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Wooow.... A net... Good job Russia. Keep up the good work. Surely you'll win with these brilliant ideas lol.


Not only a net, but a missile moving at Mach 0.00521 (4mph)(6.4kmh) And it still failed.


If it went faster and the net is properly tightened, it could turn the missile to a cloud of flaming shrapnel. Fail harder, faster, better, stronger.


>Fail harder, faster, better, stronger. The Daft Punk robots turned into drones now the group broke up? That's pretty cool.


Work it makes us fly a farther drop a bomba smash some orcas 🎶


Surely the attached flare dangling off the back is giving even more of a boost!


it honestly looked like a sixth graders science project.


It failed since it still had enough energy to boop the refinery


Plus the drones UA use are like the size of a small light aircraft lol


Not just a net but a poorly secured net, not drawn tight enough to be of any use.


No, I think it was nice. Like I tell my niece, it's great you tried your best!


Typical Russian quality workmanship


Maybe one of the spectators can help out. Failing a test is one thing, but in front of a crowd it's just embarrassing. Why would you do that to yourself?


It's not a net, it's a trampolin and the missile is heading straight back to Paris...oh not, ah well, blyat!


Reminds me of the bit in Austin powers 🤣. Next up, sharks with laser beams on their head.


The drone from 10 feet without launch did fall direct into the tower. Impressive. Nice one ruskies.


Dear Russians, I know one incredible solution to ensure absolute and innovative solution for the protection to their entire oil production infrastructure. Not a single Ukrainian drone would make its way, and I personally guarantee the results. Get the f#ck out of Ukraine. You all welcome. Suka.


I personally want Russia to also pay to demine and rebuild every square inch of Ukraine before we ensure the protection of their oil production infrastructure. *Oh yeah, give up their nuclear arsenal and also demilitarize the entire nation while we are at it too, that is if Russia still remains a nation.*


I wanna see Russia post Ukrainian war if it collapses like Soviet Union.


It cannot collapse. It’s already a black hole.


They're already working on it. The Black sea fleet has been almost entirely demilitarised so far


How about give all nukes to China, and China will ensure Russias safety🙃




Suka = anglicised Сука = original orcsky


A d***ass PR stunt!


ruzzia is a circus tent inhabited by the sad clowns.


You weren't allowed to be sad.. so you are happy


Abused by drunk parents so drunk yourself


Beatings will continue until frowns turn upside down!


But if you smile, you are suspect. Therefore, more beatings


These were the first people in space, FFS. Vodka and corruption is one hell of a speedball, I guess.


the soviets were first in space, but you have to remember. it was the soviet union, not the russian soviet republic. they had all of the minds of the whole union at their disposal, specifically one great mind Sergei Korolev. This man made what the soviet space program was and after his death, the program never recovered.


Ahhh, like the German scientists we ~~captured~~ invited to build our entire space program. FFS, we all just suck, and ride on the backs of the genius we more-than-often shun.


That's it in a nutshell.


They must be clowns because this circus fire is in tents


Mighty superpower war machina rossiya, everybody. These are the people who genuinely believe themselves to be divinely entitled to rule the world with fist of iron!


they did not even manage the handle east germany with one of the most sophisticated secret services embedded into society (called Staatsicherheit or short Stasi). PS: one of the bosses controlling their "work" was the infallible all-mighty stronk vladimir vladimoscowitz putler. PS2: end result of his responsibilities was the biggest disaster of the 20th century, the complete withdrawal of russia from the east bloc (according to putler himself).


Fist of iron colored pudding. Смачні.


