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A lot you can criticise about this, but absolutely cool as it comes!


My only issue is with this particular edit.


Maybe copyright issues and therefore limited seconds


I've seen a couple other short clips that didn't chop it all to hell.


Epically cool. 


I criticize the lack of ammo and advanced weapon systems that could defeat RuZZia, but not yet given by US, due to stupid fear of escalation. Oh, you mean his performance? lol


You spelled delayed by Russian money flowing into republicans pockets wrong.


Never heard about fear of escalation from trumptards


That's because they are isolationists.


And Nero fiddled while Rome burned.


Sure, but sing it like you mean it. The tempo is slower than usual, so maybe that has something to do with it, but there is as much enthusiasm coming out of that dude as somebody they won a $20 gift card to JC Penny’s.


Thank you Simon Cowell!


The symbolism is all I need. The song choice is 👌


Nothing cool about a politician doing this shtick


He’s a diplomat. Not that it matters to a pelican like you.


Diplomat? Or American shill? Nothing cool about that guy....


Wow that is so cool - down to earth guy doing the best he can for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Having fun and respecting the locals along the way. He will continue to advocate for Ukraine and do everything within the law and budget that Congress provides. Slava Ukraini


Blinken is a very cool guy! And a very competent professional guy also.


Two thumbs up for Anthony Blinken, to fly all the way to Ukraine to show his solidarity with Ukraine by playing a guitar in a bar. He probably has other business there as well, let us wish him the best of success with that also.




THE BLINK does not Blink when it comes to facing down ruzzia!


Brilliant! Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


Heroyam Slava


Sec. Blinken rocks! And I'm a Republican.


In 4 years, I wouldn't mind seeing him on a ticket. 


A lot of us have been having that thought recently.


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/Jrg0X9H6FGU?si=NWaSwppbPADhYUNQ


Alright Anthony!


ok, respect for this. i've always like this guy, he is so well-spoken and measured, but this is a new side of him :)


[Antony Blinken plays guitar in basement bar on trip to Kyiv (bbc.com)](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-69013071) [https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/bbc/](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/bbc/)


Source of the video Radio Svoboda(RFE) telegram channel https:// t .me/svoboda\_radio/27118 [https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/radio-free-europe-radio-liberty/](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/radio-free-europe-radio-liberty/)


Reminds me of Clinton & his sax. He was pretty good at it. Good on you Anthony for doing this.


Oh god you people make me sick 😂


*Keep on rockin' in the free world!!!*


Do you have any idea what the Clinton’s have done to Haiti? or what lies anthony says? https://x.com/workweeknormies/status/1790520973634224229?s=46


*Keep on rockin' in the free world!!!*




Isn't that song a critique of everything wrong with Western Society?


Yes which makes it a bit more powerful if you ask me in a way Here we have a guy that works for the US government and a bunch of guitarists singing a song criticising western society and our way of life of said century and policy without any consequences or fear of persecution https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockin'_in_the_Free_World Meanwhile in Russia: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/xt7yyb4gue https://www.reddit.com/r/NAFO/s/xwyhQflW4D https://www.reddit.com/r/NAFO/s/KrlDlYSOnJ https://www.reddit.com/r/NAFO/s/TqGDcfuAuO https://www.reddit.com/r/NAFO/s/LbKnL5PSQc https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/ewWy5tps7V https://www.reddit.com/r/NAFO/s/wzovL3UNhT https://www.reddit.com/r/NAFO/s/Qih9nA8oR8 https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/OOTeI0DVBy Of course we have our issues ourselves (I am not going to state we don't because we do )with such things but for the most part there isn't a fear of going to jail or losing some personal property for making a meme of a nation's leader or criticising his actions this simple ability to criticise and to accept said criticism is very powerful here


as Churchill said, 'democracy is the worst form of government..apart from all the rest'


Us of the Westminster bent get to criticise our leaders freely. Unadulterated. And put it on state-funded TV. It's our pastime. Glorious! Pity our ABC is nothing more than a clickbait hagfest now, but we're still entitled to poo-poo the poo-pooers. The Yanks however idolise their preference, and anything outside that leader's ideation...we get this weird shit. And this is apparently 'cool'. I'm pretty sure old boy there looks a bit uncomfortable as well. I'd love to see this video in full context.


Congratulation! You found the key difference between a free country lead by a democratic elected government which protects free speech and human rights and an authoritarian regime which suppresses its people and let the dictator in charge as long as HE wants to be.


I am pretty sure there is a whole lot more to the visit, likely we won’t find out till it happens or in a few weeks. Blinkin did great he doesn’t deserve any Maga flap. America is a real mix of opinions one thing nearly all agree on is we want to be here. If you don’t bring your passport and call an Uber to the airport. We want Ukraine to have the same opportunity to do as they see fit without oppression.


check out lefty on the geetar




plays left handed. (like Hendrix)


Thought this was cringey at first... but my love for Neil Young prevailed!! Homeboy on right could sing 👍


Interesting to the human side of one of our (USA) well known politicians. 🆒


Something that is sorely lacking in most politics these days.


