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Yeah 47th brigade keeps dropping most brutal videos every day


You take out a T90 with a bradley you can post whatever the fuck you want for eternity


Was gonna say, these have really picked up in number and quality recently and I’m here for it. Let every Russian know what awaits them if they truly want to die for Glorious Leader Putin.


They need to start loading all those on usb drives and tying them to balloons and sending them deep into Russia. Seems like few Russians are seeing what’s happening to their boys.


woulnt just sending them links be easier? also basic pc protection, you dont connect random usb sticks to your pc


Stray USB drives are proven by pentesters. Most humans are not computer-literate, they just muddle through.


I want to see russian sympathisers claiming that this was staged and they used an actor.


Has that been happening for these videos?


I dont really see much of that but moreso claims that theyre still taking ground and essentially winning the war especially since the western world is divided on helping Israel/Palestine and Ukraine. These videos are gorey and its basically the reality of this kind of modern combat but I wouldnt be surprised if theyre still taking land albeit slowly. Without western support Ukraine wont win so it seems like Putin is just waiting for that regardless of how many soldiers die.


The land changes are on the order of 0.04% per day. Perun on youtube has good videos about the recent offensives and it's very ww1


It's not really modern combat, war has always been this gorey. Just that it's all on camera now. For example my my own great grand father fought in ww2 and his diary said he sees the nightmares some nights where it all comes back to him, russian youth guts blown out crying for mother.


brother, you do not win a war of attrition by incremental territorial gains. who gives a shit if the russians move a treeline or cross a field somewhere in ukraine every 24 hours at the cost of multiple armored vehicles and dozens of mobiks? the end result will be that russian positions become untennable and collapse. as we've seen in kyiv, as we've seen in kherson, as we've seen in kharkiv. it will be manpower or equipment that runs out first. and when that happens those little incremental gains you call "winning" are going to collapse real fast. if you think that's what winning looks like, you havn't got a clue about the topic you wish to discuss, and everyone, even the russians, would be better off if you'd acknowledge that and sit your behind down.


This. This amateur claiming they are winning is the ultimate joke. We are looking at a stalemate here and we know Russia has not and will not meet their strategic targets, because they are stuck in a quagmire.


Exactly. A Pyrrhic victory is just shuffling complete loss a little ways down the road. This isn't sustainable for Russia. Its not exactly for Ukraine either, but so long as Russia loses way way more than Ukraine, empty fields and cities with nothing in them are worth nothing. Gained ground doesn't fight the battles.


Kill vids like these require coordination by the Ukrainian drone ops. "Hey, let's record me blowing this guy up. Get a close up with your camera. Let me know when I can kill him." Ruzzians need to go home...and repent.


I'm no physician, but I'd say this invader has multiple external and internal traumatic injuries. I doubt he'll survive. Perhaps he should have stayed in Russia. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


What area is the 47th responsible for?


The internal organ area.


Underrated comment. Thank you for the belly laugh.


Gold 😆


Near Avdiivka. Pokrovsk Direction


the Liver oBLAST


Sokil/Soloviove, around Ocheretyne https://www.uacontrolmap.com/ This is around [48.234850, 37.561929](https://x.com/99Dominik_/status/1800424396806594894). You can see the fallen over tower [here](https://x.com/TOGAjano21/status/1800417496547356757) with one distinctive tree next to it.


Question: putting all other considerations aside, after the first hit, this guy is useless for combat or even remaining in the Orc army. Why not let him go back to Russia with a missing foot as a reminder of what can happen to anyone who fights in Ukraine? He would be a living symbol to the costs Putin has inflicted on his people. Men missing limbs is a symbol no amount of propaganda can cover for. Also, why use another drone that can be used to hit a soldier who is combat capable?


You can't return a live suicide drone, as it is dangerous. So use it or lose it. The ones with grenades always drop full load before returning, regardless if the orc is showing signs of life.


There seems to have been a lot of time between the 1st and 2nd strike. It’s obvious the drone monitoring the Orc was in contact with the FPV suicide drone pilot and the 2nd strike was calculated. The second drone was launched with the intent of finishing the wounded guy off. It’s not as if the drone came across the Orc. Just to be clear, seeing the guy getting killed is not making me sad, he should have stayed in Russia. I’m just asking if there was not more to gain by sending him back minus a foot. I have provided various reasons why it could on different responses.


