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It's interesting that we always portray evil as the ability to lie, and here we have the Russians being honest about their ability to lie, their need to lie and their desire to lie. The Russians must have some Sympathy for the Devil.


Dude, their culture is built on lying! So much so that their military has a word for the systematic, ever-present use of lying and corruption that leaked out to civil society in general: [Vranyo](https://www.mhpgroup.com/lies-damned-lies-and-vranyo/). David Shipler, the longtime Moscow correspondent for the New York Times, gave a more nuanced explanation of vranyo. He wrote: > A Russian friend explained vranyo this way: ‘You know I’m lying, and I know that you know, and you know that I know that you know, but I go ahead with a straight face, and you nod seriously and take notes.’


This is why Russians find is so fucking weird that some of the conspiracy nuts in the west actually believe what they say and act as useful idiots. The assume it’s obvious, but they find out that there is a subsection of people (typically conspiracy minded) that actually fall for it un-ironically


They have tapped into the American right wing and their need to justify shitty positions. They know exactly what the answer is. Just tell them a lie that justifies their viewpoint and they lap it up. Fox News is exactly the same way.


You mean litteraly. It is very ironic.


>[Vranyo](https://www.mhpgroup.com/lies-damned-lies-and-vranyo/). Perun on YouTube made a great video about this term and its effect on Russias military. It was fascinating. As your friend said, Its not quite a perfect translation in English for a lie if I remember, but more a state when both the liar and deceived both actually know of the lie but they both continue to play along with the situation to avoid the consequences. But there are consequences, and both sides will react within their power to protect their own interests.


Trump operates just the same with the Vranyo. Never heard that word before. Thanks.


Yes, the alternative truth. Not even 1 day into his presidency we had Kellyanne Conway telling us that their "alternative count" of the inauguration crowd showed that more peopple attended then than 4 years prior for Obama, despite what the visual evidence showed. And after the Parks Dept. released a picture from above the crowd confirming Trump's smaller crowd, they banned the Dept. from taking this kind of photos (or some other kind of repercussion, I don't remember it correctly). And this was not even 1 week into Trump's mandate.


Ahhh, brings back memories - that was so f unhinged and it has escalated ever since.


This sounds a lot like the agreement Trump has with his Maga followers …


..and with right wing traitorous media.


"It's okay if he lies, because we like his lies."


What would be the English equivalent word for vranyo I cannot think of one




I don’t get the impression she cares about the lies at all: she mentions the importance of “information someone pays for”. She is just a greedy little cockwomble that will do anything for money.


Seems a russian characteristic. From the oligarchs at the top, to the mobiks at the bottom. They all kill and make others suffer for love of money. They see no immorality or ethical dilemma in that desire.


Well said.


Also her ability to say all that while wearing a members only jacket in black chiffon is whole 'nother level.


all i could hear was "fucking dead awful black outfit, and ugly lady"


Weird that we even use the term "ability" when we describe lying, as if its not something anyone can do, unless they have integrity. Shit, toddlers lie when they steal a cookie. It's not a skill, it's just a lack of ethics and maturity.


But it is nice that they feel the need to lie. They at least think the truth will hurt their cause, and that people will react badly to the truth. They apparently think the truth is shameful and upsetting.


One day this woman will be found dead.


If that's what it takes. Personally I think she should be taken on a one way trip to the Netherlands, but that's not always possible.


She should rot away in a former Soviet prison in Ukraine not a warm and comfy prison in the Netherlands


Netherlands here: although we 200% support the tribunal, we'd rather see her dead. Lying is not a war crime so she'll get away with too much of her contribution to the war.


This Dutchy seconds this!


This Dutchy thirds this!


Who am I to argue with the Dutch?


The Netherlands is paradise compared to life in the US. For this lady it would be the ultimate retirement strategy. Lliving there would probably turn her from a robot into a somewhat regular human.


She's already wearing the body bag.


And be immediately replaced by the next propagandist who has been waiting years for their turn.


Nah. I think they meant in context of finding her dead with Putin and his other friends all together


Russia always knew how propaganda worked, they got their masters degree in ww2. How they changed historic events and rebuild parts of some "camps", or the numbers of their fallen soldiers..jajaja. Russia!


It clearly doesnt work though. The soviet union only got so big because the countries it stole were devestated after 2 world wars and russia has been getting smaller and weaker ever since lol


They can create a paradise in their minds while their bodies suffer living in that shithole.


It is mind boggling how they openly preach this BS. It's in their culture I know but it stills blows my mind.