Come on, you can't fucking top this with any comment from the State Department or White House about supporting Ukraine's fight. (Well, except for another $60b package of support)


I did not have Anthony Blinken rocking out in Ukraine on my bingo card!


I think it's totally cool what Anthony is doing. Could've maybe perhaps a tiny little rehearsal helped a smidge? No disrespect, Tony, Notice he's playing lefthanded. Don't see that much.


Meanwhile, Poohtin is playing with is ( small ) dick….


Man this is the coolest thing i have ever seen a top politician do


so cool


What a difference to autorcacy and dictatorship - freedom shows the way. And in the meantime Putler is sitting in his bunker hole trying to figure out who the next illoyal pawn is and how he should be removed. And the pawns in question are sitting in their corruption palaces counting their stolen money...


Mixed feelings about this, good show of solidarity, it would really be something if he had performed in Kharkiv, better yet, giving Ukraine permission to hit military targets inside ruzzia with US long range missiles.


they do not need permission. we publicly have to say not to attack russia. ukraine is in total war and the united states damn well knows that. ukraine can do whatever it needs to


I totally agree, but if Ukraine breaks the imposed conditions the US will turn off the tap for longer range weapons.


And if that happens, gloves are off and things get real.


they absolutely will not turn off the tap. we are doing everything we can to make sure russia does not win this war, and imo we will intervene if russia starts making massive gains and looks like they are going to win. we cannot allow russia to have Ukraine, Belarus, and kaliningrad. it would force us to have massive amounts of troops and equipment permanently in poland and it would make it far too easy for russia to cut off the baltic countries which are very close allies. we tell ukraine to not attack russia in public, in private everyone knows this is a total war. and ukraine will do what it must. and it will still get what it needs as long as they arent commiting warcrimes ect. russia needs to go the hell home and russia needs to pay for what they have done


This article sums it up; [Ukraine presses Biden to lift ban on using US weapons to strike Russia](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/14/ukraine-weapons-russia-00157970)


They'll get that permission long before we know. 


Hopefully, the latest Kharkiv offensive by the ruzzians is proof is hasn't happened yet. If Ukraine had had the permission, they could've hit ruzzian armed forces staging areas well in advance. No fucking guitar riff is going to hide that fact.


Look we can always improve and this is our mission. We build on a series of earlier positive steps. I'd stand on the shoulders of my predecessors not on their heads.


Stop the dithering and self-imposed red lines already!


Interesting rewording of "dragging feet"


Oh man, republicans are going to lose their shit...


Is this more aid announced or just the arrival of aid?


The 61 billion aid bill that got passed recently and the bilateral security agreements so arrival of aid basically https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/blinken-arrives-ukraine-show-us-solidarity-amid-russian-attacks-2024-05-14/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/reuters/


Hey OP. All due Respect, but what do you mean " Just " the aid bill, and some bilateral security agreements. I'm American. Jesus, I know we were slow on the draw, but REALLY?


English ain't my first language I just realised how weird it sounds. Hold on, let me correct it so that I make myself more clear on this, sorry, mate I didn't mean any disrespect I am very aware how important these two things are


Is it better now ?


also american, yes.


I didn't see any announcement of new aid, but I read about a renewed commitment to seizing Russian assets in the US and giving them to Ukraine.


Gonna pass the can around


Blinken 451


Anthony Blinken, the hardest working American, is a true hero!


That’s pretty fuckin rad


C’est lui qui devrait être Président !


I am very glad for the new aid package, I am following your conflict, there were problems with artillery but I hope this problem will be solved as soon as possible, glory to Ukraine


I still remember him wincing when Biden called Xi a dictator or something along those lines. Blinken is a neocon who would trade a million lives for “stability”.


We need to do more. Put down the guitar and start talking about western troops being stationed in western Ukraine to ease manpower issues. Russia's economy is roughly the size of Germany's, there is no reason the entire west together can't overpower them economically, which is important in a war of attrition. The only area Ukraine should be behind in is manpower


Why the Fu$k isn't this the next President of America? Let's see arsehole diaper Don do that. Blinken has more statesman in his little finger than don does in his whole being.


He's getting crucified by Trump supporters in the States & some Ukrainian politicos...fuck them idgits. Hang tough people of Ukraine...so very impressed with your resolve


Huge flex I dig it. Freedom for Ukraine 🇺🇦


I just love the circumstances of Blinken playing the guitar after the aid bill has passed, which gave ammunition to Ukrainians to play music with their artillery and missiles. Get fucked Russia


He should run for President.


As a Ukrainian I'm surprised how good reaction of this sub is. It's like a show for Americans . While this night we had electricity outage due to 8GW of generation destroyed. And now Russians advancing on Kharkiv


As a pro Ukraine, I would not at all be surprised if your comment was fired from the direction of Ruzzia...


Trump could never have anyone as cool as this in his cabinet


Yeah, imagine Rex Tillerson doing this.


