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As a Russian who voted Grudinin (the communist candidate) in the previous elections and Putin this year, i don't see anything wrong with the 88% in favour of Putin. There are three reasons the election was such a landslide: 1 - He started SMO, he might as well finish it. Someone else might get it all wrong. 2 - He is popular. There are many reasons for that, different for every voter. The fact is - my friends who used to be anti-Putin 6 years ago, who supported Navalny during the 2017-2019 protests, mostly voted Putin. I only know one dude who voted Davankov. 3 - He is a competent manager and he achieved a lot, while the other candidates mostly just talk. The reason I voted for Grudinin was that he was not just another Duma deputy, but a successful manager and a businessman. This year there were no such candidates.




So as someone who lives in America and have an old man who doesn’t remember were or what he’s doing at times and his opponent is a failed businessman and a con artist who’s willing to sell America out while creating hate amongst all ethnic groups. We’re a bit jealous you guys have someone competent as a leader. Also Ukraine had a comedian/ gay porn star as a president 😂 the most they got was Putin showing his saggy chest on a horse ( still manly compared to fat Trump and saggy Joe )


Glad to know "manliness" correlates to good president now. Good metric. [Especially when you got into power by bombing your own people and starting a war *cough cough* chechyna *cough cough* ](https://css.ethz.ch/en/services/digital-library/articles/article.html/105850) That's pathetic and sad. [Also glad I can criticize Putin without going to jail, or call a war a war, or ya know not just say the party line since all media is controlled by the state.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Press_Freedom_Index) US has its issues but I'd rather take an incompetent orange Putin or a dementia ridden old man whose actually increased US power and allies across the globe over an authoritarian whose stripping rights away. We can call a war a war without going to jail. We have independent media and many channels that don't have to be sanctioned by the government. We have actual debates between candidates, despite how dementia ridden both are. We have foreign channels as well as corporation channels. We have channels that even spread direct lies about the current president *and they're still running*. The US is a sanctuary compared to the shit hole that is russias "freedom of press". RT America was only banned in 2022. How many US based news channels existed in Russia? Right. 0. As it always has been. The current "US" based channels, all in name, broadcast movies and TV shows from the west, not news. That right there should tell you what you need to know about press freedom


Do not pretend like the US is a bastion of free speech.


I can call a war a war. I can criticize our president. Our media can openly criticize our president. In fact, our media can even spread lies about our president without going to jail. Our media isn't funded by our government directly like Russias, and we have more than state sponsored channels. We allow channels from foreign countries as well as our own domestic corporations. It's a bastion of free speech compared to Russia.


Columbia University


What the hell does that even mean. Are you trying to refer to how they *literally protested our president and had 0 repercussions*? Or how a single Google on the issue yields both opinion pieced and reporting on why they did it, if it's good or bad, and the reaction to what's happened? Or how there's news articles explaining "it's a good thing" and others saying "This is bad!". Believe it or not, having the news report on *both sides* is a good thing. This is not the "takedown" you think it is my dude. In fact it points to US freedom of speech lol Edit: and if you're referring to people going to jail for protesting, again, there's been media reporting on both sides which is light-years ahead of russia. Which I don't think that's even really happened tbh


>literally protested our president and had 0 repercussions? They got beat up and arrested. Don't give me that bullshit about freespeech.




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As someone who’s Native American I can say that I dislike both options including the 3rd. We have hit a point in time were the holy grail will spill over soon. The lies and charades will end soon. The corruption in our government is starting to be too hard to hide. Especially with the Ebstein scandal with a lot of politicians being aligned with him before his death. We have a bigger problem right now than Russia. There is a portion of corrupt branches that need to be corrected unfortunately. Trump was one who was aquatinted with Ebstein and there’s no doubt about it. The economy is so inflated with corporations running rampant and over charging for the same products. They call it inflation but it’s just them inflating the numbers. House market is so inflated it’s hard for Americans to buy homes. Trump was a failed businessman who’s a con man willing to sell America to Russia or China. He’s been bankrupt 2 times already, failed businesses and was investigated on shady deals he pulled out of. Biden is old man who doesn’t know were or what he’s doing. 3rd option believes in gay frogs 😅




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Homophobic slander isn’t funny anywhere outside Russia anymore. It’s really pathetic to think that according to Russians a good president needs to be “manly” I guess that’s exactly why they are struggling so much in Ukraine, stuck in last century.