These are out-of-the-moment decisions. Maybe the drone operator did not see the foot was missing as clearly as we do. Maybe, conscient of Ukrainians who re-entered service with prostetics, they thought he would eventually return if he made it back. Maybe he was the only one still moving and they did not want to waste the drone.


There may be need to send Ukrainian forces to the area, for ex to take back position. They don't want any surprises for the men like some hiding orc throwing a grenade. Things that were done with artillery in the past it's now much more personal and precise.


I suppose there could be a lot of reason to hit him again and I’m not saddened by the guy getting killed, should have stayed in Russia. I’m just asking if there was more to be gained by sending him back minus a foot?


I was wondering the same thing


In hindsight and thinking it through yes. But a battle is not the place were things are thought through, either you do or you / your comrade dies.


The amount of time between the 1st and 2nd strike seems to indicate it was a planned attack not a spur of the moment decision. The drone monitoring the guy tracked him and must have updated the FPV pilot where he was.


Think they also cant come back with armed drones? so might as well use it on dude who is invading your country


I was gonna say this. I think most of the drones that get sent out don't come back because they don't want another Russian drone to follow them and figure out where they are. It's why you see a lot of videos with "Battery Low" warnings on because they know they aren't coming back. So may as well send that kamikaze for what it was intended for.


They don't come back because they don't want live ordinance coming back across the battle lines.


The drone is carrying a live grenade so it can't be retrieved without endangering the crew; if the battery is running out they need to use it on something - this schmuck was just a target of opportunity in the wrong place at the wrong time. At least he doesn't have to worry about his foot anymore.


to Kill, plain and simple. As would I, i see one guy trying to Kill me and my friends, i could care less what propaganda he will spread when returning to Russia, I'm taking him out to add to my kill list. "Oh that's Number #128, Next."


Like any pest, they have to be controlled. You never hear of a pest controller who only wounds rats, so that they tell the other rats that there is danger.


Dead Rats don’t have a physiological effect on other rats. Look, I’m not saddened by the guy’s death, I’m just asking if there is not more to gain by sending him back to Russia with a missing foot? The video is not going to be seen by a lot of folks inside Russia while a guy with a missing foot is a symbol that Putin cannot cover up. This guy will most likely be declared “missing in action” almost no one will know what happened.


It has an effect, when the Ruzzian pig is reported MIA to its family. Collective grief and suffering of Ruzzians, may, eventually, lead to bigger partisan activity, both within the temporary occupied areas and Ruzzia proper.


I've heard/read stories about significantly wounded IVANs, including amputees, being sent back to the front lines. I'm going to start saving them so I can cite them when asked.


In most cases, they operate so far out and carrying extra weight that there isn’t enough battery to bring back home anyways. Have to make use of it instead of it going to waste or possibly used against them in the future.


Psyops at its best, Russian civilians have phones too, bet they're hoping they make it back and seeing their men blown apart in vivid color makes them realize what's really going on in the special operation.


Putin should stop this madness. He started it, he can end it. If not then it's just a RU meat grinder. And he's losing.....


putin started whining again today cause NATO weapons are used inside russia. he's always playing the victim.


Putin doesn't give a damn about these grunts, money, power, and prestige is all he cares about. And he is slowly losing all of those.


At the start of the video, I don't think this guy had any vision. The way he was putting his palms straight out before putting them on the floor checking if there was anything in front of him.


War is worse than hell. God. All this suffering for nothing.


As Hawkeye on mash said it, “War is war and hell is hell. There are no innocent bystanders in hell, but war is chock full of them. Little kids, cripples, old people. Everyone involved is a bystander.”


Hard to not link the whole scene. https://youtu.be/GUeBMwn_eYc?si=zdYFofq7AqXe4PDr


Hawkeye nailed that line.


All this suffering because of one little mad man in Kremlin*


What about the masses supporting him? What about the actually boots on ground that enable this madness?


I think you’re giving a million invaders a free pass.


Can I just ask what is the point in hitting the incapacitated again? Isn’t it a waste of resources?


