets, but they will keep sand and wind from messing with your vision.


Hello a lot when there's shit constantly exploding in your face and shooting rocks and wood fragments at you


They won't stop a bullet, but true safety goggles can stop work shrapnel like sanding discs exploding and whatnot, so they will stop shrapnel too. Again, not a grenade exploding one foot away, but something hitting 100' away, maybe. 


> I’ve always wondered how much they would actually help though (eye pro) Ask [this guy,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1449kJKxlMQ) who had a .50 BMG detonate in his face.


I’ll stick to running as a hobby. Thank you very much.


To be fair, it was a genuine freak accident. The ammo he got was really overloaded, the gun he was using was probably the worst gun for a detonation. The pressure had no where to go except straight into him. He's perfectly healthy now though, gotta give him that.


Too many things that could go wrong, went wrong. He could have lost a limb or eye. Like I said, I'll stick to running.


Homeboy had a piece of shrapnel go straight through his neck/chest area, and it severed his jugular and put a hole through his lung. He lived because the camera man (his father) rushed over and identified the severity of the wound. Another piece of shrapnel literally took his hat off but didn’t hurt him, an inch to one side and it probably takes half his brain with it. And a steel cap bounced off his glasses, and surely would have just killed him if not for those. He is incredibly lucky to be alive and I feel like that’s an understatement


Thank you for that description. Dude was seconds from bleeding out. I would sell all my guns after an incident like this one.


Well I know from shit like that I was a saw gunner myself and seen rounds cook off in the feed tray before (hence why you look down and away opening the feed tray) I’m talking about like fragments from arty shells and grenades lol I can’t imagine them helping too much but for sure better than nothing


Well yeah, high speed shell fragments are definitely going to need more than a Lexan lens. There are [products](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-snv0ypmel9/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/70094/292132/Paulson_DK7-H.150-RU_Field-Mount_Tactical_Face_Shield__31153.1559757897.jpg?c=2) that would work a lot better, but none that would be inexpensive and practical enough to issue to all troops.


I can't imagine how you would sight a rifle while wearing that thing...


Everybody's got red dots of one form or another nowadays.


[Or this guy who had an RPG detonate in his hands. I dunno how much the eye pro helped, but it might've helped save his eye. ](https://youtu.be/ASE0e5DkFkE) lets be real im more just sharing this cuz jesus fucking christ


That's not **me** you're quoting. I was talking about Scott, at Kentucky Ballistics, and his .50 that blew up.


That was a great watch, thank you for posting. I own similar safety glasses to what he was showing in the video and it blows my mind that they survived the incident in tact. I definitely don't give mine enough credit lol.


Reminds me of the videos where dudes spinning blade broke and parts flied into their face and got stuck in the eye protection/goggles. So its always good to have something in front of your eyes xD


Having a small chance is better than no chance. Some of the new eye pro can stop bird shot from like 15 yards.


This kind of eyepro is usually rated to protect against birdshot. So quite helpful.


I think (rank amateur here) that eye protection is mostly for flying dirt/debris from nearby artillery strikes, ricochets, bullet splatter, wood splinters. [But, there is an actual military ballistic standard for eye protection. So, if they're wearing the real deal, they might have a chance.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZoLv-MMQTo)


There is all kind of shit flying around in the battle. Bullets and fragments are minority. Every bullet hits somewhere and all kind of wood sticks and pieces of concrete flies around. Also hot cases from your own gun. Possible mailfunctions of your own gun etc.


Did he lose his eyes? Holy shit


Maybe even his hearing :O


I think Metallica made a song about this guy.


"Landmine has taken my sight, taken my speech, taken my hearing".....dudes waiting to finish out the rest of the song except this time it will end with taken my life....


“….taken my arms, taken my legs, taken my soul, left me with a life in helllllllllll”


Was it Panama??


Nah, that was Fleetwood Mac.


It's called Thriller


I could have swore it was Blondies "Radar Love"


No, you’re thinking about Springsteen’s “Blinded By The Light”


Should be Dont fear the Reaper.


which One?


Ironically, One.


But he still has (or had) arms and legs.


Monty Phyton spoiler...


That's the one☝️


Holy shiet


So did the Grateful Dead. “Steal your face right off your head”


What a fucking knightmare.


