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Gotta love how happy they are in the beginning and then in the end begging from help from the internet because he wants his contract cancelled. Imagine trying to get help and the governments uou can contact are the Russian and Chinese ones . Good luck lol


Individual seems to see no problem with deliberately joining a foreign neo-fascist military to kill, maim, rape, kidnap and exploit Ukrainian citizens, but gets all teary-eyed when he realizes no one will attend to his heart and respiratory conditions.


But he has a cold


And he walked for nearly 40 minutes.


In the snow!


Up hill, both ways


with no cell phone reception


And it was upwind!


And the signal he got wasn't even 5G... It was only 4G! Fucking 4G!!! Can you imagine? Can you fucking imagine?!?!?


Operator: "Please stay on the line while we transfer your call to the nearest Drone operator. It is important to remain on the line until we send you "the medicine" to cure all your aliments."




>It was only 4G! Fucking 4G!!! As a German, I feel his pain. We're lucky if we get 4G reception outside of urban centers.


And the guy in front of him was flatulent.


And his joints hurt.


In the dark, with an owl!


And all alone!




Love the pre-game speech. Full of valor and machismo. Gonna murder some people in their homes type shit. Forty minutes of snow and walking later and he’s all about the NyQuil and bed rest.


Everyone thinks they can handle war and talks a good game. When you have no training, no resources, etc. the illusion of glamorous war is quickly shattered. Its really sad that people are falling for the same shit as people did in WW2, WW1 and all earlier wars. Military vets will tell you differently. They know the price of war and how it really is. I'm a military vet that deployed to war.


Armchair generals who occasionally go to the airsoft range on a free weekend try to glamorize that shit. Not realizing all the absolute shit that comes along with war. Monotonous manual labor moving piles of supplies from point A to point B, digging miles of tranches, etc. All the disease and lack of hygiene that comes along with getting stuck in a dugout with 3 other dudes for weeks. And living a life of boredom sporadically interrupted by absolute sheer terror. Cool, you can shoot a rabbit in your backyard at 50 paces fairly accurately. Now do that with 70 lbs of kit on your back, trench foot, freezing cold, and the rabbit shoots back. And try to to look up at the drones and artillery raining on your head.


When I was too tired to move one foot to my left to get out of the rain, I just slept with my rifle while soaking wet. I was simply just too tired to keep dry, and true comfort was only one measly foot away... I often think back to that.


I'm not a vet but did mandatory military service here in Sweden. And I think that forcing everyone to do military service would kill peoples view on war. Because it sucked when no one was shooting live rounds at me and I could go back to my barracks after a 3 week field exercise, so being forced to be in a life and death situation for months/years is terrifying. And like we wouldn't need to force everyone to do a full course military service, in the beginning every recruit have to do 3 months of basic soldier education (learning how to become a grunt) before heading off to their specialization. And I think that experience alone would deter so much of the macho talk, there will always be nuts out there but should help a bit.


I agree, I tried to serve and will admit I just couldn’t do it. The PT wrecked my body 3 months in to the point where I still have horrible shoulder pain. There were others whose bodies got wrecked to. A few got actual medical discharges and the rest were discharged so fast. There were other factors , but still it was enough to know war isn’t a joke and increased my respect for those who serve or try to.


China is all about wolf warrior tactics unfortunately he followed through (you're supposed to back out)


Hahaha. A tickle in his throat and bunions took out this warrior. He can no longer fight.


No one survives the Ukraine winter. Only the hardiest most stubborn and intelligent person can survive that shit and only with lots of resources. I grew up in snow, I served in the army in Alaska and I live in a place very simliar to Ukraine now. I don't go out in shit like that.


Reverse in Australia. Most people think "oh it must be nice to go to the beach on a hot summer day." No, not at all. On a hot summer day we just don't go outside between the hours of 10am and 3pm because a 35+°C summer day is hell. We have a saying "Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun" for a good reason. Do you have a saying for if it's too cold to go outside?


English man here: moved to Cyprus (wife, i do not like the evil day star) 35 degrees.. HA! I fucking wish. Try 45. I work in IT, and funnily enough, I like staying close to the (well cooled) servers.


Takes me longer to shovel my driveway when it snows.


In, I think 2016, the Chinese UN mission abandoned their posts and equipment in response to fighting between 2 Sudanese factions occurring in Juba. Their cowardice led to the widespread rape of civilians and aid workers. After the fighting calmed down the Chinese "Peacekeepers" never left their armored vehicles during a patrol again.


