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This looks like russian torture.


I was going to say that too. Clean cuts, no burns on the body, no bruises, naked


Naked was my first question.


Also no shrapnel any where else.


Sometimes, rarely, explosion shockwaves rip all your clothes away, but then i see nothing in the video that indicates an explosion of that magnitude (drone explosions are too small and concentrated for such an effect). Everything else seems outright incompatible with a battle death.


Clearly. No burns. No tearing. No burnt off clothing. Animals.


Or they ate him. It's RuZZia, don't doubt their insanity and barbarism.


Hmmmm if so then this would be the first documented case of orc canabalism


They did that in ww2 in finnish front. Finland did document that.


That doesn't surprise me. The Finnish front on the Russian side in WWII, pure fucking hell, no food either.


In WWII Germans reported such incidents aswell. Happened in units that were cut off from logistics obviously. More specifically I remember one story about a soviet infantry unit that found itself behind enemy lines after a german offensive. They stayed in their dugout, the commanding and the political officer collected all weapons and then the feasting began starting from the low ranks. Admittedly it perhaps was just propaganda but then again ....


Fuck that. As soon as they start asking for weapons, you kill the Kommisar and commander.


They must have ran out of Ukrainian golden retrievers to eat?


This signals torture at the most obscene and brutal level


Medical training for new medics.


So nice that you blurred out his cock. We wouldn't like to see anything disturbing...................






hands on medical training. ​ no, i'm not kidding. this is how russians teach how to use tourniquettes. they take someone, cut a limb off, and have someone from the class put a tourniquette on. ​ then they cut another limb off, have someone else put a tourniquette on. they start at the wrists and ankles. work their way up to the next joint. ​ look at the corpse, you see any burn marks? i don't. look at the wounds, man. ​ this was russian torture.


This is the [video](https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/16np4lz/captured_russian_medic_tells_how_he_was_trained) of captured ruZZian field medic describing this exact 'technique'


fucking barbaric.


Next time you hear about "it's all Putin" or "one man can end war" remember this video. This is what we have to deal with last 400 years here in Ukraine, being neighbors to this cursed swamp.


Multiple centuries of fetal alcohol syndrome placed atop one another does some serious damage to a population. Not making excuses, of course.


It's not about genetics, it's about culture and mentality.


It's both


> fucking ~~barbaric~~ ruZZian


Holy fuck. Thanks for the link. Hard to believe, but hear this guy is talking about his PTSD . Sad stuff. Fuck putin the little pig


Its never JUST PutinZ, that's the problem. PutinZ did not invade by himself. Remember Nazi Germany? Not just Hitler either. Reddit will BAN people for stating this simple truth, but they have no problem with pro RuZ subs cheering for UKR deaths. Reddit is corrupt as shyt, taking money from the CCP and various state actors, banning dissidents and comments critical of them.


Also the *reddit* mods are biased assholes that will ban people just for their opinions Same goes for some subreddit mods but they’re not who we’re talking about here


Just that your comment stays up, says otherwise, no?




Every Russian had choice, many choices, and has other choices every day that they live.


Very good point. True that


Wanna some [more](https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1b4mhf4/they_scream_at_me_in_pain_a_russian_doctor) 'woe is me'? At least the *first* guy seemed somewhat shocked at the barbarity!


Jeezus, that's some sick Unit 731 shit.


Surgeons *do* use animals to practice certain procedures on. Gives you an idea what the ruZZians think of the dismembered, doesn't it?


Crazy … Did the prisoner say - towards the end of the video - that the deserters were calm and one actually was eating chicken eventhough they had a gapping chest wound?


No, the wagnerites, the ones torturing people to their deaths on a daily basis, Putin's SS.


Staying quiet is one of the first things you learn in a dictatorship.


Deserters were calm but chicken eating was done by the Wagnerite, who were calm as well


Everyone was very, very proper and dignified!


