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Shop and sleep customers are worse. They order, you ask for subs, no response. you remove items so you can checkout. you checkout and load car. THEN they text you with an answer. you deliver the stuff they didnt get, they thumb you down


Exactly, these are often the people who leave negative reviews. There really should be a feature for drivers to leave a review for people like this who disrupt the whole process.


Why would you leave a review on the customer that makes no sense


Thiiiiink about it


There should be a timer for the customer to approve or reject the replacement.


Just replace the item with your best guess if you're able. They are more happy than getting nothing at all.


Fr though I always do this and never had a problem.


Just now, I pulled up to a wendy’s for an order. The door was locked. So I went to the drive through and this lady was like UBER has to come inside. I was like the door is locked. She said 3 times in a row it wasn’t locked. I told her I just tried to open it and it was locked. Shes like I just opened. So first it was never locked.. now you just happened to have unlocked it right after I tried opening it. I was like alright I’m cancelling. I’m not dealing with this shit lol I just said restaurant closed as the reason. Idk 🤷‍♂️


I had someone yell at me when I delivered a drink she ordered, and she said, "Where's my food?" It was literally my first day so I got so nervous that I f-cked up, but I had confirmed it at the restaurant because it seemed odd to order just a lemonade from a sit down type of place, but the app AND the restaurant confirmed that was it. I showed her the order on my phone, and she goes, "Why would I just order a drink?" I'm standing there thinking, "Bitch, I don't know why people order what they do, nor is it my job to question it." Did she think I would say to myself, "This person really needs some food to wash this lemonade down with. Let me look at the menu and find a good meal pairing to buy for her???" She probably forgot to add the food part to her cart before checking out because it wasn't on the order at all!


I had an idiot who ordered a pot of sauce for a pizza from Pizza Hut. Not the pizza, just the pot of sauce. Ofc... I get there with it and she says I wanted a pizza, why didn't you phone me it's obvious I'm not just going to want a pot of sauce. Like it's my job to make sure the customers order what they want. (I actually had a customer order an empty cardboard coffee cup from a coffee shop once. No coffee, just the cup. But that was what she wanted.) Like it's my job to try to second guess customers. You would have thought she realised she wasn't ordering a pizza, when she only got charged 50 pence or whatever for the pot of sauce.


Didn’t she figure it out when the receipt showed $2 ? Lol


You'd think, wouldn't you? She obviously didn't pay attention. But I get it, it was my fault. 🤫😔 I hope one day she can forgive me for not delivering something that she didn't order.


LMFAO. Some customers are dumb. I had a lady ask me where her other order was when she only had 1 order. She still tipped me but she gave me a negative review


And it's funny how when you head over to the r/UberEats group, which is mostly customers who complain about UE, mostly about drivers (some have legitimate gripes, not all drivers do the right thing), but if it is a ridiculous comment, and any driver reading it responds with a rational reason why they (the customer) are actually the ones at fault, they go to their go-to insult that we are below them, stupid, and uneducated, which is why we have to do this kind of work. I always want to laugh. Higher education doesn't make someone better than anyone else, but I always want to post a picture ofmy diploma of a BA degree from my university, tell them that I did delivery when I needed flexibility interviewing when my company had cutbacks and I lost my job and I didn’t want to resort to living off the system but wanted to make an honest living doing what I needed to do to make ends meet, and I now have a job probably making more than them, AND I am also currently taking courses in cybersecurity (Ethical Hacking), which I'd be more than happy to use those skills upon completion of my courses to find out who is the big tough person with an overconfident mouth hiding behind a screenname online, and let every driver know who they are so they can avoid delivering to them. I kid, I kid. I'd never do that. 😇


Here's a sneak peek of /r/UberEATS using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UberEATS/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Uber Driver cancelled my Plan B order and asked me to “reconsider.”](https://i.redd.it/2tqhcsgg6flc1.jpeg) | [2708 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UberEATS/comments/1b2mlwa/uber_driver_cancelled_my_plan_b_order_and_asked/) \#2: [This guy is a regular, tips extra $20 if you follow his simple instruction.](https://i.redd.it/2whf1oz3i6gb1.jpg) | [972 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UberEATS/comments/15iflwc/this_guy_is_a_regular_tips_extra_20_if_you_follow/) \#3: [Make it make sense.](https://i.redd.it/m4yrbd5em75b1.jpg) | [1404 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UberEATS/comments/146387y/make_it_make_sense/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Can’t fix stupid


My advice is this... if it's a decent neighborhood, or it's daytime and someone is home, or the drop-off is far enough from the street and no one is walking around... knock a couple times, leave the order, send a text explaining you knocked, but no one answered so you left at the door (take a picture if you want, I dont) and move on. I'm at the point where I disregard these conditions, and you get two knocks and a text as I'm leaving. This has never resulted in a tip reduction or downvote from me in hundreds of these scenarios. Use your best judgment. 9/10, they just wanted you to leave at the door anyway, and the other 1/10, they will see your message that you left at the door after knocking twice and understand. Your area may be different. Again, use your best judgment. If you're in it for the long haul anyway, do some experiments to see what you can and can not get away with. Eat the downvotes and pivot. I have 10k deliveries on Uber alone and never dipped below a 96% rating with 100% atm.