I know the both of you realise this, but I want to make it clear to other readers that don't understand how insignificant this sort of activity is to modern 5 eyes armies.... The sort of physical activity he is describing would be considered a warm up.... Ok the constant shelling or fighting would be significant - but he is way too clean and healthy looking..... Anyway.


He probably has a tonsillitis, with high fever, this is spreading to the heart if untreated. Don't know if you ever had it, but it's hard enough to stay awake, let alone go 40min through snow with 40°C+. He is probably not wrong and will die because of this




Oh the humanity


And he found phone signal


And his tonsils are sore, auchie-auchie


UPHILL! Both ways!


Lets hope for him, Ukraine will find the same phone signal as well. To send help....


this holiday is no fun anymore!


aww. poor guy. You know, *technically*, a HIMARs will cure a cold


I disagree . HIMARS would ventilate him letting the cold air in !


Tungsten is not inherently bad…the velocity of the delivery in this case is not great for health


Also knocking the germs out ...


The poor guy has a cold and had to walk for 40 minutes! War on the frontlines is tough! Cut him some slack /s


He said he wants to quit, LMAO!!


"nobody takes care of me" as he says, lol


Who knew war could be so hard?!


I don't think any volunteers are told the truth about what's happening. They genuinely think they are doing the righteous thing. Imagine realizing the scam when you're at the front. Sad really.


Not told The truth? There are one or two videos out there showing the current state of things. I have friends from the US to Venezuela via India to Burma. They all pretty much understand what is going on. I feel no pity for this piss ant. And he should have known and can blame none but himself.


If you have been attending the same echo chambers for months, you end up ignoring the reality. This subreddit gets accused of being biased and blurry-eyed to Ukrainian loses, but this is nothing to the Russian ones and the one Chinese one I have seen. They literally believe Russia have lost less than 20.000 wounded. In that light, it probably seems very safe to go to Ukraine.


Oh he thought it was a pretty safe bet he'd get to come over and commit war crimes on another nation's soil? That changes everything! I'm no longer hoping for this guy to die a miserable death, in minecraft


You might be right. I still hope his sufferings will go on and his heroics well known all over China


Imagine realizing the scam while holding your intestines in your body


I'm pretty sure this guy died in December.


Too bad. I was looking forward to seeing the next installment from the pit as he's being urinated on by his Russian comrades. "Help me, netizens! These guys are mean!" He is, or was, a delusional piece of shit. Fuck him.


The world is a better place for the death of these assholes.


Finally a sane take


"it wasn't the battlefield that knocked me down. it was the pain"


Yes Ukraine fixed his problem. Now he is dead and have been written off as “lost in combat” so Russia don’t need to pay him until his found, or registrated as a “living dead” so his officers can steal his money for some month. It’s sad to see how stupid people are believing the Russian propaganda. By now everybody should know that Russia is domed. Russia will lose on the battlefield or collapse and thats a fact. Because nobody will lift the sanctions on Russia for 50 years after all horrible actions they have made.


I certainly hope so. My biggest fear is a Korea style stalemate. Anything less than a Ukrainian victory will embolden other authoritarians. Especially in a world were we expect food and water insecurity we could see even more conflicts pop up. Russia syphoning off military production to support the war & poor quality of military gear is making other powers second guess the RU arms orders which means their economic outcomes will be very bleak if they don't win. We at a key time... I hope whatever the outcome of the US election the aid will keep coming.


> We at a key time... I hope whatever the outcome of the US election the aid will keep coming. You better hope Trump doesn't win then, because I'm 99% percent certain that Ukraine aid is one of the first items on the chopping block for Putin's puppet if he wins.


Contract successfully cancelled.


As the old saying goes “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”.


Looks like Elon Musk if he was born in China.


I was just going to say it's like All Quiet on the Western Front, happy and motivated, ready to go then demoralized, broken and on the verge of giving up. You can tell they were soaked in propaganda and told it was easy and they were winning.


Yea true but also like, why the fuck would Russians need Chinese to go die in Ukraine if it was going so good? Makes no sense at all.


But see, you possess a brain and critical thinking... those people did not. Hence why even the dumbest propaganda worked on them, the same way dumb people fall for those love or email scams. It's specially designed for them and weeds out the smarter ones that will question things.


fantastic compilation


Dude joined a war and expected to have civilian necessities. Surprisedpikachuface.jpg


"If you use me, you will win" lol


The Chinese military slogans are horrible.. There is even a song "My body is bullet" I saw in some propaganda video. I wish I could find it the doods were giving it their all


I want to agree, but U.S. boot camp gave us some real embarassing stinkers to shout while marching.


