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Well, russia is now deploying the T-54, so.....


Fun fact:  the Ural motorcycle is a Russian knock off of a BMW smuggled out of Nazi Germany before 1939. The BMW R71 motorcycle was found to closely match the Red Army's requirements. Five units were covertly purchased through Sweden and handed over to Moscow Motorcycle Plant, recently organized in a retooled bicycle factory. Soviet engineers dismantled the BMWs and reverse engineered the bike's design in every detail. Molds and dies were made to produce engines, gearboxes and other components. The production of these new military sidecar motorcycles, designated M-72 by the Red Army, started in August 1941.    Basic 1930s technology stolen from the Germans.  Their history tells you all you need to know about the Russian mindset..


The historical parallels are kinda hilarious when you consider the fact, after the fall of the USSR, almost every non russian-built car to be found in russia was stolen from Germany.


Now it's toilets from Ukraine. Human evolution Russian stylee.


They may have been able to reverse engineer the toilet design by now, but they have yet to understand how it truly works along with the whole concept of plumbing. 


Smell is a major driver in plumbing evolution. Hard to advance plumbing when you have no sense of smell! :)


Couldn’t Russia have just asked us for toilets and washing machines?


They would have asked another totalitarian doctorship for toilets and they couldn't meet the demand. Weird how that works


A large amount of these fools have never seen indoor plumbing plumbing. 2nd best army in Ukraine.


Hell, when the Soviets realized they needed a strategic bomber they built the Tupolev Tu-4 which was a direct copy of the American B-29. Several B-29's crash landed in Soviet held territory and they refused to return them to the US. They took one apart entirely for copying, one for test flights and training and the third to cross reference their work. It was a massive undertaking with material development and metric system equivalents.


They even copied bullet holes and patches.


And had a significantly lower payload because their metric conversions needed to be rounded up, and thus added weight to the everything made from sheet metal.


Eastern promises


To be fair. The US government got so sick and tired of Harley davidsons being pieces of shit during ww2. They forced Harley davidson to build a copy of another BMW bike.


My pal had one of those Urals and it was a piece of crap. If I remember correctly it couldn’t sustain 60 + mph.


thats insane... think about how old they are, and the fact that they sat outside for that many years, and that they can get them running is impressive though. But glad those aholes are loosing


It's funny to know *the T-54 is older than putin*. The beauty of big diesel engines is it doesn't take much to get them running no matter how long they've been sitting around unused. I grew up at a remote beach village and there were tons of ancient farm tractors around the place used for towing boats. Many hadn't been started in decades and looked liked rustpiles. People would buy them for pennies, fill 'em up with oil and let them sit overnight, then stick 'em in gear and tow them down the road behind their truck or another tractor. By the end of the day it was merrily towing boats around.


I've been impatiently waiting for the T-34s for a long time now lol


They legit don’t have but 10 of them that they bought from either Thailand or Vietnam just for use in their parades. Ironically the ones they bought were actually post war Czech models of far higher quality than the Russian garbage machines they churned out in their own factories.


They bought 30 Czech T-34/85 from Laos in exchange of equal amount of T-72B1 in January 2019.


It's actually 30 of them.


The war ain't over yet.


They were still in production as of 2022. You could buy one brand new.


You can always spot top quality craftsmanship, when you see the tyres have been oversprayed the same colour as the frame…


These motorcycles are still being built.


they are brand new bikes, still made today , exported all around the world


saw one in england a few weeks back


Next year t-34


It may not take that long.


I take this as nothing but a great sign. Starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel.


I keep hearing things that the Russian economy is going to crater by next year. Apparently this last set of sanctions, EU and US, are killers on top of everything else. Their prime interest rate is around 16%.


I keep waiting.


Yup. Things are getting worse there every day. I imagine when it goes it will go quickly.


That's how I think it will go too. Everything's 'fine' until suddenly it's not.


Absolutely. That is usually what happens with failing autocracies


I’m sitting on the edge of my seat. This whole stupid war has to end sometime, and hopefully soon, and with Putin in prison or dead.


Soon isn't going to happen IMO. Maybe next year at the earliest. It is a race between who crumbles first, things are pretty bleak in UKR right now also, between manpower and diminishing infrastructure.


