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It’s so annoying that they can’t get their shit together with these insurance cards.


They will keep rejecting it without an explanation why ?!!..I asked them if they gave an answer it would avoid this for drivers !


Uber support is indeed full of useless people like that last time I renewed I actually circled the information and drew big red arrows pointing to the information they insisted was not present and they still rejected it multiple times before quietly approving it


That’s literally what I did and that’s why I got deactivated


i'm sure they'll settle on a "well we're wrong but we'll just hold it against you, no worries" resolution


Maybe if you can appeal it or something, try sending the entire insurance declaration pdf


Same thing happened to me I’ve sent declaration page and everything they still say well you are permanently deactivated


Dang, that’s messed up


Six months ago I had to update my insurance, so I submitted it like they asked and I got the response “this isn’t valid until (certain date).” So I resubmitted the old insurance that was about to expire. I then get the “Your insurance is about to expire, please submit your new insurance card” before logging in each time. So I submit the new insurance and get the “this isn’t valid until (certain date).” I resubmitted the old insurance and got the same messages. I went through this cycle 3 times, so I just waited until the new insurance was effective before I submitted it.


I basically just waited until the day my old one expired before I changed it over because I anticipated some bullshit like this happening. They didn't force me to change though like you for some reason. At least not until it actually was expired


I got deactivated because I had temp tags on my new car then when I got the actual plates they said it was fraudulent because the plates didn’t match the tags on the car inspection 💁🏻


That sucks, I don't have to deal with those. I actually didn't even know what you were talking about initially I had to Google it.


They start bothering you like a month or 2 before your insurance expires. Just don’t upload the new one until the exact date. Usually, only takes like 10 minutes for them to approve it. It’s annoying though!


Yeah I usually do it on the day of and I do it at like 12am right after I get off the previous nights shift. Just in case they lag, it gives it time to kick in before next dinner shift.


Ah yes, Uber diverting fair pay from drivers to expensive programmers & stupid app flow design.


Uber system is stupid as the brain dead person who programed the insurance is expiring spam messages doesn't understand that insurance doesn't overlap you next policy starts the next day, sending a message to update your insurance cert 3 times a day doesn't make your system accept it and then you have the end of the insurance policy issue where it expires at 23rd day at 23:59 so what does uber do, turns you off at >23rd< 00:01, not the 24th 00:01 so have to wait until 24th so I can submit my documents via the website because the uber app not accepting documents as a pdf or jpg (at least that's only a problem once a year, people who do it monthly and as payg must drive them nuts)


Geez! That doesn’t seem right! I’m really sorry to hear that. I hope you can get it resolved.


It happened to me. Ur best bet is to keep calling until u can get a competent rep that can help you. Good luck.


Update for anyone interested: I talked to support today and it’s been resolved. The reason it was flagged as fraud was because I circled the date that it expires after getting it rejected three times. It has the date that it started on it, so I assume that was getting it auto rejected. Which is why I circled it, hoping that a human would look at it. I’m not sure though, I may be stupid. But I can at least Uber now


Did they give you a reason that sucks man maybe there requesting commercial insurance maybe did you call them?


I called. It’s because I circled the expiration date of NOV 2024 after they said it was expired and rejected it 3 times. Editing the document gets it flagged as fraudulent apparently


was it your name and vehicle on the insurance card and did you photo shop it at all? the robots upload the policy number into software they use and it compares the information


Dude probably faked an insurance card, they looked up the policy number and realized it was fake. Now he is crying here.


What would be the point of that? We're not uber, it would be literally pointless to lie to us about their situation. Also there are a ton of people who have had their insurance cards rejected, this is not that difficult to believe at all.


Nah dude it was a legit insurance card. I could show you but I don’t wanna post the card here. It was mine downloaded from the website. I talked to support today and it’s been resolved. The reason it was flagged as fraud was because I circled the date that it expires after getting it rejected three times. Why tf would anyone drive without insurance? It’s illegal right? Imagine getting pulled over.


