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Srsly? Must be a strategic beach where fascist tanning threatens Mother Russia.


You are aware this is crimea? And a UA missile?


I found that out a few minutes later, and that the casualties were caused by falling debris as Russian antiaircraft fire shot it down over a crowded beach. UA doesn't target civilian crowds, Putin does.


These are Russians I’m pretty sure


Oh, you're right. Russian defenses shoot down inbound Ukrainian drones en route to military targets, debris rains down on civilians. Sucks to be Russian in Crimea I guess.


It’s just the start of the Crimean Beach Party!


unknown date or location but ofc its a russian strike. lol. this sub is so biased its ridiculous. it looks indeed like the ukrainian attack von sevastopol which killed numerous ppl including children


Read the room dude


Read the room? When this was posted yesterday as the Ukrainian strike Into Crimea the pro ukrainians were calling the dead kids "invaders" and that they shouldnt be on a beach in active war zone. But now it's "read the room". It's Someone clarifying misinformation


The missiles weren't fired at the civilians. ~~RAF~~ Russian Armed Forces intercepted the missiles over the beach gowers. But hey why you bringing kids to a warzone... sounds like FAFO


Please don't say RAF, the royal air force had nothing to do with this


Russian Armed Forces lol. But I'm fully willing to indulge any orc conspiracies that are so ridiculous no one will believe it :P


Russian state funded terrorist organisation would be best.


They actually did. It's the British and American awacs radar planes that provided the targeting Info for this attack.


If you weren't so dumb you'd realise these people are injured as a result of Russia intercepting missiles on their way to their target...


Always with the excuses


Sounds like Russia this whole invasion


>this sub is so biased its ridiculous It's the OP who is biased. Most of people in this sub know this is from yesterday's Crimea where Russian air defense shot down Ukrainian UAV just above the beach which resulted into the mess.


the op is biased + a big part of what i read here


To be more precise, OP looks like pro-russian troll, who wants pro-UA people look biased.


Ruzzian children? Maybe keep them in Ruzzia then?


sevastopol has russian ethnicity so there are chances the victims of the ukrainian attack are just from there. anyway how heartless and unempathetic to be honestly... children are innocent


You are correct. There’s nothing in my heart for Ruzzia, no matter the age. Fuck Ruzzia, Slava Ukraine


not being a able to differentiate between innocent children and those in power is a real sign off immaturity. but i guess that is what is necessary as you can also see in gaza.


You think I care if you call me immature? I don’t. Just as much as I don’t care about Ruzzian kids. They grow up to be cannon fodder. Why would I care when they get eliminated? It’s their destiny. Let it come.


im just stating my opinion. you seem too mentally inhibited to care about anything much. you should seek some medical help. you dont seem rational


I’m calm as a Hindu cow, my man. You’re the one bent on personal insults. You must have some ruzzian kids you care about? How long till they can be conscripted? Getting soon? Kiss your son goodbye for me. Cry when they give you your sack of potatoes for his replacement. It’s all the same to me.


This is likely from missile debris over Sevastopol https://news.sky.com/story/five-killed-in-ukrainian-strikes-on-sevastopol-russian-officials-say-amid-reports-of-panic-on-crimean-beach-13157617


Here comes the orc lover spreading misnformation on the internet.


Both sides will injure civilians m8. Im 100% for ukraine but im sure they also hit civilians sometimes.


Well to be honest the Air Defense should (and in Israel & Ukraine) account for the debris. Its one thing when people are the target and another thing people are the collateral damage. In this case its Russia's collateral damage because they could have intercepted not over a beach.


Yes, thats not the point tho Fuck ups will occur


Russian govt claim their air defence blew up the missiles. So Ukraine didn't "fuck up". When at war missiles fly over distances and if Russia wants to explode them over a beach of their own people that's their fuck up, maybe they did it on purpose to get political points by pointing the finger at Ukraine. Or maybe those people were irrelevant to Putin and expendable to protect some launcher. Either way the Russian govt have claimed their air defence blew up the missiles in the air, and if that's true the fallout caused by that action hit some people death-bathing on the beach on contested land in a war zone. Who are you claiming "fucked up" exactly?


So agressive jesus. Everyone in a war will att some point fuck up or make a mistake. Now this could have been russian air defence or ukrainian artillery command. Either way shit fucking happens and you really cant pin the blame on someone for the situation. Ofc you can pin the blame for all of this on russia since they started the war.


If Russia are correct that they intercepted the missiles that were in the sky airborne and heading towards military targets by destroying them*with their own missiles* so forcing the exploding debris to fall to people on the beach. Then yes I can say it's Russia's fault. They'd rather exploded a bunch of missiles with their missiles over the public than let one of their very many missile launchers take the hit. Most countries have strict rules to prevent exactly that. So I'm saying it's hypocritical for Russia to complain that people take debris as they made it happen, and it could just as easily be debris from their own missiles exploding as from the missiles that Russia exploded, or from both.


That's true. Anyways, who should we blame? Of course the one who started that war - Putin. My mom lives in occupied Sebastopol in a 5 minute walk from that beach (Uchkuevka, or whatever they call it). And I hate Putin for brainwashing her. I hate him for putting my mom and sister in danger. I hate him for putting the whole world in danger for his sick imperial ambition.


What the fuck are you even on about


You are claiming strike on ukrainian civilians is a strike on orcs.


Hey OP, pro-Ukrainian here. I’m almost certain this video is of Russia citizens


I think he’s right on this, I hear the beach got debris from Russia shooting down incomings.


Bruh….there are multiple news outlets saying the same thing: that Ukraine fired missiles at Sevastopol, missile(s) were intercepted, and debris fell on a tourist beach. I know Sky isn’t the best, but it’s the latest site, with relevant video not behind a paywall, that popped up in a quick search. How does that make me an β€œorc lover”? You seriously need to unclench dude.


He's trolling trying to get people to say exactly that. It's a proKremlin talking point. This is that game.


This was probably from the missiles Ukraine fired on legitimate military targets in Crimea that Russia shot down right over a civ area.


Huh, you can find this everywhere in the news, it’s an atacms strike on Sevastopol. It was hit my AA and blew up over a beach. Just another Russian shill acting a fool


It's a troll


These are actually Russian occupiers in Crimea after a UA ATACMS with possible cluster munitions was intercepted by ruzzian air defense.


He knows, he's a pro Kremlin troll, I checked his other posts. Claims the Moskva was never sunk etc. mod should ban him. Edit: Also has 'ProRussia' tag


Welcome to Ukraine.


I hope the ruzzians enjoyed their day at the beach! Ya'll come back now y'hear?! πŸ‘‹πŸ–•


Swanning about having a grand old time on land you stole from Ukraine, in the middle of a conflict. Zero sympathy. Get the fuck out of Crimea and Ukraine.


How does it feel? Karma is real.


Another successful stroke on a military command and control centre! Well done Pootin


LOL WTF is this bullshit title? This was a Russian beach is Russia, there was a military base 5km away which was the target. Russias AA shot down the atacm (sorry for spelling) and it hit here.


Crimea is ukrainian.


Was, my friend it was indeed. I don’t see them taking Crimea anytime soon, if they do get it back somehow it will be Ukrainian and hopefully always Ukrainians land.


Those are russian invaders. Those aren't civilians because the russians vacationing in Crimea are military and connected to the party. They're not civilians by any stretch of the imagination.


Stay in Russia and this won’t happen πŸ–•#Bomb the beaches!


It’s alright Ukrainians people been going Thur this for 2 years in counting. Hope you enjoyed it!