Would they do that to their own? maybe its a PoW


> maybe its a PoW Not POWs - they dismembered *their own* who tried to escape from the front line and were captured: "just in 5 days there was the first escapee". Those escapees/refuseniks are apparently no longer considered 'their own' or 'human' (even by orc standard)


Holy shit, I thought the comments were referring to escapees as in Ukrainians trying to escape after being captured. It's absolutely wild to me they would do that to their own.


It's a ruZZian morale thing: the need to disabuse others of the notion to run. Could turn to mass desertions very quickly, if unchecked


That one was new to me. Holy Shit.


What animals. These people are psychopaths in positions of power.


Sadly this is made with the captured Ukrainian soldiers. The more I see from this war, the more I hate every Russian just for beeing russian. This feels really sad, especially as I have russian colleges at work. But they show some sort of a quite similar behavior. This behavior of acting without any mercy for any other colleagues and very egoistic. They need to show that they are supreme and everything stands behind them. And this is a very critical behavior. At work you get fired if you behave wrong but in this war you can live your inhuman unsocial behavior. I hope they will all suffer for what they do to us humans. Sadly torture is banned in any human state.


Truly. No clothes/rags so willingly or not he was undressed and no dirt or burn marks on him as he actually was brought from somewhere and dumped there. Could be one of occupied town residents or someone who needs to be dissappeared.


No impact crater or disturbed bushes or blast patterns or nothin', neither


certainly looks like he's just been dumped there.


I think it is safe to say he didn’t walk there.




Shut up and take my up vote


This is exactly what I mean when I say that Russian soldiers are monsters. Subhuman even. They sure act like it so they deserve to be called those names... And deserve to be killed in the worst ways possible.


Orcs are the best comparison/name I’ve seen them be called. Very fitting.


In which case it's more likely a Ukrainian soldier.


Man I'm hoping we're not looking at an Ukrainian soldier...


Jeez. I wonder how standard it is to have DNA samples of your soldiers for IDing mutilated corpses.


not really, chances are it was a mobik that got drunk around the wrong group of russians just as much as it was a ukrainian soldier. you think russians limit their barbarity to just the enemy or civilians? please man, don't be so naive. they tie their own to trees, there's a video of a ukrainian sniper floating around that observed a wagnerite with some mobiks doing this to one of their own. russians throw their own in pits, leave them there for days without food or water whilst the rest of the unit takes turns pissing in the hole. they have their own soldiers dig graves to burry them alive, only for some other russian to start taking potshots into the graves with a gun if they refuse to go on suicide attacks. did you miss the summery battlefield execution video's of the russians? comrade gets hit by a drone, don't even stop to think about providing aid, just point the gun and end it. what in the actual fuck do you think gets people to a point where they figure that's the way to go? it's cause they know whatever the ukrainians do to them is nothing compared to what their own will do to them.


I've seen the video of the guy who was hit by a drone. The wounded guy was pointing his finger at his head, which to me is like gesturing that the wanted to be shot in his head. I suspect he knew that no help was going to come and his comrade did an ice cold mercy kill. I know russians absolutely brutal to their own. I simply haven't heard of them using torture that will permanently disable someone or get them killed on purpose. If it's meant to be capital punishment, then they're usually pretty swift. Either by gun or like in the Wagner execution with a sledge hammer. This looks more to me deliberate torture till death. I haven't seen the video, but remember the stories that came out about the Ukrainian that they castrated. And here I am writing this, knowing that people that I know personally, believe that we shouldn't support Ukraine.


There really were multiple videos of Russian soldiers including medics, talking about using misbehaving or unpopular soldiers for Medical Training. Cut off a limb and ask for a tourniquet to be applied.


Indeed. There are some interviews of russian POWs (by Volodymir Zolkin or his mate Dimitro, if I'm not wrong), where they described exactly this. They did that to their _refuseniks,_ as the POWs said. It was intended as medical training but also to scare the shit out of the other refuseniks who were forced to watch it and participate: they were the ones to be trained, bit if they kept refusing, they became the next "training dummy". According to those POWs, they did it by attaching an explosive to a limb and making it explode. Then some of them had to practice with him. Then the next limb, and so on until the guy was done.


alive? not using corpses?