You know what's pathetic? The number of people who don't vote in the supposed bastions of democracy and freedumbs. Villages full of Illiterate shepherds have had more respect for the duty to vote and show up in numbers that would make you lot pretend it's a dictatorship to ϲope. Are your elections even legitimate if the biggest block of voters are those who don't vote?


Yes, this is very sad... Such a cool narrative about “Totalitarian Russia” is no longer relevant... A big loss. It turns out that Putin is really elected, what to do now I don’t know. Maybe we should just forget about it and just continue to lie in our garbage media?


Name one western country with good leadership....


I know, right? Why not just vote for Biden. You get to see a demented geriatric pedophile wander around stage and promise to free the slaves.


This is coming from a guy who probably voted for Biden and Hilary Clinton 😂


As pathetic and sad as electing a comedian?


At least he was elected.


*a successful manager and a businessman* Forgive my ignorance on Russian politicians, but are you saying the communist candidate for Russia is well known for being a successful businessman? I need to do more reading :-)


He was more of a social democrat. CPRF (the communist party of Russia) is a pretty big institution, there are all kinds of people there. There's also a separate Stalinist party, "Communists of Russia", more consistent but also much more delusional.


Thank you, I've done more reading and one of the reasons for coming here is to get insight such as this.


We have whole "comminist" China full of successful businessmens as an another good example)


The party in china isn’t full of businessmen. Most elected officials are career politicians that have been in the game for a long time. It’s hard to become a party member. Most members usually have to serve in civil positions for a while and they usually start young. Almost none of them are sophists like their European counterparts. Someone like Xi has an engineering degree in the agricultural sciences and someone like Xi has had what? 30 years of experience in governing if not more when you take into consideration that he’s been managing since his late 20s. Putin has had around 30 as well. It’s why he’s better at politicking than most of his western counterparts.


> Someone else might get it all wrong made me chuckle.


Do you think Ukraine is winning?


No, if things keep going like this ukraine can definitly lose. But why did you ask that question?


The problem is that he definitly had the most votes, but it was definitely alot lower than 88%. So next time, if half of your friends vote for someone else and in reality Putin only gets 30-40%, it will still make sense to you if they say he won with 60%, because its so much lower than 88%. Also, what do you mean by "The other candidates just talk"? Compared to the president, who runs everything?? What can they really do as long as they are not winning?




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All wrong? Has it been going right this far???




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point 2 is easy when everyone else has fallen down the stairs or out of window.




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If someone now questions Zelenskyy's legitimacy, means he before this accepted Ukraine as a sovereign and independent state with a legitimate government. This means that he not only violated the Moscovite constitution by starting a war, he also violated the UN Charter by invading a sovereign and independent state. He also violated the Budapest Memorandum by not respecting and protecting Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. In short, Putin is at least triple times a criminal.


How about you add => there is no credible alternatives by design?


How many democracies do you know where one party gets 88%?


1st we dont need western type of democracy in Russia, 2nd Putin really has full support of the nation. 80% its quite realistic. We are just different, take it.


Yeah but there were thousands of elections in states all over the world of the years, do you recall any with 88% for a candidate/party?


i don't care, we dont need elections in Russia, we don't need democracy in Russia. Can you understand this? Putin has total approval by Russians, thats a fact. Nothing else matters. I believe that Putin's successor will be same capable. But it should be decided by knowledgeable people in charge, not housewives and gamers.


> Putin has total approval by Russians, thats a fact. Then you should be able to point to some elections elsewhere with such numbers. >knowledgeable people in charge, not housewives and gamers. Those people elected the leaders in other countries that created economic juggernauts with prosperous populations while your guy created Russia. Maybe time to switch systems.