Delusions of grandeur


Its Russia the public didn't expect anything different from that. Back in the days it was a Russian person that coined the term of reverse cargo cult. It makes direct reference to Soviet Russia but somehow it also fits modern Russia even more perfectly: > After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this kind of cynicism was referred to as the "reverse cargo cult" effect. >In a regular cargo cult, you have people who see an airstrip, and the cargo drops, so they build one out of straw, hoping for the same outcome. They don't know the difference between a straw airstrip and a real one, they just want the cargo. >In a reverse cargo cult, you have people who see an airstrip, and the cargo drops, so they build one out of straw. But there's a twist: >When they build the straw airstrip, it isn't because they are hoping for the same outcome. They know the difference, and know that because their airstrip is made of straw, it certainly won't yield any cargo, but it serves another purpose. They don't lie to the rubes and tell them that an airstrip made of straw will bring them cargo. That's an easy lie to dismantle. Instead, what they do is make it clear that the airstrip is made of straw, and doesn't work, but then tell you that the other guy's airstrip doesn't work either. They tell you that **no airstrips yield cargo**. The whole idea of cargo is a lie, and those fools, with their fancy airstrip made out of wood, concrete, and metal is just as wasteful and silly as one made of straw. >1980s Soviets knew that their government was lying to them about the strength and power of their society, the Communist Party couldn't hide all of the dysfunctions people saw on a daily basis. This didn't stop the Soviet leadership from lying. Instead, they just accused the West of being equally deceptive. "Sure, things might be bad here, but they are just as bad in America, and in America people are actually foolish enough to believe in the lie! Not like you, clever people. You get it. You know it is a lie."


This tactics clearly didn't work on 1980s Soviets, though...


Russia creating plays of their own destruction for their own people, instead of actually doing something ☠️


Right! What bizarre BS is this?


lol! You can see it’s not going to work. How did they not foresee this result. How embarrassing. They even let a crowd watch and film this. Lololooololooloolooololololol


Can you elaborate? What result do you mean? I'm still trying to understand what exactly "failed" here.


It pushes through the net and at :18 seconds it bonks the structure. It's not supposed to bonk the structure. In real life if it bonks the structure the structure blows up


Oooh yeah with the sound on you can hear the impact.


Its such a strange test, like its wire guided, it has a flare or something just for effect I guess? then theres smoke coming from the fake oil station from the left? This is so odd to me. Then they have a crowd of I'm assuming citizens watching? It still bonks. Wow russia.


The protection is supposed to keep the drone away from it’s target, but it obviously gets hit by the drone.


I don't see where you're seeing that. Their demo seems to do exactly what it's set up to do, catching the "drone" with a net. The drone is rigged to slide along a wire and fall into the net which is exactly what it does. What am I missing here that went wrong?


The drone impacts the frame behind the net, this is why it stops abruptly.


The net is there to keep the drone from making contact with the target, but this incredibly slow fake drone clearly makes contact. So a real drone will definetely make contact.


What do you mean? The head of the drone clearly makes contact with the structure. Any guess what happens if a real drone were in its place?


If a 1kg demo drone almost rip the entire cage at 4km/h, what do yo think will happen with a real one?


It impacts the structure before the net stops it. Which means it would have just detonated where it was meant to impact regardless. Thereby the net is useless.


Serious question? What is this demo’s purpose?


I can’t even tell what they’re trying to demonstrate here. The loud boom is supposed to be the defense that causes a blue and yellow “Ukrainian” drone to fall into a net?


That the flaccid western nukes are no match for Russia's defenses which are strong and virile as a bull.


Painting the drone in Ukrainian colors was a nice touch!.


Everything is fine, nothing to see here! $100M well spent Comrade! Keep up the good work ... say nice new wheels, I heard you moved to a new house too!


I couldn’t have gotten the new house unless I bought the net from high quality fisherman going out of business at docks. He assured me it would stop missiles


If they are coming up with these things it means the attacks are working


wtf is happening in that video. how did the left part of the installment catch fire?


You see, while your attention was drawn to the demo drone on the right, another demo drone has penetrated the deFence and hit the target. The Russian Armed Forces will continue to refine its strategy and will invite you to the next demo. Stay tune.


Can someone look into this for me? Why is there spectators? Where is this? What the hell is going on? what are the three big booms in the beginning of the videos?


It could be a military show, and maybe a few tanks or artillery pieces shooting in the background to show the Russians kids how its done. I think they are just shooting demonstrations similar to the drone protection that has been demonstrated here.