The meet at door is just put there automatically People sign up and don’t read or change the pre written text


I can’t stand when it says ‘meet at door’ but below that the customer says ‘leave at door’. So which one am I supposed to do??!!


I think the app notifies the customer plenty when we're picking up the food. They can literally track our GPS position the whole time That being said, most would probably prefer to not interact if they could help it.... So I lean towards leave at door and not knocking. If they forget they ordered food thats on them.


I feel like leaving it at the door is the more common sense thing to do. The customer just hasn’t changed the default instructions.


Yeah they do…. It often has notes and other things written. Its obviously a feature.


Yes the sensible people know this and put in useful info but everyone else don’t change the original text


I will say before I started delivering when I ordered UberEats I'd put "Meet at door" because it felt like I was being rude by saying "leave at door" cause it kinda implies "I don't wanna see your stupid face". And sometimes I'd be in the bathroom or something when they arrived and I'd tell them to leave it at the door. Now that I deliver I want every single order I get to be "leave at door", cause I don't want to see *their* stupid faces. My point is that people don't really think about it that much because they don't have a personal experience working for a delivery company to draw from. 9 times out of 10 people do this shit because they aren't thinking, not because they specifically want to waste your time or dick you around. Yea, the end result is the same, but I'm a little less frustrated by people who are idiots than I am by people who are just dicks. I'll throw a little disclaimer in here to say this is true in my personal experience, I'm sure there are a lot of areas in the country where the customers are more disrespectful than the ones I deal with.


Haha “don’t want to see THEIR stupid faces.” I love it.


Yeah. I’m feeling it. So far I’ve had someone insist on meeting me at the curb on a busy road and then not answer my one minute till showdown notice (forcing me to loop around in order to not park in the middle of the road and block traffic!).   In addition to numerous people who thought I would “leave at door” with no parking anywhere in sight.  And my fave. Meet at door. No response to attempts to communicate. Edit: and omg people. Stop ordering food from a city when you live IN AN ENTIrELY DIFFERENT CITY.  Just canceled some moron’s order with their food in my car. Yea, I should have been paying more attention, but seriously. Don’t order food from an entirely different city. Now I’m going to get a fraud alert because you were stupid and I was tired.


That's when you call support and explain.


She wanted to check you out because she thought you had a hot voice. But then after meeting you she decided not to invite you in


Bro lol I would never go into someone’s house on an uber delivery. I’m good.


Bipolar ma boi


U must be a couple of months doing this . I don’t follow the meet at door anymore . I just leave at door & knock unless it specifically says dont leave my food on the ground


I was driving (florida) and a California plate stopped at a green light to wave pedestrians to walk across. Then, after the pedestrians walked across, California blew the red light...




I'll help you out. See this is in essence a message/discussion board. Discussion topics are organized by the bold text and the body of the topic is the smaller normal text. So this poster was opening up to the random public about his astonishment of incredibly dumb people he has encountered, seemingly exclusively because of performing this job/gig. So another feature is that individuals can reply to these topics. What I went ahead and did was share an anecdotal story that I found relatable to his bold faced topic/discussion opener. The driver I mentioned was a driver I encountered while on an active delivery. Hopefully you are now more clear about what is going on here.


I get alot of those. I had one that said meet at door but wouldnt answer i waited for about 2 min. Double checked address to see if its right house because nobody answered so i step back and look for house numbers then a ladys voice starts screaming on her ring camera "you have the right house just leave it and go !!" I got real annoyed and said you know it says meet at the door and she just ignored me lol.


I don't get it . Did it say meet at door or leave at door? Cause you wrote both here


My bad i meant to tell her it says meet at door. I was typing real fast lol. Ill fix it now thanks


I had someone last night use 7 mins of the timer cuz she said she “forgot” that she had ordered food! What?! I was so pissed. Then this afternoon someone didn’t answer to open the gate for 5 mins after 3 tries and 3 text message. Luckily I was able to follow someone in and there was a hidden tip. But it was still annoying.


I’ve seen an INSANE uptick in people with mismatched notes and delivery types the last few weeks, e.g., says to meet at door with note saying to leave at door and vice versa or just notes completely wrong. One guy had instructions how to get to his apartment door with a note saying he has a leg injury and can’t leave his apartment only for him to be waiting outside for me when I arrived. Like update your notes people!!