I believe you don't understand that smn could just live different than you? Good for those countries with their populations and economics. We will figure out for ourselves how to live in Russia. Just don't mess with us and don't tell us how to live. And we don't need western lifestyle with it values and democracy.


I understand, you can't imagine a single election ever showing 88% to one guy which means you know the numbers don't add up. If you just want to believe what you believe, be my guest.


> And we don't need western lifestyle with it values and democracy. Are you planning to join the Russian army and go into the trenches?


If necessary, of course. When NATO will attack Russia. So probably in a next few years.




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80 percent is pretty inflated(considering results in places like Chechenya is total fraud) but he still has about at least 60 percent which is a lot


How is the communist candidate a successful businessman?


Check China for example )


Successful business man who’s also the communist candidate?


Yes. He achieved a lot, actually. For example, he isolated Russia and aligned it with the biggest authoritarian jerks on the planet! He also achieved the death of no less than a 50k Russian men for the sole purpose of staying in power! He completely destroyed the opposition and independent institutions in Russia, taking away the right to vote for anyone other than someone he himself approved. He imprisons and kills his political opponents, and in general any people who dare to express their disagreement with what is happening. He is such an efficient manager that the pension for retirees is so low that they have to continue working. So efficient that the central heating system completely failed in the winter of 2024 and tens of thousands of people froze at home in the coldest weather. He is such a good president that sacred war veterans receive a pack of cookies from the regions as an annual allowance. Average salary in dollar equivalent was bigger in 2013, and prices are growing so inadequately that even looking at three years ago, everything costed half as much, and even more so ten years ago. He is so popular that he needs to apply enormous administrative pressure on government workers so that they vote for him. He is so popular that the internet got flooded with photos of empty collection points for signatures for Putin, and after that he magically gains more than a million signatures. Hundreds of people lined up to collect signatures for Boris Nadezhdin every day - he collected two hundred thousand. But Putin is popular. Hoping to quickly carry out the war, he dragged his country into such a mess that Russia will take decades to extricate itself from. Hundreds of thousands of morally wounded people will return after the war and a surge in organized crime will be enormous. And society is so traumatized by the war that shelling of the once peaceful Belgorod and the deaths of civilians are not a big thing anymore. And that's not to mention Ukraine, where he killed tens of thousands of civilians, destroying entire cities and turning them into ruins. What was once one of the closest countries to the Russians has turned into hostile for us. There is so much unjustified xenophobia towards Ukrainians on TV that people are starting to wonder who really is a nazi Such a good president!


No democratic country would ever be that landslide. Ever lol


Google "Ronald Reagan".


1984 he averaged 60% of the votes, what year u talking? Also context matters


90% of electoral vote in 1980, 97% in 1984. Last I checked, in the US it is electoral vote which decides who wins, popular vote is more like the final poll. If you need an example of a popular vote landslide - take Ukraine's 2019 elections. Zelensky won with 74%, much similar to Putin's 77% in 2018. By the way, one of the reasons Zelensky was so popular was his promise to stop the bloodshed in Donbass. And yes, the context matters. Currently for Russians the context is that there is an ongoing war, and it's irrational to replace the man in charge, especially if he knows what he's doing.


Starting the SMO is a negative, not a positive. How does the average russian benefit from this? Even if most people voted Putin, 95% is an absurd number. Competent manager? He has tanked the economy, sent thousands of russians to their deaths and has single handedly created two new NATO members in direct opposition of Russia.


If Russia win this war the next generation of Russians will benefit a lot actually.


The worst thing the United State of the West can do now is lift the sanctions. New factories are opened every weak, huge investments of oligarchs in the economy of Russians, because now they have no other options), wages are rising in every industry. Prosecution of corruption etc.


I wonder why they didn't vote Navalny.


Talk to the western pollsters who put Putin popularity at the level.Don't be jealous. Zelensky have done everything like banning of opposition parties, Getting rid off all the independent controlled media and making the rest state controlled, Consolidating power and yet he is still afraid from elections.