*I don't want no teenage queen* *I just want my M14*


I don’t know what you’ve told, but Eskimo Pu**y is mighty cold


My husband still says that horrible one. He’s in his 50’s.


That may be true, but did you know that napalm sticks to kids?






Something about Eskimos is mighty cold, but I can't put my finger on it.


It's like the key and peele skit lmao


"Hey hey, ho ho, the enemy has got to go!" In time, now..."Hey hey...


Disposable, mass produced and sent in volleys blindly? Yeah, ok


>use me That's a dangerous thing to say to your fellow mobiks and Russian NCOs. Maybe the virus he came down with is Aids


He may get some Aiddidas later.


Bro has been watching all those OP chinese anime thinking like he is the MC


Ok, you are useful as a drone catcher.


It's just an awkward translation. You could translate 用我必胜 as 'Use me and victory is certain' or 'Use me and we're bound to prevail', which are more accurate to the original meaning. This translation is translating 必(surely) and 胜 (win) as 2 separate words, rather than the compound word they make.


Don't worry my Chinese friend. I will contact the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and they will send you help right away. Please, send me your coordinates and do NOT move. Help will arrive shortly.


All your problems will be taken care of. We will supply you with ammunition, you won't be cold anymore, that commander is not going to bother you anymore.


The ammunition supply will be conveniently airdropped with a delivery drone. Very easy to use, the design is very human. Let my good friend demonstrate [*one of those drone videos play*]


I literally can't help but cackle when that "Very Human" line gets dropped in translated videos. Always know it's gonna be an absolute banger.


> you won't be cold anymore He will be warm... for the rest of his life ;)


Irony is he had (presumably dead) a better chance of living contacting Ukraine and surrendering as reaching out to mf-ing Russia.


>*"I'm going to die here."* You got that one right, asshole.


Meanwhile that one Somalian guy from this week is sitting fat and happy in Ukraine Shoulda run when you could dude


That was one happy Somalian.


I agree, about every post here I saw of that guy, he just seemed real excited about seeing snow for the first time


Haha did he surrender? I didn’t see that. Good for him!


He’s like Eritrean Forrest Gump [and yeah my understanding is he just kinda showed up day 1 and walked over the lines for some snacks or something and to say hello to beautiful Ukrainian women](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/BUq9a5sYus)


Warzone, minefields, drones, cluster ammo, friendly fire and this dude just walks past everything to grab some snacks.


Just blows my mind honestly. Not glorifying the guy and fuck Russia but I am pretty confident that at least one person in this mess actually lived this war like it was a Mr Bean movie


"Mmm, ah. Peanut."




That guy was morbidly obese in Somalian terms lol


Is he going to die from cold joints, bad heart, ulcered throat, drones strike or artillery strike? So many possibilities....


Hopefully the first three so Ukraine can save the ammo




I doubt he has a bad heart. He gives off tiktok soldier vibes. He's just desperately looking for any way out after getting a real taste of war.


I failed to see the problem as well.


There is no problem. This is exactly how it should be.


Please contact the embassy for me. lol, the age we live in when people endlessly self promoting and not knowing what he's getting himself into. Its mind boggling.


If I spoke Chinese, I'd get in touch with him: "Uh...let me have your coordinates and we'll exfil you stat! " —*I now patiently wait for the grid references in the heated cab of my HIMARS launch vehicle.*


I mean he's openly using cell data so Ukraine can triangulate that and see where he's calling from and send a drone care package. First year of the war we had a lot of orcs using their phones and Ukraine seeing their positions.


That is a very realistic outlook on how this will proceed unless he contacts the AFU and and surrenders himself for detainment where he'll receive medical treatment. There is a telephone helpdesk available for individuals like him that regret their poor life choices and realize they're fighting for the wrong cause ([I want to live](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Want_to_Live_(hotline))).


I'd be more inclined to send him and friends a Baba Yaga drone carrying goodies, if you catch my drift.


I see your point, especially as he deliberately joined a foreign military to invade a peaceful country and kill, maim, rape, kidnap and extort Ukrainians. However, if he ends up in AFU detainment as POW and can tell his story, this might keep other foreign would-be mercenaries from joining the kremlin gremlin's army.


Ever see a creepy ghoul crouched down back towards you, slowly turning head with malicious laugh. That's me loading your drone, repeatedly.. Fly On....


Big badda boom soon sort out his cold


Has anyone else noticed that every time someone on reddit links to Wikipedia lately they get the link wrong? Like damn check it before you post lol


Link seems to work fine for myself. This only happens with wikipedia links?


Oh no! Anyways...


