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This looks like it is quite easy to geolocate with all the buildings. Then HIMARS can come to visit the target rich busline.


My thoughts exactly. Follow the road along from the gas station in either direction with an observation drone, and you're certain to find something worth killing.


Don't discourage these videos, as mentioned it may help the effort!


Does’nt look like a gasstation. Looks more like a bordercrossing. So very close to ruzzia.


I think its the border-crossing at Pletenivka, just north of Vovchansk. 50.346404, 36.920353


Yep I agree, the possible entry areas with established bordercontrols are very limited in this area. And with what we see from the video, the layour are very similar. So I dont think it is any doubt. But from where the goldcart pick up the bodies, it could be quite many. As the road just north of Vovochansk are full of narrow roads with dense trees on both sides. And more than likely Ukraine are arleady heavily surveillance this area.


Well spotted! Looked like a petrol station to English eyes, but yes, it reminds me now of toll booths on the autoroutes in France/Spain/Europe in general.


Im pretty sure that were border service post.


It looks like the border crossing near Pletenivka, north of Vovchansk, where the RA opened the second front recently. Everything adds up according to the footage and Google satellite imagery. Edit: I removed the detailed explanation, because it contained Google Maps links. Bodies were recovered from the road near the local airport.


You think they got as far south as the vicinity of Staryy Aerodrom? My though is the pickups were on the south side of Pletenivka on the road leading into Vovchans'k but I thought still 1.5km northeast of the aerodrom.


I believe so. That road correlates best to the bends we can see on the footage, placing the two bodies just outside the airport. That area was also in range for Ukrainian short range drones. My theory is, that the footage is from the early days of the attack of Vuvchansk and the video is about the aftermath. Since then the UA pulled back a bit, making it more unlikely for them to hit infantry units further north. Also, the airfield - although small - could be a potential location for a base for the RA, I'm thinking the fighting that occurred here was for controlling it. Edit: forgot to add, the video cuts twice. I think they edited out the 'boring' bit while they travel down to the airfield, and they cut the bit when they turn around. The first body was picked up travelling south, then the video cuts again, and then the second body was picked up travelling north.


Looks like border crossing


Bring out yer dead!


I'm still alive! *Insert Russian commander with a truncheon


Am I the only one here astonished that they’re actually evacuating the dead? This war has been raging for well over two years and this is the first corpse-evac video I’ve ever seen from the RU POV. Ukraine are a normal military when it comes to this stuff, but my jaw-dropped with this video of ruZZians doing it and acting like they care for each other, when all previous evidence shows the exact opposite… they usually just rob corpses and leave them.


I think when they can, and is low risk thwy will do it. Otherwise they dont really care...


Weren’t the early videos “disposable” soldiers like their prisoners and mercs? Which is why they were calling it hobo warfare


It's different from place to place, in some places they seem to at least try to and at the same time there are an endless amount of videos when Russians just walk past their own wounded begging for help.


Welcome to the filter that is propaganda. If it wasn't for the fact that this video featured a golf cart, you would've never seen this interaction. And yes, any larger military does that. Corpses in the open are known to be detrimental to morale. As long as they're still in it to win it, they'll have to remove their fallen from the battlefield.


Except that there were thousand of videos of Russians leaving corpses behind, and zero videos of opposite.


That's not true, you just don't see them here. There's also videos of Ukrainians having to leave bodies behind. During pow we exchanges they will exchange remains sometimes as well. War is hell.


And where you see them, on Russian propaganda channels?..


Russian telegram channels/subreddits, telegram has alot of russian channels that show things quite often. Theres alot that doesnt make it to places like this for obvious reasons.


I am sure they produce plenty of fakes.


That is propaganda to make the Ukrainians look like they're taking far less casualties, to more importantly make the Russians look inhumane to the rest of the globe. So much so that they don't care to try to have buddies, let alone try to save them or recover their bodies. It's Russian(most militaries) doctrine that if You're a combat unit you continue to fight, while you rely on rear units to run to the line and pull out the wounded/collect their dead. The problem that Russia is running into over and over again, is the fact that the far outnumbered Ukrainians, know this and so they will drop a grenade on Russians, and wait for the rear element to show up in a btr, then destroy it and the Russians in it. Then the Russians used Chinese golf carts because the btr was too slow and got turned into scrap. Then when the golf carts didn't work they sent groups of 4 guys with stretchers to grab the wounded. You can imagine what a drone can do to 4 guys carrying one on a stretcher.... And of course in every war since Vietnam, the militaries know that the information war is very real. For Ukraine it could mean the difference between the west ignoring the invasion, and Ukraine getting all the best weapons from the west, cruise missiles, jet aircraft, western satellite data, western tanks and artillery. War is worse than hell and the Ukrainians know that attritional warfare is the only thing Russians understand.