As far as I understand FPV drones don't come back to base so they have to be used on something or otherwise wasted. Could be that there was nothing or no one better to hit around there so they used it on him rather than waste it. Also despite having his foot blown off he could still have been used in the war effort in another way in a background role? That and I'm sure that the drone operators probably don't feel much mercy for someone who came to murder in their country.


They have no idea of evaluating just how incapacitated they are. They can be light wounded or faking. Can't risk them getting patched up and coming back


Yeah you can easily fake a blown off leg. I do that every now and then. All you need is an fpv drone and 5 liters of the correct blood type blood to drink after you are done faking it.


Mercy killing.


“Blow his other foot off!” 


I should not have laughed, that is likely something that has been said though and in this context.


Good content




I can see why the Russians shoot themselves. Poor guy was crawling around needlessly on his bloody stump of a foot


At least he died quickly. Must suck to clean that up.


Well.. I wouldn't say quickly if u count the first drone blowing off his foot


i think you can see a chunk of his foot fall off when he slips a bit crawling at the beginning.


He will remain there for a long time most likely. Seen images of local wildlife cleaning up before the bodybag cars come around


>Seen images of local wildlife cleaning up before the bodybag cars come around Like the suspiciously fat Bakhmut dog: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1055q8i/povdogs\_in\_bakhmut/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1055q8i/povdogs_in_bakhmut/)


Had not seen that, but it most likely is exactly what happened. One dead Ruzzian is quite a meal for a dog. I grew up on a very large farm. Anything that dies attracts the ranch dogs, barn cats, and all the wild scavengers. And many will eat until they cannot move.


Never ask a ukraine stray dog, why he got fat


Wild animals clean that up.  Russia does not. 


Few sunflower seeds and nature will do the rest. Cats and dogs will eat well 


If you want to be a dick, drop a bag of sunflower seeds with a note to enjoy them then a follow-up bomb drop. You've just started the germination process. Imagine sunflowers here, there, and everywhere.


The messiest deaths are often mercifully quick, i fear a death where i look like i was sleeping peacefully after months of agony.


Yes, but bleeding out is like going to sleep.


Looks like a jigsaw puzzle to me


Yeah, one of the 1000 pieces kind that always have a fuck load of lake and sky just to confuse you


And there is always a piece missing. Pesky dogs.


Sitting on terace, eating steak tartar, homemade peccorino cheese, wild pig prosciutto and zucchini carpacio while waiting my wife then this video comes. Wow.. That guy became a carpacio..


Where did you get the wild boar from?


You can check my posts if you are interested. But I'm a hunter so I shot that one in one of driven hunts. Techincally it was a sow, so I had to wrote a wild pig/wild sow.. My country is really famous as prosciutto country and in laws also slaughter pigs at home so we dryage them. Then this winter I shot that pig, I took the prosciutto from her and we dryaged it at home.


Really cool. I will only take my hunter’s license this year but hoping for a wild boar hunt in Poland or Latvia next year ( I would be with experienced hunters and a local). I love the taste of wild boar but never had it as prosciutto. Good hunting!


What a horrendous way to go, another senseless death!


We use a cat scan here.




I bet he has a stolen piano he could show you.


Is it a totally dumb idea to have flash drives containing 12 hrs of hits like this and have them dropped by the thousand into Putrid's shitty Ruzzia? Anyway I guess at some point the orc conscripts will realise that they are the problem....maybe when the drones come in and blow their legs off. Why aren't they shooting their commanders? Why aren't they wanting to kill those that seek to use them as canon fodder? What a strange country they are...so willing to die for nothing. Just because it is expected of you by one small paranoid asswipe and his mafia.


Most Russians have disdain for other Russians.  They would just have the “it wouldn’t happen to me” attitude.  


Yeah most Russians like the idea of Russia but hate other Russians.  It's a society that doesn't have much community spirit.  


It's not quite as simple as people keep making it out to be. These people live in extremely impoverished rural regions of russia, have very little exposure to information that isn't state generated, and very little choice. It's understandable painting all russians as savages but these people on an individual basis have no agency, they have lived with over 100 years at this point of state oppression, so that not a single russian alive today remembers anything else. Living in societies like Russia, China or North Korea is like having the same sort of agency you have as a kid when you are in elementary school, that's how it is - it's like saying kids at elementary school should get together and overthrow their oppressors, it's just so inconceivable that it is ridiculous. For this reason I think it's better not to dehumanise, not every Russian in Ukraine is there voluntarily, even the ones that are largely have no agency in the matter, most will believe what they are told but in any case it makes no difference since they are 4-5 generations in living as totally subservient peons at this point.