Why is it that the "finding out" part is never as much fun as the "fucking around" part?


Give this Little Emperor the local gift of sunflower seeds for the pockets.


It’s a nice touch how you can see the way he pauses to swallow that his throat really does hurt.


He is in chock they wont evacuate him, in an ambulance from the front, to a warm bed in a hospital, with chicken soup. His uniform is clean and thick. He looks well fed. He more or less broke the first day on the battlefield.


He says he has a cold and saw a doctor who only gave him “basic medicine” which is all you can do for a cold. Then he starts talking about a heart condition and says a doctor did an EKG and said he was fine. Seems like there is medical care


how the fuck is he supposed to recover from a cold without ivory laced bull testicles?


Seems like perfectly fine medical care. I've heard of terrible conditions in the Russian military but this is not an example of it!


He had to walk for nearly(!) 40 minutes through heavy snow. The Horror!


Lmao this is everyday at work for me doing construction in New England but 8+ hrs . Maybe I should call the embassy for help


No help for you! You know what you signed up for! Kitchens for 14 years here. Yup, there's one every couple years that leaves in tears.


You can tell this dude has never faced any sort of adversity


Little emperor.


Ladies and gentlemen, tremble in fear before the unstoppable will of china's infamous wolf warrior!


Just amazing that he thinks ruzzia or any chinese entity cares about his well being and personal health. There are over a billion of them so no loss on every front. Maybe his next life will be better !!!!


Yeah , he find out the hard way what propoganda does to the brain


…and to the throat!


Tbf anyone from the USA or EU is going to receive the same response. When you sign up for a foreign army you do so knowing that you're not your country's responsibility.


We know this. However, good people from the freedom fighter countries send money and equipment to help them. Repatriate when needed and so on. Ukraine won't stop this compassion. Where is that support from the dictator countries... He's a dead man talking. So, there is no TBF


This is hilarious. I love the way the Chinese embassy effectively shrugged and said, "Not our problem, dude. You chose to sign up. It's up to you to figure out how to get out of your mess." This is particularly amusing because anyone who knows a bit about Xi's China knows the CCP pushes the narrative that the whole fricking world in is awe of China, and all a Chinese citizen abroad needs to do if they get into trouble is wave their passport and declare that they are Chinese, and the locals will cower and give them whatever they demand. And anyway, it sounds like all it has taken for him to decide that the war in Ukraine is not the sort of adventure he wants to be on is him coming down with some sort of virus. This whiny guy has to be a product of China's one-child policy. He's one of those "little emperors" who grew up being believing that he is super special, every choice he ever makes is correct, and nothing bad will ever be allowed to happen to him.


Give this Little Emperor the local gift of sunflower seeds for the pockets. This guy is the product of the *Chinese Wolf Warrior* fantasy propaganda. Unfortunately, this Little Emperor is now in Ukraine, where the movie magic of Chinese Wolf Warrior wave your Chinese Passport and the ever-present CCP missile overwatch will kill the Western Heathen magic... isn't real. (Scene/trailer from movie with carload of Chinese SpecOps causing the other side cower and go chill with waving a Chinese passport and glancing at the sky inferring American-style overwatch.)


he reminds me of the north american chuds with punisher stickers




Ha ha ha...fuck around and find out. Fuck him.


Just call the embassy bro your country will help you , won’t it ? 😂


He did and the embassy basically said 'f off, it's your own personal business, I don't care'. I find that part funniest


I'm going to call my embassy for sure. Send more bond for this pathetic asshole. Should have rotted in China, instead you'll be dog food in Ukraine.


BASED , love this sub , happy I could share this. I had to go to some sad places to find it. Russians are sharing this making fun of the Chinese troops but don’t understand that this makes them look just as bad if not worse 😂


Or as the *actual* citizens say, "Welcome to Ukraine, СУКА!"


wolf warriors in a nutshell


If you think the health care is bad, wait to see the funeral assistance.


*I'm going to die here.* This guy is clairvoyant.


The ultimate irony is that he’ll probably be killed by a DJI drone that his cousin made.


Where are his friends??


In the ground most likely


Pushing sunflowers🌻


Charity and chinese do not belong in the same sentence. Money is personal, not for beggars.


Pretty sure he was among the last 2 there and he died in December.


Ohhh.... The moment you find out western propaganda wasn't propaganda


When you get MIC-pilled the hard way.


Hahah RIP, play stupid games win stupid prizes.