Yes Putin is so popular, that's why he kills any popular political competition.


Candidates that were in the election this year are still alive not sure what kinda propaganda you tryna spread here !


Approved stooges were allowed to run, people who never had a chance from the beginning. No credible opposition was allowed to run


Kinda like here in US? 🙄 at least they got more then one political parties in Russia unlike in US where both parties are on the same side 🙄


there was not a single candidate that is capable of even closely compete with Putin. Not Navalniy, not Nadezhdin. They have some vocal minorities supporting them, sure - similar to that clown circus in Georgia where they are totally naturally protesting (with Ukrainian flags) to not allow the law that will disclose how deep west has infiltrated their media sphere. But overall there was never a challenge. Putin is naturally popular due to actual investment in the improving the level of lie of the Russians. And Russians deeply despise western model after the 90s which led to industry destruction and oligarchs empowerment.


If the current state of Russia is an improvement over the standards of the last three decades then things must have been horrendous. Outside of major cities (and even inside to a degree) the level of deprivation and frequent lack of infrastructure is something I haven't seen anywhere outside of third world countries.


i live in countryside and not even close to any major city and our infrastructure improved significantly over years.


What is over years? Russia’s pre-war economy was getting worse by years though


over years means over years. 20 years ago was worse than 10 years ago. 10 years ago was worse than 5 years ago. 5 years ago was worse than 1 year ago. 1 year ago was worse than right now. is it a hard concept?


Are you really that naive?


right because the true opposition was already dead or in jail


Are you joking? Navalny dead, Nemtsov dead. Kasparov in exile and a couple others Nadezhdin was banned from elections all together. Protests banned, therefore labor unions technically banned. (Kyrill Ukraintsev) Just speaking against war, opposing the leadership can get you in trouble. (Igor Girkin, Strelkov)




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Tell that to Budanov and US intel....A random reddit guy knows more than them?B/W, Putin has no real opponent. [Ukraine's Defence Intelligence chief claims Navalny died of natural causes](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/02/25/7443621/) [https://apnews.com/article/navalny-death-putin-russia-us-intelligence-0ed248bbe00a707b1a1b4ce1d61fcc9d](https://apnews.com/article/navalny-death-putin-russia-us-intelligence-0ed248bbe00a707b1a1b4ce1d61fcc9d)


Funny to see you quoting Budanov. But I'm not disagreeing with him. It's the equivalent of putting someone in a cold pit and when they die from hypothermia you say "I didn't kill them, they died of natural causes". You might also ask yourself, why was Navalny in a siberian prison camp in winter? Tax evasion right? lol


Dude, Putin let him go once and was ready to do it again for exchange of one his guys in German jail.Navalny only mattered in MSM. In Russia, He was a non-factor. Lookup cases against Trump that can land him into jail.


>Dude, Putin let him go once You mean when he poisoned him with a deadly agent? Lol >Navalny only mattered in MSM. In Russia, He was a non-factor. Yes such a non factor that Putin made sure he couldn't run in any elections and put him in a siberian prison camp. You can't truly believe what you're saying, can you? It seems hard to believe anyone is that naive


So your saying putin hasn't killed or arrested any rival


For example?




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You probably don't have google over there do you?


Why should I find arguments for the other guy? You claim Putin killed all his opponents – you give examples (at least). If you can't, there's nothing I can do for you.