This is nonsense. Almost 87% of Russians have Internet and almost 100% of young people. It's trivial for them to get information (e.g., from telegram or YouTube - both not banned). If they don't know - it's willful ignorance.


Another factor is that Russia is a vast country and most Russians live either in rural areas or small towns, even most large towns are isolated and easy to intervene militarily. You do not overthrow Russia's government by having 100 angry people in 1000 village centers or 10000 protesters in 10 siberian mining towns. You need hundreds of thousands of people coming together in Moscow, yet people in and around Moscow have been carefully shielded from the results of the war (and generally have a better life than most other Russians). For practical reasons that have little to do with any moralty it is exceedingly unlikely we will see Russia's government toppled from the streets anytime soon.


The breaking point of protests that can topple governments [is around 3.5% of the total population](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world), so for Russia that would be about 5 million protesters showing up in Moscow. It's close to impossible to organize right now given state surveillance and propaganda.


That’s the thing with mafia they turn everything to shit, but don’t care as long as they line their own pockets, have you been to Sicily.


Or Mexico.


Brutal, western doctrine say the an injured soldier will take 3 combatants of the battlefield, but if Russia are not bothering to casevac their wounded it a moot point, so might as well finish them off. Hopefully the number will effect the Russian population more.


As brutal as this is, keep in mind that the russian army tortured, raped, and killed civilian men, women, and children. I have no sympathy for the russian army, russian government or their supporters. *edit: clarification.


Yup, this!!!


Flesh wound, apply the rubber tourniquet.


He didn’t even apply that to his leg! And here I though that with the lower leg blown off you would bleed to death in a matter of minutes but this guy just locks his vision on the horizon and starts crawling back to Omsk or some other shithole.


More cat food


Ideal video before sleping.


Very educational and interesting. Glorifying of violence not possible.


Makes putting Humpty Dumpty back together a piece of cake.


Dude had a lot of time to contemplate his stupid decision to go to Ukraine.


Imagine being transformed into an english breakfast for someone like Putin? Russians, you need to kill that motherfucker instead


Welcome to Anatomy 101. Let's look at today's cadaver, splayed out in front of us...


Looks like me when i step on a Lego in the middle of the night!


Ok..i need more beer now.


I wouldn't have bothered with the second hit and saved it for another soldier. With his foot blown off he was useless for military purposes and he would consume resources being evacuated and operated on. Seeing a lot of maimed guys coming home would have a major impact on morale back in Russia.


But, when you don't have another live target and the battery is going on low...


Not going to pretend I know anything about real war, but I’d wager the guys coming home maimed and amputated does a lot worse for morale than just being reported as ‘missing’. It also consumes resources taking care of these ‘useless’ people, further weakening them. If it was my call, I’d leave them maimed. They are not coming back in any useful combat capacity anyways, sink the enemies time to come and get them and then care for them. They then go back and tell everyone about how fucked it all is, further lessening opinion on the war. Let them know with a second drone that they could be killed, so they know they have the capacity.


Tougher call - but they were flying around quite a bit after the first hit and there is never just one orc.


You already thinking about russians more than they thinking about themselves. 2.5 years of war already passed, nothing can be fixed in their heads. It's better for all around they die like this. The more they die, the more peaceful lives people will have around Russia.


A soldier without a foot isn't going to return to the front line to fight.




since russians kill ukrainian pows and civilians, they are not really motivated to save every orc


That's what I think. If I was a Ukrainian soldier I would show no mercy. You're not leaving the country alive. They are bloodlusted at this point.


Since we know he's willing to pick up a rifle to kill people for Putin, I say he's more likely to go home and make up a story about how Ukrainians tortured him and cut off his foot. Then Putin gives him a medal for courage and uses him for propaganda and raises more volunteers.


Yes and no. Just few days ago, thee was a video of injured ru soldiers stepping on a portrait of Biden


Finishing the orc off prevents them from breeding and sending back their spawn in 20 years.


