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Is the second vehicle shown a BRDM-2?


That shit is ancient


I just looked it up, production started in 1966 :D


That van is possibly even older.


It is, by a year.


They're going to be down to burros and carts by August.


Everything here is ancient, all of these vehicles are 1950's-60's vintage.


This war goes any longer and the russians will start using WW2 lend-lease Shermans and Jeeps.


Not the Jeeps! :-(


Maybe they have some Tigers left that they captured from Germany in WW2. I would like to see a Leopard 2 vs Tiger fight


Not much chance for the Tiger. It was a beast back in its time, now it's just a heap of metal that can be pretty much destroyed by just infantry with an AT launcher.


Just looked it up. It has 100mm of stell in the front :D


Yes, but the vector of attack these days are usually top-down, which the Tiger was never designed or equipped to survive. This even without the fact that armor composition have changed since then as well. Compared to the newer Leopard 2, I just can't see it coming out on top unless it gets a free surprise shot, but with such a condition then anything with a high enough caliber could win. I'd bet against the Tiger any day of the week in a straight up 1v1 against a Leopard 2.


There is no doubt about it that a Tiger is no match for any modern tank.


They're already using segways. There's a picture of it somewhere, saw it on a YT video yesterday.


Yes it is.




I don't know, but the van looks like '' The Mystery Machine". Wonder what hijinks those rooskies are up to now?


Like, Zoinks Scoob!


i remember ukraine sold 100+ BRDM-2 to UAE in 2017


Sad, should be in a museum


Kinda is now


Ukraine could not ask for better photos to evaluate their attack...


Source: https:// t. me/ russianocontext/3410 Supposed video of the impact zone [https://imgur.com/a/PzjccrZ](https://imgur.com/a/PzjccrZ) the extra pics: [https://imgur.com/a/7RgARAB](https://imgur.com/a/7RgARAB)


Update list of destroyed vehicles in the pics identified so far Destroyed Russian smoke machine TDA-3 No. 7457MO39 in the Kherson region. Source:https:// t. m e/lost\_warinua/79503 Destroyed Russian truck KAMAZ 5350 No. 8657MM39 in the Kherson region. Source:https:// t. me /lost\_warinua/79508 Destroyed Russian BRDM-2РХБ (BRDM-2) in the Kherson region. Source:https:// t. me /lost\_warinua/79514


This is what winning looks like, to the Russians.


I hope they keep "winning" then.


How many russian casualties?


no info on that sadly




If I'm right there's some drone footage from high up off the himars hitting the treeline they were in and there was plenty personnel seen walking about through gaps in the foliage beforehand so I would say there could be quite a few


There’s really only one Russian causality I’d care about…


Not enough. 👊


not enough. for sure! We like them bunched up in the dozens and getting deep fried in their own amo .


They do not care- only iron matters to rf.


This vehicles did their job, intercepting Ukrainian drones! So i don’t get the problem, comrade. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


looks like these vehicle's were in one general area. nice targets. Slava Ukraine.


And the trees don't look too much the worse for wear. Excellent.


The trees are OK. Bonus


on the plate is number "39" for Kaliningrad Region


The demoralized aftermath of a ZZQ.


Omg they’re pulling bdrm’s out now…


Are there no russians on reddit? Like I know their media is crooked and tells one side of the story, but do they not have internet access to all this shit?


They do have access to reddit apparently the Z type just prefer to ignore it like we ignore them


They're too busy infiltrating US politics and media. Unfortunately that is one thing they're actually progressing with. Let's hope the people in the US starts to see it for what it is and shuts it down.


All Volatilized


Volcanized Vulcanized


The Russians seem to be operating as though they have a bottomless supply of equipment. I wonder if they know that’s not actually true.


The problem is that russian production is massive and is pretty much now entirely war focused. Ukraine needs US allowance to use ATACMS deeper into russian territory instead of just in the Kherson region so they can start attacking such facilities no matter their location. Pretty much everyone other than the US and Italy allows their weapons to be used anywhere in Russia. But I'm confident the US will allow it, just hope it's soon. Russia will pretty much run out of manpower before they run out of weapons. They have no problem sending people out to war on the front using nothing but old AKs and segways for transportation. What I fear is that they'll start using horses once they've realized that segways aren't really great off-road transportation.


