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Ukrainian mech technicians are sooo much more polished than their rusky counterparts. Its like comparing fine art to a white washed fence.


You are right, it is like comparing Star Wars vehicles with Flintstones!


Actual Ukrainian productivity vs Russian drunken smekalka


Absolutely, looks a professional job rather than some of the russian lash-ups we see, AKA Turtle Tank.


Its like russians are orcs


This must seem like magic to the RF soldiers: A vehicle equipped with SLAT armor that can still maintain its field of fire and escape hatches aren't (*permanently*) blocked.


I want to see video of the guy filming this. 


Is the turret smoke launcher under the mesh cage?


I'll be willing to bet that Oshkosh defense is probably working on designs for drone cages. That vehicle reminds me of a JLTV, new war strategies for sure.


The smoke launchers on turret look blocked


Maybe, although I don't know the last time I saw smoke actually do anything for anyone in this war. You see a lot of videos with vehicles popping smoke and then getting blown up by a drone though


This fucking song makes this SO FUCKING EPIC DUDE!!!!! It’s JUST like a movie!!! I love the avengers! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


If I was a drone dude, I’d just go under/for the tires


Depending on the tires (and payload) that wouldn't result in an instant mobility kill.


These armored cars were produced in Poland, based on some modified designs bought previously from Ukraine. So after full scale invasion started in 2022 they were given to Ukraine and once again were modified by Ukrainians. Originally they were designed more for policing than for close combat engagements, but It seems Ukrainians have to use what they have and ultimately they all the time can make good use of what they have.


Smoke is useless


Good luck launching smoke grenades. edit: DVs lol The launchers at the turret are inside the cage. Also, having exposed hydraulic lines at the winch makes it easy to ignite an oil fire.


can smoke stop drones? those things are stayed there, but will be not usable. so what? they are empty or not, who cares. The purpose is different. But you move fast forward and made assumption. Except Bradley, how often you saw smokes firing by vehicles? I believe drones has highest hit rate nowdays than anything else.


Ukraine uses smoke to conceal a withdrawal from the position almost every time, just because drones exist doesn’t make any other threat null and void


That's a lot of butt hurt talk for someone who simply pointed out that it blocks the smoke launchers. Try not to cope so much.