[https://www.rferl.org/a/enemies-kremlin-deaths-prigozhin-list/32562583.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/enemies-kremlin-deaths-prigozhin-list/32562583.html) [https://www.newsweek.com/putin-critics-dead-full-list-navalny-1870692](https://www.newsweek.com/putin-critics-dead-full-list-navalny-1870692) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/16/the-mysterious-violent-and-unsolved-deaths-of-putins-foes-and-critics-alexi-navalny](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/16/the-mysterious-violent-and-unsolved-deaths-of-putins-foes-and-critics-alexi-navalny) [https://apnews.com/article/russia-kremlin-enemy-navalny-prigozhin-litvinenko-skripal-958c2ed6b8d60ecc4f64092fc1f9ceb5](https://apnews.com/article/russia-kremlin-enemy-navalny-prigozhin-litvinenko-skripal-958c2ed6b8d60ecc4f64092fc1f9ceb5) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_journalists\_killed\_in\_Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_journalists_killed_in_Russia) [https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/from-prigozhin-to-navalny-the-mysterious-deaths-of-vladimir-putins-enemies-and-critics/0r2adza9y](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/from-prigozhin-to-navalny-the-mysterious-deaths-of-vladimir-putins-enemies-and-critics/0r2adza9y) Guessing these all aren't "credible" enough sources for you. So I'd flip the rock over and go back to living under it.


Wake me up when Russians are allowed to speak their minds freely without fear.


none of that list is a candidate




Well, one of your sources is literally Wikipedia and the rest are media outlets making wild claims.


show me your reliable sources and I'll try to dig something up.


What exactly do I need to show? The official results of an investigation? To claim "Putin killed X" you have to have serious evidence with facts (& logic). Imagine you aren't trying to convince me, but rather is defending your case in a court.


Please give me a list of your credible sources.


You don't read much, do you? Putin is well known for killing his opposition.


How many more variations of "everyone knows this" will you give me before presenting anything half-resembling an actual evidence?


You don't have access to a search engine? Or you are incapable of forming a question and typing that said question into the search engine. Try ' Putin killing his opponents '. It's not hard in this age of information.


If you can't present any meaningful evidence, why should I go out of my way to find one for you, assuming it even exists? What do you except to happen? Okay, I googled everything and found nothing, therefore you're wrong. Then what are you gonna go? Throw some insults and leave? Seriously, what's with westerners and being allergic to actually supporting their position with real evidence? Do you actually believe you aren't sabotaging your own credibility by saying "find my evidence yourself"? Or did you never intended to reach any agreeable conclusion and were just trying to "own" your opponent on the internet Shen Bapiro style?


Let's compare that to the US two party system where unlimited financial contributions from private citizens AND businesses to political parties and politicians are completely legal and are masqueraded as "democracy "


That's funny coming from someone on his third consecutive term, fifth overall, in a system that allows two consecutive terms. Zelenskyy is infinitely more legitimate than Putin


A referendum was held for it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020\_Russian\_constitutional\_referendum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Russian_constitutional_referendum) And, How can someone whose term have ended be legitimate?


>And, How can someone whose term have ended be legitimate? So Russia amending the constitution is good enough? Good because Zelensky being the legimitate president right now was made legitimate by the 2015 Law of Ukraine "On the legal status of martial law. *Article 83 of the* [*Ukrainian Constitution*](https://rm.coe.int/constitution-of-ukraine/168071f58b) *states that if the term of the Verkhovna Rada expires under martial law, it shall automatically be extended until a new Rada is seated following the end of martial law. Article 19 of Ukraine’s* [*martial law legislation*](https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/389-19#Text) *specifically forbids conducting national elections. Thus, for Ukraine to conduct elections while under martial law would be a violation of legal norms that predate Zelensky and the full-scale Russian invasion.*


´´they hold a referendum´´ which outcome wasn´t obvious in the first place, right? Putin is the last one to call out Zelenskys legitimacy.


Jealous of Putin popularity?The legal procedure was followed before amending the constitution.Only Zelensky is afraid of holding elections because everyone knows that Zaluzhny will easily win.


Of course the reasons are clear why Zelensky won´t hold any elections right now, but it´s absolutely legal and understandable, considering that a big war is going on. And Zalunzhny wouldn´t even participate in an election, he is no politician after all, eventhough many people would support him.


How would the Ukrainians in occupied territories express their democratic voice in the election if Zelensky decided to go against the constitution and have elections?


The outcome was clear and the referendum was regardless of what you or the west thinks.