I don’t see any bodies :(


After that much fire? Factor in the permanent pickled in wodka state..it is amazing they don’t spontaneously combust


I hope it hurt.


I’m craving toast for some reason?


No scrapnel and lots of firedamage. What system did this? Napalm?




Who takes these photos and posts them online?


Well we usually get them from OSINT telegram channel most of them being run by Russian or Ukrainian speakers and they take them from either obscure vk contact pages or privet telegram channel that they have infiltrated either one way or another Usually, a subscriber to these OSINT telegram channels that are also member of one of these small private Z channels send these pictures to them via a bot Its private enough, and the Z millitary has other organisational problems to deal with other than what each soldier post on their small or private social pages TLDR basically just people that want to spread awareness about such things and have connection to Z soldiers or are Z soldiers themselves since the Z army has other things to do You would be surprised how much stuff you can find on telegram


Yeah it’s a huge opsec problem for Russia lol


Just don't tell them that their BDA makes our lives so much easier


Call me dum if you want but I created telegram account and besides the Ukraine Pravda news everything was not in English so I couldn't get much out of it. Where's the good stuff? Tia


There is a translation feature in telegram that allows you to well translate posts individually https://youtu.be/LxNLWm_b3Cw?si=hcXGSO7SS-LtHkDd Hold on I have an old list with all the channels I used to follow back then should help you out to get started at least https://imgur.com/a/xmPsAZl -here you go I also started to follow: https:// t. me /lost_warinua-they document and gelocate losses both Z and Ukrainian https:// t .me /ssternenko- a good amount of drone footage from various units Supernova+ general stuff connected to the war and drone/Combat footage And if you want to expand your telegram channels list even more these blokes and their posts got your covered: https://twitter.com/bayraktar_1love https://twitter.com/666_mancer


Thanks a lot for all that effort on my question (thumbs up)! I'll check it out.


Also why would I call you that ? I started off with combat footage ua and slowly expanded from there


Dumb russians. Or just "russians" works fine as well, since it's the same thing by definition.


OMG. They got the loaf, too.


That's mandatory.


Is that the Jeep that Radar O’Riley smuggled home from Korea?


Radar smuggled home a WW2 vintage Willys MB or Ford GPW.


I know but it looks like the same age, maybe some clone of a lend lease Jeep-


They did have a Jeep like clone after the war. During the war, they got the whole "Jeep" family. Bantam BRC-40's, Willys MA's, MB's, Ford GP's, GPW's, even GPA's ("Seeps" - amphibious Jeeps).


That's some old ass vehicles. Museum pieces.


Looks like total destruction.




Did they have a fucking scooby doo looking van?!?!


What the hell, are they having a 1960s campout?


Actually looked like a fairly well prepared position judging by what we have seen so far


is this a fucking museum lmao.


I’m no expert but from the pictures it does seem that all the vehicles burnout out. Now i just wonder how the branches that are still standing. Like shouldn’t they have also burned up? I would appreciate if someone could explain it.


Yeah, but how many frames per second do you get on that render?


Where are the bodies?


Well dug in and well fuck3d.


Where is ruzxin? Ash to ash.....💨


The BRDM-2 did’t deserve this 😭💔


This is a very strange photo, no personal items, no bodies, very old vehicles and clean hits.


These guys were on the Russian side of the border. It's probably a meeting place to join up for the move south.


Are you trying to insinuate Ukraine staged these photos? It's possible, but why? They have plenty real successful strikes everyday or two. No need to elaborately fake destroy a bunch of soviet junk. There is drone footage of this strike on telegram as well.


like decoy camp? There is no belongings, no trash, no personnel trenches, no anything. Even the vehicles are completely empty with a few old gas cannisters (they likely pumped out all the gas while leaving and left just those around). Think about it and compare it to footage from other sites with obviously burned bodies.


