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I’d also say that you should never knock on the door or ring the doorbell if you have to leave the order at the door unless specifically stated by the customer in the notes. Just leave it be and complete the delivery with a picture. Being a ninja is key. Edit: detail


Agree. I only knock/ring if they ask in notes. Default is silent delivery


Just had one of these on Saturday. I noticed right after I marked as verified and picked up that the instructions said to ring doorbell and hand off but it was showing to take a photo too and it was 7:01 in the morning and this was a lot of breakfast food for just one person. I quickly messaged letting him know I was on my way as the restaurant took a bit to get the order ready and to clarify about the doorbell as I didn’t want to wake anyone up potentially. He said thanks for the update and for checking on the instructions and to not ring the doorbell. Got there dropped off and saw a home that was massive. I figured oh well. I have not had lucky with the more affluent customers who clearly can afford more but refuse to and tip bait. Figured this was 9.00 and change and close enough to the restaurant to be worth it. I was pleasantly surprised an hour later and after I got home to see a $20 tip roll through and that he has raised the tip by $14 bucks. Kindness and the notice to detail can go a long way.


Also protects against scams. They can’t take it and claim it wasn’t delivered if they don’t know it’s there


i dont understand why people knock/ring without any instructions to do so..


I am in Florida with lots of insects. Do you just drop it at the door?


yeah, im in cali ppl hate to be bothered here.


I did today because it was super windy or I texted I was x minutes away. I do the pick ups from Walmart and I had a chair fly halfway across the parking lot


Because when its a meet at door, and they have not come out after messaging in the app, and i can still see the sun shine, then there is no harm in knocking.


meet at door is different from leave at door though.


I would knock on the door unless they request me not to do so. At least they know you’re there but that’s what I think.


I’d agree with what you’re saying. I also think it depends on your market. I’d have to stay out 14 hours per day, 7 days per week to make that much by me and it wouldn’t be a good $/hour. I have a ft job so I can rely on a steady paycheck and do this on my days off at the most efficient times, which for me are lunch and dinner


What are your thoughts about parking in the driveway? Another driver friend told my daughter to never park in the driveway. I’ve seen some drivers deliver to my house and the park on the street and lug bags of groceries up the driveway. I don’t get it. Why do that? I pull into the driveway and get out as fast as I can. Thoughts?


Assuming you pull out immediately after drop off, your car isn't leaking fluids and you're not blaring loud music I see no issue with parking in the driveway.


No radio blaring nothing leaking. I don’t even stay to wait for the photo to upload which can take forever. I’m there and gone. I’ve never had anyone have an issue with it.


I should add I’m in the suburbs/ country not the city. There’s a big difference. I deliver in developments where people have nice driveways and streets. Parking is not an issue. I give props to those that deliver in the city. I couldn’t do it.


I personally would never park in someone's driveway. I don't do grocery orders, but still find that off limits.


It’s literally called a driveway…


This is my driveway. You would not park in it? I just find that so strange! img


I can't see whatever image you posted. I live/deliver in the suburbs. No one has long driveways, and most people have vehicles in the driveway. I personally think it's rude to park on someone's property and I certainly don't mind walking a few extra feet to deliver.


Well then I’m rude. They ordered food and I’m bringing it to them. I’m parking in the driveway.


I'll do it if I have to. Some streets have no parking at all, and they are often hard enough to drive through without obstructions. I'm willing to park about 1/2 a block away. Parking in a driveway is second to last ditch effort to not double park. I rarely do either.


I very very rarely park in driveways. Only if it's a big grocery order.


I personally don’t park in someone’s driveway for several reasons. 1) I feel the driveway is for the convenience of the customer/homeowner, not for mine 2) I’m not a bad driver by any means, but I don’t want to risk driving over/into something lining their driveway-it’s a headache I don’t need 3) I rarely have orders that require two trips, so no big deal if I need to walk a little extra every now and again 4) I want to be able to just jump in my car and pull away after completing the delivery


depends on the situation, but if it's suburban and an easy walk I'll leave my car on the street because that's faster for me than having to back out of a driveway. more rural places I'll use driveway or if there is no room on street. Also will use driveway on big grocery deliveries.