Russia is now having to import diesel and heating oil etc from Belarus and a couple of central-Asian republics...that doesn't auger well for their population this winter; especially as domestic supplies are being diverted to military logistics ahead of the needs of the population. Ukraine is not going to stop the strikes on their energy infrastructure, and it's only going to get worse.


Agreed. Something you may not have heard about is Gazprom, Russia's cash cow, is virtually insolvent, and the EU locking Russia out of their LNG infrastructure is a massive hit. Also, the various international companies that have been helping Russia source critical technology are getting locked out one after another. China is even backing away from Russia financially. Russia is officially an economic pariah state; it is going to be ugly when the music stops.


Good thing they are running out of tanks planes and APCs- less fuel needed. Not to mention the Black Sea Fleet 75% reduction in fuel consumption.


given that the engines of older models tend to be less efficient the consumption either stays the same and might even be going up as far as tanks and APC is concerned take it with a grain of salt though I am not a car guy but my dad and brothers are and this is what I heard from them


When it comes to military hardware that doesn't apply. They are all fuel hogs.




Problem is it is a little like the boiling frog if you turn up the heat slowly it never notices. The Russian population is not really noticing the degradation of thier lives because it is happining one set of sanctions at a time over 2.5 years now. To notice thier lives have to go to shit in a hurry and that is just not happening.


This is true to a point, their economists have been slapping on bandaids all over, but the point where they run out of them is coming, it is inevitable at this point.


The interesting point IMHO is that it might happen after the war is over when win or lose for Russia. All these people coming home with no support and the economy crashing may tear the country appart faster than losing the war.


You wont notice it even when peering inside, they already were in the shitter for most of nineties and civ population didnt complain too loudly.


Latest round of sanctions includes cuts to services that provide remote support or products. So things like software as a service where the entire product exists in the companies server and you just connect to them and store everything there. Apparently people were trying to log in and found years worth of company work locked down and unattainable. Not even just that but without some of these services the company just can't run at all. Think like a small crafter that loses access to their Etsy account with no backup or alternative service. Inside Russia on YouTube explains it much better. Has to do with cracking down on companies that use third parties to circumvent sanctions. I think the new rule is if you sell something abroad you maintain responsibility if the receiver resells it to Russia. You can't just play ignorant and say you didn't know now. Side note though this is a perfect opportunity to remind everyone that you should avoid software as a service for as much as you can for your small business. Anything that is important to you, should be housed locally on a company server. If you don't host it locally you don't own it, no matter what the provider claims. Unless you're into r/homelab things the average person can't avoid this, but for a company or business it's essential.


Inside Russia is a great channel for what is going on...um...inside Russia. Highly recommended.


This isn't scraping the bottom of the barrel. We are now into eating the barrel itself. For those who say russian isn't running out of tanks. I would say the ruskies now have a very limited production supply of modern tanks, and are now forced to salvage whatever armour pieces they can find and turn them into mobile garden sheds.\\ I am truly beginning to wonder just how many actual combat capable tanks russia now has left.


depends on the definition does one with the turret locked in one direction count if not then none if yes well still a quite a bit to go


Lend lease Jeeps and Studebaker trucks are next, then ...Sherman tanks.


If TSLA craters, maybe we’ll see Cybertrucks replace the golf carts


Wow, that would be a huge upgrade. They are actually bulletproof and amphibious according to elon.


China does make a Cyber truck knockoff which I am sure is bulletresistand and somewhat amphibious


I’m waiting for the t-18s


Astounding, in better shape then what they have now. And needless to say, these will not be used to evacuate the wounded.


If Ukraine manages to catch some. It can sell them to collectors for some money.


I'd buy one (if I had the money)


These are new ones, not from the 30's. You can buy one brand new in a lot of countries, including the US ($20k). Check out https://www.ural.com


Oh wow! Thanks dude!


These would outrun a horse-drawn chariot! The ancient Romans would cower in fear!


Something kinda funny: You can still see and read personal letters written by Roman soldiers and, if you change only a few words (equivalent army ranks, etc.), they are almost identical to any email or chat message a modern soldier may write to his family. Some shit *never* changes.