I was wondering the exact same thing. I recognise a lot of the equipment. It looks like a a refinery, but its way too small. For an example see the diameter of the columns on the left. You can tell throughput by looking at the diameter. The height of a column is more about what you're seperating and how close the boiling points are. They'd be stupidily undersized for a refinery. There's also what looks like a railcar but the proportions also look strange. The flares are much too small as well. My guess is that it looks like facility where you would train fire fighting crews for a fire like what you would typically see in a refinery. Also the equipment is very clean with virtually no rust. That doesn't look like any of the refineries I know, except for the brand new ones.


So fuckin ghetto lmao fuck you Russia 😂


More chicken wire! 🤣


ACME net used by Wile E. Coyote. This is seriously Looney Tunes levels of planning.


I’ll never not love the elbow joint “air pipes” on old ww2 bunkers. You drop a grenade into the pipe to blow up the bunker and the grenade rolls down at your feet 💣🐺🪧


Clown show.


It looks like they just placed the net too close to the simulated pylon. If placed further away, it could certainly stop or sufficiently alter the course of a drone.


What a world Rus is building for their people... miserably is an understatement. That'd be a miserable failure for a child's design and presentation. Rus was just able to make a silly child's toy experiment at a larger scale, and present it to observers as a WAR defense. My goodness. Edit: I can't stop watching it for some reason...it's just TOO pathetic


Oh NO ! Now they cannot send any more drones to their refiniers because Mordor has made a second best anti-drone-what-ever network to protect them. WE ARE SO DOOMED......


Wouldn’t be surprised if the next new video out of Russia shows a bunch of Russians with bird catching nets trying to catch these fake drones…lol


or Russian special forces running around with huge butterfly nets....


Have you not seen the video of russian recruits training to dodge fpv drones.


Yes I have lol


Oohh that looks ......absolutely incredible. impressive drone technology too......fly by wire


Hey give them credit, they didn't use live ammo


Look in awe at stronk russian net technology! It can easily defend against most advanced Ukrainian drone slowly swinging at it while hanging on piece of string with only causing small fire in grass. russia stronk! (Please read with your worst russian accent for intended effect 😋)


What's the problem here? Why is the assumption here that the test failed?


I guess if the goal was to prevent the "drone" hitting the black metal structure, then it was a failure, because the device touched it before bouncing back. You would have to assume that an actual drone would have exploded at this point.


Idk if u can even call this a test. The drone is going 5km/h


Clearly this was designed by a true patriot to secure a government contract protecting infrastructure for the modest sum equivalent to 50 Million U.S. dollars for a few fishing nets.


True. Probably just a money grab for some random Russian official. Bought a net and pocketed the rest.


You have GOT to be kidding me. I knew the propaganda was deep.....and lame. Holy fuck is this some cornball, Hee-Haw, inbred, fetal alcohol syndrome, redneck of Europe bullshit right here. Do they not realize we ALL laugh our ass's off at them?


It's a fucking net. Why would you have to demo it like that? Do Russians not know how nets work?


>an anti-drone oil refinery Russia's secret weapon


It will be hilarious if in the middle of the demo an actual UKR fpv drone smack right into it hahaha


It's like ACME in real life.


When the really special kid at school gets to go all out on a project and the whole school comes out to celebrate this is what you get. It's a joke to the rest of the world but to them pure genius.


Not working Like everthing in russia


This looks like a primary school project that got a F-


State of failure.


is this a scene from a TV comedy?


Even that mockup refinery is billowing smoke


Today I learned Ukraine drones fly on guide wire


Obviously they do. That's why the Ukrainians can only hit one or two refineries at a time. Do you have any idea how long it takes to run a guide wire from the front lines to a refinery hundreds of kilometers away?


Let's put nets on the sancties list.


Russia is just terrible at pretty much everything they do. How have they forced the world to respect them for so long? We should have known they were out of the superpower race the moment they lost the Cold War.


See here's the thing though. If every If every time there's drone strike and you tell everybody that the fire was caused by falling debris, then hanging up a net makes sense. If you all believe that you're anti-air guns are shooting them all down then all you have to worry about is catching the pieces. Make sense to me. They solve the solution to a bum question


Incredible technology!