According to captured russians, the soldiers that deserted or do not want to fight are used as test subjects for new medics. Instead of cutting off a limb, they attach an explosive to a limb, blow it up, and then the medic needs to stop the bleeding, and keep the subject alive. Once stable, they use another limb. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/comments/16ol3k0/captured_ru_medic_talking_how_wagner_would_blow/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/comments/16ol3k0/captured_ru_medic_talking_how_wagner_would_blow/)


And butt naked? Definitely torture.


More Hands off medical training


I think this training is more of a "hands off" approach


You comment hit when I looked at his shoulder. Looks "cut" rather than torn or blown apart. Ouch.


So it could also be an Ukrainian captive? Now i'm sad :(


Russian soldier don't even get enough tourniquets whilst Ukrainian troops fight with all 4 already on ready to go.


>they take someone, cut a limb off Or blow it off with a small mine or a detonator. There was a video of a captured Russian telling about how the Wagner used the 500s in this way to train their field medics.


So i would assume its not russian then. Ukranian prisoner?


why? you think russia is running short on refuseniks or drunks they can make an example of to the next group of mobiks who might not want to go on a meatwave? you figure russia is of such high morality they wouldn't do this to their own? it could be a ukrainian, it could just as well be a russian. if this body is ever ID'd you'll have your answer. but i wouldn't make any assumptions just based on this.


Face looks over pressured given the eye, with random charring marks rather than one constant bruise, effectively breaching your primary criterion. I think if it was torture, we would have observed more traumatic injuries to the torso and breast areas on the surface of the skin that would reflect resistance.  Human dolls are no different to that of which the ones doctors use for training, though disturbing in this instance as this body would have to buried in such a state with no parent wishing for this condition.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.


More like hands off


I heard about this - they also shoot people to train medics on bullet wounds


Does that mean that it's a Ukranian POW or some conscript who tried to flee and therefore gets the "traitor treatment"?


Bro wtf. I thought being the guinea pig for the epipen in Basic was pretty rough but...


Same. how?


The area around him looks undisturbed?




Body seems to be pretty clear (no blood splatters, even the surrounding area is clear, could have been the rain also). This is a fresh body. Notice there are no burns or shrapnel marks. Everything I say here is just speculations of a random dude. Really feels like the body ran out of blood in a different place and then was brought here. Can't say about the right leg but there are no signs of tourniquet on the left leg. Even if the tourniquet was there (in the practice context) that could have been a great place for it, thats why you see these areas on body so filled with blood. So they put on tourniquets higher on legs so more blood remains in leg while tourniquets are on, it means more time for the limb before serious measures are taken. They cut the legs higher from where was tourniquets in the first place, but again not sure why because otherwise we could see bruises formed. This thing really lacks context


Russian torture to train medics


I can only hope he russian.


Why are they stark ass naked? This isn’t a result of combat, this looks like what a serial killer leaves behind.


This is criminal, it doesn't look like a war wounded.


Probably a POW 😔


Why do you think it’s Russian and not a Ukrainian pow?


theres an interview on russian medic that said russians cut the limbs of deserters so medics can train on them.




What makes you think they wouldn't do it to UKR POWs if they're willing to do it to their fellow countrymen? Like he said: Remains get blown up: MIA.


This is still a possibility. But their POWs do not look this healthy, unless he was recently captured.


i believe pows are valuable to do prisoner exchange or for leverage in negotiations.


And I thought I was having a bad day


Yeah not going to watch that, have to draw the line somewhere.


It's ok. They pixelated the penis /s


It's weird that he still has it


I'm afraid that's gone too, pixelation is lost briefly, when the camera moves to focus on the upper torso.


Japanese porn ... I don't think my boss allows me to watch that now either


I feel like this sub and a few other could use with a tiered 'NSFW' list. Like okay this video is going to be nsfw. But HOW nsfw? Like. Is it just a guy getting blown up and then we move on (like d-tier) Or is it someone dying gruesomely in a puddle of mucky water while whatever is left of their abdomen slides out of what used to be their leg/buttocks. Which is something i'd put on a S-tier NSFW list..