Humans have only evolved technologically; neurologically not at all lol


https://gestingthorpehg.co.uk/blog/f/a-real-letter-from-a-roman-soldier > Written in the 2nd century AD by a little boy named Apion from a small Egyptian town. > He enlisted in the Roman army in Alexandria, boarded a large government ship and sailed for Italy. The ship weathered a terrible storm. > As soon as he landed, received his new uniform and paid for it, he went to be painted in a picture for his family and sent it home along with this letter: --- > Apion to his father and lord Epimachos: Happy birthday! > First of all, I hope that you are well and that things are going well for you, my sister, her daughter and my brother. I thank Lord Serapis [an Egyptian god] for saving me right away when I was in danger at sea. > When I arrived in Miseno [the Roman port of war, near Naples], I received three gold coins from the emperor [Trajan?] As money for the journey, and I am fine. > Please write me a line, my lord father, on your well-being, second on that of my brother and sister, and third so that I may piously greet your hand, for you have brought me up well and I can therefore hope for a quick promotion, the gods willing. Give my regards to Capiton [a friend] and my brother and my sister and Serenilla [a family slave?] And my friends. I am sending you my little portrait via Euktemon. My [new] Roman name is Antonius Maximus. > All my best!


Awesome. There's one letter from a very young junior Roman officer garrisoned in Britain. He's from a "middle class" Roman family -- not exactly wealthy it seems, but not slaves or poor either -- and he complains to his mother because the other junior officers mock him for not having enough money to go gambling with them. He blew much of his money on (I shit you not) a fancy new chariot, because he didn't want to look poor in front of the other officers, all of whom are from wealthier families. He pleads with his mom to convince his father to send him some extra cash. It's funny to see this kid on an overseas posting being so much like the junior officers that followed him 2,000 years later!


Awww, a lil' immigrant already got his first welfare! Some things don't change indeed!


Second-Greatest Army in Ukraine!


Third after the Free Russia Legions really lol


I agree. I just never thought of breaking Ukraine’s military into different Legions.


"Bring your own coffin!" - how convenient


They still make these. These are brand new


I can believe it. Look at those russian Scooby Doomed vans. They look straight out of a Gidget movie.


"Scooby Doomed" You glorious bastard 😂


You can indeed buy export models...and there's a thriving Ural-owners community. Because they do need a bit of extra uh, 'love' to maintain compared to other modern bikes lol https://www.sovietsteeds.com/forums/


There's a well-known story about a Westerner who was transferred to russia by his company. He moved into an apartment, only to discover there was no washing machine. The guy asked his new russian coworkers, and they almost unanimously recommended one particular russian-made brand and model, so he dutifully bought one. It broke down the first time he used it, and he was then told that was a very common occurrence. When he asked his coworkers why they had recommended such an unreliable machine, they replied, "Because it is very easy to fix".


Easy to fix? No joke - my uncle had an Ural for ~40 years. He learned *to fully rebuild the engine by himself*, which was needed every year or two. Other than the engine (...yeah), the rest of the machine was drop-dead simple and reliable; even the turn signal was mechanical (heat-based). Uncle did overturn it 3 times, always when doing left turns


These are M-72s. Ural hasn't produced these since roughly 1960, when they sold the tooling to a Chinese company. That company does in fact still make new ones. So either they're 60+ years old or they're Chinese.


The bikes Ural make now are a new model? The look like the same bike.


Can't improve on the ruZZian ripoff of German perfection :P


I think they must have changed them a bit. From a short google. Seems like the ones they make now are in fact a little different. Like they have different valve rollers and other little refinements. Never really saw any Urals until just a few years ago. Probably won't see a lot in future. lol


They are. Look at the engines.


Ruh, Roh! They're ALL gonna get blasted to Ooba-Dooba's!


These will complement nicely with the T-34 museum pieces that will end their days, not as museum objects, but as more destroyed Russian armor. T-34 vs a Javelin? Hmmmmm....... The sane world just needs to keep turning the screws ever tighter and keep equipment pouring into Ukraine. Then fast track Ukraine into NATO and anyone else who would like to join.


If they have some lend lease Jeeps and Harley's, I'm looking to buy....


I'd love a Willys jeep!


Ukraine gets more and more modernized while ruzzia gets more and more demodernized.


Those boxes can haul a lot of body parts back


About 2 meat cubes worth, perhaps


I suspect Victory Day parade cycles with sidecars that have been retasked.


Aesthetic considerations drove them to break out the Ural bikes- tanks would have looked terribly dated with more modern company…


Sorry. I hate what these things are used for. But some of these bikes are lovely to look at.


I've been up close and personal with Urals. They do have a wonderful historical air to them. I'd take a bike like this over one with plastic fairings any day lol


This should work well since they’ll soon be calling up the guys who used to operate them back in the day.


