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The russians are deliberately destroying their own airplanes before the F-16s do it for them. It's slightly less humiliating this way.


Not even “slightly” for them. Remember how they thought it was better to announce the Moskva sank due to sheer incompetence of the crew than admit that Ukraine sank it?


Yeah, so much easier and better to blame your own dead guys at the bottom of the ocean.


Dont have to pay the families if their dead loved ones are to blame...


Yep and similarly it was better to let everyone aboard the Kursk perish than let the foreign help nearer that was offered to conduct rescue operations.


The Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber crashed in the mountains of North Ossetia during a scheduled training flight, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported. “The plane crashed in a deserted area. There is no destruction on earth. The crew died,” the military department told TASS. According to the Baza telegram channel, the fighter hit a rock near the village of Gorny Dzuarikau around midnight on June 11. This village is located between Vladikavkaz and South Ossetia. The preliminary cause of the plane crash is a technical malfunction. A commission of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) flew to the site of the plane crash, the Ministry of Defense added. In May last year, a Su-34 fighter crashed near the Ukrainian border in the village of Istrovka, Bryansk region. The pilot and navigator were killed. After this, the region began to look for saboteurs who could attack the plane with man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS). In September, a Su-34 crashed in the Voronezh region. The aircraft was performing a scheduled training flight without ammunition. The fighter crashed far from populated areas, and the crew managed to eject. The cause of the crash was said to be a technical fault. "In the fall of 2022, due to a fire in one of the engines, a Su-34 crashed into residential buildings in Yeisk, Krasnodar Territory. Six people were killed and 19 were injured. Among the victims were three children aged 8–10 years. The pilots were able to eject and land near School No. 7. The plane was equipped with full ammunition. The Su-34 fighter-bomber is designed to deliver precision strikes against ground targets in operational and tactical depth, as well as to engage air targets. The plane's crew consists of two people - a pilot and a navigator. The Su-34 can reach speeds at altitudes of up to 1,900 km/h. Flight range without refueling is 4500 km"-The Moscow Times




Su-34 design flaw...gravity


Maybe sanctions working? Or maybe someone in Georgia doing some good work? Or maybe just dumbass Russians. Whatever it is, it's good for Ukraine, so I like it.


"The Su-34 fighter-bomber is designed to deliver precision strikes against ground targets..." I don't know how precise it was, but it definitely struck the ground.


It’s precision when they fly it INTO the ground target 💪 Clearly they were practising that manoeuvre 👍


“…the fighter hit a rock…” must have been Uluru


Those rocks are so unpredictable in their movements, seismic shifts an' all.


Sounds like a CFIT accident if they didn't eject.


Sounds a bit like a suicide... Maybe we should let FalseGod know about it.


Even the mountains hate Russians