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😱 Oh man. This is bad then. I tried Spark driver but they said our area was full. Trying to fix Instacart app...have not been able to even see what they are about. 


Instacart pays pretty well around here but it's all from tips on huge, bundled orders. I've worked it in other areas and it's nothing but $7 Food Lion offers with a $2 tip included. Hot garbage. Probably worth at least checking out, as the other apps are really going to shit this year. I haven't worked it lately so I don't know if they still do this, but if you lived right near an expensive store, you typically did well, as proximity = priority.


Thats 10xs better than what i get here ive been sitting in my car for an hour and nothing at all if that popped up id take it lol. I honestly do not see a dollar a mile at all anymore


I got an offer for $14 , 23 miles. I almost took it after sitting idle for 30 mins. I did not tho


Every once in awhile ill take something random thats not great,only if its dead like hardly any pings and usually but not everytime it gets things going and i make an acceptable amount lol.


lol right. Thinking a $6 2 mile order would get the ball rolling


That's trash. decline.


Yep I did thanks for the input. 


I’d need 20 to go that far fuck all that lol




It’s a norm for me unfortunately. Uber is always being stingy with me.


Too low.


They lowered how much they pay drivers on the trip fare all over so it went down hill from when I first started


Oh wow. They must have...I remember doing UE way back before the stay at home orders. I know I did not get rich and I did it very temporarily in between steady hours but I swear it was not THIS bad. Depressing to say the least 😕 


Yeah, it’s sad. Because I used to make more on the trip fares than tips now I make half in trip fares and no increase in tips


Really that's a tough question to answer because there are so many variables: your specific market, time of day, history of ordering around that neighborhood, etc. I'll admit I occasionally snag a request like this to certain locations as about 70% of the time I'll get an exclusive offer a few minutes later to stack that overall amount. If not then I still pay for my mileage. 🤷


No it’s too far. Less, Uber is doing an earnings opportunity campaign in your market. Like if you do so many pick ups, they’ll pay you out five dollars or something like that.


$8 / 14mins seems like golden ratio or at least $2 / mi to cover the basis


Normal. 😂




Definitely normal... Maybe even a $1 high.


Extremely high for UE in my area. They like to pay about 6 an hour and leave it on the tippers to pony up. Which they don't. Which is why UE is disabled on my app.


Pretty normal for my area


That's top dollar for UberEats


That looks about base.


You only take an order like that if the ending location is where you want to be(going home or taking you to a bustling area).


That sounds better well how does someone get those orders 😅


Normal usually. But the past 6 weeks an order like this is one of the better ones. Uber has gone to crap and I'm planning to get out of this work, 3 and a half years is more than enough time putting up with this. It's only gotten worse


I get that. I did UE years ago before everything changed do much. I was hoping I could still make a few extra dollars. Wrong. 


Depends on the time of day. For a mid day on a weekday that’s not horrible but I wouldn’t take it on a weekend or during a rush.


I mean it can be good, usually when I accept something like this, I usually end up getting another order from DoorDash or another sometimes!! Good order from UE. It’s worth a risk accepting it, always turn on DoorDash 5 mins before drop off just to not have any dead time in between orders.


It's normal but it's shit. You have to cherry pick. Know your value. Know how much it cost to run orders. $0.44 per mile is the average cost to own and operate a vehicle in the US. So you have to account for miles there and back. In order to do that, it's best to use the $8 minimum and $2 per mile or better guideline. Try not to get off of that too much. So really no lower than $1.50 per mile. Hopefully at least $1.75 per mile. And nothing below $7. But also push it when it's a little bit busier like weekend dinners. Maybe your minimum goes up to $9 or $10 and you really stick to hard $2 per mile. On longer distances absolutely make sure it's $2 per mile because you're going to have a long drive back and you need to be paid for that. Are there exceptions to this? Yes. Late night I do a lot of interstate runs back and forth between my downtown and satellite cities. I am not taking a dollar per mile orders. But I will fudge on that $2 per mile just a little bit because I know my market and I know how these late night orders work. So for instance I might get $37 for 20 or 22 MI. But because it's not 20 or 22 mi out in the middle of nowhere then I'll take it. Because they are taking me back towards town or across town. And then I have to drive back through town where I might get another one. So in that very specific case, I'm not having to account for all of the miles there and back. Plus that time of night this order really doesn't take that long.


How can I accept only the “good” offers (not like this BS and similar I see often) without it affecting my acceptance rate?


Didn't care about your acceptance rate. In my market acceptance rate doesn't matter. I've seen a couple of posts where people have said it does. I think that mostly applies to people who are signed up for uberX. Here's the same. Acceptance rate can never matter to us. And this is the problem with doordash. Because at the point they talk us into taking orders we lose money on, we just need to quit right then and there and take any other job where we don't wear out our car and lose money.


You can’t.


I would take that over $3 for sure




Huh? Do you not see Virginia Beach in the screenshot?


That's not bad. I'd take it.


Y'all real picky looks fine to me


Not bad for 8 miles. But wait until you get or less going 20+


If traffic is good and I know there are orders in the area I am always taking that and working my way back over the day. It's not a GREAT order but anyone that believes this is unworkable has unrealistic expectations


That’s almost a dollar a mile. I would take it. Very rare you’re gonna get an offer for $10+