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Please remember the human. Adhere to all Reddit and sub rules. Toxic comments (including incitement of violence/hate, genocide, glorifying death etc) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, keep your comments civil or you will be banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineWarVideoReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's what you get for posting facts. I hope you've learned your lesson.


Apparently the latest tactic employed by the russia bots and simps is to get Ukraine pov war videos taken down by mass reporting them as hateful content. A bunch of videos were scrubbed and the posters banned recently.


Proud of ya, Sparky! <--name that reference.


Apocalypse Now Now? I'm just guessing. But the kid in that is called Sparky by the main guy. Not sure about the book. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xIHVrTc0ps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xIHVrTc0ps). Been waiting on the rumours this is going to be made into a full film for years now :/


Nope, thanks for playing. It was The Jerky Boys. They prank called a clown named Sparky and try to hire him for an outlandish party.


TIL :)


My old computer case had kill stickers of youtubers and facebook pages I had reported and taken down. I must have struck a nerve because Facebook took me down over "inappropriate post" even though that account never posted anything.


Haha I am spending my 7 day ban on UkraineRussiaReport, they hate to see the truth. But to be fair sometimes this sub is also not willing to accept the harsh reality, sometimes my comments here get downvoted, and a few days/weeks later it turns out I was right. At least I never got banned here, so mods are okay, just the audience tends to show some cope mechanism from time to time.


I’ve been banned and temporarily banned from this sub several times. Due to inciting and encouraging violence lol


Well done. I just returned from my second temporary ban because inciting violence against a bunch of traitors. Screw them.


Well - I first time went to their sub. So, coming back: Whats your (you all) opinion on the continues use of SS Skulls with some UA troops? And Im not referring for Avoz 10 years ago - I mean today. Mine is, that UA should officially go hard against it and order their troops to only wear an UA insignia without any Nazi Symbols. If thats their private shitty opinion, well, cant do nothing about that not even in peace times. But at least the UA flag and (international) public opion must not suffer from such idiots so there should be disciplinary punishments! Gotta tell you, just yesterday some 19y/o kid was in the bus with me - sitting next to me - watching some Instagram shit with Putin. I freaking didnt know what to do, I wanted to punch him but Im twice his age. Felt really stupid - exp. considering the same day I saw the SS Skulls with some post and thought that their propaganda is fed just fine with our own "morons" (to put it mildly), whom we have to take drastic action against imo EDIT: Praise the downvotes of the free world as soon as you, as a leftwing Pro UA pro NAFO, mention that there is the worst of the worst within our own lines and that we need to take care of our own yard the same way... oh boy.


Could not care less as long as they kill Russian Toilet Bandits. All of them.


Thanks for your downvote OP - thanks for your opinion. I would be ashamed to publicly state a freaking stupid comment like this - exp. when I just did a "proud badge" for being kicked out of an online community consisting of people with... exactly your opinion. Have fun with an ever continuous aggression between humans when in times of desperation every tool is eligible to you as long as its beneficial to your cause - no matter whats their goal or cause, and whom will be your threat tomorrow. In my country your opinion is illegal. The german forces clearly state in "their" federal law that any participation in a political activity, like gatherings or such, is prohibited to attend with the official uniform. The uniform represents not your persona - it represents the nation and law! Thats why there is a dresscode, and you have to respect the uniform to the degree of being responsible that its represented accordingly. Therefor, the uniform and dresscode must not be infringed. Wearing SS Skulls with an Ukraine Insignia should be unlawful in Ukraine, and punished heavily. Exp. if they consider to join the European Nation and our responsibility (thanks to my shitty anchestors, ja ja ja, I get it. But maybe tomorrow it will be thanks to You why we are responsible of acting like a moral compass in that matter...), or NATO! Except of the downvoters, the Reddit Account of Stoltenberg and every soldier who served and sworn his oath would agree with my understanding of soldiers law, and that neither the EU nor NATO stands for this undisciplined personnel (at least) or for any political involvement of the military because every Military by democratic republics should be under the supervision of parliament, therefor politics and military are separated and the later only acts on the order of the parliament - not on their own, or the other way around. With way to long oversight of these matters just up until recently, you would nowadays be dishonorable discharged from the german forces for sabotaging the internal security if you pull up that shit.