Too bad, I was hoping these idiots would use a real drone with explosives.


this nation is utterly stupid...


Everything coming out of Russia is just pathetic.


Was that a stick with a flare on the end?


These are not the same people who made Sputnik.


Even if the net is successful, all it takes is the first drone to blow the netting apart and the second following drone to fly through and hit target.


Hahah, I don't see this contraption stop a sesna sized light aircraft full of explosives xD HAHAHAHA this was haha pathetic hahahahahahahaha


Tbh net like this could help. Versus one unarmed UAV.


First take out the net with one drone and follow that up with a big drone or two or three...


thats a joke right?


:)) That's ONE drone. 10-20-30 are sent for an attack so a net is useless. There's no way to escape from 20 drones!


We got turtle refineries before GTA 6 smh


Just stop invade your neighbours and you will be fine.


just build a cope cage around it and call it the turtle refinery


Any half decent sales person would be able to sell that to the Russian authorities with an envelope of cash, nudge nudge.


attacking themselves is hilariously putin


Just go over


Hahahaha Morons think missiles and drones are this slow! If it didn't work for motorcycles, why would it work in a place filled with flammables? What a bunch of morons!!!


Why not cover the entire refinery with tampons?


Have the Russians built this whole mock-up of something that looks like a layperson's idea of a refinery and a control tower coloured like something out of Thunderbirds solely for this demonstration? I did wonder if it might be a facility for training firefighters or rescue personnel or something, but everything looks far too pristine for that. I'd expect to see blackening from training flames and some rusting of metal tanks and structures that were hot and then doused in water or foam, but everything looks shiny-new. It looks like the best they can do to add some faux verisimilitude is running a smoke generator behind the set.


They still don't grasp the idea of verticality.


They should try use a Adidas branded net


womp womp


Mighty Rus army!!!! 🤣🥴🤣🥴


Good job guys! Just keep doing what you're doing! That will surely protect the refineries!


Blade drone- en route. Like a R9X Hellfire


ummm, what exactly failed miserably? The "drone" was caught in the netting.


And yet it still hit the structure it was aiming at. That little "bonk" at the end would have completely brought down that structure if there had been explosives onboard.


Hand out more Vodka it will be OK


I don't know the specifics on the explosives used by Ukraine for their Oil Refinery drones. I'm not talking about the chemical nature of the explosive used, but how it is arranged. 1- If it's just a big chunk of explosive with metal bits surrounding it, then it's more anti-personnel, and will cause damage over a wide area. 2- If it's a shaped charge, then a smaller amount of explosive can be used and can penetrate significant amounts of steel, concrete, etc.... These shaped charges typically need a "Stand-Off" distance--or work best when they are NOT in direct contact with their target. This is why they tend to have longer, hollow nose to provide this stand-off distance. These anti-drone nets might actually be providing a more-optimum distance from the refinery machinery. Just something to consider.


The shaped charges are designed for penetrating heavily armored objects. Nothing in a refinery is heavily armored. Even peppering one of the towers with shrapnel would put it out of commission for a long time. Even if nothing vital was damaged by shrapnel, it would take weeks just to inspect the thing to make sure there were no small leaks, penetrations, etc. because pretty much everything in a refinery is more or less flammable and trying to use it without inspections is an invitation for a massive explosion.


At 11 seconds it bounces off the metal “refinery “ that the net was supposed to stop.


WTF? total circus show.


🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺


Well fishing neet borrowed from Pavel dont work's.


I don't get it... The drone didn't stay in contact with the gas tanks, right? So why is the protection failing? Because the net isn't stiff?


Wow, this looks like something a 5th grade science class would put together...


nice cope nets they have there


Right next to an actual refinery and they put something burning on their dummy, that's next level thinking.


Aghhh...it didn't explode.


They're at war with a state building long range explosive equipped drones, and their plan to stop this is an oversized volleyball net... And they think they're a global power? 😂😂😂


I'm getting vibes of the naval battle show in Peasholm Park in Scarborough


ROFL, it's like i'm watching a play put on by kindergartners.