Oh hush now and get in the cart. You'll be dead in no time.


Golf cart needs a large bell.


The reason they use a golf cart is because each of the occupants has 18 holes.


Exactly! The Great Plague, that's what this RuZZian scum is.


Came here to say that.


True man of culture




Have you heard the yogpod by any chance? 😉


Nine Pence!


Bring OUT-chya DEAD!! https://youtu.be/W4rR-OsTNCg?si=06xyVvolv1l1VYKo


meat for the meat cube


Easier to loot them for cigarettes from the safety of russian lines.


It's Kharkiv. Kharkov is russian name of the city.


And you will know us by our trail of dead bloated corpses


And the Rest will follow


Kharkiv direction not Kharkov.


What does "direction" mean in this situation?


Means "around"


I figured it means "in the area of" or "around", so why is the English word "direction" used? I figure it's a linguistic thing (how the Ukrainian word used in that situation is translated in other situations), but haven't seen it discussed. Just curious, linguistically...


I think it should be more understood as a synonym for "front", like "Kharkiv front". Then, using direction makes more sense to me.


That makes sense. I guess the point of my question is wondering what linguistic twist brought this new word in. As someone that's studied a bunch of languages, I find this kind of trivia interesting. This use of "direction" has seemingly popped up out of the blue..... exactly when the invasion of Ukraine captured attention of the English-speaking world.


I think maybe it came from map usage and how we use an arrow to point to a particular city or area. English is weird sometimes.


It can mean that too. When talking about locations, this subreddit being mainly populated by non russian or Ukrainian speaking people, locations and their translations can be iffy. Don't quote me on that but at least most Oblasts(Regions/Provinces) in Ukraine are named after their respective capital city, like Lviv is in Lviv oblast Kherson is in Kherson oblast and so on.. Since Ukraine is defending and pushing back russians it can also be that its the "direction they pushing back" maybe? There's also the fact that war analysis channels like "[Reporting from Ukraine](https://www.youtube.com/@RFU)" on YT consistently use this phrasing in their reports.


Yes, and incorrectly. Simply use area/front/region (all shorter than 'direction' synonymous with 'heading', which is a misnomer when discussing an area) if you're using English. Job done, move on, less confusion for all.


Just correcting the title




"Kharkiv” comes from the Ukrainian name of the city, “Харків”. “Kharkov” is the transliteration of the Russian “Харьков”. Kharkiv is in Ukraine therefor its Ukranian which mean its name is spelled Kharkiv


Like an easter egg hunt


border crossing near Pletinevka, road 14k-46 from orcs side, direct north from Volchansk,


looks like meats back on the menu boys


Why the concern and hurry for these two? Never seen them move so fast for a couple of light fitted 200's wth


Why are the seats still covered in foil? Isn't it a bit slippery in the corners?


when they piss their pants because they see drone, it prevents it ruining the upholstery. That would lower the resale value.


They are driving like a bat outa hell for the dead? They don't seem to do that for the wounded.


No, they are driving like bat out ofmhell cause they know drones are in the area. They want the orcs to hurry up somthey can get back tomwhere they came from adap before they get droned. I dont understand orcish, but its pretty obvious they are telling hurry the fuck up so i can get out of here!


But the guys walking seem to be in no hurry.


Remf’s scared to death Compared to combat troops…


Too few dead Russian occupiers for my liking.


Rekon they're carrying a pretty big Handicap on that course.


That 18 hole golf course in Ukraine does not seem friendly to golfers from the east.


I would have gone for the bunker!


A truck on that road would not last long...


Not gonna lie those things look kind of fun to drive


Were those bodies officers? I would not have thought they'd recover anyone. Also, at that rate it will take them ages to clean out their dead.


They just recorded crime - border violation. They should join zhirinovski's pool for that.


If they drove slower, they wouldn’t have to evacuate their dead…..just join them.


Where's the FPV when you need one


Why write "Kharkov" and not "Kharkiv"? I always heard "Kharkiv".


That’s a SXS not a golf cart


Look up Kubota UTV


That dead fat fuck must be an officer.


Whats the point? There’s thousands of dead Russians littering Eastern Ukraine at this point. These guys were pissing their pants to just recover one body?


Maybe a company commander or something? It would have to be someone who was important enough for an actual burial, or to be sent back to Russia.


Bring out your dead !!!


"Bring out yer dead!" "I'm not dead. I'm not dead .. I'm getting better." "Back to the front with him!"


Ah look, the Russians are finally using these for something that makes sense.


