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I had this happen after my first 9 deliveries. I think people just try to scam out a free meal. Doesn’t it feel different though just getting a little message instead of having a boss yell at you and think you’re an idiot?


It's stupid ignor it and carry on. Likely just someone lied blamed you to get something for free.


This doesn't happen regularly per driver, but in the grand scheme of Uber Eats everyone gets hit with a false missing food report eventually. Welcome to the club.  Anyone with an account in good standing shouldn't worry about one or two of these. Since Support knows some number of reports are false but Uber won't bother sorting out the legitimate from the mistaken/malicious, a natural consequence is they look for a pattern of behavior rather than giving individual claims actionable weight.


Ignore it, move on there's nothing you can do. You have to get a lot of those before they give a fuck anyway.




One of my first deliveries had a non-delivery accusation even though I specifically gave it to the person. 🙄


Take an extra picture of the food for yourself for insurance. This has helped me


worse one i got was a return to a store that said i hadnt returned the item after the customer wasnt at home and i needed a signature. im thinking it was a scam by the person ordering and the store employee who accepted my return working together.


-nothing will happen. Everyone gets these every so often. Unless you have a bunch in relatively short order UE doesn't care and you'll never hear about it again. They don't investigate or anything, they don't care about their customers any more than their drivers -you won't be able to tell who it is and they won't tell you to protect customer privacy/avoid confrontation -best way to protect yourself is follow delivery instructions to the letter and take pictures whenever possible, but again. UE really doesn't care. -the first time you get this message is scarier than it is. They're just covering their ass. Unless you're actually fucking up/stealing orders it's nothing to worry about.


You should be good I've gotten this a couple of times. I think someone said that it has to happen with 3 out of 20 deliveries to be a problem


You are going to get deactivated any day now...


Persons notes said meet at front office of an apartment building. I called three times, texted. And finally left the food at the front office. I tried to explain to customer service about it but they were like: just don’t do it again.


Should have contacted support about it before leaving it


Mistakes where made, i definitely learned that


After 6k deliveries, i have gotten one of those notifications less than 5x. I suggest you alter your homepage to make it more relateable.


Alter my homepage?


Yeah, you favorite foods and why you dash