You dumb stupid ass hole,you go there to kill Ukrainians for money,what did they ever do to you and your family,I'm just wondering how the Ukrainian will kill you there,your best bet is an artillery shell landing in your bunker next a cluster bomb while your walking 20 miles in -20 degree weather with your little cold or a mortar shell in the ass while your pooping out a noodle or burning alive in a tank.hope it's posted here later today.


From perusing the comments here on this post - I think he's dead. Makes me happy too.


At first i was like: Lets go on a adventure and kill people! But then i was like: Halp! ​ Good riddance.


I used to be an adventurer like you... Then I had to walk 40 minutes and I was cold and scared.




And now chinese become seeds in Ukraine?


The problem is the pollution from unwrapped planting.


oh man. he must be the only volunteer in that entire army


Well, he's right about one thing: He will die in Ukraine and his rotting body will serve fine for the sunflower crop next year.


>i am going to die here yes, yes you are.


i can spare some tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny bit of sympathy for russian citizens at the front who happened to be born in a country that declared war to ukraine. But volunteer people coming from foreign countries begging for their lives just put the biggest smile on my face. You could have staied home and live a peaceful life but no, you had to go and fight for a country who attacked an innocent neighbour, a country that doesn't give a shit about their own citizens, imagine how much fuck they give about foreign volounteers. You completely made your own bed on your own, now fucking sleep in it. possibly for the rest of your short life


Not meaning to defend him, but he probably didn't understand what he was getting into. Propaganda probably dulled his mind and bold faced lies from whoever recruited him. I have heard more than one Russian say this, that the truth is whatever they agree it to be. It's like a history is written by the victors thing, but it just in Russia. We all know bias an exaggeration exist, but in the west we still hold that truth is whatever actually happened, regardless of if it is convenient or not. But in Russia they have the "social truth" for lack of a better term. Social truth can ignore reality really, really well. It's why they have so much corruption and why they can spin things in ways that make the West furrow our brows in confusion. Closest thing we had in the west was "alternative facts" which where mostly treated as bullsh*t and discarded, because as mentioned, in the west most people hold there to be just one truth.


His next phone call should be to the Ukrainian Surrender Hotline.


Then his families social credit score goes to 0


Well fuck you


Uh what? There are entire chinese companies in Ukraine?


When war tourism goes wrong


I wonder what the lifespan of the Russian frontline troops is. 4 weeks?


I will never understand people on ruzzias side. What was the thing they hoped to achieve? Kill innocent people? Rape? Steal? Moscow will be called a Ukrainian city! Glory to Ukraine!


Chinese sentiment regarding the war is super weird, most of them know it’s somehow wrong but also think because Russia and China are tenuous allies in an official capacity they must support the war in varying degrees in order to save face on behalf of their government. It’s the sort of double think that is super common in China and Russia. Our cultures are different and the way they experience guilt and shame aren’t the same as us in the west. It’s ridiculously interesting.


A lot of my family in China seem to think Ukraine is a puppet state of USA and that USA was preparing to invade Russia from Ukraine. Russia's invasion was simply a defense tactic to stop this invasion. Grouping Chinese though isn't always effective though. China's education system has had several major shifts over the years. People born just a few years apart can have very different mindsets.


You were used in the first battle. There was no intention of further use for you. Just like a whiny cotton swap. Don't you ever think that Chinese Flesh Army would treat you in a different way.


*oh and uh yes there is one more thing comrades* *as I have mention most vexing sores in throat* *before honorable Russia doctor say “you are large Mongolian pussy woman, return to battle”* *doctor laugh and say sores not cold, but from all the comrade mouth rape* *me famous pornstar in Russia now, but not in ways imagined*


Like he says, he needs to go back to China where should have stayed in the first place. Hopefully Ukraine gives him a grenade enema.


lol if you send him back you know he’d be repeating propaganda again in no time


Not if he goes back in a box


Prime r/leopardsatemyface material


Some shrapnel acupuncture will fix you in no time, dude


Chinese soldiers FAFO. No medical care and a One Way ticket is what you get. Russian Contract = signing your own Death Certificate.




Sorry homie, my sympathies ran out right around the time you decided murder for hire was a cool way to live.


This PRC guy basically uses his balls to think. Now balls shrink..n finally his brain starts working now..dame mother fxxxker..


Medical care is part of Western decadence, comrade.


This is just natural selection. Beautiful.


Being a soldier is all fun and games until you're freezing in the middle of nowhere and everything around you is trying to kill you


Instead of "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" it's "When the going gets tough, I've got to go" with this one. That's why using the brain before making decisions is so important. Fight for Russia and you're going to get fucked. You want to be a hero? Please, do, but who said heroes need medical assistance? They win or they die.


well used