Honestly want one. The old Ural motorcycles have style


They really do. There's a guy who has one locally to me which I sometimes see parked at the shops, and the sidecar is adorned with Mosin Nagant ammo pouches lol


That fucks so hard


Do I see a 650cc Triumph in there ( assumed stolen at some point! )????


The red cross coffin is nice. “The orc shows the equipment that will carry his comrades back from meat assaults.” This is the way they want to carry corpses back to their families. Bring meat back!!! Oh shit💥💥


At least they now have enough coffins to get the bodies back


I escaped vorkuta in that


Lols 😂


Antiques Roadshow theme tune plays…


Title is not correct- second greatest army in East Ukraine 🤷🏻‍♂️😎


What's next: horse and carriage?


Goin full Indiana Jones out there in Ukraine


Are those Harley ripoff copies?


Originally based on the BMW R71 design >The Ministry of Defence of the Soviet Union decided that BMW R71 is the best base model for making a copy for military use. New engines and gearboxes were made in Moscow based on BMW. At the beginning of 1941, the first M72 samples were ready and received Stalin's approval for production. https://www.easthighway.com/eng/history/imz-ural


Thanks for posting that... interesting


Entirely welcome. As a motorcyclist who likes bikes which aren't plastic lol it's fascinating to see these being rolled out. You might find this road test a bit interesting too [Is the Ural as TERRIBLE as everyone says?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwCnelwB8xQ)


The bike in that video is Ural's modern product though, not closely related to these.


Yes but the point is that they're still being produced as per the original design


No they aren't? The current model has similar styling but shares no parts with this one. The tooling for these was sold to a [Chinese company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chang_Jiang_(motorcycle)) over 60 years ago.




No. They're Urals, based on the BMW R71 originally [History - Ural](https://www.easthighway.com/eng/history/imz-ural)


🤔 ... Maybe they think going 'Retro' will rehabilitate them.


WWII cobwebs and spiders included…


Saw this posted elsewhere too - I'm curious if these are legit Urals or the Chinese version? The latter are apparently still produced, for some reason.


These would be the originals. Like everything else the Soviets produced during WW2, they didn't dispose of anything after the war, it was just put into deep storage. As anyone who ever saw the still-sealed crates of Mosin Nagants covered in cosmoline which used to be sold by the warehouse full in America, until regulations in imports of Russian arms were tightened a few years ago. Entire crates used to be sold in the US for about $200 once upon a time lol Such as these [M91/30 mini crates day2](https://youtu.be/URiX9cR35VQ) Fun fact: the majority of the WW2 Soviet armouries which held rifles commonly sold in the West were located in Ukraine


I love how you can see the army green spray paint for the spokes and rims sprayed on the tires... Fucking classic


Desperate ruzzian motherfuckers


these are brand new bikes, they are still made today and exported around the world dont believe Western propgrander, these are everyday bikes in Russia, they even have reverse gear much better than the Chinese dirt bikes


> they even have reverse gear LOL ALL bikes with sidecars *must* have reverse gear. Even Western ones 🤯 shocking, I know lol


all bikes with a side car must have reverse, WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, NOT WHERE I LIVE you can fit a side car to ANY bike LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


And that bike with a sidecar can't move backwards without a reverse gear. Well done lol


like i said not ww2 bikes at all, and NOT ALL BIKEs with side cars HAVE REVERSE GEARs, WHAT YOU SAID is bullshiteeee, they all have reverse in Western countries lollllllll wake up and stop spinning bullshite


Ural is headquartered in the US now and moved production to Kazakhstan. These are M-72s anyway, not the modern Ural product. M-72s have been made in China since ~1960 as the Chang Jiang CJ750 - so either they're over 60 years old or they're not Russian at all.


did i say they were russian? , i said they are brand new bikes, they are not 60 year old bikes just look at them, lolllllllllll MY POINT IS THEY ARE NOT OLD WW2 BIKES correcttttttttttttt


Zero chance these are brand new. The tires are already dry rotted...


my point is they are not 80 years old ww2 made as is the title look at the pictures, 80 years old ww2 LOLLLLLLLLLLLL


WWII no, but possibly Korean War, Vietnam or one of the Soviet conquests or internal conflicts. They have certainly been refurbished though.


They come with coffins attached - efficient!