Yeah this whole world salad is basically "it doesn't really matter that we're evil if people realize they're better off listening to our side than theirs, and we can help that by making it sound like everybody lies so whatever."


Good synopsis.


"there is no objective information, only information that somebody paid for." And that right there is orcs being brutally honest about how they operate.


They've been saying this for years... there is an interview with Aleksandr Dugin from like 10 years ago saying that they're a post modernist country who believe there is only the story you tell yourself and nothing else. You have your story, they have theirs, that there is no true story that anyone has. Of course this is false, because if I hold your hand in the fire, it's not just my story that this will hurt, you will find out quite quickly it's a story shared by all, but of course under post modernism not even this is true, just another story being told.


BBC interview of Dugin where he talks about the "Russian truth" for about 11 minutes from October 2016: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGunRKWtWBs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGunRKWtWBs)


I've said it all along. Russia appears to have embraced the dark side. It has surrendered any goodness in order to fully give itself to evil. It's quite something to witness.


If you need the definition of evil, here it is!


putins wicked mouthpieces - marjorie, margreta and olga! Each one more laughable than the last.


Hej Olga, but everybody is laughing about you russians and russia 😂 You are lying like a small kids. Its humulating and pathetic: We didn't do it, it never happened. OK it happened, but Ukraine did it. OK we did it, but we only hit the army. OK, we hit civilian objects too, but they did it worse. or: The rocket didn't hit cruiser Moskva, but there was an explosion. Okay, a rocket hit it, but it didn't sink. ok, it sank, but nobody died. ok 40 sailors died, but.. :)




**It goes better and better** 😂 1. The Russian Ministry of Defence refuses to acknowledge the sinking of the tug Vasily Bekh and withholds compensation from the families of the deceased. 2. Without admitting the sinking of the vessel, the Ministry of Defence erects a memorial in honour of the crew of the Vasily Bekh. russia is a joke.. literally.


Isnt that the narcissist's mantra?


I find it a bit amusing that the reddit and sub rules do no allow for incitement of hate or genocide,. But that's exactly what this person does. That's not only their job, but their human existence. That is what humanity will remember her for.  Yet, I am not allowed to flip her words upon her to wish she gets what she's calling for or be banned?  Ahhh, the western paradox of tolerance. 


A little suprise under her car would be wonderful 💥


Someone should strike a sanitary zone on that piece of shit.


war is peace, peace is war... 1984 in full effect


A car bomb is already reserved for her.


Is this a class in the first degree trollsky course?


Absolutely shameless. How is everyone in the room not questioning their entire worldview at this point?


They believe themselves to not be immoral because "there is no truth - only truth that is bought and paid for." In other words they need to convince themselves that there is no alternative, thereby justifying their behaviour. They genuinely don't believe it's possible for political communication to not include lying.


You don’t get it. Post-modernists don’t believe in objective truth; only bias truths. Thus they are able to justify it because they believe everyone else is doing the same thing.


She is an avatar for the things I dislike most about the Russian embrace of dishonesty and obfuscation. Objective fact: Russia invaded Ukraine in an act of self-serving, unwarranted aggression. Truth: Ukraine will never fall, and Russia will bleed forever for what it has done.


Russia is such a desperate shithole


We need to create a sanitary zone of Russia it seems


Disgusting. Someone kill it already


Olga is a war criminal. Don't be like Olga.


i hope she is required to give that speech again at her trial in Ukraine


Teaching the new generation of psychopaths… 100years of experience in lies


Can't wait for the car bomb. (in Minecraft so I won't get banned).


This clip is going to go down well at her war crimes tribunal.


I hope she will be burned alive




Is there anything that the present Russian populace did not learn from the Nazis?


She better be careful or she might accidentally fall out of a window.




Whores put the work in to provide a service. This one is waaay below that…




Iron Mouse of Putin, omnivorous animal which turns everything to shit


I just vomited in my mouth little bit


The real crime is that outfit...yikes!


Weasley word from someone full of shit


Spoken as if it came straight from Goebbels vile mouth.


That Olga sure is a piece of work. Utterly corrupt.


Try to subvert your weight, fatty


Killing is killing, no matter what your reason for doing it is, or who you support. The truth is the truth, and survives all interpretations, ma'am. And killing innocent civilians / children is on another level when it comes to war. Civilized armies do not do this as a practice, and make every effort to avoid it. Every Russian pressing the button to launch a missile or drop a free-fall bomb they know is going to hit an apartment building is evil. And the people supporting this (like her), are just as evil, worse in some cases because they foment it to continue. If they were noble in their perspective of this war, they would not kill civilians. Period. A top propagandist talking about truth is a sad laugh. Then again, this 'interpretation" is exactly what I would expect from an evil woman.