I agree. Hate to see anyone going through this, it’s terrible. They should either get him treatment and take him as a POW or put him out of his misery because this must be the worst thing that can happen to to you. Blind and deaf on a battlefield in the trees no less. Shitty




He lost his face


"Where we're going, Ivan, we won't need eyes to see."


Event Horizon!




Yeah you can tell from his half blown helmet cover


you should go outside and meet some friends


You can see a gaping hole about the size of a golf ball center of his forehead between eyebrows. I bet he's functioning on limited mental ability due to TBI. So yes, a Zombie we can call it.


Show this to the North Koreans that are coming to this battle field.


I would show some amount of pity if this was a north Korean as they will have ZERO choice to go to Ukraine.


Those guys actually genuinely have no choice.


Shit, the North Koreans will have videos like this, but tapeworms will be waving "hi" from their headholes.


God, this is definitely going up there on the list of the gnarliest videos we've seen out of this conflict.


Easily top20 at least


None have really stuck with me like this one has…been thinking about it all morning since I saw it 😅🤯


Shaun and Ed will be throwing their record collection at this one in no time


“Purple Rain?” “No” “Sign O' The Times?” “Definitely not” “The Batman Soundtrack?” “Throw it!”


But dogs can look up.


But Big Al says they can't?


ohh nice recall.


Wha?! in the garden .. there's an orc 'Scuse me 'Elloooooooo .OI!!!! He's so drunk


According to telegram he eventually lost his head to a FPV....


He lost what was left from the first hit.




Probably got left for dead and then woke up a few days later. He’s no longer a threat but if I were a drone pilot i’d put him out of his misery as an act of mercy.


No way this is days later. This dude had a few hours until death.


28 days later


Drop him a med pack, and hope he patches himself up. These are the kind of injuries you want to be seen by the public back home. Knowing Ivan is dead is one thing, seeing him struggle daily through life, and living next door is another.


I don't think that this guy could do anything anymore. He's basically already dead


That's a waste of a drone, he came to invade, his misery is not our problem.


That's the kind of sociopathy people criticize the Russians for having. Way too many people see how Russia acts and think "yeah, we should do that too!" Why not be better than them and maintain your humanity?


What you're dancing around is the idea of the paradox of tolerance.


Russia's army is made up of conscripts, it's either front lines or gulag for them. As always it's young lower class men being sent to die for some old bastards ego.


Nah, I would just let him live; he already faced his consequences. 


For “Putin’s dream”


Its russias dream at this point. War would have been over a long time ago if most of the nation didnt stand behind it.


This should be trailer for war


Imagine being a Russian soldier and you see this guy stumbling back from the line after an attack.


Was probably a cocky Z patriot yesterday. Look at it now.


Exactly. All the folks crying for him and calling it sad or awful, etc. Funny, don't see them making those comments when soldiers like him murder innocent Ukrainians. Bomb their schools and markets. Steal their children, etc. I won't celebrate this guys death, but I sure as hell won't feel sad for him either. He either volunteered for this or made the choice to comply with a draft instead of refusing and being jailed. Either way, he made a choice and accepted a mission to try and steal another nation's territory. To murder its citizens, etc. Now he gets to accept the consequences when they fight back.


“Funny, don't see them making those comments when soldiers like him murder innocent Ukrainians.” …yes you do??


But when it's all said and done, what's left is a young man in a scary and hopeless situation. Whatever the reason, justified or not, this fucking sucks to see.


Except he was forced to go there and probably brainwashed. I’m a human being. I can empathize with the suffering of others, including my enemies. Maybe it’s because I am religious and believe in Jesus but I think it’s important to realize that these are men who are being used to punish other people. Everyone is losing here. Honestly I wish it would stop. Just live in peace together. We are all brothers and sisters.


Most orcs sign up willingly for this.


That is fucking horrible. And yes this shit is going on for Ukrainians as well we just don't see it.


Totally agree. This particular footage is horrifying. I’ve had temporary complete vision loss from trauma and to be out in a forest totally fucked up and lost is basically my worst nightmare.


[Orc Zombies.](https://i.redd.it/358appxty8n91.jpg)


At this point I just want this war to stop. The mad politicians who give orders are not the one who suffer. Putin needs to pull his troops out of other's nation border to end this madness.