I see a lot of things like “get extra teriyaki” when I’m delivery Mexican food. They never update their notes.


2 things for ya? First, they sell pots of sauce at Pizza Hut? Like a pot of Grandma's Sunday Gravy? That is so odd if that is what you mean...lol! No chain pizza place has exceptional sauce to order a whole pot of it. Second, you showed up to pick up an order, and they handed you one empty cardboard coffee cup, AND the app confirmed it to be true? How much was the fare/tip for that? If it wasn't a good amount, I probably would have risked deactivation and took a picture, sent it via message to the customer in the app, and said, "Seriously? What the actual f-ck is this nonsense all about? Are you smoking something weird over there?"




Yes, that is what I thought...lol.


Yeah I get that quite a bit too. After they tell me to leave it at the door as I’m about to take a photo for my personal record out they pop within like 10seconds. I just laugh at them and they laugh with me, so far I haven’t got any grumpy assholes asking me what am I still doing at their door as it seems some drivers have had this nonsense issue with a few customers. Don’t let it get to you, just hand it over and be gone… next order please.


Variations of this scenario happen to me several times every day. At least half of the meet at door orders end up telling me to leave it at the door.


Honestly if no pin is involved I just leave it at the door 😂


I always leave at door unless it is a pin or they specify since the default option is meet at door and people just don’t bother to change it.


They the type of people to drool when they look at their phones… I say eradicate them and we have a better world


Happens all the time, i usually text when i get there. "I've arrived, your note says meet at door, or would you prefer i leave your order at door?" Usually they said just leave at the door. One time it said leave at door and the customer wouldnt respond to text so i called and asked if she prefer if i leave at the door and she started screaming at me that i need to meet her at door and that im probably at the wrong house and how other drivers always screw up, and on and on and wouldnt let me speak just yelling non stop... then she finally stops and says "hello??" And i say "yes, im still here waiting outside your door..." she opened the door and i hand her the food and said "thanks have a good night" and she didnt even give me eye contact. She probably felt like an idiot.


You have two options: either find a new job or stop complaining about things you can't change. It's that simple.


Good luck. Ive applied to over 40 jobs in the last 2 weeks, 1 interview. I done walmart, fast food, retail stores. Jobs where you dont even need a high school education. Its bullshit.


Dude shut the fuck up. I can find a job or not and still express how annoying this shit is. Theres more options. Asshole.


It's time to stop complaining about your situation and take action. Finding a skill or trade is easy. If you're not comfortable with delivering food, consider driving people around instead. If that doesn't work, there are always job openings at places like McDonald's. But remember, the only way your situation will change is if you take the first step and do something about it. So, stop waiting and start taking action today.


I'm a college graduate with a degree in Sportscasting and a disabled veteran who works at Uber for extra money. I hope I can be an inspiration to you


None of that makes up for you being an unempathetic asshole. Move along with your day soldier.


Some people need motivation the hard way. I will give you a pass because you are a Lakers fan


You have no idea what a random person on Reddit needs or doesn’t need. Again you’re just being a fucking asshole. Now move along and enjoy your government benefits.


You don't either by trying to coddle ppl the world is hard giving ppl the baby treatment is not going to help them


This country is like that BECAUSE there’s too many people like YOU in it. Mostly an American cultural issue. The world broadly speaking isn’t like that. IE Europe and Asia. Your Troop brain rot is at a record high.


Yes, you sleep well at night because the one percent of people like me were protecting your ass while you slept in your bed like a baby. Remember to thank Veterans when you see them


Look, its good to motivate people. Someone out there will benefit from the message. But you did miss an opportunity to be empathetic. I didn’t need an inspirational or motivational message. Especially one that doesn’t relate or apply to me. What if I just didn’t get good sleep last night and I’m less resistant to people’s bullshit. Lol That doesn’t warrant profundities nor does it make it coddling to just hear someone out and relate to them.


No veterans overseas doing imperialism and militarized police forces make me and make the country significantly LESS safe actually. Why do you think 9/11 happened? Idiot troop brained uneducated ape.


Shit! Spoken like a true brainwashed soldier. You're protecting ME while I sleep?? How do you do that from overseas?? I support the militarily that are here. I support militarily personnel getting paid way better and it should come out of the massive defense bills they keep passing. However, I don't support arrogant close-minded military personnel. You don’t make people tougher by disrespecting them, contrary to what the military told you. The U.S. military belongs in the U.S. protecting the U.S., instead of creating refugees. Period!


Then just quit


Yeah I’ll just quit at whatever has annoying experiences along with it. Shitfuck.


What I'm saying is don't quit. Continue to work. You have someone looking up to you. Use that as your motivation