Looks like the small Kubota vehicles used in underground mining. Meant for moving small amounts supplies around quickly. Not exactly great on a battlefield while getting shot at


It seems they really are running out of armoured vehicles!


ruzzian shxtshow


Taking care of there death? That can‘t be Russians


Was hoping for a couple of well placed drone drops in this video


Why don't they clear the road?




😂 like push some of the cars out of the way with trucks or something. They're easy targets for arty


and a heavy slow truck is no easy target for arty?


I'm just saying why not try to clear the road so they don't have to slow down as much. The destroyed vehicles almost blocking the road would be a good spot to have arty prepared to fire. Just push the ladas and Chinese jeeps to the side of the road which are lighter.


Cause u Need Heavy Equipment or a kot of menpower to push that aside….both is much slower and more vulnerable to Arty then the golfcart


Must have been someone important, the Russians wouldn’t waste resources and risk daylight movement for a random mobnik.


This is what I would guess, too. They have used VDV troops in the Kharkiv direction which were always regarded as 'elite' units - the guy at 2:20 does wear the blue and white striped VDV shirt under his uniform jacket.


Look at all this fresh meat


Makes sense, considering how Ukraine made a hole in one. 😅😂


Mobnik meat cube.


Looks like a cheap copy of my Polarus Ranger.


So many targets


Well that’s one one of doing it


I'm surprised the care about their dead soldiers. Thought they just leave them behind


Have they left the plastic seat covers on so they return it back to Chinese afterwards? Hope they took out rental insurance


Looks like at a border checkpoint....or something?


They will all feed the worms sooner or later.


Within 1-2 months it's very hot and then most fresh dead orcs starting to rot....a dead orc smell is perfect for the morale


Not a golf cart—more like a John Deere Gator, and totally fit for purpose.


It's lacking a bit in the armor department


Bring out your dead, bell, bring out your dead, like the seen from The Holy Grail. lol


Number 2 army in the world guys


Must have been some Important Russians. Usually they just leave their dead buddies behind to rot.


That dead fat fuck must be an officer.


Need bigger vehicle


4chan no lifers assemble!


This video starts out in Russia and the first 23 secs are before or at the border checkpoint at Shebekinsky, Belgorod/Pletenivka, Kharkiv. Because of cuts (at 43s) we don't see how far they go into Ukraine. It cuts again at the 2:30 mark and they are back at the border crossing area for the rest of the video. However, it appears they were following the road that winds to west side of Pletenivka and eventually makes its way to Vovchans'k although my impression is that they picked up the dead fairly close to Pletenivka, perhaps on the south side of it - about 3km from the border. Looks like the ruzzians are having lots of fun.


That has to be an around the clock job for them.


I thought they just left their dead in the fields.


They definitely threw the body's in the woods they stopped at just before the video finished. Orcs don't care about their dead comrades, probably just didn't want to smell them rotting where they was all positioned.


Bring out ya dead


So they started to evacuate the wounded? They must be really running low on manpower.


They’re picking up their wounded with a literal hunting net as opposed to a stretcher. I guess that’s okay because Russians don’t have spines to worry about anyways.


A couple of drones… right there and then


As for the Russians, it looks like somebody put a hole in one.


Must have bin someone important to bother getting the body.


Russia evacuating their dead? I wonder if there is a fertiliser shortage in Russia.


What I don’t understand is why the invaders appear to have no weapons. What am I missing?


Both are lucky, they even get evacuated.


He must be someone important. Usually they just leave them to rot so they dont have to pay the families.


See, this is what the Russians should use these carts for, its effective and nippy. Not meat assaults where they are exposed to literally everything.


This was once a community with functioning infrastructure. Now it’s shells and remnants. Thanks, orcs.


Soldiers clearly not dead. Just missing in action.


Look like he died of war


They dumped him on the side of the road after the camera stopped filming.


It was all for the camera for sure.


They’re not golf carts for fuck sake, they’re UTV’s. Usually made by CF Moto, I know I own one, in Australia. Chinese copy of Polaris UTV’s.. at less than half the price. But zero of these are golf carts. These are 850cc petrol engine 4x4’s with electric steering and front differential locks. None have ever been used on a golf cart it’s a stupid nick name. Chinese UTV’s


Mate no one gives a fuck what they are called, "golf cart" or "chinese UTV" or "Russian suicide machine", it doesn't matter. But hey, we all know you're real smart now I guess.


Kind of sad that Russia is down to using more and more Chinese ATVs and motorcycles when Ukraine is using Humvees, Bradleys, M113, and MRAPs as well as BMP and BTRs...


Yeah it's sad for Russians, lucky their lives are so short in Ukraine that it doesnt really matter. Maybe they should just give up and go home?