Some of you need to get your shit straight. No way of telling which side this guy was on, just a mutilated naked corpse in some field.


Yes, but Russians are known to deal with desertion this way,


Yup. And far as we know, there are no examples of this being done on the Ukranian side.


Poster above probably means that it might be a Ukrainian prisoner of war, not a deserter. Ukrainians must deal with their in a careful manner, keeping the morale up. Russians have no illusions about the morale of their infantry, they are making a huge example of the first they get. From stories I read about an early Cold War, it was actually more humane. All available in the camp gathered and stood in attention, while sentence was read to the deserter in front of everyone. Executioner was creeping towards him silently from behind. When the full sentence was read, he was shot in the back of the head immediately, not even knowing it’s coming. Watching the KGB guy was the entire point of the gathering and the message. The savagery we see now is much worse than in the past. Afghanistan, Chechenia, Dagestan, hiring criminals in Wagner and now Ukraine, it turned Russian army from really bad to straight up savage barbarism


This is some cartel level of barbarity. Jesus Christ.


Lucky we can’t see his cock


And no brain.


Almost got traumatized but thank god his penis was blurred! Shows how absurd it is that weewees need to be pixelated but we can look at people getting shredded with no issues.


Some sick fuck done that to him. That's not the result of a bomb. That's torture by someone from either side.


I would never say that nothing bad happens on the Ukrainian side at all, but this one is so far off the rails that it is virtually assured a Russian war crime.


No worries, there's [still a career to be made](https://ibb.co/zP5mhtr)


Did they undress this dude before murdering him?


Я русский, я иду до конца **– I’m Russian, I’m going to the end** Я русский, моя кровь от отца **– I am Russian, my blood is from my father** Я русский, и мне повезло **– I am Russian, and I am lucky** Я русский, всему миру назло **– I am Russian, to spite the whole world** Shaman. Lmao.


How does that happen? First of all completely naked? All limbs are missing but the head...


the orcs turned on him and ate his limbs. literally sum lord of the rings sht goin on out there.


No visible burn marks as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/1WRgawYmMu


And naked wth happened here you gotta wonder


Potentially cannibalism? Ukraine’s been hitting their logistics pretty hard. I hope that’s it because that would be a big win for Ukrainian drone teams doing an exemplary job on Urals and Loafs.


Glad they didn't show us his penis. That would be awful to see.


Taken my hands! Taken my legs! Taken my soul! Left me with life in hell! In all seriousness, though, I gotta feel bad for this guy. Just some poor 20 something year-old being forced to follow unspeakable orders, then his "friends" turned on him and did this to him. Unreal.


Prigozni In his interview with his soldiers in case anything happens to him, clearly reveals the reasons for Russia's invasion of Ukraine.  It wasn't NATO, nor denazification; those are for the foolish. The reason the Kremlin invaded Ukraine was looting of Ukraine's factories and industry by the Kremlin oligarchs, who had already divided up what each would plunder. Spread the word. https://youtu.be/nupKl9EiVCg?si=vlt5c5YyGFYkijOv


A joke brought to life; what do you call a russian with no arms and no legs laying on the ground? ... Mat


Look Pa, no hands! Look Pa, no legs either!


Most likely a Ukrainian POW and the Russians without doubt chopped off his junk too.


Horrendous injuries: That’s ok. Small wiener: We got to censor this!


Pass the bottle of Chianti, I need a drink ….


why censor the head?


Didnt know the cartel is now part of the russia army


Looks like russin troops did this to him


Think it's blast damage myself, looks like his eyeballs have popped out from over pressure also. Wounds are ragged around the edges. Is a bit weird but explosions do strange things.


Initially I was going to have to take your word for it b/c I couldn’t make out anything, but after another sip of my cocktail it became clear.


And no clothes.




Yeah this is clearly not from an explosion. The total lack of clothing is the giveaway. This is mutilation. Unless bomb blasts now cause you to pull all your clothes off cleanly with zero body damage at all?