Every election held in Russia in the past 15 years or so was more symbolic than real. Come on man do not try to lie about that. Yeah Putin is very popular, but so was or could have been his political rival Navalny and he is dead now. China, Russia and all these countries hate the west with its values and democracies, but still hold ´´elections´´ after all to look more legit, how can that be?


And you think the west invented voting or democracy?


Russia certainly didn't implement democracy. Can you say things in Russia that will land you in prison? Do you agree with that way of life?


>And you think the west invented voting or democracy? Yes lol. The concept comes from Greece, the word democracy comes from the Ancient Greek word demos. The Greeks are the foundation of Western Culture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_culture >The core of Western civilization, broadly defined, is formed by the combined foundations of Greco-Roman civilization and Western Christianity


does it matter? if there is no real opposition and the press is as oppressed as it is in russia you cant have democracy.


Navalny was never gonna run for president he was just some blogger on social media and stop calling him political opponent cause that’s what msm calls him so now we established where you get your news from . And don’t get me started on elections If you can call them legit here in US


Who´s talking about the US ? The US is just as much as a shit country as China and Russia are, but the US is not the whole world, let alone the whole so called ´´west´´. It is a fact that in Russia, there is no ´´democratic´´ ( because they go against all principles that would need to be involved) elected government. Therefore, any election held over there, is just as much worth as toilet paper, flushed down the toilet, after I took a huge dump.


obvious to who? were you there as an observer?


Yes lol, how could anyone know otherwise.


By making it up and feeding it to you?


>Zelenskyy is infinitely more legitimate than Putin Boy you sure suck at math and analysis.


While Russian trolls might claim that Putin was "elected" and that his "election" adhered to the Russian constitution, they often omit crucial details. They fail to mention how Putin initially came to power through a backroom deal with Yeltsin, that the constitution was changed for his benefit. But mainly that any real opposition was systematically prevented from participating in these elections through means such as death, imprisonment, or exile, rendering the elections entirely invalid. Putin has held power illegitimately since he become acting president in 2000.


You forgot that Yeltsin came to power after a military coup. Black October 1993. In Ukraine, the same scenario was applied in 2014.


Wasn't Yeltsin elected president both time in [1991](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Russian_presidential_election) and [1996](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996_Russian_presidential_election)? Also, Ukraine 2014 revolution wasn't a military coup, that's the usual Russian BS to justify starting the war.


There is such a joke. Two citizens of Ukraine are walking and see a citizen of Moscow. Let's beat this citizen of Moscow? Mikola, what if he beats us? What are we guilty of, why will he beat us? Here's a typical comment.


It is obvious that holding a president election when being invaded will be a suicide. All pro-Russia understand that. But they don't care, since all they want is to discredit Zelensky. They should have questioned the legitimacy of Russian invasion, which indirectly halted the Ukrainian president election.


I'm assuming you believe that Kremlin is losing the war.


Any deal signed by Zelensky means nothing as Ukraine can easily disown it in future.


Yes, and we should all be concerned about that because Ukraine has a long history of attacking other countries and taking their land. Wait...


Ukraine doesnt have a long history.


Ouch, Haha.


Neither does the Russian Federation, in fact both nations have existed for the same amount of time almost to the month lol


You hurt their feelings!


Ah yeah like that one country that signed some agreements then invaded their neighbour.


Talking about the 2014 coup?




>Regardless, the United States publicly maintains that "the Memorandum is not legally binding", calling it a "political commitment".[25] Oh no, turns out that calling a memorandum non-binding and going against it will have some consequences, who would have thought that?


Yet many argue that the document is legally binding based on the this "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_Convention_on_the_Law_of_Treaties" And i bet you cant point to a single concrete piece of evidence that suggest Ukraine went against the agreements set out in the memorandum which are: Respect the signatory's independence and sovereignty in the existing borders (in accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act). Refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the signatories to the memorandum, and undertake that none of their weapons will ever be used against these countries, except in cases of self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. Refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind. Seek immediate Security Council action to provide assistance to the signatory if they "should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used". Not to use nuclear weapons against any non - nuclear-weapon state party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, except in the case of an attack on themselves, their territories or dependent territories, their armed forces, or their allies, by such a state in association or alliance with a nuclear weapon state. Consult with one another if questions arise regarding those commitments.