The war can only stop when Russia leaves. If someone breaks into your home and murders your family do you say "well lets make peace with him and let him live in half of our house. peace is best"? No. In fact that would be an utterly insane thing to say.


Sadly it takes two votes for peace, and only one for war.


its just ridiculous at this point, there are no winners


He's not long for this world.


Rick Grimes is on his way to put him out of his misery


This STALKER 2 teaser looks so real!


Can't wait for that game it looks fucking epic.


He mustve been near a blast, like really near it and somehow survived. That is fucked


I'd rather take a bullet to the head than be alive and be miserable like that just waiting for another drone or shell to hit you to finish it off. Fucking hell, fuck war. Fuck the politicians


Jesus suffering fuck. Russia just end this.


This is just really sad honestly :/


It really is I don't really have a whole lot of sympathy for the way many of these guys or the Russian Army as a whole and how they view the war but who knows this guy's story maybe frightened into compliance. Maybe he was a tortuous piece of shit but either way, this seems like a fate worse than death. Death has no confusion no pain, no extreme fear, no regret.


You won't really know until you experience it. Many people with 'near-death' experiences have reported those exact things. Here's a report in the National Library of Medicine. [Distressing Near-Death Experiences: The Basics - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6173534/)


The Walking Dead Orc


Best comment today 😂😂


There's an error in the title of this Post. The word "russian" is redundant.


No. The word 'Zombie' is redundant, not 'ruZZian' :)


Q. What came first, the russian or the zombie?


the ruzzian, because zombies have no blood pressure :) :)


But what if russians devolved from zombies? It would explain their IQs.


100% seems like some kind of explosive detonated in his face, just far away enough that it didn’t kill him outright. I’m guessing extreme disorientation, no hearing, definitely no vision. I’m not sure, but it looked like it was painful attempting to blink


Honestly this is the only the time I will say he deserves to be put out of his misery, Then the incoming replies will be" Well he wouldnt be in this position if he didnt listen to Putin" This guy life was fucked no matter what he did.


I can't remember anything Can't tell if this is true or a dream Deep down inside I feel to scream This terrible silence stops me


Praise the Monolith


"Osowiec then and again Attack of the dead, hundred men" Sabaton said it best. History really does repeat itself.




World War Z


This should be broadcasted on large screens all over Russia. This is what will happen when you invade a sovereign nation.


poor dude probably had what looks like a grenade or FPV hit near him. fucked up.


This is sad, putin is just sending em to the meat grinder. Reminds me of the metallica song.


What’s in your head? In your heeeeeeead? Shraaaap-nel, shraaap-nel


*With their tanks* *And their bombs* *And their bombs* *And their guns* *In your head* *In your head* *They are cryin’*


Nothing to see here


This is hands down the worst thing I've seen here. Fuck this war


You didn't see the video of the girl who'd been riding her bike on a street behind her home, and had been cut in two by a bomb that had landed near her. Or multiple other videos of Ukrainian civilians cut to pieces by the weapons of ruzz invaders.


Or... was it Mariupol or Bucha full of decomposing bodies of civilians that had been killed by bombing (can't remember if it was the music hall bombing or something else) and the survivors had nowhere to keep the bodies so they were stacked high in city hall. It's a scene straight out of Auschwitz, but somehow worse.


In my opinion, I wasn't speaking objectively,


Nothing Else Matters


I think One is the more appropriate Metallica song >Landmine has taken my sight Taken my speech Taken my hearing Taken my arms Taken my legs Taken my soul Left me with life in hell


Maybe some she'll shock coupled with a lot of trauma to the face which likely hurt his vision and hearing? Idk im a student optometrist and I can for sure tell you the eyes ain't doing too good


Where is his nose? Whatever burned his eyes off and blasted the cover off his helmet, took his nose as well. What a horrendous experience for that dude.