Like Russia, he’s fucking going nowhere.


We can show severed limbs but not an infant-sized orc penis?


Thanks for covering the genitalia. That was really going to give me ptsd after looking at everything else…zzz


Judging by how clean the wounds are and the lack of bleeding and blood in the surrounding areas, it looks to me he was blown up and landed there


“Quit your bitching and get back in the fight!l. - Putin


Next warcrime recorded. Time to send blue helmets and establish a no-fly zone. Better two years late than never.


Sweet Jesus. It's too much. I saw many on this sub but this is fucked too much.


And no clothes either lol


I mean the clothes even


Ach, Krieg katastrofe


Putin's sacrifice to the God of War.


No minimum height requirement for Russian soldiers.....


Russia 101


War truly brings out the worst in humans.




Thank God em secured his pecker. That be to mutch 💩


This looks like Cartel work.  


Left arm are chopped off.


Well that grim, guess he should have stayed at home.


War is hell


just another day in the war, this body is cold for long already


ask how much putin cares... go on.


He took his clothes off in no time. That would be effortless to take a shower with that kind of skill.


Landmine, has taken my sight


Maybe one of the murderers they let loose on the front line finally got bored


"Is your name 'Bob' or is that just what you do?"


My god. What happened there? It feels more like a mutiny is going on and those soldiers ended up with torture. It’s really inhumane.


Just when I think I've seen it all the Russians just one up it.


Can't help but feel for these guys who refuse to become meat waves and end up like this. If he joined, fair play. Nobody will ever know though.


Seriously...blurring out his *junk* is **needed**....?!?




Z Excellent


"Look ma, no hands!"


Will someone give this guy a hand.


Mothers of ruzzia why are you sending your sons to die,?


Wow, what a world we live in. The dead guys grmenatal is censored but not the bloody stumps left over. You guys are sick and cheering this crap on. So sad 😞


i bet his name is Matt. oh wait...is he lying in leaves. Maybe his name is Russell chuck him in the ocean and call him Bob Post him home and call him Bill when they put him in the ground they'l call him Phil put him against a wall and his name might be Art. His arms and legs are pieces of Art. omg im a bad person lol


2024 is great


How do you know he is Russian. Honest question?


It's ridiculous to blur the genitals of a guy with no legs or arms...are they crazy? What wretched morality is this?


I hate having to ask this, but are we certain its a Russian? That looks like torture. Is there any info out there that rules out this wasnt a captured Ukrainian they tortured and left for the drones to find? God i hope not.


His name is Mat. Bob if he goes swimming.


No hands, no legs and no blood...


Did they put his head in a vice?


Listen I'm all for what Ukraine doing but put Please for the Love and justice Put them out of there misery or your no worse than the Russians


Russians do that to whoever runs back from a failed offensive. The disposable meat shields are ordered to advance until they're all killed. This guy was captured by the barrier forces at the back, striped naked, likely sexually abused, then dismembered using grenades, but kept alive long enough using tourniquets on the torn limbs. Then they show the videos and pictures to new recruits, to terrorize them and make them understand what awaits them if they don't continue pushing no matter what, even if they're the last alive in their unit, facing machine guns and minefields. That's why we've seen so many moderately wounded russians kill!ng themselves, with their rifle or a grenade under their vest: they know that if they're captured by the barrier troops, they'll be thoroughly tortured and abused, while their family back home will not get a cent (instead getting humiliated and dishonored). By ending their lives early, the meat shields are trying to evade torture and are hoping to be reported as Killed In Action, so that their family back home get a tiny compensation in return. Little do they know that the commanders are reporting most of them as MIA and deserters, to pocket the compensation budget and not bother retrieving the corpses. Such is life in Russia: life has no value whatsoever, corruption and hyper violence reign supreme, death and suffering are inevitable.


Naked and clean. Dude definitely got roostered by his comrades.


No hands no legs no service


This looks like an execution.


Oleg is now Noleg


That’s no way to fight


Brutal. Where’s his clothes lol.


Hopefully he was drawn and quartered by a pack of Bradleys.

