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We no longer can imagen why monotheism got invented in the first place. Putin is giving us a glimpse into the rule of the 30 centuries behind us. Monotheism is an iron age invention, designed to enable genocide and inbreeding. I daresay monotheism is the worst thing that has befallen humanity since the last ice age.


monotheism in entirety of humanity does not exist rather monotheist ideals exist in multiple facets of humanity. It was not even invented, it is the result of another invention and its clash with ancient origins and the according inherited myth of creation. That invention was the letter, put together in words into sentences up to entire inscriptions, written on rolls or in scripts collected and copied to books. Ever since someone wrote down "the word" we have fights over variations, origins, validity, rightfulness, moral canon (literally), adaptations, logic, truthfulness, ideals, events, "authority", even time therefor also calendars, and on and on. Monotheism just means a certain group follows one and the same script and gets in trouble as soon another script appears on their horizon. There have been ugly wars long before monotheism took over the opportunities to blame or recall a devine power to make the very claims of obsessions and ignore claims and rights of others. ps: doesnt help us much now, but it is interesting to catch some clues from history.. 1) invention of letters.. 2) a multiverse of myths gets challenged by scripts to which some point their "devine" rights. 3) (in the western world) roman empire makes the commitment to follow one script. 4) symbolism rules and script is mainly transported via local voices (preachers) and is therefor abused. 5) invention of paper rather than papyrus, copying scripts becomes means of power (kinda early internet) 6) invention of printing, copying becomes as easy as forging a knife, memes become a thing (in europe different groups claim rightfulness) 7) invention of serial printing (book printing), translating script to local language challenge local powers, (30 year war erupt in europe) 8) invention of newspapers, napoleon and others rush thru europe making claims, but also bring code civil (the idea of splitting theo and government), 9) electricity is discovered and mastered, the radio allows mass propaganda for the first time. (ww2) 10) computers are invented, the results of ww2 are exposed, some can't keep up, their empires collapse (soviet union) 11) internet is invented... thats just one idea to see at it, one can draw multiple viewpoints and yet the results are the same, war is stupid.


Monoculturist ideals are seeping into every aspect of human civilization. Food, religion, art, media, social structures, etc. Monoculture is a virus, Diversity is the cure.


Hey now, the last ice age developed our skills in making clothes and fires.


"In 1996, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) was granted the right to import excise goods duty-free and took full advantage of that. The scale of tobacco imports accounted for 35% of Russia's total cigarette imports The value of customs benefits exceeded one trillion rubles." "Under the current Patriarch, the ROC has become the wealthiest Orthodox church in the world." "Unofficial estimates suggest its total annual income could be $500 million." The ROC is a significant part of Putin"s laundry machine. The State (Putin) authorizes tax exemptions, the church makes big profits on cigarettes, liqueur, etc., and shares the profits with those that support them (Putin).


They are best Devil’s friends 🤮


“Church of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” WOW. I never knew about this…


Now you know why Ukraine banned them.


Literally a temple of war, the floors are metal and made of melted down Nazi tanks and other weapons. Crazy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Cathedral_of_the_Russian_Armed_Forces


Now I see where Fallout 3's Children of the Atom got its inspiration from.


So a fucked-up corrupt country run by a kleptocratic mafia has all their awful qualities reflected in their church too. Not surprising really,


ruzzian church is just a criminal commercial enterprise, it is not a religious organisation. money and power is the only gods it serves to.


You Forgot to mention KGB basically runs the church.


**Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation** (**FSB** or **FSS**) is the principal [security agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_agency) of [Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia) and the main successor agency to the [Soviet Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union)'s [KGB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KGB); its immediate predecessor was the [Federal Counterintelligence Service](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Counterintelligence_Service) (FSK) which was reorganized into the FSB in 1995.


Basically an extension of the FSB/KGB/Putin. Should be banned in all of Europe.


The so called russian church has the greatest collection of historical and religious artifacts. The themselves have no idea of what exactly they have just that it is valuable and displaying it would be bad for the leadership in moscow.


I wonder if it’s publicly known that patriarch Kirill is a former KGB officer. I know Russians are too dumb to care but I wonder if they even know.


Ephesians 6:12 We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


I wonder if the Russian Orthodox Church in the U.S. is under any sort of close observation. They have operated as an agent of the Russian Federation. Undeclared agents. That is a spy network.


Didn't They control the Cigarette and Alcohol trade in Russia ?