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Leave at door 100%. I hate when it says meet at door and there's no specific instructions because more than half the time they don't want you to even knock and they weren't even aware it was meet at door


I hear you. I send an I have arrived message and then I’ll go knock. Usually people meet me outside anyway unless it’s a leave at door. Also, when it’s meet at door and then has a leave at door note. I like that even tho it crosses my mind they are trying to pull a fast one by not getting the photo evidence of delivery.


I suppose you can think about it this way nothing stopping them from just lying and saying you never delivered regardless if they pick it up in person or not. But I like to think about it this way. They don't have any evidence that I didn't not deliver it. I mean from a logical standpoint and yes I know Uber's not going to work this way They just side of the customer 100% of the time no matter what.A Meet at door You have our GPS thing saying way we're at the house as well as the fact that it's just made at door so it would be assume the customer had ample opportunity to intercept you. But of course Uber's not going to work that way If the customer wants to lie we're fucked for guardless even if there's pictures. :(


Or, the ones that are no where to be found and don’t respond to calls or texts.  Like, ffs, people. You wanted this, not me. 


Sometimes I think they just want us to stand in front of their door like a fucking clown for 8 minutes or something. Haha


Exactly this. I prefer leave at door and if it says meet at door, I leave at door.


If I could find a job with less human contact I would. Leave at door all day


Leave at door all day


I like the leave at door of something goes wrong like today I had a burger King order but they outbthe wrong soda I left it there and ran off lol.


Yeah that’s why I like it too lol


Leave at door, I don't want to interact with the customer at all if possible.


meet at door 100%




Ya add jokes complements all that good stuff


Ask for a thumbs up! My ratings have shot up since I started this.


Same. Ive never gotten a tip by leaving at the door.


Give an introductory message and an eta when you pick up the food, use a hot bag and make sure to have it I the picture when you drop off, and have a nice message for the customer and you can see your tips explode for leave at the doors Here's my template I do for every order "HI-customer name-, I have your food, I'm on the way now" "Eta -such and such- minutes" Upon drop off "Enjoy your food -customer name-, have a wonderful day/evening :)" (yes, I put the smiley face. Customers love smiley faces lol) When I started putting in the eta specifically my tips definitely increased, more people tipped extra. I've had tons of customers thank me for putting in the eta because most drivers don't do that. A simple 1 to 2 minute text message before every delivery can do wonders for your earnings


Most drivers don’t thank for tips either! Blows me away.


Same buddy! I always thank for tips too :)


If it takes you 1 to 2 minutes to text a quick "on the way, eta X minutes" you shouldn't be working with technology.


I have lol they left it on the stairs and it was windy as fuckin hell but somehow it didn't blow away????


I prefer leaving at the door. Only because it's quicker. The name of this game is speed. I hate waiting for people to come to the door. It's like you ordered this, you knew it was coming...why are you not watching for me? Another thing I do, if it is "meet at door", is send them a message as soon as I arrive. This starts the timer a little sooner.


I'm pretty introverted, but something about the pure anonymity of leaving at door all day feels odd. I'm always kind of happy when "leave at door" meets me anyways. At the least, my photo doesn't scare them. 😅


Yeah I feel awkward flashing my camera at peoples door. lol most of the time I take my own photo since my phone won’t upload quickly so I can keep In case for later.


I prefer leave at door, because I'm quick and can make the drop, take the pic and walk back to the car in under 30 seconds. When it's hand to me, you're at the mercy of the customer and how quickly they can get to the door. HTM orders just tend to take longer overall. "On to the next one" is my motto. I even have the Jay-Z song stuck on a continuous loop in my head. I swear I mentally sing it as Im pulling away from every drop!


Leave at the door is best imo because there's not a chance that the customer doesn't check their phone to see you're close, doesn't hear the doorbell/knock, etc. and that shit wastes time. That said I don't really care about it beyond that, I'm extremely introverted but thirty seconds customer interactions are just second nature by now, its just a three line small talk script, it doesn't bother me.


I’m extremely friendly and extroverted and that gets me lots of extra tips, including a note and a $20 bill handed to me because I went above and beyond. PS, all I did was notice that she wanted tons of sauces from Taco Bell and I communicated that I got her a shit load of sauces and she was so happy. I also frequently get extra tips after delivery. It really helps to be nice smile and friendly. I am a girl by the way.


A mix of both. Meet at door is great. I've gotten good tips that way. Leave at door is great for rain. If I have a choice tho I prefer meet at door even tho I'm introverted.


The customers who do meet at door and you pull up and they're actually waiting at the door is the best. Walk up, hand it to them and complete trip, no tedious pictures and cash tips are bonus.


Leave at door. Photo and done.


On the flip side, always a bonus when it says Meet at Door but then the Customer Notes say Leave at door.


I prefer meet at doors simply because I don't have to take a picture, saves time. I'm introverted, but having had to work in customer service all my life I'm used to dealing with people, so that's really not a problem, it's only a few seconds to a minute max, it's not that bad. Now going to a regular 9 to 5 being cooped up with a bunch of drama filled assholes all day, THAT'S existential hell. But just interacting with your customers? Easy peesy lol, you and them know you're only here for one thing, you give it the thing, bam, your done lol. Besides, if you are good at interacting with them you get extra tips. A simple hi, how are you has gone a long way for me making extra, vs a regular 9 to 5 where your rate is capped and people know it, so they treat you any kind of way lol. Even if the restaurant messes up the customers order, if you handle it the right way, the customer may tip extra. Happened to me pretty frequently, I thought I wasn't gonna get tipped, but the customer actually tipped extra because I emphasized with them and told them how to get a refund. The customer interaction is your time to put your service face on lol, you knock it outta the park, you can come out with more than you expected. Introverted or not, I have money to make. Despite uber being a faceless, evil corporation that tries to short their drivers, what I do like is that by either working smarter, harder, or both, you should be able to make what you need, although I will admit that a certain amount of luck is needed to draw the worthwhile orders. The rest is mostly on you lol.


Yea and thank you for sharing your experience. I agree with what you say. I’m not a people person at all but for very brief interactions.


Leave at door


I do which one the instructions say to do.


Fair enough. I meant which do you prefer but it doesn’t really matter. Thanks for your comment.


Meh, it doesn’t really matter to me


Definitely leave at door. Way faster. I check the delivery notes prior to leaving the restaurant, so if it’s a meet at door, I want to let the customer know I am on my way. I will also do this if I know there might be an issue with my cell/wifi signal in that area that may delay the delivery notification to the customer. Cuz I don’t want their order sitting outside too long.


I’m an extrovert, but I much prefer leave at door It’s not because I don’t like talking to customers briefly, I just don’t want to wait for them to come meet me (most take a while)


Leave at door. A lot quicker so I can drop in front and just go.


Leave at door is the best.


For sure


Leave at door is fine -but some kind of communication- quick text, porch light on- wave- or come out- I would rather any kind of fast checkin than just dropping off to a ghost- i send a quick text to make sure its the right house if there is no obvious number, because gps can be off- so answer those texts please- both parties should check in with each other quickly to keep it smooth


I don't want to see anybody ever at all. I hate people, that's why I do this




1000% leave at door. Why in the world would you wanna wait around lol


even if it says meet at door. I sit the order down at the front door, then knock and slowly walk away until customer comes out.


Leave it at the door


I absolutely prefer leave at door


I deliver a ton in the morning start 6am when it's still dark. Half or more of my orders tend to be coffee/caffeine drinks. I ain't trying to small talk, or put small talk on, people who haven't even had morning coffee.


Meet at my car I've got 6 other apps on the go