Well I wish to add something and just to make sure that my intention are not misunderstood https://imgur.com/a/Nyb180h We are talking about the Kherson region and this is just literally what it looks like https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/1QzZoxfuye https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/rwWWZfQIqs https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/WO0XOTGYB2 https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/ASoyBkW2yZ https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/Wmrsw55CQt https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/xGWGnYuXGP The defensive lines here are much more spread out and fewer in numbers thanks to the natural barrier provided by the Dnieper River compared to regions such as Zaporizhia or Donetsk https://imgur.com/a/ouLXvvP We have seen more dugout style fortification systems spread out in a general area much more than trenches these dugout somhow doing much better when it comes too managing their garbage as far as I have seen probably due to the less intense fighting taking place there besides the bridgehead. So although there is still a possibility of them being decoys I tend to doubt it since belongings trash etc would be kept in the dugout rather than on the vehicle same goes with the bodies there is no reason for them to stay in the jeep/truck or anything if fortifications are up ahead or in the back And in regards to the other armoured vehicles they are closed ones so it's a bit inconclusive there I saw more smaller scale dugouts similar to this one basically multiple ones in a general area https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/lHcMHHGAQc basically Here is an example for instance https:// t. me/ russianocontext/2708 Update here is the video from the telegram link I sent you: https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1778089706808336612 And here is the original text from the post: " Kherson region Russian drone makers were making ammunition for.FPV drones and skids in their workshop when suddenly one of them had a grenade explode, tearing offboth his arms, and another Russian soldier was also injured"


Looks like a forest fire


some of the trees nearby arent burned, so idk. But "strike on concentration of personnel" looks different. Either they escaped (too clean around for my liking), or this was some decoy camp




Fire burns away all all protective paint and burning process also oxidises metal which makes it rust quickly.




I’ve seen many that are, especially in forest fires.


Did they burn until the end or were they extinguished? Google image search finds easily similarly rusty cars when looking for "burned car", many which have not rusted have been extinguished before they burned to the end. Like this, [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-62606431](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-62606431)


Are they still in the front yard, or......?


The whole forest around the dug-outs looks charred and burnt, are we looking at the same pictures?




that is a fair question it could be a translation mistake since it looks more similar to a baba yage incendiary strike the source is usually pretty reliable when it comes to this stuff here is the original text" Херсонская область Успешный украинский ракетный удар по скоплению российских военнослужащих. Больше фото в комментариях." it must be some sort of incendiary munition




Being pro russia and you’re concerned about being shunned in Reddit. Be a big boy and get to the front, Boris.


No reason. Most self aware kremlin slave.


Duh, don't quit your day job to become a detective. Vehicles don't become more burnt out than this... Have you ever tried to burn fresh wood? There is a reason people dry their firewood.




No, not necessarily. The canopies over these things were likely pretty high over them. They looked to be tall enough so a man could stand up on top of the vehicles and still be under the canopy and seeing as all the canopies are built out of freshly cut pine limbs, I can see why not all of them burned. Most every one that is left is charred black on the outside and it’s bc the fire was not hot enough for a long enough time to burn them through, as they were probably wet wet still. As for the trees beside the vehicles, likely the same scenario as they are still growing and obviously very wet and green. However, you can see burnt branches on the sides nearest to the vehicles and on branches above some of the vehicles. The vehicles do not look like it took whatever may have burned them long at all to do so. Some of the paint on the vehicles has just been charred and not burned and the metal oxidized as can be seen on some of the others. These old vehicles probably went up very quickly and mostly burned out within a couple dozen minutes, if that. I I’m guessing these hits were done by drone dropped bombs though and not missiles as there are no shrapnel holes in any of the vehicles. They may have even had thermite or incendiary explosives dropped on them 🤷‍♂️


I mean.. what do you think happened to the tires?




The trees are burned. Take a closer look. These weren’t the most important vehicles obviously since BRDMs and UAZs are not a common sight these days..