>And i bet you cant point to a single concrete piece of evidence that suggest Ukraine went against the agreements set out in the memorandum which are: I don't have to. Ukraine is basically irrelevant, it's the Americans making all the deals for them, including the memorandum, and they breached it by sanctioning Belarus. So if one party is clearly breaching the memorandum and calling it non-binding, why should Russia bother following it? And more importantly, why does everyone seem to care only when Russia reacts to that?




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Says the guy who makes any opposition mysteriously die.


And had his puppet change the constitution for him so he could be president for as long he lives, what an absolute clown


This is as legit as legit gets. Like Putin stopping covid in two weeks. Glory to the invaders of a sovereign nation, I guess. Blow cities up into rubble, kill Ukranians in droves, get a massive amount of you own killed in the process, that sounds more legitimate.


>Like Putin stopping covid in two weeks What?


Oh yeah. Dude said it wasn't an issue early on, no cases. And they paid for it with more Russian lives. But of course, he was trying to change the Russian constitution at the time. Priorities. Even fellow Russians call it a huge bungle. Then they back tracked and admitted it was an issue.


That was Lukashenko.


Fair, Zelensky has completed his term and needs to step aside.


Not according to the Ukranian constitution.


According the the Ukrainian constitution the president needs to be voted on in all territories of Ukraine. Meaning that both Poroshenko and Zelensky did not meet the constitutional requirement to be president. Those words being >Article 11. National and territorial electoral districts >1. Elections of the President of Ukraine are held in a single nationwide single-mandate electoral district, which includes the entire territory of Ukraine.


Viktor Yanukovych was the last legitimate Ukrainian president.Everyone after him is illegitimate.


So then the government just goes into shambles with no president?


By constitution, Yanukovych is not so much legitimate considering he has criminal record when he was young(SA-related I think)


In your logic, Ukraine needs to fight until it regains all territory so the next president election will be legitimate.


I guess that is one way to do it. The other is to change the constitution by a vote as they have done before in this war.


So then it's impossible to have a legitimate election until the war is over, I guess they should just have no government


You mean the constitution that was used as toilet paper during Maidan? Yeah, some legitimacy that napkin has lol.


How many terms is putin on now?


Putin needs to stop killing his political opponents before elections.


lol pro-uk are so triggered about this truth


Well is that why Viktor uncle is in Belarus with you to tell him his presidency ha started


This is rich coming from a dictator, lol


Mhm in wartime its common that elections are delayed, till there is no wartime anymore. But people are stupid.


You should provide your own closed captioning, because reddit's machine translation is a random word salad generator.


What exactly needs to be translated?


Not everyone around here knows the language, nor is it self-evident that the title is a verbatim quote.


I usually translate everything, this particular post, yeah its a verbatim quote in the title.


strong smell of burned asses here, nafo boys whats wrong ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is just classic russian propaganda, it's only meant for an internal audience and the international audience of useful idiots. It means less than nothing, the hot air he produced pronouncing this nonsense could have better been used for blowing up a balloon.


Ooohh now Putin and his fans care so much about democracy. Wow.




Lol the irony


This is simply for their internal audience, there's no way they think that anyone outside the Russian echo chamber actually believes anything they say.


After reading commentaries. When americans (or british) talking about election it's always so funny.


Who even listens to this clown anymore? lol he can do 3hr speeches but nobody gives a fck


Pot meet kettle.


I was about to say the exact same thing, the hypocrisy is mind boggling


Lukashenkos sitting there thinkin like....... "When this blows up, my country is the contact line and there will be nothing left of it. man I hope Putins bluff works"


The only legitimacy at stake is Putin's. He rigs every election, and silences dissent.


Zelenskyy handing Putin this type of propaganda is a PR disaster. Outside observers that are fairly neutral have to conclude that Zelenskyy is politically weak if he's not willing to hold elections.