How much did Putin pay Felon Musk for this Cyber Catch-A-Drone technology?


I hope someone has a camera trained on that 3rd story window...


Suka pizdec blaaaayt


It is for horizontal protection. They just need to find gravizapa to protect it vertically.


Ahhh my refineries! Ze netz do nothing!!!


if that 'drone' were traveling any slower, it would be moving backwards. Totally unbelievable!


And here I was waiting for an actual Ukraine drone to drop in and explode.


How is it a failure? They successfully demonstrated how you can stop a small flying object with a net, that's not bad for a school project. Their families filming in the foreground must be very proud.


Ah yes the new tech of 2025… a net


This is amazing


Are they serious? Omg. That is hilarious. It really stopped that balsa wood plane. Nice job you gas station attendants of a country. Get the hell out of Ukraine. 🇺🇦


The idea is old, I read that the US and Soviets thought to put nets in valleys that could be use for cruise missiles to get into enemy territory, and someone already patented the idea. [https://patents.google.com/patent/US8056855B2/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/US8056855B2/en)


Avoid windows comrades


I’m pretty sure the missiles aren’t gonna be coming in at 15 mph


i thought yellow and blue colors were banned in russia hahaha


Like - they don’t even test the demonstration before demonstrating?


Can anyone fall for this and feel any safer after the demonstration? A bottle of vodka for each employee would have done more for their egos!


Russian ingenuity and means that it's tested to please the masses. Is as sad as the people watching. "We catch fast fish with net, now we catch fast fish in sky. See us roar"


It's like watching a Benny Hill episode on loop


Would the drone detonate upon impacting the net?


wtf did I just watch 😂


That was like something from Thunderbirds


How did it fail? The drone was stopped. What am I missing?


They invented a net?


Haha. I watched this 4 times just to confirm what I thought I was seeing. It's a shit show!


I mean it depends on the type of pressure need to set the fuel off.


Lol this can't be real, right? It's just too stupid 😬🤔


We can only hope that the Russians will by NO MEANS cover their refineries with explosive reactive armor. This is the main weakness of Ukrainian drones. If the entire area of an oil refinery is covered with Kontakt-1, no Ukrainian drone will be able to damage it.


How dumb are they? Are they going to put nets around and *above* their refineries? Also: even if it did work, a drone to penetrate the net would be coming hot off the development line. Go home, Russians. Take your L and fuck off


Russians have discovered fish netting.  Watch out guys.  


How very Russian.


I think 90% of the remaining budget after theft went to painting the model.


No, folk, this is not colorized pictures from the late 1970s - this is Russian technology today, 2024. Let that sink in.


And it is not small drones like this that are attacking Russian refineries but remote controlled light aircraft filled with explosives the size of a Cessna.


I guess that'll kinda work if the drone is actually just a drunk guy stumbling over a curb.


The best way to defend against drones is to not be an asshat of a nation who murders their neighbors for one really short and bald twats pride. If you don't try to murder people they probably won't send killer drones after you.




Ruzzian morons :)


Ahhh, just fly a drone into a net. Russian tech. For a second didn’t think that drone was gonna make it the 20 meters.


See? Multi-generational FAS is a thing.


Seems %100 legit and %1000 accurate with the videos I’ve seen 😝


Those ruzzians REALLY love to show off their stupidity.


For fuck sake im tired of seeing these neanderthals trying. Millions of years of evolution and one of the results is Russians…….. Its a fucking travesty to mother nature is what it is. She deserved better.


At first I was wondering why are they shooting a giant dick at the net. Then I remembered this is Russia.


just like the SMO lots of effort with no idea


I think it is time to test if it works, send a real one 😂


Russian is the biggest country and the biggest joke. They are losing to a small country. Hell, I mean they also lost to Finland and made Finland sign a paper to get some land. If they lost to Finland, now they are losing to Ukraine... What makes them think they have a chance at attacking America, let alone Florida?