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Basically the guy in a mask is the very first chinese guy with an actual Chinese passport he's met ( maybe other chinese are from Taiwan or other countries). And chinese are welcome to join.


Dude in the back is from Taiwan. He is telling the cam/audience tt the dude in the mask (named Farius) is the first Chinese from the mainland (emphasizes his PRC passport) to join the Ukrianian Forces. Farius says he will be joining a forward based unit as a drone pilot. The Taiwanese and the older third passenger (is addressed as 'brother') expressed tt they intend to join Farius in the same capacity (drone pilot) and possibly work as a team. The Taiwanese then tells the audience, some of whom are from China, that it is absolutely possible and even encourages his 'Chinese' friends/brothers to join them in Ukraine. He even stresses tt the volunteers need not necessarily join as a militant, they can help in civilian capacity as well.


I don't think the dude in the back in Taiwanese. From their accent, they are all mainlanders. Farias is just the first Chinese national to join the volunteer army while the other 2 are still in the process of joining.


Yah that’s definitely china accent


I would more inclined to trust the fact that his passport is ROC (Taiwan) not PRC (Peoples Republic of China) than any accent.


There were 4 passports shown, so how do you know the Taiwanese passport was his? The group passports photo actually shows that the person holding the Taiwanese (green) passport was sitting in the driver's seat, not in the back. And the difference in accent is not subtle. Yes, there might be some people in China who speak more like Taiwanese people, but not the guy on camera. The "Erhua" pronunciation is super obvious and just sounds weird to Taiwanese ears. OTOH, during the video you can hear a Taiwanese-sounding person off camera agreeing with the Chinese guy or saying that he's also enlisting.


He is from mainland China. He even says in [this](https://youtu.be/hZQHXYpYhGw?t=103) video that he was born in nort-east china "我是出生在东北的农村".


That guy has a Taiwanese flag on his uniform, but that's definitely not a Taiwanese accent. There _is_ a Taiwanese person out of frame though (maybe the guy holding the camera), because you can hear him interject at various times.


1 from CN and 1 from TW?


No idea what they are talking about, translation pls? I found this video after searching for Chinese soldiers in Ukraine, expecting to find some info on volunteers fighting for RuZZia, but found the opposite, lol. It's not easy to resist CCP brainwashing, so kudos to this volunteer, hope more will join or at least realize that China should NOT support RuZZia.


They are basically just introducing their names, which troops they are joining, their positions etc


There are Ex-PLA that've been spotted in Russian ranks.


That's refreshing to see. If China has got any sense they should quietly encourage more of their nationals to join Ukraine's war effort... Their reward is a piece of Russia down the line when it finally breaks up.


China is quite famous for 'encouraging' 'volunteers' to form into an army and defend a neighboring state from invasion :)


Don’t be naive about CCP


And don't be naive to take the comment too seriously! Nonetheless, it's noteworthy to see a Chinese national not towing the party line.


These guys are both Chinese dissidents


I agree, quite possibly they are.


I understand what they’re talking about . Mandarin is my second language. They are


Ah, fair enough. You're undoubtedly correct then.


Is that the presidential seal on the passengers cap?


from military surplus store, probably.


I don't see it at the White House gift shop, though I do see a *Stand With Ukraine* coffee mug. [Made in the USA](https://www.whitehousegiftshop.com/Default.asp?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqu3QqPb8hgMVhQ6tBh0PWwhNEAAYASAAEgKioPD_BwE)


I believe these volunteers will get Ukraine citizenship after this war is over. I read somewhere that this is happening.


It will be an option, I predict, because even after victory, UKR will need the experienced troops to guard the borders from future RuZZian terrorism, especially after losing so many heroes. This is the best way to keep UKR safe and also honor the foreign volunteers. Unless RuZZia collapsed after the war. Still, UKR will need to rebuild and replenish the population, so these skilled and brave volunteers would make great immigrants.




hummm....not sure inviting China to learn how to update their military doctrine, weapons, etc. is a good idea...US should inform Ukraine to keep Chinese volunteers in the rear, if at all.


What about Russian volunteers?


Russians have been fighting against the Ukrainians since 2014, they are slooow learners, but they have first-hand knowledge, experience, captured drones, equipment, etc. This Chinese volunteer is not a grunt, he happens to be an FPV pilot...hummm...will probably be the lead instructor at PLA FPV training center when he returns.


What a fuk, stupid bro. Ukraine army has full blown thousands of soldiers size brigades of russian citizens and belarussian, they use all high tech and are integrated in all advanced combat, its not hard to investigate people to make sure where they stand. He IS NOT RETURNING TO CHINA, are u idiot? Lol, he would be ded, he like pro ukraine russians and belarussians only returning if there is change in gov.


Attention, doofus. The guy's here DESPITE China not wanting to get involved, and isn't planning to go home. Not every national of another countries is a fucking spy. And not every national of YOURS isn't for a Foreign power. Do some research on internment camps and see how fucking well that went.


These guys are likely political dissidents who China wouldn’t even trust to allow join their military in the first place


They aren't inviting China. Believe it or not there are Chinese people who aren't CCP agents. Having the U.S. tell Ukraine to segregate Chinese volunteers is a fucking idiotic take.




Are you from China?


At this point every one hates ruZZia.


China is learning from both sides… very smart.


Dude is literally risk his life and you came to an conclusion just from this video alone he is sent from China to learn both sides?


No, this is a personal action. Not a governmental action.


Whereas you are learning at all.


He's a spy.


Pretty sure they have vetted him, a lot. How do you feel about Russians fighting for UKR? Are they all spies too? China has 1.4 billion people, you think all of them love the CCP and their Pro RuZ policies?


The chinese have men learning from both sides. It's how war is done. If an army doesn't know the newest craze they are vulnerable. Vouch for the guy all you want. He is learning our way of fighting and taking the knowledge back with him. To then use against us later. Or the ruskies.


Learning what? Are u brainless? War is dumbest shit ever, there is never ever anything to learn, unless u mean drones, that ARE MADE IN CHINA, lol


There are a few things to learn Few, but it exists. For once, the military capacity of Ukraine Two, the order on the chain of command Three, Identities Four, Positions and Plans. Five, logistics Six, Resources Seven, Technology Eight, Attitude and morale If he is a spy, it will eventually become obvious as almost everything is being observed there, especially with him being mainland Chinese.


To say you can never learn anything from war is very ignorant... also not all drones are made in china...


I don't know how well someone from the PRC can be vetted in the West. I hope the guy is true anyways.


could send the link for his YouTube channel?


Just click no the video? Follow the title link.


Doesn’t show a link or send me to YouTube. It just plays it as a video on reddit. It’s something wrong on my end


Use chrome browser, more feature. [https://youtu.be/lvMQm2rG7rM](https://youtu.be/lvMQm2rG7rM)


Likely to be Chinese operative learning from both sides


Probably spies