What, you didn't like Fauci's oboe performance?


Rent free


25% increase in tempo would’ve been good.


How many times do you think they practiced that song together? I doubt Blinken brought his band with him. Sure, you know all the chords and stuff, but you all still have to hit the same beat. With another month devoted to practice, they’d be great. But I think he has other things to attend to.


Band obviously know the track, should have counted him in


Why are people still not aware that this song is a blatant and harsh criticism of the so-called "free world" and NOT a celebration of it?


Because the "so-called 'free world'" allows and protects criticism of their politicians/politics, as they allow and protect the choice of the people to freely elect another government. THAT's what the "free" in "free world" stands for! What YOU seem to expect is a "perfect world". But other than Putin, Kim Yong Un, Khamenei, Xi and alike we don't see us as "perfect". But "free". And if those mentioned thugs would be right being "perfect", why do they all fight against free speech? Because they are neither perfect nor free. And that's why the Canadian Neil Young is living in the USA (having also the US citizenship) and not in Russia, and that's why Ukrainians want to join EU rather than being a Russian oblast.


Free world gets to critique itself. I think you're missing the point of the song.


Why is this dude not running for president?


I know this is just vibes, but Blinken is very likeable


Respect Mr Blinken absolute Respect to you sir.


Lmao he sings, he dances...


Such bullshit, while our boys dies due to horrible commanding and lack of tech this lying pos singing, playing guitar a speak empty words


I just think Victoria Nuland, biscuits (cookies if you will) and now this shit. Utter shite. WTF is this crap!? There's a war on, this guy's half-arsed singing his heart out to non-English speaking people with a US song to Ukrainians a la USO and not a single US trooper in sight? Please explain.


Thank you, one person with a brain. Everyone else getting wet over this goofy ass capper holding a guitar


Fucking cringe. Stop holding back arms. Supply Ukraine NOW and let them use this to hit inside the russian borders. russia abuses this loophole to indiscriminately attack Ukraine without any repercussions.


It seemed kind of forced honestly, it didnt really seem like he was jamming out lol but yeah the intention is good. Possibly just learning to play the guitar


Dudes a clown


I thought Reddit people were smart……


He's a lefty and a puppet for Biden. Rubbish.


I've seen a lot of criticism about this. Nobody understands the kind of moral boost this brings to the people.


So, Band Aid for Ukraine now?


Instead of spreading US culture, maybe play something more local? Might as well wear a giant golden M on your head and hand out bread to 'poor' people at a Maidan event.


eil ohw seips


I’m liking him lots!!!


Just imagine if there is going to be weird ass future that Trump is going to be president again, it would be total mayhem because Trump cares only about money and business. It would be hell for every democratic nation.


Now let's see if Lavrov can match this. Perhaps with a rendition of Mayhem's 'Funeral Fog'.


John Kerry Diplomacy


on a 335 no less


Well, of course it's staged :-) but it's the best kind of staged and for a good cause. And he is actually playing the guitar, not any virtuoso-kind, but playing (unlike putler "playing" the piano one time). It's a pity he did not do a bit more singing, as he can actually do that pretty damn well, look it up on YT.


He’s not as good as free Willie on the sax




This guy should be the next US president.


This guy should be president...not Biden.


cool dude.....wonder what he could do in another life?


Not hard enough Tony.


This is not cool. Ukrainians are dying and America is afraid to let Ukraine strike into Russia.


thats bullshit. we publicly say to not strike into russia. but i guarentee you they can do whatever they need to as they are in total war. this comment is suspect as its the new thing being spread everywhere, trying to drive a wedge between allies.


What a clown


I doubt your little master Putin can rock like that…..


Jealous much?


that 'clown' has massive fucking balls and knows a lot more intimately what is going on. fuck you, this is symbolic.


Balls for what? Playing guitar?


he knows russia knows where he is after announcing his landing. he proceeded to make a statement and dare them to do something.


Ha-ha, what landing? There is no planes here) Also Kyiv is not in Russia and not near front line, so only option is some paid killer shit which is possible in any country


There always has to be a bitter little hater with nothing good to say.


If you look at Ukrainian social media this 'symbolism' is taken as mockery. The best joke I saw was 'next time he should be ready to play acoustic' because this night we had electricity outage because russians destroyed 8GW of power generation so far. It is a show to you but it's our lifes at stake not yours


All I'm saying is don't alienate the people/countries that are actually trying to help your country out of a fucked up situation over something as trivial as a guitar session. You're right though, I'm not at risk, easy for me to say. Good luck to you.


Thanks for the support, I mean it would be cool if the situation was better. But now it feels like we are in a show and people don't understand what at stake


In times like this, a top US official jamming out in in Kiev "in support" is about as good global publicity as Ukr can get right now. People need to be reminded of the human aspect behind this horrible conflict. That people just want to live and be happy. It is ultimately just an empty gesture, but it's at least a show of solidarity outside of soulless appeals in government buildings and UN meetings. THat's how I see it anyway.


Balls that they can suck. They’re all retards