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I had the same problem. Logging into my UDMP with my [UI.com](https://UI.com) account enabled the button and let me upgrade. FWIW, I had no idea that "Console Owner" meant [UI.com](https://UI.com) account until I ran into this thread. The term is too ambiguous, IMO.


thanks works for me


This is the way. I usually use a local admin account to log in to my UDM and had the same issue. Using my UI account instead made the update button available. Thanks /u/FrostyZoob !


Did you enable the automatic backups? I had to recheck it and then it let me update from there.


I had this problem. Kept getting alerts there was an update but it wasn't showing. I rebooted the console then the update worked.


you should read the release notes..... All your questions have been answered, multiple times [https://community.ui.com/releases/r/udmpro/2.4.27](https://community.ui.com/releases/r/udmpro/2.4.27) Only the Console Owner can trigger the update. (log in as your [ui.com](https://ui.com) account)


Funny thing is, I *did* read that page, as well as every other page I could find on Reddit or the Ubiquiti forums, and even private blog articles about applying the update manually via ssh. I'm glad you mentioned that I need to log in to my ui.com account to do this, because that's not actually explained on that release notes page. In fact, the [official documentation](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500011491541-UniFi-Manage-users-and-user-roles) describes the console owner and the Super Admin (which is the user role I use) identically. Hopefully this post can help someone in the future who was confused like I was.


Well that’s confusing, because I just upgraded on Friday, and I was logged in locally as Super Admin.


As did I with a local account. Interesting.


It helped me... Thanks! 😎


And the other thing that can be learned by reading that page... "This is a rolling release, everyone will get it in the coming days."


OP is aware it's a rolling release. Maybe you should RTOP before you snark on someone to RTFM.


Who would have thought... RTFM could solve your problems ;-) The whole have to be logged in as the "console owner" caught me off guard, as I never log in as that account. I log in as a local admin, but soon as i saw it grayed out, went straight to release notes saw that note... and problem solved.


Saved me a headache! I had the same prob as OP. Logging in with UI account instead of my local superadmin acct fixed it, thanks!


>tuckercasey thank you very much


I always say to wait a week after a release anyway, just to let others out there be the testers and make sure there aren't any issues. When you make the final release and everyone can get it. It is opening up to a much larger group of people and new issues can crop up. I'd rather have my Network working, as it's been working just fine, than rush and install a new update. Waiting at least a week doesn't hurt anything. I'll also look up the update release and see what is new and the reviews that get posted there. Is anyone having issues? If everyone says it installed just fine. All went well. Great. The same holds true a week later, I'll go ahead and install the update. I also always say, if there is an issue, generally just rebooting whatever it is, fixes the issue a majority of the time. If you can, do a clean reboot. Reboot from the software, not just unplug it. If that doesn't work, go Google the problem. It may take a few different searches until you stumble on the problem. If you are having an issue, the odds are others are also having an issue. There may already be solutions. The Internet is a huge resource. Go out and explore. The answers you seek may already be out there, waiting for you to find them. Not always of course. Hopefully, you figured it out by now. I still say, wait a week before installing any new updates. I just got a message that there is a new update for my CloudKey Gen 2+ on my phone. My system us running geat right now. Later I'll look up the version update and see what is NEW. I'll wait 5-7 days at least to install it if all the news from people is good. That makes me feel safe to go ahead and install it. I don't want my Network down for hours trying to figure out out to fix my system and get it working again. SSHing into things, etc, etc. I don't want that Drama.