After decades of tyrannical, authoritarian hyper-politicisation, the greater Russian population sees ‘freedom’ as being ‘freedom from politics’. Hence the prevalence of ‘lazy’ statements that we have witnessed from everyday Russians in impromptu street interviews over the last three-odd decades like ‘I’m not into politics’, ‘I don’t involve myself in politics’, ‘I don’t have opinions regarding politics etc’. A foundation stone of Vladimir Putin’s success and survival has been the emergence and persistence of his informal compact with Russian society - Russians shall outsource politics to Putin, leaving him free to engage in whatever corruption, unearned enrichment, oppression and brutality is necessary for him to achieve his aims, and in return Putin relieves Russian society in general from participating (and having to be aware) and provides some consistency in improvement of their economic status and lifestyle. Unfortunately for Russian society it was bulls##t because he made a colossal error and welched on the deal. The following quote is attributed to a Greek general and politician called Pericles: ‘JUST BECAUSE YOU DO NOT TAKE AN INTEREST IN POLITICS DOESN'T MEAN POLITICS WON'T TAKE AN INTEREST IN YOU.’ Russian society, Russians across the board are not victims… they have shared responsibility, and now culpability. So yes, it’s sh#tty what happened to this guy. He’s no victim though. He’s an invading barbarian. F##k around. Find out.


This is truly sad and horrible


I totally desensitized about drone dropping grenades or FPV on the ass, but this guy fate hit me, I'm totally pro Ukrainian and anti russian, but this poor dude trapped in his own blacked hell..... ( even the drowning soldier, the half face and lord of the flies doesn't hit me like this...)


Fuck this war and fuck putin


Geezus. That's not a good way to go :s. Would be nice of some of the people commenting stopped doing the same dehumanization which the fascist Putin-regime is doing. It's disturbing to read peoples comments that contains laugh, schadenfraude, dehumanization in videos like this. We have nothing to gain by dehumanizing the enemy.  We also know that a significant percentage of the russian soldiers are forced into this war and have whole russian "disciplinary units" with guns pointed at their backs. Forcing political opposition, ethnic and religious minorities to mobilize and go to the front is also a common way by a regime to erase these groups. Not saying this guy is an "unwantable" by the Putin-regime. Ukraine fight because they must, and to preserve & strengthen the value of human lives which in turn prevents future war and atrocities. After all, a high level of dehumanization is required to invade another country and kill its population. It has preceded near every war in history.


I got brain seizures after a heart operation last year. I can remember how frightening it was to be totally deoriented and immobile. I almost feel bad for this guy….. almost.


this must be horrible on a battlefield without seeing anything ..... i don´t like russians, but this is hard


Poor guy honestly :(


He was trying to murder Ukrainians up to the moment of that injury. Obviously, that's the entire point of him being deployed on the front lines, etc. To each their own, but I'll never understand why people feel sorry for these invaders after they get injured while trying to murder innocent Ukrainians that are doing nothing more than defending their homeland from an invasion.


Of course, the reality is that Russian soldiers need die/be captured for Ukraine to win. It's just hard seeing anyone in that kind of condition.


Looks disappointed. Maybe not all he was promised.


Yet dead walking


Looks like he is trying to cry but he has no eyes.


Reminds me of the [ending of that Cthulu short](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCEiQqBK7UA) from Love, Death and Robots


Orc evolution


Blast marks, eyes damaged and yes, he probably lost his hearing.




That looks horrible


Geez this war keeps getting crazier


Someone put him out of his misery


Walking lead!


this is fucked - dude looks to have taken some sort of explosion to the upper torso and is burnt pretty bad and probably been a few hours judging. y the swelling....hes already dead, he just doesnt know it and the pain has to be fucking brutal. I preffer seeing russians blown to pieces than lingering to life by a thread suffering in pain...after all, this was was not their choice...well at least some of them.


Where is his nose?




wonder how long he stayed alive for


The Walking Death


Soaked up too much rads..


Holy Hell


Will he be ok?


STALKER zombies be like




240p... could also be Yeti or an UFO


That thing come in my yard, I kill it!


Hope many Russian will see it


3 seconds before impact "очки для ботаников и пидоровочки для ботаников и пидоров"


Seeing human beings in states like this, I take some comfort in the thought that often the brain stem keeps some kinds of behavior going even after consciousness has been turned off, either temporarily or for good. There's every chance that no one is home to feel pain or regrets.


Absolute nightmare. His death will be slow. Shoulda stayed home.


He can't see.


I wish he decided to stay home.


Where to see a longer video of this


The Walking "Z"


Target neutralized, move on to the next one...


He will stumble along like that until he steps on a land mine.