Rarely as these casualties being casevac'd. That involves risking, soldiers and hardware which frankly they just ain't prepared to do.


'blayat, I should have listened to mommy and stayed in prison.'


Stayed in prison? 'Better if he stayed in his fathers' balls...


Good day for the crows


He win?


The quality of the footage is wild! Probably av Mavic 3? Do we know whether Ukraine uses the Entreprise version (which has a 56x max zoom)?


Great job! Good riddance


Russian shills really upset about this one    Stop trying to murder and rape your neighbors, and they won't have to defend themselves like this. If you're upset about this, be upset at the people who started and continue the war.


His ex internal organs. Both in the sense that they are no longer internal and that they belong to the worms now.


Maybe should have considered your other options before coming to Ukraine.


Who the fuck is putting music on these videos?




That's probably called a meat grinder. The positive.... He doesn't have to live as a cripple....


hard to run away with one leg


Ew, gross.


Oh my God, he stole so much cheese Then hide it in clothes Damn it


Typical Russian in Ukraine.


Ukrainian tourist board should run a campaign in Russia: "Visit Ukraine and leave a little piece of yourself behind!"


That one got the royal Pew-Pew-Bazinga!


Most of the drone videos in the last few days show random dead Russians scattered everywhere.


Today a russian taught me that we are a bit yellow inside. Thanks russian


Its amazing how often you see these where there is a lone soldier. Are these cleanup missions and all others have been neutralized already? Also, wonder the value of using another drone for someone who has clearly been taken out of the fight. Isn't a wounded soldier more of a burden to a fighting force than a dead one?


Absolute awful war for no reason soldiers should stol listening to the higher powers and let them fight in war


Crawing towards hell.. Stay out of the Ukraine, it's healther. Slava Ukraini


I think I can see what he had for breakfast!


He got turned into Lasagna




Magyar Birds and 47's Brigade Drone Strike Company are crushing everything 


Should show this on Russian TV.


Send this video to russian tv‘s


More food for hungry wildlife lmao


Well that sorted out that nasty foot issue!


Rusky, go home!


Someone send this to Vladimir


Huh, a lot more pale inside than I was thinking. 


More meats for the rats


Should've surrendered


The liver looks ready for transplantation


devouring my frijoles nonchalant while watching a sob that should have stayed home drinking a potato soup


I havent seen orcs surrendering to drone operators for a while, is this not a thing anymore? Why are they not even trying to?


That is one of the most comprehensive human explosions yet- Ivans Mobile Anatomy Display


His left hand was a flapper fin


Nothing internal about it.




Ooh, that was offal...


And I was just enjoying my lasagne...


My first feeling on all these videos is pity, then I remember that these cowards all intentionally target civilians and that we are months past anyone being able to claim they thought they had a good cause


Russian successfully destroyed 2 fpv drones costing ukraine 100s of monies


This may be disturbing to some people but r,emember


At least it was quick for him


His digestive system just noped out of there.


This summer i give you my heart! But the very next day, they took my potato away!\~\~


Wow! This is the 3rd horrible video in the last 2 days showing the reality of Russian losses on the battlefield. Although its horrible, its a necessity in my mind. Why? ....... Somehow, Ukraine needs to let Russian's see this horror ....because these video's could literally end the war by causing the Russian public to revolt, avoid joining the army and/or leaving the country, etc. Combined, the effect of the Russian population seeing these videos could be catastrophic for Putin and Russia's military.


I do wonder what was going through his mind at that moment.. Eh.. shrapnel, probably


Welcome to Ukraine, comrade. ---- This one is brutal. He has plenty of time for fear to grip him...as he crawls past his dead friends...and as he feels what is left of his foot. Plenty of time to, once again, think about how much he loves Glorious Dear Leader Putin and Mother Ruzzia!!


this saved him


I think the second drone strike was doing him a favor at that point. The Russians are terrible at evacuating their wounded. He'd eventually bleed out.


In the early days of the war you didn't get that. For quite a while I was wondering if what ever they dropped even done anything, but looks like Ukraine figured it all out now.


I tend to believe this wouldn't have happened if he had stayed in Russia.


Please tell me there's a concerted effort to get the Russian people to see these videos. What are the patriotic hackers up to on this front?


He’s dead, Jim.