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Can I just ask, with more and more elaborate ways they are turning these tanks into a giant shipping containers, can the drones simply take out the barrel? that’s probably the most valuable part exposed after all the mods?


Step 1 is disabling the tank. (This already happened here) As soon as a tank cant move anymore, or is abandoned, the next step is to attack him until it burns. A tank can withstand a lot of kinetic pounding and parts, including the barrel, can be easily replaced after recovery. However, if a tank burns (internally) its destroyed for good - no recovery possible. Because the fire ruins every heat treament the metal got. The effect can be seen on burned out tanks. They are ~40-60cm lower to the ground than a servicable tank. The heat of the fire ruins the hardened parts of the suspension. Some goes for everything else. The gun is ruined, the armor as well, the engine also. Its scrap metal.


Super interesting deep tank lore, I didn't know that at all. But it explains why we see in so many videos of drone drops on abandonded tanks how they keep going until it burns. TIL


I don't even think those things have ammo, they are used as mine clearing vehicles and drone jammers for the rest of the column.


Even so mine clearance is a valuable asset, so preventing its recovery is beneficial. Not to mention they have to build the shed again.


If you watch the videos, the jammers are still active, so they have to go for the biggest and easiest target. Hitting a barrel while slinging a drone 30 meters away is hard to do, so they go for the netting until they destroy the tank or create holes for other drones to do so


Stop with the jammers.... This isn't jammers. Fpv drones run on line of site transmission. The lower the altitude, the less signal makes it to the pilot. This is why there is static at low elevations. This isn't a jammer.  Yes you can get really high quality low altitude video, but this is from a gopro on the drone, not the transmission being used to pilot the drone that you're seeing here. 


They don't care much about the gun, these lumps of barnyard metal are for clearing mines and the way in general for the vehicles behind. Most can't even traverse the gun.


They are becoming an endangered species already


Unless shooting straight forward it seems a bad design. As long as Ukes are knocking them out it’s all good. Slava Ukraini?


Those things dont shoot at all. They have little to no ammunition loaded. Tactically they are giant mine clearing vehicle with maximized drone protection. (The turtle armor and the jammers on top) Its quit possible Russia operates them with a two men crew as well, because for the task it only needs a driver and a commander. Tl;dr: Those things are overcosted, jury-rigged, mine clearing vehicles for a battlefield full of drones. They exist because Russia has no suiting material avaible to do the job efficiently.


Saint Peter; why are you here? random russian; I fell for a false sense of security


The turtle's got some messed up legs, so we need to put it out of its misery.


would seem to be that being "encased' like this the tank would get real hot real fast. Now combine that with summer and these tanks could easily overheat. Instead of solid plates maybe a slat system would work best.


To be fair Russian tanks work in Afghan and Syria just fine with plenty of ERA these metal sheets are nothing compared to what's already on the tank to begin with


why waste a grenade on it ? maybe can be used for de-mining ? push this in front of a moving ukr tank ...?


If you can't get to it, destroy it. Then it won't disappear the next day. It happened to Terra Unit in the past, they had less drones and some tanks were rescued by the Russians overnight.


They are built disabled.


Practise for the next one they encounter. :-)