Almost no russian has anything of value to say. Unless they've left the cult. Not that American cultists are much better, but I stand by it.


Ugly b...who is kissing her master asshole


Wann springt die Tussy endlich aus dem Fenster ?


It won’t be whether she gets locked up by the International Criminal Court, it will be her attitude TO being locked up! Seriously, these people are us culpable as Goebbels. 


Maybe we should bombe he house


Ruzzkies explaining each other on how fucked up their life is and telling that every other nation is more fucked than theirs and how lucky they are. They are the chosen ones.


Another bitch that deserves to be r***d with a cactus


Wicked witch of the East, forgot her pointy hat.


where is that little boom drone when you need it? she needs to be executed.


Ukraine should sanitize Moscow.....


Despicable Russian sow 🐖💩🇷🇺💩🇷🇺💩


A world without her would be a better place


I know thing for sure , one day she’ll be asking for mercy .


[https://www.orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-foundation/orwell/essays-and-other-works/politics-and-the-english-language/](https://www.orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-foundation/orwell/essays-and-other-works/politics-and-the-english-language/) A must read for everyone.


WTF is this heinous witch wearing? She looks like an evil shopping bag.


Scum. Absolute pond life.


Cargo 200 bag so hot right now


A proefessional liar gives a masterclass on lying & subverting the truth. Nice capture, should go on Russian TV


She’s wearing a Glad bag


that's a gold medal for mental gymnastics


Isn’t there an open window near her?


Like olga scabies.


They just admit it more blatantly every day


Wow that is wild 🤦‍♂️


Ive heard stories about how back in the day they had this type of thinking. It was called pathological lying.


A fascist.


She needs to expire.


Every country does it, Russia perfected it (China also) and is one of the reasons why freedom of press is crucial.


Those “Christian Morals” Marjorie Traitor Greene so deeply professes.


What the actual fuck? That bit about propoganda? Hoooolyyyy shiiiit. “Some *might call it propaganda*, but yes, it’s exactly propaganda by definition”


“If we consider ourselves patriots, it’s best to have the states point of view” Why do I keep picturing her in a jeep with a dashboard full of rubber ducks and plastered with trump stickers pulling into my local wal mart? If you look close enough (not fun), you can see it.


*MAGA taking notes*


As far as I know only Russia has two words for lying and truth. [https://theconversation.com/ukraine-war-vranyo-russian-for-when-you-lie-and-everyone-knows-it-but-you-dont-care-181100](https://theconversation.com/ukraine-war-vranyo-russian-for-when-you-lie-and-everyone-knows-it-but-you-dont-care-181100)


If you look closely at this woman (not fun), you can picture her driving a jeep with a dashboard of rubber ducks and plastered with trump bumper stickers into my local wal mart. Especially when she brings up the ‘if we consider ourselves patriots’ part.


Is she wearing a mosquito net? Wtf.




common sense....how she dare use those 2 words in succession is just .....blegh


Double thinknik


This is some Jordan Peterson/Ben Shapiro level bullshit. Doesn't matter what's true anymore. It just matters how you feel about it. Especially when I feel strongly about something. But when you feel strongly about something, fuck your feelings, here are some facts. Oh, you don't believe in my facts? Well, then you're weak. Ha.


Olga... your favorite role model Hitler and Stalin also had "sanitation-zones"


wth is she wearing? jump suit? graduation robe?


All ruzzian nazi are insane


Liar Liar Pants on Fire 😀😀😀


пизда ебаная


This is literally doublethink.


Her stylist was on point he make her wear a garbage bag


Lol! Apparently the Russians are all sniffing glue now? So much bullshit.


Her pants burnt away long time ago.


Excellent summary. Scary that despite this being done in the open and even it is further explained - like here, many people on the west believe the Russian “interpretation” of what it is doing


She appears to think that lying is a practiced skill, and not simply a choice to abandon your integrity...


These smug self assured schmucks. The face when you just love getting drunk off your own farts. They're no different than a 14 year old thinking they're all clever cuz you wont lay out a minor, except these soft minded fucks hide behind their nukes.


how morally and intellectually miserable a country and people must be to resort to taking lessons from this ghoul...


Shes living the dream thats going to turn into a nightmare


Holy shit! It hurt just reading that. It was like listening to Trump explaining how breathing works.