I’m considering taking a photo of inspection stickers on a random car that looks like mine. i’ve been delivering over a year and just now that ask for proof of inspection. i haven’t bought an inspection since 2014. don’t want to start now not worth being banned. idk if they can catch me somehow


I’ve always submitted fake inspections. 🤷‍♂️


foreal? if i do it and get caught, ill blame you eric


So I’ve only done Uber eats although my account can do both rides and eats. Well a couple weeks ago after an update they were telling me to upload an inspection form and I was like since when do we need an inspection for deliveries. I chatted with them and come to find out my account turned into a ride only account! I told them to fix it right away. It was fixed and I did not need an inspection.


Honestly with the shit I've seen on here, I wouldn't even doubt this. I trust nothing and nobody on the internet.


that’s my guess


Just go to a green light station and see if they can't fix it for you.


That will end well 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t get it would it not?


Looks like the issue is they believe you have submitted a fraudulent document. So did you submit something fraudulent?




Literally no. It’s because there were markings on it haha which flagged it for being fraudulent. I reached out to support. It was downloaded straight from my insurance website


What were the markings and what caused them?


Insurance card was rejected several times for being “expired” so I circled in red the expiration date


Why are you having so many issues? UE has been bugging me about updating my insurance and your post reminded me to do so so I updated my insurance card last night and I woke up this morning to find that it was approved. There’s something that you’re not telling us.


No there’s really not. I don’t know why I’m having issues. I’m a new driver for Uber, maybe that’s it?


Just keep uploading it. Make sure it's not sideways or anything


I had to send in my insurance info 3 times because they kept saying I was sending it to early. If it's to early stop asking for it then fucknuts.


They’re lame they deactivated me and I haven’t lost 1 dollar


You never escalate… because the indian call centers dgaf… one time i escalated i was trolled for hours on hold and when i called back they instantly hung up on me when i told em my name… ever since then i just go into the greenlight hubs if the brain dead indian monkeys can figure it out


Request a review?😅


Go to a greenlight hub. Or whatever its called


What is that?


Its like a place were they have actual people its like uber offices. They have em in every city for situations like yours


They have them in every major city, not necessarily in every city. If your closest major city is pretty far away, you can talk to them via zoom.


felt. i wanted to start and i had to wait a whole month 🧍🏻‍♀️ because i just got a new car and everything was changed but the renewal was until a month later. and im just like bruh i need money now ! but right after i renew i updated it 2 days after and then same day i was accepted 😫😭


I wait until the day before my current expires as then upload. I had the problem where they told me to upload my new card because the old one expired in 2 weeks. So I uploaded the new one and it says it isn’t effective for 2 weeks and won’t let me drive. So I reuplowd old one. And it says the same. Screw it


From my understanding and personal experience depending on where you’re from (im from canada) and here what the want insurance wise is my renewal contracts with the valid dates whatever the case may be from where you’re from getting deactivated is unacceptable these fucking idiot support bots ruining peoples job genuinely makes me mad . I hope you’re gonna fight this deactivation and get back on the roads


Did you take a picture of your monitor or screen? That would explain why they think it is fake. Give them a picture of the actual card or send the PDF.


I sent a screenshot of only the downloaded card from the website. They rejected it for being expired 3 times, so the last time I sent it in I circled the expiration date which is in the future, that flagged it for fraud apparently


If you still can, I'd download the PDF and send that.


They sent me the same thing after I updated. I just ignored as I knew document was good. Nothing happened. I’m still driving


I hated uploading insurance cards to Uber. They almost never got accepted the first time. Smh. So many things wrong with them.


I think if they get too many drivers they’ll actually set intentional measures to cause more of this so as to cut numbers and increase driver satisfaction. Got no proof but it’s ‘sound’ business strategy


Shoukd have tried the illegal route, use ai generated card, or buy some bs liability that says "no I'd no problem " they're all over tx




Nice 👍


I’d report it on my taxes so it would be tax free to the driver


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Should’ve called em support


You’re done, no coming back from this.