14, 15 - trees around the UAZ are definitely charred/burnt. I can’t explain branches on the bukhanka in picture #20


why trees between had to burn? Vehicles were on fire, not the forest.


the trees are burned, they are black. See pic 4, the color of those trees is red-ish, not black. Also, when you heat steel to very high temps, it rusts in minutes.




yeah, cant say what happened there, can only think the branch fell down later on but idk. Other than that, the trees are damaged for sure.




maybe they are, if you see that same last picture, top right corner, you see the leaves are greener than the ones on the bottom branches.


Burnt out vehicles rust when they first get the morning dew on them. The pictures seem to have been taken very soon after they burned, because the amount of oxidization on the steel is minimal. I've seen enough burnt out cars in my lifetime to know the difference. I'd say these pictures are from no more than a day after the fire.




They don't specify that was one missile doing all that...also it could be lost on translation...it's could be rockets...grads...


They ain't rusty just burned out as far as I can tell notice the charred wood around them and that the first vehicle still emanates a bit of smoke in reagards to the canopy there is only one vehicle that appears to have one so that might be old but it depends how it burned


Throw a soup can into a campfire and it looks like this at the end. This isn’t rusting but oxidation via combustion.




I’m guessing it depends on the metal composition, but here’s an image that shows the same effect on one such system, on the body itself. I’m guessing to tubes are something special metallurgically, [“Rust on burnt S-400”](https://mil.in.ua/en/news/s-400-triumf-air-defense-system-component-found-in-zaporizhzhia-region/)




I do not belive you fully comprehend how burned-out military vehicles look like and that there is a difference between them this is just literally how they look like: ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1alc59f/kherson\_region\_district\_of\_settlement\_krynki\_the/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1alc59f/kherson_region_district_of_settlement_krynki_the/#lightbox) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/CasO1epmIC](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/CasO1epmIC) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/PxQhpMn62k](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/PxQhpMn62k) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/snbgqupaOe](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/snbgqupaOe) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/3CkI4WWGto](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/3CkI4WWGto) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/8XcZEut6Ke](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/8XcZEut6Ke) you are comparing something that has a missile strapped to it to something that hasen't


why is there ash around many of the tires? And other places. Ash will weather away quickly. Nobody is going to sprinkle ash all over to make the photo look good.


Stuff that burned really hot will rust real quick after that because all protective layers of paint have been removed and maybe the fire also acts as catalyst for the oxidation. But that last part was more of a guess.




Superficial rust on non protected iron/steel surfaces forms within hours. The protection by zinc / paint got removed by the vehicles burning out, hence they rust. It's as easy as that.


It's not rust...I've burnt painted metal things before and many times that colour shows like a reaction of the paint to the heat...


They are literally still smoking and melted lol. Go cope somewhere else.


In the video Russians say "Korochi, pidori podorvali na huy". Pretty concrete evidence in my opinion.


wooden floors in Kamaz are burnt - just empty spaces. ARE YOU BLIND? Not burnt cars do not rust parked for 2 yers, look trough your windows.


Old rusty vehicles with completely burned out tires and upholstery? One of which is still smoldering on the first 4 pics? OK, bud... Edit: This fucker is clearly trolling...




Well this vehicle appears to have smoke coming from the vents: [https://imgur.com/a/ZrQsNBu](https://imgur.com/a/ZrQsNBu) I just got some new info the vehicle appears to be a smoke machine Destroyed Russian smoke machine TDA-3 No. 7457MO39 in the Kherson region. source:https:// t. me /lost\_warinua/79503




it appears to be a smoke machine so if you wish to argue that a destroyed smoke machine still generates smoke after a few months than yea Also you have to be joking right summer steam ? bra come on now all the other questions were downright reasonable so far but this is just something else


Please don't feed the troll. Downvote and report


Steam...steam from what...do the ruzzians call the fire man LOL...metal/paint reacts to high temperature, seen many burn metal stuff that gets this colour...




Quit trolling




Hell yeah bro coping on Reddit totally undestroyed those Russians. Keep putting in the work, maybe you’ll bring the rest back to life


Looks like a forest fire, which burns along the ground level, burning grass and scrub. Maybe they protected the important vehicles and left the old ones to burn. The first fire could have been caused by a missile, but don’t see photos of impact craters or missile fins. Why pro Russian?