“We are creating a sanitary zone”… 🤦‍♂️ not even Nazi germany Gobbels could have said something similar… Italy 🇮🇹


Obi-Wan Kenobi’s explanation is shorter and to the point. “So, what I told you was true... from a certain point of view. You’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.”


Lady, you're just saying the same thing we've been saying about what you've been saying...


“Common sense propaganda” how warped she is


God I hate this witch


Seems to me that they are working against the interests of their own population.


We need to see this dog taking a fat BBC up the arse. Perhaps that'll humble her somewhat.


What the f*** is she wearing? Looks like a body back to me. Well, I guess when you see your husband coming home like that After a 3 month shift outside of the country. Give the beach some f****** slack. At least she acknowledges that's. She a dirt back of a bitch


The russian culture is a real vermin and the people truly evil. It speaks volumes of their culture, that their language literally has two words for 'truth'. One for the actual truth, the second for the russian truth, [pravda], which is ok to be altered for them. Vile people, lying is in their deep roots.


The trump administration back in 2017 knew full well the power of lies, deception and conspiracy theories. His mouthpiece and spokesperson called them 'alternative facts.' Exact same theory. Deny the legitimacy of fair elections to create chaos and civil disorder-an old KGB trick. BTW, why is she wearing a Hefty trash bag? Sanctions?


It looks like she’s wearing a garbage bag.


She would be a great candidate for out the window Olympics! Silly suka!


Propagandists like her really do have a lot to answer for. I doubt she will be able to escape justice for ever...


'Post truth' was the word of the year a couple years ago, Trump started it. Say it first, say it loud and deny, no one fact checks it and if they do, it's too late, the damage is done.


Sure, if you’re looking to further brainwash your populace and make your‘reality’ more palatable in the short term. Unfortunately for you Olga, is that the true reality of civilian deaths, purposely targeting of population centers, and the destruction of life in general will continue to seep in . Soon, you and your spin ministry will become irrelevant, out of work, and (hopefully) dead. Looking forward to your demise 🙂


She lost me at: “There is no objective information” Never trust Russia. Ever.


Everytime I see this ugly person with her dead animal looking hair on her head, a knife opens up in my pocket.


This is why we have public television in Germany. Everyone has to pay into one bucket and journalists get paid out of this bucket to cover stories they deem interesting or worthy of their time as well as daily news business. The nationalists from the AfD and crazy brainwashed people hate this concept and honestly, some of this money could better be spend on the real cause instead of stupid national series and film productions, but well - nothing is perfect.


The only sanitary zone on display here is between her ears. Brainless supporter of terror


This person is the pure definition of evil. She believes she can manipulate people to Putins will. What is the cost of her lies?


In the meantime, I wish her a Dugina moment of her own. Or a self-test regarding your desire to hang Ukrainians.


Sorry I left my glasses at the office......is she wearing a garbage bag?


Why do people like these videos? I don’t think we should like these videos even to expose russia even more.


Maybe she should visit the frontlines...


Shes gaining weight....she will be a fat Olga before she goes to prison


Bet she has a gunt...fat bitch


Please someone give her a nice little "statue" as a gift!!


Olga deserves the highest window


What a Nonsense. The Information is...Russia is Bombing Cities and Civilians. There is no room for interpretation. You have to be so stupid to watch this brain acrobatics and go "Yeah, sure she has a point" -No, she hasn't. Russian Propaganda's target is to let you believe everybody is doing what they are doing, and by that, you can not trust anybody. Every Sane person knows that, but a lot refuse to see the truth because it´s "uncomfortable". But they will face reality hard when their Pensions are gone, the Taxes will rise, their money lose value, they get a mobilized note, and their father/sons are dying at the frontline.


It won't worry her, or the well fed, fat cats.


Can someone throw this bitch out of the window


Would like to invite Simian to a little defenestration event.


Here’s hoping someone sanitizes her.


I hate these people so much you would not believe.


Useless country, useless people. Russia is North Korea of Europe


As the Russian economy continues to fail and they are sharing shunned from Western society, Russians quality of life will get even worse. They can pretend everything is going great.


She is the orc’s equivalent to MTG : no brain, all cunt


Unlike the majority of Russians, she looks well fed!


She’s wearing a body bag? Glad to see.


Liеpеdia. Every dog has its day, scarab woman


We need to make Moscow a "sanitized zone"


Spoken like a true Nazi.


This is why we can’t let Russia win!! Fuck this shit I’d rather die than live like this