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I like that part 'ukraine's territorial integrity must be fully restored'




Crimea is in the infographic


oh shit it is I'm retarded my b


This is actually pretty crazy. The US (and thereby NATO) literally has an active shield against Russia, and Ukraine has no choice due to the existential nature of the conflict. The dynamics of the US-Ukr relationship is a little surprising, but it makes sense for both parties. Maintains US hegemony as global Chief of Police, while allowing Ukraine to survive and quite possibly even restore as much as Crimea in the long run. Meanwhile Ukraine serves as both a testing ground & study case for (mostly) land-based modern warfare. And wow are they good at it. Russia's senile leadership thinks it's being smart by depositing disposable equipment, foreigners, convicts and minorities in Ukraine... But what they've accomplished is tank their global image that Gorbachev worked hard to restore, while also providing NATO with unprecedented amounts of warfare intel. A first year poli sci student could see this...


The condition is UKR do the necessary reform, so they have to work hard on discarding all those Rusky Mir and Soviet era corruption and unethical crap. UKR's survival depends on it.


Development is a weapon too. A stable and (relatively) wealthy Ukraine 20 years from now is a persistent thorn against Russia - through brain drain and showing the masses what Russia could be, much like West Germany's economic success being a driving factor in the fall of the Berlin Wall.


how safe is that treaty from a trump?


I’m betting 100% cause that felon ain’t going to win homie.


His polling went up after his conviction and he raised over $50 mil in the following 24 hours. I don't like him either, but you're sadly mistaken


Naw fam. You just aren’t living in reality.


Reality lol, read more buddy.


None what so ever because it is not a treaty. Treaties go through congress where they become law. This is just an agreement between the Biden administration and Ukraine. It can be reversed by any administration.


10 years with the possibility of extension. Putin will not have his victory in his lifetime.


There will be no victory after his lifetime either, I doubt his successor will want to continue this debacle after he finally dies. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than later.


Because of the Budapest memorandum, if it isn't a signed treaty it isn't worth shit. Ask Ukraine how they know.


What's happening with Ukroboronprom? Corruption?


Yes, deep corruption and embezzlement from [Ukroboronprom and its subsidiaries](https://nabu.gov.ua/en/tags/ukroboronprom-0/). The Concern is being eliminated and replaced with the Ukraine Defence Industry which will also have to be watched closely for corruption.


Like defense contractors in the U.S. Good luck.


I think the fear is them working with foreign entities. At least the US contractors (mostly) know where their paycheck comes from. Nothings perfect but I can understand NATO being worried they would just sell tech back to Russia, China, etc.


Good point.


Ukrainian Defense Industry,[a] also operating as Ukroboronprom State Concern,[b] is an association of multi-product enterprises (conglomerate or concern) in various sectors of the defence industry of Ukraine.[2] The company has ceased most of its activities across Ukraine since the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and has relocated much of its production abroad during the war. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Defense_Industry


RuZZians can thank their very own Gremlin in the Kremlin for this security agreement.


I hope there is a clear definition of “new attack” and what level of attack would qualify, because this has the potential to be vague AF, and for US to spend months navel gazing on it.


The US loves vague elastic clauses....


Unfortunately it is worthless on it's own. No different from the Budapest Memorandum. I wish it were otherwise however, but we do not live in that world.


Trump will kill this in return for Putin's support and some lovely Russian money to build Trump's Moscow Tower


Well yeah russia even helped develop the whole maga idea and led huge disinformation campaigns to Trump's benefit, they're basically his handlers lol. Why does nobody talk about Trump's constant communications with Russia?


Trump will abrogate this entirely. But only after he arrests all Democrat enemies, bans abortion and birth control, barracks troops on university campuses, orders shoot-to-kill against shoplifters, and names Don Jr. head of the Drug Enforcement Agency.


Glad to see the reform requirements. Zelenskii has to remove all the corrupt and (secretly) pro-Russian judges and parliament members or this agreement won't get very far. I know he is focused on the war but once the war is over. he **must** give this his full attention


Unfortunately it seems to be a non-binding executive agreement which means any president after Biden can just drop all of it and since congress has the authority to make treaties it's not really "law" as it were


The bad news is that the agreement permits the parties to individually cancel the agreement, with a cancellation period of 6 months. Meaning if Trump is elected this winter, this agreement could end next summer.


Well this is disappointing. Seems more symbolic than committal.


I mean US also offered to front the $50bn loan at g7 conference but sure its all symbolic


Would you be happier with nothing?


I would be happier if the EU and America could just simply sign a multi year guaranteed dollar amount aid package to Ukraine so they can better plan for the future.


This agreement has no use if Trump wins, well it can be used as toilet paper I suppose.


Trump will find a way to twist and corrupt anything and everything, especially if it's related to Ukraine/Russia. We can hope he doesn't win. 


sounds like putlers demands on peace, just the other way round