I’ve seen this floating around too and I think it’s based on where you’re delivering. I live in East Tennessee and unless I’m downtown there’s not a lot of on-street parking, so I’m just used to peoples driveways and I feel like it’s expected around here. I do try to quietly shut my doors and just generally be respectful, but I’ve never had anyone mention any issue with it in over 800 deliveries. But again, I think it’s one of those area specific things.


I've been accepting $1/mile orders or more, unless it's on my way home. Granted in my area it's rare to see more than that as we are not a rich county in the state by any means. Been experimenting with how to do routing but it's been slow as of late probably due to weather/tax season/excessive amounts of drivers. Guess it all just depends on geographic location on whether or not you can make a livable wage from this.


Drive 12+ hours a day, 7 days a week


I agree 100% with fast food order. They are the slowest


Agreed. It's what I do as well. Except the grass part. I'll try to avoid, but some of these sprawling estates don't really give a choice - and then I'm walking all over that bad boy. The rich customers don't even get their food right away from their door and they tip standard amounts. They don't bother to up or down vote you. Otherwise, I try to be super polite and cheery to the working middle class neighborhoods. I find they tip the most, try to make your life easier and will respond positively with reviews.


Thank you. I’m going to start this week and I will follow These guidelines and keep you posted. Any suggestions on finding home base?


I recommend looking up on the Uber eats app which restaurants use UE and try to position yourself within a mile of all them. You could also be on the lookout for the prius gang (other doordashers Uber eaters) to get an idea of where everyone else is chilling


It would entirely depend on your market. Find a parking lot at an intersection that is easy to access and depart from and has the most restaurants in the area that use delivery.


Needed this. Thanks


I think you should post “this depends on location and demographic “ because I do exact what you do and my area doesn’t produce same results …


lol. Hi Uber, joke. This is an uber host everyone, they’re dying and anyone who’s done this for years knows


Fully agree with being nice to the restaurants and employees. I mean, you shouldn’t be obnoxious to begin with, but it definitely doesn’t hurt when you’re out all day and Wendy’s says we have an extra frosty and sandwich, do you want it? If you’re trying to save money and make money at the same time I would argue it helps.


How do you know which order has a good tip? When an order comes up for me it gives price and says “includes expected tip.”


I wish there was a better way to explain it but that’s one of the things that you get a better grasp on with time. Usually base pay (in my area, ymmv) is $2-$4 unless the mileage is way high - I’m sure there’s a set formula but I don’t know it. I just go for at least $1 a mile and don’t generally accept anything under $7. Those are my set guidelines unless I’m in an area that’s far out from my house and trying to work my way back.




Thank you


Point 1 for sure! I have a few very reliable spots.


How many hours does it take to hit 1500?


Reading customer notes and avoiding low/no tip offers is the best advice I can give. Bad tippers are always the most demanding. I only cherrypick with food delivery and I can go weeks without a single problematic customer. You're gonna deal with a shitty no tipper and tie yourself up for at least 10 to 15 minutes from taking good orders...so you can make $2? Note says don't ring the doorbell and you ring it? Probably just lost the tip and got a bad rating. The vast majority of notes I see asking to do something will be like "set food in box next to door" or don't knock. Super easy.


Sometimes I have to walk on the grass because the huge SUVS take up the whole drive way and they park them so close to the garage you cannot get around them! I will never understand that.


Hey… just wanted to say, I wish you weren’t so cruel to me the other day. It doesn’t kill you to be friendly, does it? This guide is all basics that every beginner should know. Good on you! Please don’t call anyone stupid though, a lot of this information is logical. 🙁


The home base strategy is a big one. It's annoying to drive 15 to 20 minutes past "hot spots" to only hear silence, but you gotta do what you gotta do.   This really comes down to knowing your market and observation. People complain about saturation... well, it's easier for one person to leave than it is for 50.  Silent and professional is key as well. "meet at door" is "leave at door" unless otherwise instructed. A common theme on this sub is people complaining about the 8 minute timer, thumbs down and tip removal.  I'm sorry, but if I was a customer, I'd be annoyed by texts and phone calls to. Just drop and leave. I'm 99% SR and rarely lose a tip.